Tech Writing W Rks HP
Tech Writing W Rks HP
Tech Writing W Rks HP
Introduction (Contd.)
For many professionals, the end product of their work is a written document.
Many well-structured surveys indicate that communication skills rank very high in importance to individuals' careers. They even rank higher than technical skills. Such skills include public speaking, working with individuals, working with groups, and talking with people.
Importance (contd.)
Surveys indicate that writing is one of the most important communication skills. In addition to writing, oral communication skills are equally important including conversing, interviewing, listening, and giving oral presentations.
Importance (Contd.)
In a diverse and globalized world, take into account the ethical and social aspects of communication plus its international nature. In a diverse and globalized world, take into account the collaborative nature of communication among different people.
Importance (Contd.)
In a diverse and globalized world, take into account the computerization of technical communication documents. Surveys showed that about 1/4 of professionals' time is spent on communication.
Forms of Communication
The written form of communication: memos, letters, reports, procedures, proposals, ). The oral form of communication: one-to-one talks, telephone calls, small group or committee meetings.
Why professionals communicate badly? Partly due to poor training! Communication is different from technical training-two different languages.
Why professionals communicate badly, again? Mainly due to cognitive and physical complexity of the process.
should be (the desired) and what is (the actual). Problems can be either well-defined (one correct solution) or ill-defined. The latter requires good communication skills.
Finding Information
* Besides the ideas you have so far
Learn to write to the audience (not to yourself!) The first audience you have written for was one ideal reader (your teacher!) Real-world audiences are different: consist of variety of readers, multiple audiences, know less than you do (must explain), differ in their reading strategies, will exert no effort to figure out the unclear.
Audience Analysis
Identify audience characteristics and needs for effective communication (what info needed and how it is presented). A five-step procedure
By doing all the above in the writing process, you have likely formulated a clear sense of purpose. All communication is purpose-driven: writers and readers, speakers and listeners. Make your purpose clear to the audience to convey your message easily. Emphasize the ostensible (dictated by the situation) purposes and deemphasize unstated purposes.
Constructing Arguments
As a technical professional, you don't simply report info, rather, you exercise judgment, make recommendations, and propose solutions. Thus, you have to be persuasive. To be persuasive, you have to master a minimum level of argumentation skills.
The first step in making an effective argument is to describe the problem that the reader wants to have solved.
Argument Types
Two main types: The argument of fact is about something that exists (is, are/not).
Building a Case
HOW to present/organize/plan the whole communication. Table 1 outlines the items of building a case. Youve gotta be persuasive. To be persuasive, make sure that you link arguments together.
What a professional should do when faced with an ethical dilemma (asked to violate ethical standards)?
If this doesn't work, go public (blow the whistle) when the following conditions are met (all need ability to build a case i.e., argue): Deciding the harm is serious Making concerns known to superiors Having documented evidence Having evidence that going public will prevent the harm
Stating Problems
Problem Introduction An excellent way to capture your audience's attention is to start your communication with an interesting statement of the problem (indicates problem magnitude). A problem can best be stated in the form of two directly conflicting terms joined by a word signaling the conflict (the A-but-B style the full form).
First Draft Goal of first draft is to turn ideas and arguments into a text. If all the above is worked out, writing a first draft (rough) is relatively easy. Never attempt to get the perfect draft form the first attempt. It fails! It results in the writer's block.
Writers Block
To overcome writer's block, steps and approaches: Write an outline and flesh it out in any way comfortable for u. Sit down and write whatever comes into your head about the topic. Sit down and write different versions of what you want to say until you like something enough to improve it. Talk about your subject to others and why it is important then use it.
Field testing- have a representative of the intended readers look at the document. Role playing- have a well selected friend play the role of the intended reader. Self-evaluation- do the role playing yourself (sleep on it).
Testing (Contd.)
Two types of testing depending on the intended use of the document: Testing of expository writing: when the writer's goal is to inform the reader about a topic or argue a case (letters, proposals, reports, journal articles, etc.). It has a hierarchical structure with few claims (main points) and lends itself to selective reading.
Testing (Contd.)
A procedure for testing expository writing is outlined as follows: 1. Give your reader(s) a copy and encourage them to be critical and don't bias them in any way. 2. Realize that readers differ in what they look for (ideas, details, grammar, ) 3. Look at their comments and understand them.
Testing (Contd.)
4. Ask questions about specific features of the document (clarity of main points, support of main points, mistakes in details, anything offensive to readers, overall look, readability and flow, and misspelling and grammar).
Testing (Contd.)
Testing of procedural writing: refers to "how-to" documents such as tutorials, manuals, etc. where the writer's goal is to get the reader follow a stepby-step procedure.
Revising follows testing with the following key principles: Make major repairs before minor ones (never the reverse). Fix up the content before you fix up the form (content more important).
Photographs: Good when no resources to make a good line drawing, when emphasizing the external appearance (x- section).
It also requires knowing what the company does and offers. Look for info everywhere (friends, library, ).
Introduces you (with an impressive reference). Establishes the company's need and your ability to fill it, or, Establishes the reason for writing and your request from the reader.
It is characterized by being personal with frequent use of such pronouns as I, we, and you.
Foreword (Contd.)
An effective foreword (problem setup) provides the driving force and overall organizational structure of the report.
The Summary provides a compact statement of results, conclusions and recommendations (identifies the solution to the problem). The purposes of the Summary are To quickly present the results of the project To quickly present the important recommendations and implications of the project.
Technical Discussions (details) for specialist readers followed by Appendixes of nonessential or lengthy details.
Report Structures
The Narrative (Chronological) Structure: found in lab and research reports and journal articles. Presents info in the chronological order it occurred.