Freshwater Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic ecosystems
Key distinction: salinity = salt content of the water Measured in parts per thousand (ppt) 1 gm of salt in 1000 gms water = 1 ppt FRESH usually < 0.5 ppt OCEANS average 35 ppt 0.5 to 17 ppt is called BRACKISH
Rivers, streams
than 3.5 million miles of rivers and streams (including intermittent streams)
Just the U.S.! More than 140 times around the Earth.
Water is colder, clearer, more highly oxygenated Organisms include trout, mayflies
Mouth: where the river ends Usually the ocean or another river, or lake River widens and slows, getting warmer, siltier. Middle is most diverse, lots of plants Near mouth, increased sediment limits light and plants, water is warmest
Trout stream, NW NJ
Mississippi R. Greenville, MS
Mississippi River delta
Ponds typically smaller May be seasonalthat is, dry up part of the year Lakes exist hundreds or thousands of years
Parts of a lake
Parts of a lake
Nutrient rich, lots of plant and animal life Warm Lots of light Lots of plankton
Profundal zone: deeper, little light Benthic zone: the bottom, little light, low oxygen
If nutrients increase too much in a lake, pond, or ocean, excessive plant growth results Phosphorus Nitrogen NOT GOOD: why?
As plants decay, decomposing bacteria use oxygen dissolved in the lake to do their jobs. Dissolved oxygen goes down
For regulatory purposes under the Clean Water Act, the term wetlands means "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas."
Most common freshwater wetland in U.S. Occur along streams or in depressions Characterized by organic, wet soils and non-woody (i.e., no trees) vegetation.
About 916,000 acres, or 19% of New Jersey, is wetlands, which seems like a lot; but the bad news is that about 40% of the original 1,500,000 acres has been lost to dredging and filling, dams, farming, development and highways.
NJ wetlands
The plants and slow water flow in a wetland help remove pollutants, leaving water cleaner downstream in a lake or river. Too much pollution can leave a wetland toxic to visiting animals, such as many birds.
Protect shorelines from erosion Erosion in this case came from grazing animals