Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
References & Group Family Roles & Status
Age & life Cycle Stages Occupations Economic Circumstances Lifestyle
Motivation perception learning Belief & Attitude
Cultural Influences
Culture: beliefs, values, & customs handed from one generation to next generation . Subcultures: It provides specific identification & socialization for its members. It Includes Nationality . Age or Gender . Religion .
Social classes: groups whose rankings are determined by occupation, income, education, family background . Social classes was divided into seven classes: Upper-upper Lower-upper Upper-middle Middle class Working class Upper Lower Lower - Lower
Social Influence
Reference Group
person or group that serves as a point of comparison for an individual in forming either general or specific values, attitudes or behavior . Reference Group is divided into six part Primary Group. Comparative Reference Group. Aspirational Reference Group. Disassociated Reference Group. Secondary Reference Group . Indirect Reference Group.
Family Family defined as two or more persons related by blood/ marriage or adoption who reside together.
Roles & Status A person participates in many groups throughout the life like family, love, organization etc. Persons position in each group can be defined in terms of roles & status & guide your behavioural pattern .
Personal Factors
Age & life cycle Stages People buy different goods & things over there life name, different products at different stages & ages . Occupation- white collar & blue collar according to profession & job, people buy product. Economic Circumstances Product choice greatly affected by ones economic circumstances .
Life Style A person life style is a persons pattern of living in world as expressed in persons activity , interest & opinion .
Psychological Factors
According To Dale S. Beach , Motivation can be defined as a willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal .
According To Udai Pareek , Perception can be defined as a process of receiving , selecting , organizing , interpreting , checking & reacting to the sensoring stimulus of data .
Attitudes is an enduring organization of motivational , emotional , perceptual , & cognitive process with respect to some aspect of the individuals world . Attitudes are likes & dislikes .
Attitude components:
According To E.R. Hilgard , Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occur as a result of prior experience .