Safety Training For The: Focus Four
Safety Training For The: Focus Four
Safety Training For The: Focus Four
This material is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. This material however is provided without any responsibility, expressed or implied, regarding its accuracy or correctness. The information is provided with the understanding that the Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc. is not rendering legal or other professional services. If such expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be obtained. The Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc. endeavors to provide accurate and current information regarding the Occupational Safety & Health Standards presented, however due to the constantly changing nature, interpretations, clarifications or OSHA enforcement practices of these Standards, absolute accuracy is impossible.
This material was produced under grant number 46J6-HT13 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade name, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Harwood Grant #46j6-HT13 Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc 3
The purpose of this Grant is to develop and present a program that will address OSHAs Focus Four Hazards along with other construction hazards that you may need to know about in order to make the construction jobsite a safer place to work.
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The Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc. (SSTA) will work to improve the quality of the training material and resources used by SSTA approved instructors, translate the instructor material into Spanish and get the new training material to the instructors in a timely manner, and train construction workers in both English and Spanish.
What if
What will happen to your family and your lifestyle if you get injured and cant work? What will you lose if you get injured? Your salary Your quality of life Your job advancement Future job opportunities AVOID THE PAIN & COST OF AN INJURY
Harwood Grant #46j6-HT13 Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc 6
An Act
SEC. 5. Duties (a) Each employer -(1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees; (2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act. 29 USC 654(b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.
Harwood Grant #46j6-HT13 Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc 10
OSHA's mission is to send every worker home whole and healthy every day..
Although the numbers are decreasing, Just one death is too many.
Southwest Safety Training Alliance Inc
1926.501 1926.1053 1926.651 1926.503 1926.20 1926.100 1926.453 1926.404 1926.652 1926.405
5,728 2,122
$7,176,729 $964,811
Fall Protection Scope/Applications/Definitions Ladders Excavations, General Requirements Fall Protection Training Requirements Construction, General Safety and Health Provisions Head Protection Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands and Scaffolds Electrical, Wiring Design and Protection Excavations, Requirements for Protective Systems Elec. Wiring Methods, Components and Equip, Gen'l Use
1,581 1,560 1,519
$823,501 $868,881 $792,414
1,313 1,264 1,157
$644,886 $3,117,087 $344,814
Citation statistics from Federal OSHA data for OSHA fiscal year 2005
Construction Fatalities