Basic Operating System Concepts: A Review

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Basic Operating System Concepts

A Review

Main Goals of OS
1. Resource Management: Disk, CPU cycles, etc. must be managed efficiently to maximize overall system performance 2. Resource Abstraction: Software interface to simplify use of hardware resources 3. Resource virtualization: Supports resource sharing gives each process the appearance of an unshared resource

Fundamental Concepts
System Calls Execution Modes
Operational concepts that allow the operating system to maintain control and protection. Based on hardware features.

System Call
An entry point to OS code Allows users to request OS services APIs/library functions usually provide an interface to system calls
e.g, language-level I/O functions map user parameters into system-call format

Thus, the run-time support system of a prog. language acts as an interface between programmer and OS interface

Execution Modes (Dual Mode Execution)

User mode vs. kernel (or supervisor) mode Protection mechanism: critical operations (e.g. direct device access, disabling interrupts) can only be performed when the OS is in kernel mode Mode bit Privileged instructions

Mode Switching
System calls cross the boundary.
System call initiates mode switch from user to kernel mode
Special instruction software interrupt transfers control to a location in the interrupt vector

OS executes kernel code, mode switch occurs again when control returns to user process

Processing a System Call*

Switching between kernel and user mode is time consuming Kernel must
Save registers so process can resume execution Verify system call name and parameters Call the kernel function to perform the service On completion, restore registers and return to caller Other overhead includes cache misses, prefetch , . . .

Review Topics
Processes &Threads Scheduling Synchronization Memory Management File and I/O Management

Review of Processes
process image states and state transitions process switch (context switch)

Threads Concurrency

Process Definition
A process is an instance of a program in execution. It encompasses the static concept of program and the dynamic aspect of execution. As the process runs, its context (state) changes register contents, memory contents, etc., are modified by execution

Processes: Process Image

The process image represents the current status of the process It consists of (among other things)
Executable code Static data area Stack & heap area Process Control Block (PCB): data structure used to represent execution context, or state Other information needed to manage process

Process Execution States

For convenience, we describe a process as being in one of several basic states. Most basic:
Running Ready Blocked (or sleeping)

Process State Transition Diagram

ready dispatch event occurs wait for event running


Other States
New Exit Suspended (Swapped)
Suspended blocked Suspended ready

Context Switch
(sometimes called process switch)

A context switch involves two processes:

One leaves the Running state Another enters the Running state

The status (context) of one process is saved; the status of the second process restored. Dont confuse with mode switch.

Concurrent Processes
Two processes are concurrent if their executions overlap in time. In a uniprocessor environment, multiprogramming provides concurrency. In a multiprocessor, true parallel execution can occur.

When multiple processes exist at the same time, and execute concurrently, the OS must protect them from mutual interference. Memory protection (memory isolation) prevents one process from accessing the physical address space of another process. Base/limit registers, virtual memory are techniques to achieve memory protection.

Processes and Threads

Traditional processes could only do one thing at a time they were single-threaded. Multithreaded processes can (conceptually) do several things at once they have multiple threads. A thread is an execution context or separately schedulable entity.

Several threads can share the address space of a single process, along with resources such as files. Each thread has its own stack, PC, and TCB (thread control block)
Each thread executes a separate section of the code and has private data All threads can access global data of process

Threads versus Processes

If two processes want to access shared data structures, the OS must be involved.
Overhead: system calls, mode switches, extra execution time.

Two threads in a single process can share global data automatically as easily as two functions in a single process.

Threads versus Processes

Creating new processes, switching between processes, etc. is slower than performing same operations on threads (threads have less state to manage) Summary: compared to using several processes, threads are a more economical way to manage an application with parallel activities.

Threads as Lightweight Processes Kernel Threads

Separate schedulable entity or basic unit of CPU utilization This kind of thread is sometimes called a kernel thread because it is managed by the operating system Examples: Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris & some UNIX dialects all support kernel threads

Types of Threads
Kernel-level threads: are created & managed by the kernel, just as processes are. Mode switches are required when KLT are created, scheduled, switched, etc. User-level threads: are created by libraries that run at the user level. Thread creation, scheduling, etc., can be done at the cost of a function call.

Kernel-level threads versus userlevel threads

K-level threads have more overhead than user-level threads because OS is involved, but since the OS is aware of them, they can be scheduled as independent entities. K-level threads can make system calls without blocking the entire process, so they are suited for applications that require many system services.

Kernel-level threads versus userlevel threads

K-level threads can be scheduled in parallel on a multiprocessor U-level threads can determine their own scheduling algorithms.
Cooperative scheduling one thread yields to another Two user-level threads cannot run in parallel


KLT and ULT threads provide two ways to structure user-level applications. Both ULT and KLT run in user mode. KLT do not have kernel-level priorities. Some operating systems are multithreaded and their threads may also be called kernel threads.
Not what we are talking about here.

Review Topics
Processes &Threads Scheduling Synchronization Memory Management File and I/O Management

Process (Thread) Scheduling

Process scheduling decides which process to dispatch (to the Run state) next. In a multiprogrammed system several processes compete for a single processor Preemptive scheduling: a process can be removed from the Run state before it completes or blocks (timer expires or higher priority process enters Ready state).

Multiprogramming vs Multitasking
Multi programming: Multiprogramming is the technique of running several programs at a time. Multiprogramming creates logical parallelism. The OS keeps several jobs in memory simultaneously. It selects a job from the job pool and starts executing it. When that job needs to wait for any i/o operation the CPU is switched to another job. So the main idea here is that the CPU is never idle. Multi tasking: Multitasking is the logical extension of multiprogramming. After a certain amount of time the CPU is switched to another job. The difference is that the switching between jobs occurs so frequently that the users can interact with each program while it is running. This concept is also known as time-sharing. Sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably.
Multiprocessing: involves multiple processors

Scheduling Algorithms:
FCFS (first-come, first-served): nonpreemptive: process run until they complete or block themselves for event wait RR (round robin): preemptive FCFS, based on time slice
Time slice = length of time process can run before being preempted Return to Ready state when preempted

Scheduling Goals
Optimize turnaround time and/or response time Optimize throughput Avoid starvation (be fair) Respect priorities
Static Dynamic

Review Topics
Processes &Threads Scheduling Synchronization Memory Management File and I/O Management

Interprocess Communication
Processes (or threads) that cooperate to solve problems must exchange information. Two approaches:
Shared memory Message passing (involves copying information from one process address space to another)

Shared memory is more efficient (no copying), but isnt always possible.

Process/Thread Synchronization
Concurrent processes are asynchronous: the relative order of events within the two processes cannot be predicted in advance. If processes are related (exchange information in some way) it may be necessary to synchronize their activity at some points.

Process/Thread Synchronization
Concurrent processes are asynchronous: the relative order of events within the two processes cannot be predicted in advance. If processes are related (exchange information in some way) it may be necessary to synchronize their activity at some points.

Instruction Streams
Process A: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, , Am

Process B: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, , Bn

Sequential I: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, , Am, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, , Bn Interleaved II: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, A1, A2, A3, B6, , Bn, A4, A5,

III: A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, A3, A4, B4, B5, , Bn, A5, A6, , Am

Process Synchronization 2 Types

Correct synchronization may mean that we want to be sure that event 1 in process A happens before event 2 in process B. Or, it could mean that when one process is accessing a shared resource, no other process should be allowed to access the same resource. This is the critical section problem, and requires mutual exclusion.

Mutual Exclusion
A critical section is the code that accesses shared data or resources. A solution to the critical section problem must ensure that only one process at a time can execute its critical section (CS). Two separate shared resources can be accessed concurrently.

Processes and threads are responsible for their own synchronization, but programming languages and operating systems may have features to help. Virtually all operating systems provide some form of semaphore, which can be used for mutual exclusion and other forms of synchronization.

Definition: A semaphore is an integer variable (S) which can only be accessed in the following ways:
Initialize (S) P(S) // {wait(S)} V(S) // {signal(S)}

The operating system must ensure that all operations are indivisible, and that no other access to the semaphore variable is allowed

High-level Algorithms
Assume S is a semaphore P(S): if S > = 1 then S = S 1 else block the process on S queue V(S): if some processes are blocked on the queue for S then unblock a process else S = S + 1

Enforcing Mutual Exclusion with Semaphores

semaphore mutex = 1;
Process 1 ... P(mutex) execute critical section V(mutex) Process 2 ... P(mutex) execute critical section V(mutex)

Other Mechanisms for Mutual Exclusion

Spinlocks: a busywaiting solution in which a process wishing to enter a critical section continuously tests some lock variable to see if the critical section is available. Various machine-language instructions can be used to implement spinlocks Disable interrupts before entering CS, enable after leaving

A set of processes is deadlocked when each is in the Blocked state because it is waiting for a resource that is allocated to one of the others. Deadlocks can only be resolved by agents outside of the deadlock

Wait-For Graphs
Simple deadlocks can be modeled by waitfor graphs (WFG) where nodes represent processes and edges represent the waiting relation between processes.
P1 P2

P1 waits for resource owned by P2 P2 waits for resource owned by P1

Deadlock versus Starvation

Starvation occurs when a process is repeatedly denied access to a resource even though the resource becomes available. Deadlocked processes are permanently blocked but starving processes may eventually get the resource being requested. In starvation, the resource being waited for is continually in use, while in deadlock it is not being used because it is assigned to a blocked process.

Causes of Deadlock
Mutual exclusion (exclusive access) Wait while hold (hold and wait) No preemption Circular wait

Deadlock Management Strategies

Prevention: design a system in which at least one of the 4 causes can never happen Avoidance: allocate resources carefully, so there will always be enough to allow all processes to complete (Bankers Algorithm) Detection: periodically, determine if a deadlock exists. If there is one, abort one or more processes, or take some other action.

Analysis of Deadlock Management

Most systems do not use any form of deadlock management because it is not cost effective
Too time-consuming Too restrictive

Exceptions: some transaction systems have roll-back capability or apply ordering techniques to control acquiring of locks.

Review Topics
Processes &Threads Scheduling Synchronization Memory Management File and I/O Management

Memory Management
Introduction Allocation methods
One user at a time Multiple processes, contiguous allocation Multiple processes, virtual memory

Memory Management - Intro

Memory must be shared between the OS and user processes. OS must protect itself from users, and one user from another. OS must also manage the sharing of physical memory so that processes are able to execute with reasonable efficiency.

Allocation Methods: Single Process

Earliest systems used a simple approach: OS had a protected set of memory locations, the remainder of memory belonged to one process at a time. Process owned all computer resources from the time it began until it completed

Allocation Methods:
Multiple Processes, Contiguous Allocation

Several processes resided in memory at one time (multiprogramming). The entire process image for each process is stored in a contiguous set of locations. Drawbacks:
Limited number of processes at one time Fragmentation of memory

Creation of Memory Fragments

Process 1 Process 1 Process 4

unused Process 2 Process 3 Process 3



Allocation Methods:
Multiple Processes, Virtual Memory

Motivation for virtual memory:

to better utilize memory (reduce fragmentation) to increase the number of processes that execute concurrently

allow program to be loaded non-contiguously allow program to execute even if it is not entirely in memory.

Virtual Memory
The OS software lets a process execute as if it is loaded into a contiguous set of addresses, when in fact this is not the case. Actually, the process address space is not contiguously stored and parts of it may not even be in memory at all.

Virtual Memory - Paging

The address space of a program is divided into pages a set of contiguous locations. Page size is a power of 2; often 4K or more. Memory is organized into page frames Any page in a program can be loaded into any frame in memory, so no space is wasted.

Paging - continued
General idea save space by loading only those pages that a program needs now. Result more programs can be in memory at any given time Problems:
How to tell whats needed How to keep track of where the pages are How to translate virtual addresses to physical

Demand Paging How to Tell Whats Needed

Demand paging loads a page only when there is a page fault a reference to a location on the page The principle of locality ensures that page faults wont occur too frequently

Page Tables How to Know Where Pages are Loaded

Each process has a page table; an array stored in kernel space. Each page table entry (0, 1, 2, ) has information about the corresponding page in the processs virtual address space.

Virtual Addresses
Addresses in an executable are virtual assigned without regard to physical addresses During execution a virtual address must first be translated to the physical, or real, address. Performed by MMU, using data from page table.

Dynamic Address Translation

Virtual addresses have two parts: the page number and the displacement (p, d). To translate into a physical address, the virtual page number (p) is replaced with the physical frame number (f) This is easily handled in hardware

OS Responsibilities
Maintain page tables Perform page replacement

Review Topics
Processes &Threads Scheduling Synchronization Memory Management File and I/O Management

File Systems
Maintaining a shared file system is a major job for the operating system. Single user systems require protection against loss, efficient look-up service, etc. Multiple user systems also need to provide access control.

File Systems Disk Management

The file system is also responsible for allocating disk space and keeping track of where files are located. Disk storage management has many of the problems main memory management has, including fragmentation issues.

End of OS Review

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