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Zapping Tides: Drag Picture To Placeholder or Click Icon To Add
Zapping Tides: Drag Picture To Placeholder or Click Icon To Add
Zapping Tides
Strike fast, strike hard.
SE303 English, Global Media and Technology
of this newsletter:
Why a newsletter?
To assure that all members are aware of club/organisation plans and actions.
+ Publication
Issued once a month. Published on a standard schedule (e.g., the 1st or the 15th of the month). Important to maintain a firm publishing schedule.
Pass the newsletter out at club function/event. Spread the newsletter electronically (e.g., e-mail, websites, online file sharing).
Zapping Tides
Strike hard, strike fast.
Volume 1, Issue 2 April 2013
Newsletter s title
Importance of ICT
Summary of content
What has the advancement in ICT brought about to the current world? Page 2
What is ICT?
Topic title
ICT stands for Information Communications Technology. There is not a universally accepted definition for it because of the constant evolution in the concepts, methods, and applications involve in the field of ICT.
ICT is concerned with all the existing digital technology that helps individuals, businesses, and organizations in making use of information. ICT covers any product that stores, retrieves, manipulates, transmits or receives information electronically in a digital form. Some examples are personal computers, e-mails, social network websites, digital television, and even robots. The advancement of technology has had an enormous impact on the world. ICT has drastically changed the way our society operates. People do not often interact or communicate with each other the traditional way anymore. With new advances in the field of IC T, people are becoming more and more reliant on the benefits they provide. ICT do not necessarily alter the theoretical limits of human interaction because such interaction continues to be ruled by basic human inclination. The most interesting thing about these new technologies is, however, their ability to provide new or previously rare contexts for information expression and engagement.
In the near future computers will become indispensable household tools. In fact, there are already many household activities that are being computerized and controlled with Internet. This phenomenon is called ICT based home. Besides that, many people think that in the future they will not need to carry cash with them because they would use computer readable identity cards to pay for goods and services.
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Topic content
Ever since the emergence of IC T, there has been great progress in a number of areas. An amazing and rapid expansion of ICT services has occurred. A wide range of important services that affect the ability of the poor and, indeed, large part of developing country populations to conduct transactions at reasonable costs, as well as to start and run businesses. There has been major progress in many countries in expanding access to these informational and transaction-based services.
The question isnt, what do we want to know about people? Its, what do people want to tell about themselves?
-Mark Zuckerberg
While the process is far from complete, evidence suggests that the impacts are large and growing. Many questions about the use of IC T by the poor have been positively resolved. Affordability has increased, and the technology seems accessible and easy to use. The progress in a number of areas, including implementation of safe savings channels, secure and low-cost transfer of funds, and more, has been impressive. It is also fairly clear that mobile phone and data technology has increasingly formed the infrastructure underpinning of much of this.
The company has launched the new format but it will be months before all users are affected. Those wanting to be among the first to be switched over can join in the waiting list. In January, Facebook reported that 1.06 billion people were using its service at least once a month. The company also revealed that its profit for the last three months of the year of 2012 was 79% down on the same period the previous year despite a rise in sales because of increased spending on research and development.
Adapted from http:/ /
Editors Note
When it comes to finding out whats happening lately, theres nothing quite like a chat with a trusted friend. Thanks to the interactive communication made available by advancing technology, this online newsletter is out! It is rich with color and texture. Designed not only to be read, but also to be absorbed; theyre perfect when youre ready to relax, kick off your shoes and curl up on the sofa. This newsletter aims for timeliness, dynamism, and interactivity. So, enjoy reading about whats happening today in the ICT world, send us your thoughts and then keep checking back with us. Well meet you at the fence!
Editors name
Contact Information
Office Phone: +604 657 1095 Email: Website: Facebook: zappingtides
Contact information
Primary Address
2B, Lorong Delima, Island Glades, Jelutong, 11700 Pulau Pinang.
Editors Note
Primary Address
Is there a god?
The world's greatest scientists get together to build the world's best computer. They toil for months and are finally finished. They decide since this is the world's greatest computer, they have to ask it a really important question. They talk it over and then one of them types in the following: "Is there a god?" The computer whirs and whizzes for a few minutes and then on the screen there's this: --"There is now." - submitted by seawatch
Gag comic
A total of six participants (all students) of different degree programs gave different responses/feedbacks to the newsletter.
Most agree that the articles in this newsletter reflects the phenomenon of globalisation and that the images used are appropriate.
The participants also agree that this newsletter is easy to read and understand.
Half of the respondents are interested in the article related to updates of Facebooks new feature because of its popularity.
Five out of my six respondents answered, yes and most of them looked up on the updates of Facebooks new feature.
All respondents have provided useful and constructive suggestions to help improve this newsletter.
+ Conclusion
Newsletter offer fast, direct communication. Newsletter improve relationship between club members or between the employees and employer.