Indian Business Law
Indian Business Law
Indian Business Law
CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Business Laws 2. Indian Contract Act, 1872 3. Patent Act, 1970 4. Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 5. Copyright Act, 1957 6. Consumer (Protection) Act, 1986 7. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 8. Information Technology Act, 2000 9. Environment Protection Act 10.Competition Act, 2002
1. A citizen may think of law as a set of rules which he must obey. 2. A lawyer who practices law may think of law as a vocation. 3. A legislator may look at law as a something created by him. 4. A judge may think of law as a guiding principles to be applied in making decisions.
Law includes all those rules and regulations which regulate our relations with other individuals and with the state.
Meaning of law
Law means a set of rules. It may be defined as the rules of conduct recognized and enforced by the state to control and regulate the conduct of people, to protect their property and contractual rights with a view to securing justice, peaceful living and social security.
The law is not rigid, it is flexible. Since the value system of society keeps on changing , the law also keeps changing according to the changing requirements of the society. There are several branches of law such as International law, constitutional law, criminal law, civil law etc.. Every branch of law regulates and controls a particular field of activity.
Law is the body of principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of the justice .
Object of law
The object of law is order, and the result of order is that men are enabled to look ahead with some sort of security as to the future.
The law now a days is a matter of great intricacy. As such no sound business man would attempt to solve important legal questions affecting his business interest without expert legal advice.
Business laws are those laws which regulate the conduct of the business.
English Mercantile Law: English laws are the primary sources of Indian Mercantile Law. English laws are based on customs and usages of merchants in England. The Statute Law: The various Acts passed by the Indian Legislature are the main sources of mercantile law in India, e.g. Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Sale of Goods Acts,1930, The Partnership Act, 1932, The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, The Companies Act, 1956.
The Common Law : This source consists of all those unwritten legal doctrines embodying customs and traditions developed over centuries by the English courts. Thus, the common law is found in the collected cases of the various courts of law and is sometimes known as case law. The common law emphasizes precedents.
Customs and usages: The customs and usages of a trade are also one of the sources of mercantile law in India. These customs and usages govern the merchants of a trade in their dealings both each other. Some Acts passed by the Indian Legislature recognizes the importance of such customs and usages.
Module: II
Law of Contract
The law of contract is regulated by Indian Contract Act, 1872 OBJECT OF THE LAW OF CONTRACT
The law of contract is that branch of law which determines the circumstances in which promises made by the parties to a contract shall be legally binding on them. In simple words, the purpose of law of contract is to ensure the realization of reasonable expectation of the parties who enter in to contract.
The law of contract is intended to ensure that, what a man has been led to expect shall come to pass, and that what has been promised to him shall be performed.
Jus in rem means, right against the world at large. jus in personam means, the right against particular persons.
Definition of Contract
So, a contract is an agreement made between two or more parties which the law will enforce.
An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.
Contract = Agreement + Enforceability Agreement = Offer + Acceptance
An agreement is defined as, every promise and set of promises, forming consideration for each other [Sec2(e)].
When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent there to, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise. [Section 2(b)].
An agreement is an accepted proposal.
Consensus ad idem
The essence of an agreement is meeting of the minds of the parties.There must in fact, be consensus ad idem. Eg., A, (owns two horses named Rajhans & Hansraj), is selling horse Rajhans to B. B thinks he is purchasing Hansraj. There is no consensus ad idem consequently no contract.
An agreement, to become a contract, must give rise to a legal obligation or duty. An obligation is a legal tie which imposes upon a definite person or persons the necessity of doing or abstaining from doing a definite act or acts. Ex. A agrees to sell his car to B for Rs.1,00,000/-.The agreement gives rise to an obligation on the part of A to deliver the car to B on the part of B to pay Rs.1,00,000/to A. This is a legal agreement. This agreement is a contract.
An agreement which gives rise to social obligation is not a contract . An agreement is a wider term. An agreement may be a social agreement or a legal agreement. If A invites B to a dinner and B accepts the invitation, it is a social agreement.
A social agreement does not give rise to contractual obligations and is not enforceable in a Court of law. It is only those agreements which are enforceable in a court of law which are contracts. A father promises to pay his son Rs.100/- every month as pocket allowance. Later he refuses to pay. The son cannot recover as it is a domestic agreement and there is no intention on the part of the parties to create legal relations.
All contracts are agreements, but all agreements are not necessarily contracts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Offer and Acceptance Intention to create legal relationship Lawful consideration Capacity of parties-Competency Free and genuine consent Lawful object Agreement not declared void Certainty and possibility of performance Legal formalities
ESSENTIALS OF A VALID CONTRACT: 2.Intention to create legal relationship: When two parties enter into an agreement, their intention must be to create legal relationship between them .If there is no intention on the part of the parties, there is no contract between them. E g., A husband promised to pay his wife a house hold allowance of 30 pounds every month .Later the parties separated and the husband failed to pay the amount. The wife sued for the allowance . Held, the agreement such as these were outside the realm of contract altogether [Balfour vs.Balfour,1919].
ESSENTIALS OF A VALID CONTRACT: 3. Lawful consideration : An agreement to be enforceable by law must be supported by consideration. Consideration means advantage or benefit moving from one party to the other. It is the essence of a bargain. In simple words, it means something in return. A promise to do something and, getting nothing in return is usually not enforceable by law. Consideration need not be in cash or kind. It may be an act or abstinence.
4.Capacity of parties-Competency: The parties to the agreement must be capable of entering in to a valid contract.
Every person is competent to contract if he, (a) is of the age of majority, (b) is of sound mind, and (c) is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. The flaw in capacity to contract may arise from minority, lunacy, idiocy, drunkenness, etc.
There is absence of free consent if the agreement is induced by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation and mistake(Sec.14).
6.Lawful object: The object of the agreement must be lawful. In other words, it means that the object must not be (a) illegal, (b) immoral, or (c) opposed to public policy(Sec.23) If an agreement suffers from any legal flaw, it would not be enforceable by law.
7. Agreement not declared void: The agreement must not have been expressly declared void by law in force in the country under the provisions of sections 24 to 30 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 Under these provisions, agreement in restraint of marriage, agreement in restraint of legal proceedings, agreement by way of wager have been expressly declared as void A void agreement is one which is not enforceable by law.
There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is void.
It is however in the interest of the parties that the contract should be in writing.
In some other cases, a contract, besides being a written one, has to be registered.
of Contracts
Contracts may be classified according to,
1.Validity 2.Formation, and 3.Performance
1.Voidable Contract [2(i)] 1.Express Contract [9] 1.Executed Contract 2.Void Agreement [2(g)] 2.Implied Contract [9] 2.Executory Contract 3.Void Contract [2(j)] 3.Quasi Contract 3.Unilateral Contract 4.Illegal Agreement 4.Bilateral Contract 5.Unenforceable Contract
Classification of Contract
Example of Voidable Contract: A promises to sell his car to B for rs. 2000. His consent is obtained by use of force. The contract is voidable at the option of A .
He may avoid the contract or elect to be bound by it.
Example 2: X threatens to kill Y if he does not sell his house for rs. 1,00,000 to X. Y sells his house to X and receives payment. Here, Ys consent has been obtained by coercion and hence this contract is voidable at the option of Y, the aggrieved party. If Y decides to avoid the contract, he will have to return rs.1,00,000 which he had received from X. If Y does not exercise his option to repudiate the contract within a reasonable time and in the mean time, Z purchases that house from X for rs. 1,00,000 in good faith, Y cannot repudiate the contract.
Classification of Contract
ii] Void Agreement: An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void [Sec.2(g)].Such agreements are void-ab-initio which means that they are unenforceable right from the time they are made
E.g., An agreement with a minor or a person of unsound mind is void-ab-initio because a minor or a person of unsound mind is incompetent to contract
E.g., A contract to import goods becomes void, when war breaks out between the countries.
is one which is unlawful. Such an agreement cannot be enforced by law. Thus, illegal agreements are always voidab-initio( i.e., void from the very beginning)
E g :An agreement to import prohibited goods.
Example: X agrees to pay Y rs.1,00,000 if Y kills Z and claims rs.1,00,000. Y cannot recover from X because the agreement between X and Y is illegal as its object is unlawful Effect on collateral agreements: In case of illegal agreements, even the collateral agreements become void Example: If in the above example, x borrows rs,1,00,000 from W who is aware of the purpose of the loan, the main agreement between X and Y is illegal and the agreement between X and W which is collateral to the main agreement is also void. Hence, W cannot recover the money from X.
.Illegal Agreement: An illegal agreement is not only void as between the parties but has this further effect that even the collateral transactions to it become tainted with illegality. A collateral transaction is one which is subsidiary, incidental or auxiliary to the principal or original contract.
v] Unenforceable Contract:
An unenforceable Contract is one which cannot be enforced in a Court of law because of some technical defect such as absence of writing or where the remedy has been barred by lapse of time.
The contract may be carried out by the parties concerned; but in the event of breach or repudiation of such a contract, the aggrieved party will not be entitled to the legal remedies.
conditions of contracts are expressly agreed upon (whether words spoken or written) at the time of formation of contract, the contract is said to be Express Contract . Ex: X says to Y will you buy my car for rs. 1,00,000? Y says to X I am ready to buy your car for rs. 1,00,000. (ii) IMPLIED CONTRACT: One which is inferred from the acts or conduct of the parties or course of dealings between them. An implied contract is one which is not an express contract.
Ex: A transport company runs buses on different routes to carry passengers. This is an implied acceptance by X. Now, there is an implied contract and X is bound to pay the prescribed fare. Ex: X, a coolie in uniform picks up the baggage of Y to do so and Y allows it from platform to the taxi without being asked by to do so and Y allows it. In this case there is ay the coolie and an implied acceptance by the passenger. Now, there is an implied contract between the coolie and the passenger and the passenger is bound to pay for the services of the coolie
Contracts classified.
(iii)QUASI CONTRACT: Strictly speaking Quasi
Contract is not a contract at all. A contract is intentionally entered in to by the parties. A quasi contract, on the other hand is created by law. It rests on the ground of equity that, a person shall not be allowed to enrich himself unjustly at the expense of another .
Ex: A finds some goods belonging to B, it is his duty to restore them to the rightful owner. These contracts are based on the principle of equity, justice and good conscience. The Indian Contract Act 1872, has described the obligations arising under these contracts as certain relations those created by contracts
(i) Executed Contract (ii) Executory Contract -Unilateral or One-sided Contract -Bilateral Contract
Partly Executed and partly Executory Contract: It is a contract where one of the parties to the contract has fulfilled his obligation and the other party has still to perform his obligation. Ex. X offers to sell his car to Y for rs. 1,00,000 on a credit of one month. Y accepts Xs offer. X delivers the car to Y. Here, the contract is executed as to X and executory as to Y.
ONE-SIDED OR UNILATERAL CONTRACT Performance of only one party is outstanding. BILATERAL CONTRACT. Performance of both the parties remains outstanding.
Over a cup of tea in a restaurant, A invites B for a dinner at his house on a Sunday. B hires a taxi and reaches As house at the appointed time, but A fails to perform his promise. Can B recover any damage ???
No. [Balfour V. Balfour,1919] A husband promised o pay his wife a household allowance of 30 sterling pounds every month. Later the parties separated and the husband failed to pay the amount. The wife sued for the allowance. Held, agreement such as these were outside the realm of contract altogether.
(a) A engages B for a certain work and promises to pay such remuneration as shall be fixed by C. B does the work. (b) A and B promise to marry each other. (c) A takes a seat in public vehicle. (d) A invites B for a card party
(a) There is a contract between A and B and A is bound to pay the remuneration as shall be fixed by C. If C does not fix , or refuses to fix the remuneration, A is bound to pay a reasonable remuneration. (b) There is a contract between A and B (c) There is a contract between A and B (D) There is no contract
A forced B to enter in to a contract at the point of pistol. What remedy is available to B. If he (B) does not want to be bound by the contract ..??
He (B) can repudiate the contract as his consent is not free.
M mows Ls lawn without being asked by L to do so. L watches M do the work but does not attempt to stop him. Is L bound to pay any charges to M ?
Yes, L is bound to pay M a reasonable remuneration.
C orally offered to pay A, an auto mechanic, Rs 50 for testing a used car which C was about to purchase from D. A agreed and tested the car. C paid A Rs 50 in cash for his services. Is the agreement between C and A,
(a) express or implied,..??? (b) executed or executory, ??? (c) Valid,void, voidable or unenforceable???
The agreement is, (a) express, (b)executed, and (c) valid.
A promises to pay B Rs.500, if he(B) beats C. B beats C, but A refuses to pay.
No as the agreement is illegal.
D lived as a paying boarder with a family. He agreed with the members of the family to share prize money of a newspaper competition. The entry sent by D won a prize 750 sterling pounds. He refused to share the amount won. Can the members of the family recover their share .???
Yes, as there was mutuality in the agreement between the parties and the parties had intended to be bound.
Offer [Proposal]
A person is said to have made a proposal, when, he,.
signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the assent of that other, to such act or abstinence [Sec.2(a)]
2. It must be an expression of readiness or willingness to do (i.e., a positive act) or to abstain from doing something (i.e., a negative act) ex: X offers to sell his car to Y for rs. 1 lakh. It is a positive act on the part of X ex: X offers not to file a suit against Y if Y pays X the outstanding amount of rs. 1,00,000 . It is a negative act on the part of X
3. It must be made with a view to obtain the consent of that other person to proposed act or abstinence. ex: X jokingly says to Y I am ready to sell my car for rs.1000. Y, knowingly that X is not serious in making the offer, says I accept your offer. In this case, Xs offer was not the real offer as he did not make it with a view to obtain the consent of Y.
The person making the offer is known as the,
offeree or proposee.
When the offeree accepts the offer, he is called the acceptor or promisee [Sec.2(c)].
E.g., An offer may be made by express words, spoken or written. This is known as Express offer.
When A says to B, will you purchase my house at Meerut for Rs.5,00,000 ?
particular route, there is an implied offer by the transport company to carry passengers for a certain fare.
When an offer is made to a particular person, it is called specific offer. E.g. A offers to sell car to B [only] for Rs.1,00,000. When an offer is made to the world at large, it is called general offer. A general offer can be accepted by any person by fulfilling the terms of offer.
E.g., Mrs Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.[1893].
What constitutes an offer. 1.The offer must show an obvious intention on the part of the offeror to be bound by it. Thus, if A jokingly offers B Rs 10 for his typewriter and B knowing that A is not serious, says I accept, As proposal does not constitute an offer.
2.The offeror must make the offer with a view to obtaining the assent of the offeree to such act or abstinence. 3.The offer must be definite. 4.It must be communicated to the offeree.
Ex 1: X offers to sell to Y a 100 tons of oil. If X is a dealer in coconut oil or mustard oil, his offer is not certain because it is not clear that he wants to sell coconut oil or mustard oil. But if X is a dealer in coconut oil only, it is clear that he wants to sell coconut oil. Hence, the offer is certain.
Ex 2: X, a broker of Bombay wrote to Y a merchant of Ghaziabad stating the terms on which he is willing to do business. It was held that the letter was a mere statement of intention and not an offer. (Devidatt v. Shriram) Ex 3: A notice that the goods stated in the notice will be sold by tender does not amount to an offer to sell.( Spencer v. Harding)
Ex 4: An auctioneer advertised in a newspaper that a sale of office furniture will be held on a particular day. Mr. X with the intention on buy to furniture came from a distant place for the auction but the auction was cancelled. It was held that Mr X cannot file a suit against the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses because the advertisement was merely a declaration of intention to hold auction and not an offer to sell. (Harris v. N.Nickerson)
Invitation to offer
An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer. In case of an invitation to offer, the person making an invitation invites others to make an offer to him.
Ex 1: Goods were displayed in the shop for sale with price tags attached on each article and self service system was there. One customer selected the goods. It was held that the display of goods was only an intention to offer and the selection of the goods was an offer by the customer to buy and the contract was made when the cashier accepted the offer to buy and received the price. (Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v. Boots Cash Chemists Ltd.)
Ex 2: A prospectus issued by a company for subscription to its shares and debentures is only an invitation to general public to make an offer to buy the shares/debentures which may or may not be accepted by the company.
4.Offer must be communicated: An offer must be communicated to the person to whom it is made. An offer is complete only when it is communicated to the offeree. One can accept the offer only when he knows about it
Thus , an offer accepted without its knowledge does not confer any legal rights on the acceptor. Ex 1: S offered a reward to anyone who traces his lost dog. F brought the dog without any knowledge of the offer of reward. It was held F was not entitled to the reward because F cannot be said to have accepted the offer which he did not know.( Fitch v.Snedaker,1868)
3. We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for the sum of 900 pounds asked by you [Harvey to Facey] Held, there was no concluded contract between Harvey and Facey The first telegram asked two questions; (i) the willingness of Facey to sell, and (ii) the lowest price. Facey replied only to the second question and gave his lowest price, i.e., he supplied mere information and no offer had been made by him to sell. There could be contract only if he had accepted Harveys last telegram.
The question of special terms arises generally in case of standard form of contracts. Standard contracts are made with big companies such as insurance companies, railways, shipping companies, banking companies, hotels, dry cleaning companies.
Since such companies are in position to exploit the weakness of general public by including certain terms in the contract which may limit their liabilities, it is provided that the special terms of the offer must be brought to the notice of general public.
Ex 1: X purchased a ticket Dablin to White Haven and on the back of the ticket, certain conditions were printed one of which excluded the liability of the company for loss, injury or delay to the passengers or his luggage. X never looked at the back of the ticket and there was nothing to draw his attention to the conditions printed on the back side. His luggage was lost due to the negligence of the servants of the shipping company, it was held that X was entitled to claim compensation for the loss of his luggage in spite of the exemption clause because there was no indication on the face of the ticket to draw his attention to the special terms printed on the back of the ticket.
Special Terms of Contract E.g., A hotel put up a notice in a bed room, exempting the proprietor from liability for loss of clients goods. Held, the notice was not effective as it came to the knowledge of the client only when the contract to take a room had already been entered in to. Olley v. Marlborough Court Ltd., [1949].
the contract, but have made an agreement to agree in future, there is no contract. An agreement to be finally settled must comprise all the terms which the parties intend to introduce in to the agreement. E.g., An actress was engaged in a theatrical company for a certain period .One of the terms of the agreement was that if the play was shown in London, she would be engaged at a salary to be mutually agreed upon. Held , there was no contract.
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Acceptance means giving consent to the offer. It is an expression by the offeree of his willingness to be bound by the terms of the offer. According to sec 2(b) of the Indian Contract Act,1872, A proposal is said to have accepted when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto. A proposal when accepted becomes a promise.
An acceptance may be express or implied.
Who can accept offer ?
Acceptance of a particular offer: Specific Offer When an offer is made to a particular person, it can only be accepted by him alone. If it is accepted by any other person, there is no valid acceptance. The rule of law is clear that if you propose to make a contract with A, B cannot substitute himself for without your consent.
Acceptance of a general offer When an offer is made to world at large, any persons to whom the offer is made can accept it
[Mrs.Carlill Vs.Carbolic Smokeball Co.(1893)]
1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer. 2.It must be communicated to the offeror 3.It must be according to the mode prescribed or usual and reasonable mode. 4.It must be given within a reasonable time
1. It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer.
An acceptance, in order to be binding, must be absolute and unqualified [Sec.7(1)] in respect of all terms of the offer, whether material or immaterial, major or minor. If the parties are not ad idem on all matters concerning the offer and acceptance, there is no contract. Examples: a) A made an offer to B to purchase a house with possession from 25 th July. The offer was followed by an acceptance suggesting possession from 1st August. Held, there was no contract. [ Rutledge Vs .Grant (1828)]
.1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer.
Examples: b) M offered to sell a piece of land to N at 280 sterling pounds. N accepted and enclosed 80 sterling pounds with a promise to pay the balance by monthly installments of 50 sterling pounds each. Held, there was no contract between M and N, as the acceptance was on condition. [Neale Vs. Merret (1930)].
.1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer
c) N offered to buy Js horse if warranted quiet in harness. J agreed to the price and warranted the horse in quiet double harness. Held, there was no acceptance [Jordon Vs.Norton,1838]
d) A says to B, I offer to sell my car for Rs.50,000.B replies, I will purchase it for Rs.45,000. This is no acceptance and amounts to counter offer.
To conclude a contract between the parties, the acceptance must be communicated in some perceptible form. A mere resolve or mental determination on the part of the offeree to accept an offer, when there is no external manifestation of the intention of the intention to do so, is not sufficient. [
Bhagwandas Kedia Vs. Giridharilal (1966)]
a) A tells B that, he intends to marry C. But tells C nothing of his intention. There is no contract even if C is willing to marry A. b) A draft agreement relating to supply of coal was sent to the manager of a railway company for his acceptance. The manager wrote the word approved and put the draft in the drawer . Held, there was no contract.
[Brogden Vs. Metropolitan Rail Co.(1877)].
3.It must be according to the mode prescribed or usual and reasonable mode.
The communication must be according to the mode prescribed [ Sec.7(2)] Eg. If the Offeror has sought the communication of acceptance from offeree by telephone it cannot be given by post.
In case, the acceptance is made in a manner other than the mode prescribed but the offeror does not raise any objection within a reasonable time, the acceptance will be binding.
In Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd. Vs. Montefiore(1886) M applied for the shares of R & Co. on 8 th June. But the Company did not intimate about allotment until November. M refused to take shares. Held, the offer was lapsed by unreasonable delay.
In a company shares were allotted to a person who had not applied for them. Subsequently when he applied for shares , he was unaware of the previous allotment. The allotment of shares previous to application is invalid.
6.It must show an intention on the part of the acceptor to fulfill terms of the promise.
Ex: P applied for the post of a headmaster in a school. The managing committee passed a resolution approving P to the post but this decision was not communicated to P. But one member of the managing committee in his individual capacity and without any authority informed P about the decision. Subsequently, the managing committee cancelled its resolution and appointed someone else. P filed a suit for breach of contract. It was held that Ps suit was not maintainable because there was no communication of acceptance as he was not informed about his appointment by some authorized person. (Powell v. Lee)
8.It must be given before the offer lapses or before the offer is withdrawn.
The acceptance must be given before the offer lapses or is withdrawn. In other words, if an acceptance is made after the lapse or withdrawal of the offer, it will not give rise to legal relations. Ex: X offered by a letter to sell his car for Rs.1,00,000. Subsequently, x withdrew his offer by a telegram which was duly received by Y. After the receipt of telegram, Y sent his acceptance to X. In this case, the acceptance is invalid because it was made after the effective withdrawal of the offer.
The acceptance of an offer cannot be implied from the silence of the offeree or his failure to answer, unless the offeree has by his previous conduct indicated that his silence means that he accepts. A wrote to B., I offer you my car
for Rs.10,000. If I dont hear from you in seven days , I shall assume that you accept. B did not reply at all. There is no contract.
E.g., A proposes by a letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. The letter is posted on 10th July. It reaches B on the 12th July. The communication of offer is complete when B receives the letter i.e., 12th July.
The communication of revocation is complete: Revocation means taking back recalling or withdrawal. It may be revocation of offer or acceptance. The communication of a revocation is complete--as against the person who makes it, when it is put in to the course of transmission to the person to whom it is made so as to be out of the power of the person who makes it ; -as against the person to whom it is made, when it comes to his knowledge(Sec.4)
Ex. A proposes, by a letter, to sell his house to B at a certain price .The letter is posted on 15th May. It reaches B on 19th May. A revokes his offer by telegram on 18th May. The telegram reaches B on 20th May. The revocation is complete as against A when the telegram is dispatched i.e., on 18th May. It is complete as against B when he receives it. i.e., on 20th May.
Time for Revocation of Proposal(Sec.5,para 1) A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards. Ex. A proposes by a letter sent by post to sell his house to B. The letter is posted on the 1st of the month. B accepts the proposal by a letter sent by post on the 4th.The letter reaches A on the 6th. A may revoke his offer at any time before B posts his letter of
acceptance, i.e., on 4th but not afterwards. B may revoke his acceptance at any time before the letter of acceptance reaches A, i.e., on 6th but not afterwards.
A contract by telephone or telex has the same effect as an oral agreement entered into between the parties when they are face to face. But the offeree must make sure that his acceptance is properly received, i.e.,heard and understood by the offeror (Kanhaiyalal v. Dineshwara Chandra)
A makes an offer to B across a river or a courtyard. B shouts back accepting As offer, but A does not hear Bs reply as it was drowned by an aircraft flying overhead. There is no contract at that moment. If B wishes to make a contract, he must wait till the aircraft is gone and then shout back his acceptance so that A can hear what B says. Until A hears Bs reply, there is no contract.
2. By lapse of time: If it is not accepted within the prescribed time, then it ends in revocation of offer. If no time is prescribed, it lapses by the expiry of a reasonable time. Ex: On June 8 M offered to take shares in R company. He received a letter of acceptance on November 23. He refused to take the shares. Held, M was entitled to refuse as his offer had lapsed as the reasonable period during which it could be accepted had elapsed (Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co. v. Montefiore)
3. By non-fulfilment by the offeree of a condition precedent to acceptance: Ex: S, a seller, agrees to sell certain goods subject to the condition that B, the buyer, pays the agreed price before a certain date. If B fails to pay the price by that date, the offer stands revoked.
4. By death or insanity of the offeror provided the offeree comes to know of it before acceptance. 5. If a counter-offer is made to it: 6. If an offer is not accepted according to the prescribed or usual mode:
Case 2.
A tells B in the course of a conversation with him that he will give Rs10,000 to anyone who marries his daughter with his consent. B marries As daughter with As consent . Is he entitled to recover the amount ?
A sees a rare book displayed in a shop. It is labeled First Edition Rs15. A enters the shop and puts Rs 15 on the counter and asks for the book. seller does not agree to sell that book, says, the real price of the book is Rs 50 and that it had been marked as Rs 15 by mistake. Is the bookseller bound to sell the book for Rs. 15 ?
A sent a telegram to B, will you sell your car? Quote lowest price. B sent a reply Lowest price Rs 25,000. A sent a second telegram to B. I agree to buy your car for Rs 25,000. B there after refuses to sell. (1) Can A compel B to do so ? (2) Is there a contract between A and B ?. (3) What is the name of the case related to this?
A sent a letter to B offering to sell his house to B. The next day, A wrote another letter revoking his offer. Meanwhile, B had accepted As offer by return of post. What is Bs remedy, if any, against A: (a) If As letter of revocation reaches B before Bs letter of acceptance reaches A; (b) If Bs letter of acceptance is lost in the post; If Bs letter of acceptance is posted an hour after posting of As letter of revocation ?
B offered to sell his house to A for Rs.50,000.A accepted the offer by post. On the next day, A sent a telegram withdrawing the acceptance which reached B before the letter. (a) Is the revocation of acceptance valid ? (b) Would it make any difference if both the letter of communicating acceptance and the telegram communicating revocation of acceptance, reach B at the same time?
Consideration is one of the essential elements to support a contract. Subject to certain exceptions, an agreement made without consideration is nudum pactum (a nude contract) and is void. Justice Patterson defines consideration in the following words: Consideration means something which is of some value in the eye of lawIt may be some benefit to the plaintiff or some detriment to the defendant. [Thomas vs. Thomas(1842)].There are two leading cases which explain this point.
Definition of Consideration
[Section 2(d) of Indian Contract Act,1872] When at the desire of the promisor, promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing or does or abstains from doing, or promises to do or to abstain from doing, something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise.
an affirmative form. Example: A promises B to guarantee payment of price of the goods which B sells on credit to C. Here selling of goods by B to C is consideration for As promise. (2) An abstinence or forbearance, i.e., abstaining or refraining from doing something. In this sense consideration is in a negative form. Example :A promises B not to file a suit against him if he pays him Rs.500.The abstinence of A is the consideration for Bs payment. (3) A return promise. Example: A agrees to sell his horse to B for Rs 10,000. Here Bs promise to pay the sum of Rs.10,000 is the consideration for A s promise to sell the horse, and As promise to sell the horse is the consideration for Bs promise to pay the sum of Rs.10,000.
Legal Rules as to Consideration. 1.It must move at the desire of the promisor: An act constituting consideration must have been done at the desire or request of the promisor. If it is done at the instance of a third party or without the desire of the promisor, it will not be a good consideration. Example:A saves Bs goods from fire without being asked to do so. A cannot demand payment for his services.
2.It may move from the promisee or any other person. Consideration may move from promisee or any other person, i.e., even a stranger. This means that as long as there is consideration for a promise it is immaterial who has furnished it. But the stranger to consideration will be able to sue only if he is a party to the contract.
Example: An old lady, by a deed of gift, made over certain property to her daughter D, under the direction that she should pay her aunt, P (sister of the old lady), a certain sum of money annually. The same day D entered in an agreement with P to pay her the agreed amount. Later, D refused to pay the amount on the plea that no consideration had moved from P to D. Held, P was entitled to maintain suit as consideration had moved from the old lady, sister of P, to the daughter.
[Chinnayya vs.Ramayya(1882)]
(1)Forbearance to sue: If a person who could sue another for the enforcement of a right agrees not to pursue his claim, this constitutes a good consideration for the promise by the other person. This results in a benefit to the person not sued and a detriment to the person who could sue. Example: A borrows from B Rs.100 at 20 percent p.a., and fails to pay the amount. When B is about to file a suit, A agrees to pay a higher rate of interest. B, as a result, does not file the suit. This forbearance on the part of B to file a suit is a sufficient consideration and B can enforce the promise by A to pay the higher rate of interest.
Legal Rules as to Consideration. 4.It may be past, present or f uture. (1)Past Consideration: When consideration by a party for a present promise was given in the past, i.e., before the date of the promise, it is said to be past consideration. Example: A renders some service to B at latters desire. After a month B promises to compensate A for services rendered to him. It is past consideration. A can recover promised amount.
Example: D promises to deliver certain goods to P after a week; P promises to pay the price after a fortnight. The promise of D is supported by the promise of P. Consideration in this case is future or executory.
Legal Rules as to Consideration. 5.It need not be adequate. Consideration, as already explained, means something in return. This something in return need not necessarily be equal to something given. The law simply provides that a contract should be supported by consideration. So long as consideration exists, the Courts are not concerned as to its adequacy, provided it is of some value.
Ex: A agrees to sell a horse worth rs.1,000 for rs.10. A denies that his consent to the agreement was freely given. The inadequacy of the consideration is a fact which the Court should take into account in considering whether or not As consent was freely given.
Although consideration need not be adequate, it must be real, competent and of some value in the eyes of the law. There is no real consideration in the following cases: (1) Physical Impossibility: A promises to put life in to Bs dead wife and B should pay him Rs.500.As promise is physically impossible of performance. (2) Legal Impossibility: A owes Rs 100 to B. He promises to pay Rs.20 to C, the servant of B, who in return promises to discharge A from the debt. This is legally impossible because C cannot give discharge for a debt due to B, his master [Harvey vs. Gibbons, (1675)].
A promise to do what is already bound to do, either by general law or under an existing contract, is not a good consideration for a new promise, since it adds nothing to the pre-existing legal or contractual obligation. Likewise a promise to perform a public duty by a public servant is not a consideration.
Ex: (1) A promised to pay B, who had received summons to appear at a trial in a civil suit, a certain sum being a compensation for the loss of time during his attendance. Held, the promise was without consideration, for B was under a duty imposed by law to appear and give evidence. (Collins v. Godefroy,(1831))
Ex: (2) There was a promise to pay to a lawyer an additional sum if the suit was successful. Held, the promise was void for want of consideration. The lawyer was under a pre-existing contractual obligation to render the best of his services under the original contract. But where a person being already under a legal or contractual duty to do something undertakes to do something than he is bound to do under the original contract, this will be a good consideration for the promise.
Legal Rules as to Consideration. 8.It must not be illegal, immoral or opposed to public policy.
The consideration given for an agreement must not be unlawful. Where it is unlawful, the Court do not allow an action on the agreement.
It is a general rule of law that only parties to a contract may sue and be sued on that contract. This rule is known as the Doctrine of privity of contract. Privity of contract means relationship subsisting between the parties who have entered in to contractual obligations. It implies a mutuality of will and creates a legal bond or tie between the parties to contract.
(1) A person who is not a party to a contract cannot sue upon it even though the contract is for his benefit and he provided consideration. (2) A contract cannot confer rights or impose obligation arising under it on any person other than the parties to it.
Thus, if there is a contract between A and B, C cannot enforce.
[Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.Ltd. Vs. Selfridge & Co.Ltd.,( 1915)]
S bought tyres from the Dunlop Rubber Co. and sold them to P, a sub-dealer, who agreed with S not to sell below Dunlops list price and to pay the Dunlop Co., 5 pounds as damages on every tyre P undersold. P sold two tyres at less than the list price and thereupon the Dunlop Co. sued him for the breach. Held, the Dunlop Co. could not maintain the suit as it was a stranger to the contract.
Exceptions to the rule Stranger to a contract cannot sue. 1.A trust or charge: A person (called beneficiary) in whose favor a trust or other interest is created can enforce it even though he is not a party to the contract. Example: A agrees to transfer certain properties to be held by T in trust for the benefit of B. B can enforce the agreement (i.e., the trust) even though he is not a party to the agreement [M.K. Rapai vs. John(1965)]
3.Acknowledgement or estoppel: Where the promisor by his conduct, acknowledges or otherwise constitutes himself as an agent of a third party, a binding obligation is thereby incurred by him towards the third party.
Example: A receives some money from T to be paid over to P. A admits of this receipt to P. P can recover the amount from A who shall be regarded as the agent of P.
4.Assignment of contract : Where a benefit under a contract has been assigned, the assignee can enforce the contract subject to all equities between the original parties to the contract e.g. the assignee of an insurance policy. 5.Contracts entered in to through an agent: The principal can enforce the contracts entered in to by his agent provided the agent acts within the scope of his authority and in the name of the principal.
The general rule is ex nudo pacto non oritur actio, i.e., an agreement made without consideration is void. Sec.25 and 185 dealt with the exceptions to this rule. In such cases agreements are enforceable even though they are made without consideration. These cases are---
1.Love and Affection [Sec.25(1)]: Such agreement made without consideration is valid if: (i) It is expressed in writing (ii) It is registered under the law (iii) It is made on account of love and affection, and (iv) It is between parties standing in a near relation to each other.
(a) F ,for natural love and affection, promises to give his son, S, Rs.1,000.F puts his promise to S in writing and registers it . There is a contract. (b) By a registered agreement, V on account of natural love and affection for his brother, R, promises to discharge his debt to B. If V does not discharge the debt, R may discharge it and then sue V to recover the amount.
[Venkataswamy vs. Ramaswamy, (1903)
A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions 2.Compensation for voluntary services.[Sec.25(2)] A promise to compensate, wholly or in part, a person who has already voluntarily done something for the promisor, is enforceable, even though without consideration. In simple words, a promise to pay for a past voluntary service is binding. Examples: (a) A finds Bs purse and gives it to him. B promises to give rs. 50 .There is a contract. (b) A says to B, At the risk of your life you saved me from a serious accident. I promise to pay you Rs.1,000.There is a contract between A and B.
(c) X, a neighbor helped putting down the fire in Ys house. Afterwards , Y promised X to give Rs.1000. This is a valid contract even though the consideration did not move at the desire of the promisor. (d) X, supported Ys infant son. Y promised to pay Xs expenses in so doing. This is a valid contract. Here, X has done that act which Y was legally bound to do.
Example: D owes C Rs.1,000 but the debt is barred by the Limitation Act. D signs a written promise o pay C Rs.500 on account of the debt. This is a contract.
4.Completed Gift: The rule No consideration, no contract does not apply to completed gifts.. e.g., X transferred some property to Y by a duly written and registered deed as a gift. This is a valid contract even though no consideration. 5.Agency [Sec.185] No consideration is necessary to create an agency.
6.Charitable Subscription: Where the promisee on the strength of the promise makes commitments, i.e., changes his position to his detriment
[Refer. Kedarnath Vs. Gauri Mohammad].
Important Cases
Abdul Aziz, V. Masum Ali: The secretary of a Mosque, Committee filed a suit to enforce a promise which the promisor had made to subscribe rs.500 to the re-building of a mosque. Held, the promise was not enforceable because there was no consideration in the sense of benefit , and the secretary of the Committee to whom the promise was made, suffered no detriment as nothing had been done to carry out the repairs. Hence the suit was dismissed.
Kedar Nath v. Gauri Mohamed: The facts of this case were almost similar to those of the previous case, but the secretary in this case incurred a liability on the strength of the promise. Held, the amount could be recovered, as the promise resulted in a sufficient detriment to the secretary. In this case, the promise, even though it was gratuitous, became enforceable because on the faith of the promise the secretary had incurred a detriment.
A promises a subscription of Rs.10,000 to the National Defense Fund. He does not pay. Is there any legal remedy against him?
Answer: Case.1
No. (Abdul Aziz vs. Masum Ali)
Can A recover in the following cases? (a) B gets in to difficulties while swimming in the river Ganga and cries for help. A hears the cry, removes his coat and dives in to water and rescues B. B, who is full of gratitude, promises to pay A Rs.200 but fails to do so.
(b) B writes to A, At the risk of your own life, you saved me from a serious motor accident. I promise to pay you Rs.1,000.
(c) While B is away on holiday, a storm damages the roof of Bs house, and his neighbor, A, carries out the necessary repairs. On his return, B promises to pay A Rs.200 for the work done and materials supplied.
(d) A finds Bs purse and gives it to him. B promises A to give him Rs.100
(e) A, who is Bs friend, seeks the help of a few persons in putting down a fire in B s house. B promises to give A Rs. 100 for his timely help.
Answers to case.2
Yes. A can recover the amount from B in all the cases. [Sec.25(2)]
A owes B Rs.1,000 but the debt is barred by limitation. A gives a letter to B agreeing to pay him Rs 500 on account of the debt.Is this a valid agreement?
Answer to Case.3
Yes. [Sec.25(3)]
A, being a dire need of money, sells his new car purchased two months ago at a cost of Rs.1,72,000 for Rs.11,000. Afterwards A seeks to set aside the contract on the ground of inadequacy of consideration. Will he succeed?
Answer to Case.4
A,B, and C enter in to a contract under which A promises both B and C that if B will dig As garden, he (A) will give Rs.50 to C. Can C compel A to pay the money on Bs digging As garden according to the terms of the contract? Give reasons.
Answer to Case.5
As Uncle in a sudden display of generosity promises him a watch as a gift on his next birthday. If the uncle fails to give the watch, can A do anything about it legally?
Answer to Case.6
H who was badly in need of money offered to sell his piano worth rs.5,000 to C for rs.4,000. C refused to buy . H gradually lowered his price until rs.1000 was reached, which C accepted. Before the piano was delivered, H received an offer of a larger sum from T, and he refused to carry out the contract with C, claiming that the consideration was inadequate. Is H liable to pay damages to C for failure to carry out his part of the contract?
The parties who enter in to contract must have capacity to do so. Capacity here means competency of the parties to enter in to contract. According to Sec.10 an agreement becomes a contract if it is entered in to between the parties who are competent to contract According to Sec.11 every person is competent to enter in to contract who (a) is of the age of majority. (b) is of sound mind, and (c) is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. Thus Section 11 declares the following persons to be incompetent to contract; 1.Minor 2.Persons of unsound mind 3.Persons disqualified by any law to which they are subject.
According to Indian Majority Act,1875, a minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age. In the following two cases , he attains majority after 21 years of age. (1) Where a guardian of a minors person or property has been appointed under the Guardians and Wards Act,1890 or (2) Where the superintendence of a minors property is assumed by a Court of Wards.
Minors Agreements
1. An agreement with or by a minor is void and inoperative ab initio.
vs. Dharmodas Ghose,(1903) Calcutta High Court]
In this case a minor mortgage his house in favor of a money lender to secure a loan of Rs.20,000 out of which the mortgagee (the money lender) paid the minor a sum of Rs.8000. Subsequently the minor sued for setting aside the mortgage, stating that he was underage when he executed the mortgage. Held, the mortgage was void and, therefore, it was cancelled. Further the money lenders request for the repayment of the amount advanced to the minor as part of the consideration for the mortgage was also not accepted.
Minors Agreements
2.He can be a promisee or a beneficiary:
Incapacity of a minor to enter in to a contract means incapacity to bind himself by a contract. There is nothing which debars from becoming a beneficiary. Such contracts may be enforced at his option, but not at the option of the other party. [Sharafat Ali Vs. Noor Mohammed(1924)]. Example: (a) M, aged 17, agreed to purchase a secondhand scooter for Rs.5,000 from S. He paid Rs.200 as advance and agreed to pay the balance the next day and collect the scooter. When he came with the money the next day, S told him that he had changed his mind and offered to return the advance. S cannot avoid the contract, though M may, if he likes.
Minors Agreements
3.His agreement cannot be ratified by him on attaining the age of majority. Consideration which passed under the earlier contract cannot be implied in to the contract which the minor enters on attaining majority. [Nazir Ahmed Vs. Jiwan Dass Thus consideration given during minority is no consideration. If it is necessary a fresh contract may be entered in to by the minor on attaining majority provided it is supported by fresh consideration. [S.Shanmugam Pillai vs.K.S.Pillai (1973)SC].
Minors Agreements
4.If he has received any benefit under a void agreement , he cannot be asked to compensate or pay for it. Sec.65 provides for restitution in case of agreements discovered to be void does not apply to a minor. Example: M, a minor, obtains a loan by mortgaging his property. He is not liable to refund the loan. Not only this, even his mortgaged property cannot be made liable to pay the debt.
Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority:
Even ,if he has , by misrepresenting his age, induced the other party to contract with him, he cannot be sued in contract for fraud because if the injured party were allowed to sue for fraud, it would be giving him an indirect means of enforcing the void agreement.
Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority: Example: S, minor, by fraudulently representing himself to be of full age, induced L to lend him 400 POUNDS. He refused to repay it and L sued him for the money . Held, the contract was void and S was not liable to repay the amount [Leslie vs. Shiell,1914] Lawrence J observed that in this case Wherever an infant is still in possession of any property in specie which he has obtained by his fraud, he will be made to restore to its former owner. But I think it is incorrect to say that he can be made to repay money which he has spent , merely because he received it under a contract induced by fraud.
Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority:
The Court may, where some loan or property is obtained by the minor by some fraudulent representation and the agreement is set aside , direct him, on equitable considerations, to restore the money or property to the other party. Where as the law gives protection to the minors , it does not give them liberty to cheat men.
Minors Agreements
6.He cannot enter in to a contract of partnership. But he may be admitted to the benefits of an already existing partnership with the consent of the other partners. 7.He cannot be adjudged insolvent. This is because he is incapable of contracting debts.
Minors Agreements
8.He is liable for the necessaries supplied or necessary services rendered to him or anyone whom he is legally bound to support. 9.He can be an agent. An agent is merely a connecting link between his principal and third party. As soon as the principal and the third party are brought together, the agent drops out. A minor binds the principal by his acts without incurring any personal liability.
Minors Agreements
10. His parents / guardian are /is liable for the contract entered in to by him , even though the contract is for the supply of necessaries to the minor. But if the minor is acting as an agent for the parents/guardian, the parents/guardian shall be liable under the contract.
Minors Agreements
11.A minor is liable in tort (A civil wrong). But where a tort arises out of contract a minor is not liable in tort as an indirect way of enforcing a invalid contract.
Minors Agreements
(a) A patient in a lunatic asylum, who is at intervals of sound mind, may contract during those intervals. (b) A sane man who is delirious from fever, or who is so drunk that he cannot understand the terms of a contract, or form a rational judgment as to its effect on his interests, cannot contract while such delirium or drunkenness lasts.
3. Other persons
ALIEN ENEMIES. Contracts with alien enemy [an alien whose State is at war with the Republic of India] may be studied under two heads, namely(a) contracts during the war, and (b) contracts made before the war (a) During the continuance of the war, an alien enemy can neither contract with an Indian subject nor can he sue in an Indian Court. He can do so only after he receives a license from the Central Government.
3. Other persons
ALIEN ENEMIES. (b) Contracts made before the war may either be suspended or dissolved. They will be dissolved if they are against the public policy or if their performance would benefit the enemy. For this purpose even an Indian who resides voluntarily in a hostile country, or who is carrying on business there would be treated as an alien enemy.
Foreign sovereigns, their diplomatic staff and accredited representatives of foreign states They have some special privileges and generally cannot be sued unless they of their own submit to the jurisdiction of our law Courts. But an Indian has to obtain prior sanction of the Central government in order to sue them in our law Courts.
1.A minor fraudulently represented to a money lender that he was of full age and executed a mortgage deed for Rs.10.000. Has the money lender any right of action against the minor for the money lent or for damages for fraudulent misrepresentation ?
Answer to Case.1
No. (Mohiri bibi v. Dharmodas Ghose) (Leslie vs. Shiell)
Case 2.
2.A minor is supplied with necessaries of life by a grocer. He makes out a promissory note in favor of the grocer. Is the grocer entitled to claim payment under the promissory note (a) from minor personally, (b) against his estate.
Answer to Case.2
(a) No (b) Yes(Sec.68)
Case .3
3. M, a minor aged 17, broke his right arm in a hockey game. He engaged a physician to set it. Does the physician have a valid claim for his services ?
Answer to Case.3
Yes, but it is only Ms estate which will be liable(sec.68).
A, an adult, said to M, a minor: I will not pay the commission I promised you for selling my magazines. You are a minor and cannot force me to pay. Is A right?
Answer to Case.4
No. A minor can be a beneficiary or a promisee.
Free Consent
Meaning of Consent [Sec.13]
Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense.
Coercion [Sec.15]
When a person is compelled to enter in to a contract by the use of force by the other party or under a threat, coercion is said to be employed. Coercion is the committing or threatening to commit, any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code,1860 or unlawful detaining, or threatening to detain, any property, to the prejudice of any person whatever, with the intention of any person to enter in to an agreement.(Sec.15).Examples are.
Examples of
a. A threatens to shoot B if he (B) does not release him (A) from a debt which A owes to B. B releases A under the threat. The release has been brought about by Coercion. b .A threatens to kill B if he does not lend Rs.1,000 to C. B agrees to lend the amount to C. The agreement entered in to under coercion. Consent is said to be caused by coercion when it is obtained by: (1) Committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code,1860. Example A threatens to shoot B if he (B) does not lend Rs 500.B lends the amount. The threat amounts to coercion.
Examples of
An agent refused to hand over the account books of a business to the new agent unless the principal released him from all liabilities. The principal had to give a release deed as demanded. Held, the release deed was voidable at the option of the principal.
[Muthia vs.Muthu Karuppa,(1927)Madras High Court]
Effect of Coercion
When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused(Sec.19). According to Sec.72, a person to whom money has been paid, or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it.
Chikham Amiraju vs.Seshamma(1917)Madras HC. In this case, a person held out a threat of committing suicide to his wife and son if they did not execute a release in favor of his brother in respect of certain properties. The wife and son executed the release deed under the threat. Held, the threat of suicide amounted to coercion within Sec 15 and the release deed was, therefore, voidable.
Threat to commit suicide-Does it amount to coercion? [Purabi Mukherjee vs. Basudev Mukherjee(1969)Calcutta] It was observed that, one committing suicide places himself or herself beyond the reach of the law, and necessarily beyond the reach of any punishment too. But it does not follow that suicide is not forbidden by the Penal Code. Sec.306 of the Penal Code punishes abetment of suicide. Sec.309 punishes an attempt to commit suicide. Thus suicide as such is no crime, as indeed, it cannot be. But its attempt is: its abetment too is. So, it may very well be said that the Penal Code does forbid suicide. As such a threat to commit to suicide amounts to coercion.
In the English Law, the near equivalent of the term coercion is duress. Duress involves actual or threatened violence over the person of another (or his wife, parent, or child) with a view to obtaining his consent to the agreement. If the threat is with regard to the goods or property of the other party, it is not duress.
Section 16(1)
Definition: A contract is said to be induced by undue influence (a) where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of other (b) and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other.
Sec 16(2)
(a) Where he holds real or apparent authority over the other.E.g.,the relationship between master and servant, doctor and patient. (b) Where he stands in a fiduciary relation.[Relation of trust and confidence] to the other. E.g., father and son, solicitor and client, trustee and beneficiary, and promoter and company. (c) Where he makes a contract with person whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or bodily distress. E.g., Between a medical attendant and his patient.
Difference Between
to gift him the whole of his property in return of a promise of salvation of the devotee. Held, the consent of the devotee was given under undue influence
[Mannu Singh vs.Umadat Pandey (1890)]
2.An illiterate elderly woman made a deed of gift of practically the whole of her property to her nephew who managed her affairs. Held, the gift should be set aside on the ground of undue influence. [Inche Noriah vs.Shaikh
Allie Bin Omar(1929)]
Ex 1: As son forged Bs name to a promissory note. B under threat of prosecuting As son obtains a bond from A, for the amount of the forged note. If B sues on this bond, the Court may set the bond aside. Ex 2: A, a money-lender, advances Rs.100 to B, an agriculturist, and by undue influence induces B to execute a bond for Rs.200 with interest at 6 per cent per month. The Court may set aside, ordering B to repay Rs.100 with such interest as may seem to it just.
Parent and child Guardian and ward Trustee and beneficiary Religious adviser and disciple Doctor and patient Solicitor and client The presumption of undue influence applies whenever the relationship between the parties is such that one of them is , by reason of confidence reposed in him by the other, able to take unfair advantage over the other.
Landlord and tenant Creditor and debtor Husband and wife. (The wife should not be pardanashin otherwise the presumption will arise.) In the above cases undue influence will have to be proved if any.
When a contract is avoided on the ground of undue influence, the liabilities of dominant party and weaker party has to be proved. The weaker party has to prove (a) That the other party was in a position to dominate the will (b) That the other party actually used his influence to obtain an unfair advantage (c) That the transaction is unconscionable (unreasonable)
In case of unconscionable transaction, the dominant party has to prove that such contract was not induced by undue influence. Note: A transaction is said to be unconscionable if the dominant party makes an exorbitant profit of the other s distress.
A statement of fact which one party makes in the course of negotiations with a view to inducing the other party to enter in to a contract is known as a representation. It may be expressed by words spoken or written or implied from the acts and conduct of the parties. A representation when wrongly made, either innocently or intentionally, is a misrepresentation.
Misrepresentation is a misstatement of a material fact made innocently with an honest belief as to its truth or nondisclosure of a material fact, without any intent to deceive the other party.
Examples of
1. A while selling his mare to B, tells him that the mare is thoroughly sound. A genuinely believes the mare to be sound although he has no sufficient ground for the belief. Later on B finds the mare to be unsound. The representation made by A is a misrepresentation.
Examples of
2.A companys prospectus contained a representation that it had statutory powers to run its tramways by steam provided the consent of a Government authority was obtained. The directors issued a prospectus stating there in that the permission for the use of steam power would be granted. The permission was refused .The company was then wound up. Held, the directors were guilty of misrepresentation and not of fraud. [Derry vs.Peek(1889)]
Requirements of
MISREPRESENTATION 1.It must be a representation of material fact. Mere expression of opinion does not amount to misrepresentation even if it turns out to be wrong. 2.It must be made before the conclusion of the contract with a view to inducing the other party to enter in to contract. 3.It must be made with the intention that it should be acted upon by the person to whom it is addressed. 4.It must actually have been acted upon and must have induced the contract. 5.It must be wrong but the person who made it honestly believed it to be true.
6.It must be made without any intention to deceive the other party. 7.It need not be made directly to the plaintiff. A wrong statement of facts made to a third party with the intention of communicating it to the plaintiff, also amounts to misrepresentation. E.g., A told his wife within the hearing of their daughter that the bridegroom proposed for her was a young man. The bridegroom, however, was a over sixty years. The daughter gave her consent to marry him believing the statement by her father. Held, the consent was vitiated by misrepresentation and fraud. [Babul vs.Singh(1968)Patiala High Court]
Fraud exists when it is shown that, (1) a false representation has been made (i) knowingly, or (ii) with out belief in its truth, or (iii) recklessly, not caring whether it is true or false, and (iv) the maker intended the other party to act upon it. (2) there is a concealment of material fact.
The intention of the party making fraudulent misrepresentation must be to deceive the other party to the contract or to induce him to enter in to a contract.
According to Sec.17. fraud means and includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract: 1.The suggestion that a fact is true when it is not true and the person making the suggestion does not believe it to be true; 2.The active concealment of a fact by a person having knowledge or belief of the fact; 3.A promise made without any intention of performing it; 4.Any other act fitted to deceive; 5.Any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.
2.The representation must relate to a material fact which exists now or existed in the past. (i) A sells some spoons to B and makes the following statements. The spoons are as good as that of X. [This is a statement of opinion]. (ii) The spoons have as much silver in them as that of X [This is a statement of fact] (iii) The spoons are the best available in the market for the price. [This is a puffing statement].
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRAUD 3.The representation must have been made before the conclusion of the contract with the intention of inducing the other party to act upon it. 4.The representation must have been made with a knowledge of its falsity or without belief in its truth or recklessly, not caring whether it is true or false.
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRAUD 5.The other party must have been induced to act upon
the representation or assertion.A mere falsehood is not enough to give a right of action.
When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused. But in the following cases, the contract is not voidable: 1.Where the consent of a party to a contract was caused by misrepresentation or fraud and that party could discover the truth by ordinary diligence. E.g., A by misrepresentation, leads B erroneously to believe that five hundred tonnes of indigo are made annually at his factory. B examines the accounts of the factory,which show that only four hundred tonnes of indigo have been made. After this B buys the factory. The contract is not voidable on account of As misrepresentation.
Mistake is erroneous belief about something. It may be a (1) Mistake of law, or (2) Mistake of fact. (1)Mistake of law: It may be. (a) Mistake of law of the country (b) Mistake of law of foreign country (2) Mistake of fact: Mistake of fact may be, (a) Bilateral Mistake, or (b) Unilateral Mistake.
Such a mistake is treated as mistake of fact and the agreement in such a case is void (Sec.21).
Bilateral Mistake: Where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void [Sec.20].It may be Bilateral or Unilateral Mistake Bilateral Mistake: It may relate to (a)Subject mater,or (b) Possibility of performance (a) Subject matter may relate to .. (i)Existence (ii)Price (iii)Quantity (iv) Quality (v) Identity or (vi) Title. (b) Possibility of performance :It may relate to, (i) Physical, or Legal impossibility.
Bilateral Mistake
The following two conditions have to be fulfilled. 1.The mistake must be mutual: E.g., A agreed to purchase Bs motor car which was lying down in Bs garage.Unknown to either party, the car and garage were completely destroyed by fire a day earlier.The agreement is void. 2.The mistake must relate tom a matter of fact essential to the agreement: E.g.,A man and woman entered in to a separation agreement under which a man agreed to pay a weekly allowance to the woman, mistakenly believing themselves lawfually married.Held, the agreement was void as there was mutual mistake on a point of fact which was material to the existence of the agreement. [Galloway vs.Galloway(19141)].
Bilateral Mistake
: The various cases whish fall under Bilateral mistake are as follows. 1.Mistake as to the Subject matter: (a)MISTAKE AS TO THE EXISTENCE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER. E.g., A agrees to buy a horse from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, though the neither party was aware of the fact. The agreement is void. (b) MISTAKE AS TO THE IDENTITY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., W agreed to buy from R a cargo of cotton to arrive ex-peerless from Bombay.There were two ships of that name sailing from Bombay.One sailing in October and the other in December.W meant the former ship and R, the latter.Held, there was a mutual or bilateral mistake and there was no contract.[Rafles vs.Wichelhaus(1864)]
.Bilateral Mistake
(c) MISTAKE AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE SUBJECT MATER: E.g., Table Napkins were sold at an auction by y description with the crest of Charles 1 and the authentic property of that monarch. In fact the napkins were Georgian. Held the agreement was void as there was a mistake as to the quality of the subject matter. [Nicholson &Venn vs.Smith Mariott(1947)] (d) MISTAKE AS TO THE QUANTITY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., A silver bar was sold under a mistake as to its weight. There was a difference in value between the weight as it was and as it was supposed to be. Held, the agreement was void. [Cox vs.Prentice(1815)]
.Bilateral Mistake
(e) MISTAKE AS TO THE TITLE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., A person took a lease of a fishery which, unknown to either party, already belonged to him. Held, the lease was void. [Cooper vs.Phibbs (1815)]
(f)MISTAKE AS TO THE PRICE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER. E.g., C wrote to W offering to sell certain property for 1,250 pounds. He had earlier declined an offer from W to buy the same property for 2000 pounds. W Who knew that this offer of 1,250 pounds was a mistake for 2,250 pounds, immediately accepted the offer. Held, W knew perfectly well that that the offer was made by mistake and hence the contract could not be enforced. [Webster vs.Cecil(1861)]
Unilateral Mistake: Where only one of the parties is under a mistake as to a matter of fact, the contract is not voidable(Sec.22). E.g., A offers to sell his house for Rs.44,000.By mistake he makes an offer in writing for Rs..40,000.He cannot plead mistake as a defense. There are however, two exceptions. Regarding the (i) identity of the person contracted with. (ii) Nature of contract.
(I )Mistake at to the identity of the person contracted with: E.g. ,If A intends to enter in to a contract with B, C cannot give himself any right in respect of the contract by accepting the offer. In such a case the contract is void. (ii) Mistake as to the nature of the contract: Where a person is made to enter in to a contract through the inducement of another but through no fault. E.g., M, an old man of poor sight, endorsed a bill of exchange thinking that it was a guarantee. Held, there was no contract on the ground that the mind of the signer did not accompany the signature [Foster vs. Mackinson (1869)]
Legality of Object
An agreement is a contract if it is made for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object (Sec.10) Every agreement of which the object or consideration is unlawful is void.
The consideration or object of an agreement is unlawful if(a) It is forbidden by law; or (b) If it is of such a nature that, if permitted it would defeat the provisions of any law. Ex: X borrowed Rs.1,00,000 from Y and agreed not to raise any objection as to the limitation and that Y may recover the amount even after the expiry of limitation period. This agreement is void as it defeats the provisions of the Law of Limitation Act; or
(c) It is fraudulent; or (d) It involves or implies injury to the person or property of another; or (e)The Court regards it as immoral, or opposed to public policy. No action is allowed on an illegal agreement.
Void Agreements
A void agreement is one which is not enforceable by law. [Sec.2(g)] The following agreements are declared to be void.
1.An agreement made by incompetent persons( Sec.11). 2.Agreement made under mutual mistake of fact (Sec.20) 3.Agreements the consideration or object is unlawful (Sec.23) 4.Agreements the consideration or object is unlawful in part.(Sec.24) 5.Agreement made without consideration is void ( Sec.25) 6.Agreement in restraint of marriage (Sec.26) 7.Agreement in restraint of trade (Sec.27) 8.Agreement in restraint of legal proceedings (Sec.28) 9.Agreement the meaning of which is uncertain ( Sec.29)
Restitution means return or restoration of benefit. Ex 1: A , a singer contracts with B the manager of a theatre to sing at his theatre for two nights every week during the next two months and B agrees to pay her rs.100 for each nights performance. On the sixth night, A willfully absents herself from the theatre and B in consequence rescinds the contract, B must pay A for the five nights on which she had sung.
Ex 2: A contracts to sing for B on a specified day and receives an advance of Rs.1000 but is unable to sing due to serious illness on that day. Since the contract has become void. A must return Rs.1,000 to B.
Contingent Contracts
Contingent contract is a contract to do something, if some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen. Characteristics of a contingent contract. 1.Its performance depends upon the happening or non happening in future of some event. 2.The event must be uncertain. 3.The uncertain future event must be collateral to the contract.
Performance of Contract
The parties to a contract either perform or offer to perform their respective promises. By whom the contract must be performed ? (a) By promisor himself (b) By agent (c) By legal representative (d) By Joint promisors (e) By Third Party
Performance from X on specified day. If Y and Z die before that specified day, the representatives of Y and Z jointly can demand the performance from X on specified day. (c) Third Party: A third party can also demand the performance of the contract in some exceptional cases like beneficiary in case of trust, the person for whose benefit the provision is made in family arrangements.
(d) Legal representative: In case of death of the promisee, his legal representative can demand performance unless a contrary intention appears from the contract or the contract is of a personal nature. Ex: X promises to marry Y on the specified day. Y dies before the specified day. The legal representatives of Y cannot demand performance of the promise from X because the contract is of personal nature.
(b) Promisors Agent: If it was not the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such contracts can be performed by the promisor himself or any competent person employed by him. Ex: A promises to pay B a sum of money. A may perform this either by personally paying the money to B, or by causing it to be paid to B by another, and if A dies before the time appointed for payment, his representatives must perform the promise, or employ some proper person to do so.
(c) Legal Representatives: In case of death of promisor, his legal representative can perform the contract unless a contrary intention appears or the contract is of personal nature. Ex: X promises to marry Y. X dies. Xs legal representatives cannot perfom this promise. (d) Third Party (e) Joint Promisors
D i s c h a r g e of Contract
A contract is said to be discharged when the obligations created by it come to an end. The various modes of discharge of contract are as follows: 1.Discharge by performance 2.Discharge by agreement or consent 3.Discharge by impossibility 4.Discharge by lapse of time 5.Discharge by operation of law 6.Discharge by breach of contract.
1. Discharge by performance: It takes place when the parties to a contract fulfill their obligations arising under the contract within the time and the manner prescribed. The performance may be. (i) Actual Performance or (ii) Attempted Performance [Tender] 2. Discharge by agreement or consent: The contract rests on the agreement of the parties. The parties may get discharged from the obligations of performance of contract by agreement or mutual consent.
Discharge.. of Contract
2.Discharge by agreement or consent: The discharge by consent may be express or implied. Discharge by consent (a) Novation : When a new contract is substituted for an existing one, either between the same parties or between the one of the parties and the third party. (b) Rescission: When all or some of the terms of contract are cancelled. (c) Alteration : When one or more terms of the contract is/are altered by the mutual consent of the parties to a contract. (d) Remission: Acceptance of a lesser fulfillment of the promise made (e) Waiver: Intentional relinquishment or giving up of a right by a party entitled thereto under a contract. (f) Merger: When an inferior right accruing to a party under a contract merges in to a superior right accruing to the same party under a new contract.
Discharge of Contract
3.Discharge by impossibility: Impossibility of performance may be(1)Initial impossibility or (2) Supervening impossibility. (1)Initial impossibility:An agreement to do an impossible act in itself is void. (2)Supervening impossibility:Impossibility which arises subsequent to the formation of contract (which could be performed at the time when the contract was entered in to) is called supervening impossibility.The cases covered by of supervening impossibility include: (a) Destruction of the subject mater (b) Non-Existence or non-occurrence of a particular state of things (c) Death or incapacity for personal service (d) Change of law, & (e) Outbreak of war The contract is discharged in these cases.
Discharge of Contract
The following cases are not covered by supervening impossibility:
(a) Difficulty of performance (b) Commercial impossibility (c) Failure of a third person on whose work the promisor relied (d) Strikes, lock outs and civil disturbances (e) Failure of one of the objects The contract is not- discharged in these cases.
Discharge of Contract
4.Discharge by lapse of time: If the contract is not performed within the period of limitation and if no action is taken by the promisee in a law court, the contract is discharged. 5.Discharge by operation of law:
This includes discharge by, (a) death (b) merger (c) insolvency (d) unauthorized alteration of the terms of a written agreement, and (e) rights and liabilities becoming vested in the same person.
Discharge of Contract
6.Discharge by breach of contract: If a party breaks his obligation which the contract imposes, there takes place breach of contract. Breach of contract may be,(a) Actual or(b) Anticipatory breach. (1)Actual breach of contract may occur, (a) at the time when the performance is due, or (b) during the performance of the contract. (2)Anticipatory breach of contract occurs when a party repudiates his liability or obligation under the contract before the time for performance arrives.
Remedies for
Breach of Contract
In case of breach of contract, the injured party has one or more of the following remedies: 1.RESCISSION:When there is breach of a contract by a party , the injured party may sue to treat the contract as rescinded. He is also absolved of all the obligations under the contract. 2.DAMAGES:Damages are monetary compensation awarded to the injured party by Court for the loss or injury suffered by him. The foundation for modern law of damages, both in India and England, is to be found in the case of Hadley vs. Baxandile.
2.Hadley vs.Baxandile(1854)
Xs mill was stopped by the breakdown of a shaft. He delivered the shaft to Y, a common carrier, to be taken to a manufacturer to copy it and make a new one. X did not make known to Y that delay would result in loss of profits. By some neglect on the part of Y the delivery of the shaft was delayed in transit beyond a reasonable time (so that the mill was idle for a longer period than otherwise would have been the case had there been no breach of the contract of carriage). Held, Y was not liable for loss of profits during the period of delay as the circumstances communicated to Y did not show that a delay in the delivery of the shaft would entail loss of profits to the mill.
[As much as earned] A right to sue on a quantum meruit (as much as earned) arises where a contract, partly performed by one party, has become discharged by the breach of the contract by the other party. This right is founded on the implied promise by the other party arising from the acceptance of a benefit by that party.
4.Specific Performance
4.Specific Performance :In certain cases the Court may direct the party in terms of the contract to actually carry out the promise, exactly according to the terms of the contract.This is called specific performance of the contract.
5.Injunction: It is a mode of securing the specific performance of the negative terms of a contract.