Impacts of Information Technology: The Science of Today I S The Technology of Tomorrow.
Impacts of Information Technology: The Science of Today I S The Technology of Tomorrow.
Impacts of Information Technology: The Science of Today I S The Technology of Tomorrow.
Impact of Technology on Community Life
How has the development of information technology influenced the common traditions/cultural continuity of
a society?
Tradition : “An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a
religious practice or a social custom).
The influence of information technology on religious practices has mainly been to the
effect of making information about them more accessible.
Impact of Technology on Different elements of Society
Developments in information technology has helped governments to improve their “service”
to their citizens.
Advances in Database technology for example have enabled the governments of various countries to collate
and monitor statistical information that they can use to combat fraud, manage the economy in a more
informed way.
Information Technology has also had a major impact on the defence capabilities of governments.
Encryption of sensitive information has enabled government’s to obtain added security.
Digital India Campaign by Govt. of India is helping in providing information technology uses in every corner
of the country.
Commercial Businesses:
Able to extract information as to what the customer really wants.
To monitor a businesses performance can also enable the business to highlight areas where they
are not making the most use of their resources.
Increase the businesses income through advertising in the various available forums.
Impact of Technology on Different elements of Society
The processes by which educational establishments distribute information have become increasingly
diverse, and the effectiveness of the process has also improved.
Enabled researchers to access a wider source of information than previously available through such
technologies as the Internet (the original ArpaNet being set up primarily to assist research).
The Internet and other related technologies such as electronic mail, also enable collaborative projects to be
undertaken between geographically distant groups.
Impact of Technology on Work
• Improves Communication
• Many businesses are using various business communication technologies to change the way their employees interact and
communicate while at work.
• For example, employees from different departments in a company can use text messaging
services or video conferencing tools like Skype to share and exchange information.
• Project sharing globally from anywhere and everywhere.
• Encourages Innovation and Creativity
• Many companies create technological challenges and reward employees who come up with
creative ideas using technology.
• Social enterprise networks like can be used by employees to socialize and interact with other creative employees
from different organizations, this interaction will result into information exchange and it also encourages brain storming on
various work related issues.
Impact of Technology on Work
Technology can also be used to track performance and productivity of each employee at work
Creates Mobility
Employees can work from anywhere at anytime, this mobility makes employees stay in
control of their jobs.
Technological tools like virtual meeting applications save us time, we don’t have to be in meetings physically
yet information and data will be shared in real-time. Eg; GOTO meeting tools are used by many companies.
Impact of Technology
Social Freelancing
Media records
and Home
Some Facts
In a 2016 memo to workers explaining why the company was eliminating policies that allowed
remote work, Yahoo HR head Jackie Reses argued that some of the “best decisions and insights
come from hallway and cafeteria discussion,” and that actual presence in the office
encourages better collaboration and communication.
One in every five people are estimated to be working from home at least one day a week.
We’re currently in year two of a five year expected growth period where working from home
spike 65% (from 2016-2023).
Impact of Technology on Health
• Time saver
• Accurate diagnosis
Pros Cons
Globalization and cultural gap Loss of communication skills
Increases production Internet security issues
Saves time & money Faulty products and duplication
Communication benefits Anonymity and fake personas
Better accounting Anonymity and fake personas
Credit cards and smart cards make payment safer Over-dependence on information technology