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SAP XI 3.0 Monitoring & Troubleshooting

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Business Process Management

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

After completing this unit, you will be able to: Understand the relationship between integration processes in XI and workflows in SAP Business Workflow

Check the runtime version of an integration process in the XI runtime cache

Perform process and message monitoring

Perform basic troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

What is the Business Process Engine?

Provides runtime support for XI Integration Processes Uses the WAS 6.40 Workflow runtime engine Supports all Integration Processes defined in the Integration Builder

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How is the Business Process Engine related to Workflow?

Both ccBPM and workflow use the same engine All integration processes defined in XI generate workflows There are unique step types in XI that do not exist in the normal workflow definition environment (Transform, Send) Most of these unique step types use ABAP Classes at execution time

The XI workflows are triggered by events (WF-BATCH logs in)

Most of the workflows are generated with start conditions tied to the integration process

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Integration (Business) Process defined in Integration Repository

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Workflow Generated from the Integration Process defined in the Integration Repository
Triggering Event

Wait for Event

Activity (Task) Step that calls another workflow

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Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Runtime Cache - Overview (SXI_CACHE)

Runtime cache viewer knows integration processes

Workflow Builder uses same look and feel as the Process Builder in IB (tiles and other concepts)

Business Workflow tools in a special profile

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If status is green, double click

Only proceed when the green status traffic light is displayed (cache content is upto-date)

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Find the WS workflow number in SXI_CACHE

Generated workflow

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SXI_CACHE updated when Change Lists are Activated

Integration Builder: Design (Integration Repository)

Integration Builder: Configuration (Integration Directory)

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Displaying Runtime Versions

Return code 0: runtime version was created without errors

Other return code: Errors occured. You can update the runtime version and then analyze the error messages

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Error code in SXI_CACHE and error in SWDD

2. Display the workflow definition

1. Check return code

3. Do a syntax check in the workflow definition

4. Analyze the errors

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Displaying the Process Definition in the Process Builder

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Updating the Runtime Version

Repeat Activation

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Updating the Runtime Version

To export XML representation as file To delete runtime version Dont delete in a productive system!

To display process definition for current runtime version in Process Builder

Messages: S: Success message after a step has been created I: Information, e. g. about default settings used W: Warning, indicates logical errors and problems E: Error which stops a functional runtime version from being created

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Error Analysis
If error code is displayed in the runtime cache, check the following in the Integration Repository: Conditions
Are the defined conditions valid?

present, the condition editor cannot ensure that a condition does not contain invalid comparisons, for example: between different data types, for example xsd:date and xsd:time between single and multiple expressions

Comparisons Comparisons

Is every activated correlation actually used?

Incomplete customizing (SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING)

Every customizing item must have status green

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Monitoring workflow execution: SXMB_MONI_BPE

Transaction code: SXMB_MONI_BPE

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Select which workflows

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Pick the exact workflow to monitor

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Notice the status when a workflow is completed

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Notice the status for a workflow that is not completed

Go to the technical log

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Use the technical log to research a workflow

Click here to research further

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Process Selection SXWF_XI_SWI1: Cancel the execution of a workflow

Options for changing a workflow execution

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Processes for One Message Type SXWF_XI_SWI14

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Processes for a Message - SXWF_XI_SWI6

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Diagnosis Processes with Errors SXWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG

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Continue Processes Following Errors SXWF_XI_SXPR

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Workflows from message log

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Message Monitoring with SXMB_MONI

Display messages processed by the Business Process Engine

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Status Monitor for Sync/Async Communication SXMS_SAMON

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Message Monitoring with SXMB_MONI

PE (Process Engine) Integration Process is involved

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Use Case - Overview

Business system Travel_Agency_PL sends message to integration process SplitFlights_ProcessPL The integration process splits the message and sends five new messages to business system ReservationSystem_PL

Display relevant messages

Display workflow log with details for each step

Display workitem container with message Compare messages before / after split

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Displaying Relevant Messages (1)

To display messages sent from Travel_Agency_PL to SplitFlights_ProcessPL

To display messages for PE service SplitFlights_ProcessPL

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Displaying Relevant Messages (2)

SXMB_MONI displays message to be analyzed

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Displaying Workflow Log (1)

2. Click Icon

1. Click PE

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Displaying Workflow Log (2)

Click List With Technical Details

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Displaying Workflow Log (3)

Click Show Workitem Container

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Displaying Workitem Container

Click Table icon of MESSAGES_IN

To display the message before transformation

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Displaying Message before Split (1)

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Displaying Message before Split (2)

Double click

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Displaying Messages after Split (1)

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Displaying Messages after Split (2)

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Navigate to created XML message by clicking the GUID

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SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Event Trace SWELS and SWEL

Transaction SWELS to switch on event trace

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Overview Business Process Engine Runtime Cache (SXI_CACHE) Monitoring Process Excecution (SXMB_MONI_BPE etc.) Message Monitoring (SXMB_MONI) Use Case Message Monitoring Event Triggering SWELS/SWEL Troubleshooting

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Troubleshooting (1)
Messages sent to a process go to error state
Cause 1: Customizing not complete Check SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING all entrys must have status green

Cause 2: Cache refresh not completed

Check SXI_CACHE Cache content has to be up-to-date (green traffic light) Cause 3: Runtime version of the process could not be created Check SXI_CACHE return code of the process has to be 0 Cause 4: Invalid condition (e.g. comparison between xsd:date and xsd: time) Check SXI_CACHE return code of the process has to be 0

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Troubleshooting (2)
Messages sent to a process are delivered successfully but there is no corresponding process instance
Cause: Communication between messaging pipeline and process engine is not completed (Messages are sent asynchronously to the Process Engine based on tRFC) Check SWU2 there should be no tRFC entries waiting or in error state

Process does not start

Start correlation is not active Check SXI_Cache: Display integration process in Process Builder and select Basic Data -> Start Events -> Check if Start Events are active (The process is started via events)

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Process does not start or message is not delivered to started process Cause: Event queue background job not running. Messages are delivered to process instances via events. In case events can not be delivered, the event is put into the event queue (if active).
Check SWEQADM: event queue background job must be running. Use event browser to check errors.

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Troubleshooting (3)
Message does not arrive in target system
Cause: Outbound message queues are blocked due to high system load Check SMQ1: Check sender System Outbound Queues

Message sent to a process shows PE indicator, but clicking on it does not display process instances
Cause: The inbound queues of the process engine are not processed. Several messages are sent to the process and the messages are queued in a qRfc-queue. This is to ensure that messages are serialized correctly (e.g. if a message activates a correlation that should be used by another message) Use SXMB_MONI to check the messages
Check SXMB_ADM - XBQO*- queues have to be activated

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Troubleshooting (4)
Message sent to a process has adapter status red
Cause: Correlation failed, no process instance found (message that activates the correlation arrives after the message that uses the correlation)

Check SXMB_MONI. Use SWELS to switch on event trace and re-run the message. Use SWEL to check the event trace. Check SWEQADM.

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

Troubleshooting Useful Transactions / Reports

SXI_CACHE: Runtime cache SXMB_MONI_BPE: Process monitoring SXMB_MONI: Message monitoring SWI1: Processes and workitems SWELS: Switch on event trace SWEL: Display event trace SWEQADM: Check events Report RSWF_CRL_MAINTAIN: Check active correlations

SAP AG 2004, BPM@BSGs / Volmering / #

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