Vertebrates: Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

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Fishes Amphibians Reptiles


A. Jawless Fish 1. Agnathans 2. No jaws 3. Smooth scale-less skin 4. Cylindrical body 5. Parasitic 6. Examples: a. lamprey

B. Cartilage Fish 1. Chondrichthyes 2. Hinged jaw 3. Paired fins 4. Lateral line- detects movement in water 5. Kidneys- remove waste and maintain water balance 6. Examples: a. sharks b. rays & skates_

b. hagfish_

C. Bony Fish 1. Osteichthyes a. lung fish

b. lobe-finned fish
c. ray-finned fish 2. Swim bladder- filled with gas 3. Ectothermy- body temperature determined by environment 4. Examples: a. tuna b. bluefish c. salmon d. guppies_

A. Amphibians Characteristics
1. First vertebrates to live on land

B. Amphibians Examples 1. Newts & salamanders a. visible tail

2. Three chambered heart 3. Smooth skin_

b. smooth moist skin

c. legs extend outward from body d. walk side to side

2. Frogs and toads

a. no claws on toes b. go through metamorphosis 3. Caecilians a. small eyes b. worm-like body_

A. Reptiles Characteristics 1. First vertebrates to evolve adaptations for a life style without water a. waterproof skin (dry hard scales) b. egg with protective shell_

B. Reptiles Examples 1. Ornithischia- stegosaur 2. Saurischia- tyrannosaur

3. Pterosauria- pterosaur
4. Plesiosaura- plesiosaur 5. Ichthyosauria- ichthyosaur 6. Squamata, suborder saurializards 7. Squamata, suborder serpentes- snakes 8. Chelonia- turtles, tortoises, sea turtles 9. Crocodylia- crocodiles, alligators, gavials, caimans 10. Rhynchocephalia- tuataras_

A. Birds Characteristics 1. Ancestor of modern bird had reptilian features a. archeaopteryx 2. Feathers 3. Hollow bones (light weight) 4. Four chambered heart

B. Birds Examples
1. Passeriformes- songbirds 2. Adodiformes- fast flyers 3. Piciformes- woodpeckers or toucans 4. Psittaciformes- parrots 5. Charadriiformes- shorebirds 6. Columbiformes- pigeons 7. Falconiformes- birds of prey 8. Galliformes- game birds 9. Gruiformes- marsh birds 10. Anseriformes- water fowl 11. Strigiformes- owls 12. Ciconiiformes- waders 13. Procellariformes- sea birds 14. Sphenisciformes- penguins 15. Dinornithiformes- kiwis 16. Struthioniformes- ostriches_

5. Endotherms- warm blooded_

A. Mammals Characteristics 1. Mammary glands to feed young 2. Have hair

B. Mammals Examples
1. Rodentia- small plant-eaters
2. Chiroptera- flying 3. Insectivora- small, burrowing 4. Marsupialia- pouched 5. Carnivora- carnivorous predators 6. Primates- tree-dwellers 7. Artiodactyla- hoofed 8. Cetacea- fully marine 9. Lagomorpha- rodentlike jumpers 10. Pinnipedia- marine carnivores 11. Edentata- toothless insect-eaters 12. Perissodactyla- hoofed, one or three toes 13. Proboscidea- long-trunked herbivores_

3. Endothermic_

1. MonOtremes a. lay eggs b. example- platypus 2. MarsUpials a. underdeveloped young crawl into a pouch to develop completely b. examples- kangaroo, opossum, koala 3. Placental a. most successful mammals b. give birth to developed young c. examples- humans, dogs, dolphins, whales, rhinoceros, and bats_

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