Vertebrates: Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
Vertebrates: Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
Vertebrates: Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
A. Jawless Fish 1. Agnathans 2. No jaws 3. Smooth scale-less skin 4. Cylindrical body 5. Parasitic 6. Examples: a. lamprey
B. Cartilage Fish 1. Chondrichthyes 2. Hinged jaw 3. Paired fins 4. Lateral line- detects movement in water 5. Kidneys- remove waste and maintain water balance 6. Examples: a. sharks b. rays & skates_
b. hagfish_
b. lobe-finned fish
c. ray-finned fish 2. Swim bladder- filled with gas 3. Ectothermy- body temperature determined by environment 4. Examples: a. tuna b. bluefish c. salmon d. guppies_
A. Amphibians Characteristics
1. First vertebrates to live on land
A. Reptiles Characteristics 1. First vertebrates to evolve adaptations for a life style without water a. waterproof skin (dry hard scales) b. egg with protective shell_
3. Pterosauria- pterosaur
4. Plesiosaura- plesiosaur 5. Ichthyosauria- ichthyosaur 6. Squamata, suborder saurializards 7. Squamata, suborder serpentes- snakes 8. Chelonia- turtles, tortoises, sea turtles 9. Crocodylia- crocodiles, alligators, gavials, caimans 10. Rhynchocephalia- tuataras_
A. Birds Characteristics 1. Ancestor of modern bird had reptilian features a. archeaopteryx 2. Feathers 3. Hollow bones (light weight) 4. Four chambered heart
B. Birds Examples
1. Passeriformes- songbirds 2. Adodiformes- fast flyers 3. Piciformes- woodpeckers or toucans 4. Psittaciformes- parrots 5. Charadriiformes- shorebirds 6. Columbiformes- pigeons 7. Falconiformes- birds of prey 8. Galliformes- game birds 9. Gruiformes- marsh birds 10. Anseriformes- water fowl 11. Strigiformes- owls 12. Ciconiiformes- waders 13. Procellariformes- sea birds 14. Sphenisciformes- penguins 15. Dinornithiformes- kiwis 16. Struthioniformes- ostriches_
B. Mammals Examples
1. Rodentia- small plant-eaters
2. Chiroptera- flying 3. Insectivora- small, burrowing 4. Marsupialia- pouched 5. Carnivora- carnivorous predators 6. Primates- tree-dwellers 7. Artiodactyla- hoofed 8. Cetacea- fully marine 9. Lagomorpha- rodentlike jumpers 10. Pinnipedia- marine carnivores 11. Edentata- toothless insect-eaters 12. Perissodactyla- hoofed, one or three toes 13. Proboscidea- long-trunked herbivores_
3. Endothermic_
1. MonOtremes a. lay eggs b. example- platypus 2. MarsUpials a. underdeveloped young crawl into a pouch to develop completely b. examples- kangaroo, opossum, koala 3. Placental a. most successful mammals b. give birth to developed young c. examples- humans, dogs, dolphins, whales, rhinoceros, and bats_