Congenital Malformation of Nervous System PPT Sesi 1
Congenital Malformation of Nervous System PPT Sesi 1
Congenital Malformation of Nervous System PPT Sesi 1
Learning Points
Know about the normal embryo development Know about NTD Know about Spina Bifida
Normal Development
19 Days
20 Days
23 Days
Spina Bifida
Tatyana McFadden
Spina bifida is the most common of a group of birth defects known as neural tube defects, which affect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Spina bifida begins in the womb, when the tissues that fold to form the neural tube do not close or do not stay closed completely. This causes an opening in the vertebrae, which surround and protect the spinal cord. This occurs just a few weeks (21 to 28 days) after conception,usually before the woman knows that she is pregnant. Spina bifida malformations fall into two catagories,there are spina bifida occulta, spina bifida cystica (meningocele and myelomeningocele). Myelomeningocele is the most significant form and it is this that leads to disability in most affected individuals. The only known way to prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects is for the mother to have adequate folic acid levels before and during early pregnancy. This does not work in all cases, but studies have shown that as many as 70% of cases of severe spina bifida could be prevented by adequate folic acid intake.
1.Markum A.H. Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Jakarta : EGC, 2002.
2. Kent, George C.; Robert K. Carr. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates: Ninth Edition. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. pp. 408.2001
3. Sadler,T.W.Embriologi Kedokteran Langman.Edisi 10.Jakarta : EGC,2009. 4. Menkes,John H; Till,Kenneth.Text Book of Child Neurology. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,1995 5. Holmes,Lewis B. Journal of Pediatrics Vol. 120, Issue 6, Pages 918-919.1992 6. June 15 ,2011
Event Three germ layers elaborate and early neural plate forms Neural plate and groove development Optic vesicles appear Anterior neuropore closed Posterior neuropore closed,ventral horns form
Effect of toxic stimulus No effect /death Anterior midline defects induction hydrocephalus Anencephaly Cranium bifidum,spina bifida cystica,spina bifida occulta
32 33-35
41 56
Agenesis of corpus calllosum Lissencephaly, pachygyria Defects of cellular architectonic , myelin defects Destructive pathologic changes first noted