Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: Adaptive Frequency Hopping, a Non-collaborative Coexistence Mechanism Date Submitted: 16th, May, 2001 Source: Bandspeed Inc, Integrated Programmable Communications, Inc., TI Dallas, TI - Israel Address: E-Mail: {h.gan, b.treister}, {kc,hkchen}, {orene, batra} Re: Submission of a no-collaborative coexistence mechanism Abstract: [The documentation presents a non-collaborative coexistence mechanism - Adaptive Frequency Hopping. Purpose: [This is a submission to IEEE 802.15.2 of a Recommended Practice for a Non-collaborative Coexistence Mechanism. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Submission Slide 1 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Slide 2
May 2001
Frequency synthesizer
partition sequence
Hop clock
Slide 3
May 2001
Mode H:
Partition sequence are designed to support traffic
Mode L:
when the number of good channels are more than the required/desired number Using good channels only
Slide 4
May 2001
5. Mechanisms of AFH
Slide 5
May 2001
Support of AFH and required mode of op. Command includes Nmin (minimum number of channels that must be used) Master
LMP_Support_AFH_Mode( ) LMP_not_accepted LMP_accepted
Slide 6
May 2001
Slide 7
May 2001
May 2001
May 2001
Slide 10
May 2001
Slaves Slaves
LMP_Regular_Hopping LMP_Accepted
May 2001
May 2001
5. Mechanism of AFH
Mode H: Baseline Document: 802.15-01/246r1 Channels are classified into 2 groups: (dynamic classification)
Good channels (size = NG) Bad channels (size = NB = 79NG)
Define Nmin to be the minimum number of channels that a Bluetooth device must hop over. Depending on the relationship between Nmin, NG, and NB, only a portion of the previously defined groups need to be used:
Nmin NG: only use good channels in the HS (replace bad channels ~ Mode L) Nmin > NG: must use some or all of the bad, depends on Nmin
If Nmin < 79, need to only use only a portion of bad channels (NminNG) If Nmin = 79, must use all of the bad channels
When bad channels are used, grouping/pairing must be used. When bad channels are not used, grouping/paring does not need to be used, only replacement of bad channels.
Submission Slide 13 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Mode H: Partitions
In Mode H, use two partitions: Partition 1 is composed of the good channels (length = NG). Partition 2 is composed of the bad channels (length = NB). Let Nmin = min. frequencies defined by FCC and min. needed for frequency diversity. Nmin NG + NB 79 Note that it possible some of the channels are unused, i.e., there are not in either partition.
Slide 14
May 2001
Bad Channels
RB slots
Good Channels
RG slots
Bad Channels
RB slots
For an ACL link, the sequence is completely described by parameters RG and RB.
The equations for selecting RG and RB are give in next 2 slides. For this link, the partition sequence is binary (either 1 or 2). This sequence and the necessary parameters are then sent to each slave within the piconet.
Slide 15 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Nj shifter signal Size of partition Good Current partition = j (from partition sequence) Bad
Channel Mapping:
Keep the same Mapping Mapping Keep the same Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
Slide 16
May 2001
The partitioning is dynamic, as was done for the ACL link. An algorithm to generate the new partition sequence.
Takes full advantage of the possibility that good channels may reside in the bad partition. Most effective for narrowband interference sources and possibly narrowband 802.11b signals. A unification for SCO and ACL (01/246r1)
Submission Slide 17 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Frame 1 2 2 1 2
Frame 2 2 1 2
Frame 3 1 1 2
Frame 4
s(l ) 2
Frame 5 2 2 1 2
Frame 6 1 1 2
Frame 7 2 1 2
Frame 8
s(l ) 2
Frame 9 2 1 1 2
Frame 10 2 1 2
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
2 0
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 8
2 9
3 0
3 1
3 2
These good MAUs can be used for ACL link Submission Slide 18 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Mapping of Mode L
When the channel is good and Nmin NG do not re-map the channel: When the channel is bad in the HS and a good channel is needed:
good channel
0 1 2 . . . 54 55 56
Slide 19
May 2001
Regular Bluetooth hopping sequence used when master addresses normal Bluetooth devices.
AFH used when master addresses proposed 802.15.1 Mode L devices.
Submission Slide 20 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Merges ideas of proposals:
Allows for FCC changes in the future as parameter changes in this mechanism.
Submission Slide 21 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
Reference documents:
00367r1P802-15_TG2-Adaptive-Frequency-Hopping.ppt 01057r1P802-15_TG2-Selective-Hopping-for-Hit-Avoidance.ppt 01169r0P802-15_TG2-Adaptive-Hopping-for-FHSS-Systems.ppt 01082r1P802-15_TG2-Intelligent-Frequency-Hopping.ppt 01246r1P802-15_TG2-Merged IPC and TI Adaptive Frequency Hopping Proposal.ppt
Slide 22
May 2001
Slide 23
May 2001
1. Collaborative or Non-collaborative
3. Impact on Standard
No changes or extensions to IEEE 802.11 standard. Few extensions to IEEE 802.15.1 Specifications to implement the mechanism
4. Regulatory Impact
Legal for all classes and scalable depending on regulatory rulings
5. Complexity
Low complexity
Submission Slide 24 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel
May 2001
9. Voice and Data support in Bluetooth Supports both ACL (data) and SCO (voice) packets. 10. Impact on Power Management No impact, beneficial to power management
Submission Slide 25 Bandspeed, IPC, TI Dallas, TI Israel