Flight Controls R 01

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The document discusses the locations of various flight control surfaces and the hydraulic systems that power the primary flight controls, including the rudder. It also describes the autoslat system and alternate power source via the Power Transfer Unit.

The flight control surfaces are located on the wings (ailerons), horizontal stabilizer (elevators), vertical stabilizer (rudder), and trailing edge of the wings (flaps).

The primary flight controls (ailerons, elevators, rudder) are powered by both the "A" and "B" main hydraulic systems simultaneously. The standby hydraulic system also provides pressure to the rudder during non-normal operations.


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Flight Control Surface Locations

Flight Spoilers (4 total)

Leading Edge Flaps (4 total)

Ground Spoilers (6 total)


Leading Edge Slats (6 total)

Trailing Edge Flaps Aileron Balance Tab

Balance Tabs
Horizontal Stabilizer Elevators

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737-300/400 Hydraulic Schematic (specific to primary flight

Pneumatic air Return Standpipe (quantity 25%) Hydraulic shutoff

A system reservoir Standby system reservoir
Hydraulic heat exchanger Motor Motor Motor

B system reservoir

Pneumatic air Return

Standpipe (quantity 0%). 1 gallon remaining for PTU use only.

Standpipe (quantity 50%) Hydraulic shutoff

Engine driven pump

To reservoir No. 1 fuel tank

Hydraulic heat exchanger

To reservoir No. 2 fuel tank

Engine driven pump

Electric pump To return

To return P

Electric pump
P To return

Both A and B hydraulic systems simultaneously supply pressure to the primary flight controls; ailerons, elevator (elevator feel), and rudder. In addition, the standby hydraulic system will supply pressure to the rudder when operating under non-normal conditions.

Standby rudder Rudder Elevator and Elevator feel Aileron

A system pressure B system pressure Standby system pressure Case drain return

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)
FLIGHT CONTROL Switches: STBY RUD Activates standby pump and opens standby rudder shutoff valve to pressurize standby rudder power control unit (PCU). OFF Closes flight control shutoff valve isolating ailerons, elevators, and rudder from associated hydraulic system pressure. ON (guarded position) Normal operating position.

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)
Flight Control LOW PRESSURE Lights: Illuminated Indicates low hydraulic system ("A" or B) pressure to ailerons, elevator, and rudder. Deactivated when associated FLIGHT CONTROL switch is positioned to STBY RUD and standby rudder shutoff valve is fully open. On airplanes with the rudder pressure reducer installed, the A system light indicates A system pressure is low when normal system pressure is commanded.

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)
STANDBY HYD LOW QUANTITY Light: Illuminated Indicates low quantity in standby hydraulic reservoir (approximately 50%). Note: This light is always armed. STANDBY HYD LOW PRESSURE Light: Illuminated Indicates output pressure of standby pump is low. Note: This light is armed only when standby pump operation has been selected or automatic standby function is activated.

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)
ALTERNATE FLAPS Master Switch: OFF (guarded position) Normal operating position.

ARM Closes the trailing edge flap bypass valve (to prevent hydraulic lock of flap drive unit). Arms the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch. Activates standby pump. Arms the standby hydraulic LOW PRESSURE light. Arms the leading edge standby drive extension shutoff valve.

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Flight Control Panel

(top half)
ALTERNATE FLAPS Position Switch: Functions only when the ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch is in the ARM position. UP Electrically retracts trailing edge flaps. Leading edge devices remain extended and cannot be retracted by the alternate flaps system.

OFF Normal operating position.

DOWN (spring-loaded to OFF) (Momentary) Opens the leading edge standby drive extension shutoff valve and fully extends leading edge devices using standby hydraulic pressure. (Hold) Electrically extends trailing edge flaps (no asymmetry protection is provided).
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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
Flight SPOILER Switches: (guarded to ON) OFF Closes the respective flight spoilers shutoff valve. Used for maintenance purposes only.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
FEEL DIFF PRESS Light: Armed when the trailing edge flaps are up.

Illuminated Indicates excessive differential pressure in the elevator feel computer.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
SPEED TRIM FAIL Light: Armed when the trailing edge flaps are not up.

Illuminated If illuminated continuously, indicates failure of both channels of the speed trim system. If illuminated only when the MASTER CAUTION light recall is activated, indicates failure of a single channel of the speed trim system. Light extinguishes when master caution system is reset.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
MACH TRIM FAIL Light: Armed when the trailing edge flaps are up.

Illuminated If illuminated continuously, indicates failure of both channels of the mach trim system. If illuminated only when the MASTER CAUTION light recall is activated, indicates failure of a single channel of the mach trim system. Light extinguishes when master caution system is reset.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
AUTO SLAT FAIL Light: Illuminated If illuminated continuously, indicates failure of both autoslat computers. If illuminated only when the MASTER CAUTION light recall is activated, indicates failure of a single autoslat computer. Light extinguishes when master caution system is reset.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
YAW DAMPER Light: Illuminated Yaw damper is not engaged.

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Flight Control Panel

(bottom half)
YAW DAMPER Switch: OFF Disengages yaw damper.

ON Engages yaw damper to rudder power control unit (PCU).

This concludes the review of the Flight Control Panel. The remainder of the presentation will discuss the flight control system in greater detail. Click Next to continue.
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Roll Control

Control Wheel: Rotate Operates ailerons and flight spoilers in desired direction.

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Roll Control
AILERON Trim Switches: (spring-loaded to center) Movement of both switches in same direction repositions the aileron neutral control position. Control wheel automatically moves in the respective direction.

AILERON TRIM Indicator: (located on top of control column, behind control wheel) Indicates units of aileron trim.

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Roll Control
Roll control surfaces consist of hydraulically powered ailerons and flight spoilers, which provide roll control around the aircrafts longitudinal axis. The ailerons and flight spoilers are controlled by rotating either control wheel. With a loss of both A and B hydraulic systems, the ailerons and flight spoilers are capable of being mechanically positioned (manual reversion). The aileron balance tab functions to reduce the force required to position the aileron. Balance tab travel is opposite to aileron travel, i.e., an upward movement of the aileron produces a downward movement of the balance tab.
Flight Spoilers

Aileron Balance Tab Flight Spoilers

Balance Tab Aileron

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Roll Control
Flight spoilers are utilized either inflight or on the ground to increase drag and reduce lift. They also supplement roll control in response to control wheel commands. A spoiler mixer (located in the main wheel well) controls the hydraulic power control units (PCUs) on each flight spoiler panel to provide flight spoiler movement proportional to aileron movement.

Flight Spoilers

Aileron Balance Tab Flight Spoilers

Balance Tab Aileron

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Roll Control
At the base of the First Officers control column is the Aileron Transfer Mechanism. This mechanism will allow the pilots to bypass a jammed roll control system (aileron or flight spoiler). Applying force to either the Captains or First Officers control wheel will determine which system is jammed and therefore which control surface (ailerons or flight spoilers) and which control wheel (Captains or First Officers) will be utilized for roll control
Flight Spoilers

Aileron Balance Tab Flight Spoilers

Balance Tab Aileron

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Roll Control
For example, if the aileron system is jammed, applying force the the First Officers control wheel will result in roll control from the flight spoilers (in this case the Captains control wheel and ailerons are inoperative). If the flight spoiler system is jammed, applying force the the Captains control wheel will result in roll control from the ailerons (in this case the First Officers control wheel and flight spoilers are inoperative).
Flight Spoilers

Aileron Balance Tab Flight Spoilers

Balance Tab Aileron

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Roll Control











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Pitch Control
Stabilizer Trim Switches: (spring-loaded to neutral) Push (both) up/down Electrically commands stabilizer trim in desired direction. Autopilot disengages, if engaged

Control Column: Push/Pull Operates elevators in the desired direction. Movement in opposite direction of stabilizer trim will stop electric trimming.

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Pitch Control
Stabilizer Trim Wheels: Provides for manual operation of horizontal stabilizer. Overrides any other horizontal stabilizer inputs. Rotates when horizontal stabilizer is in motion.

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Pitch Control
STAB TRIM Green Band Range: Corresponds to allowable range of trim settings for takeoff.

STAB TRIM Indicator: Indicates units of trim on the adjacent green band range scale.

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Pitch Control
STAB TRIM AUTO PILOT CUTOUT Switch: NORMAL Normal operating position.

CUTOUT Deactivates autopilot stabilizer trim operation. Autopilot disengages if engaged.

STAB TRIM MAIN ELECT CUTOUT Switch: NORMAL Normal operating position. CUTOUT Deactivates stabilizer trim switch operation. STAB TRIM Override Switch: NORMAL Normal operating position. OVERRIDE Bypasses the control column actuated stabilizer trim cutout switches to restore power to the stabilizer trim switches.
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Pitch Control
Pitch control surfaces consist of hydraulically powered elevators and an electrically powered horizontal stabilizer. The elevators are controlled by forward or aft movement of the control column. The horizontal stabilizer is controlled by either the stabilizer trim switches, autopilot or stabilizer trim wheel (manual trim). The elevator balance tab functions to reduce the force required to position the elevator.

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
The elevators provide pitch control around the airplanes lateral axis. Cables connect the pilots control columns to elevator PCUs. The PCUs are powered by A and B hydraulic system. With a loss of both A and B hydraulic systems, the elevators can be mechanically positioned (manual reversion).

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
The elevator feel computer provides simulated aerodynamic forces using airspeed (from pitot probe on vertical stabilizer) and horizontal stabilizer position. This artificial feel is transmitted to the control columns via the elevator feel and centering unit. The elevator feel computer utilizes either A or B hydraulic systems. If an undesirable pressure difference exists between the two hydraulic systems, or an elevator feel pitot probe fails, the FEEL DIFF PRESS light will automatically illuminate.

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
The Mach Trim system provides speed stability at higher Mach numbers (above Mach .615). As aircraft speed increases, the Mach Trim system will automatically reposition the elevators via the elevator feel and centering mechanism, which in turn adjusts the control column neutral position. If one channel of the Mach Trim system fails, the MACH TRIM FAIL light will illuminate when the Master Caution system annunciator panel (recall) is pressed. If both channels of the Mach Trim system fail, the MACH TRIM FAIL light will automatically illuminate.

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
The horizontal stabilizer is positioned by the main electric trim motor (utilizing the stabilizer trim switches on the control wheel) or by the autopilot trim motor. The horizontal stabilizer may also be positioned by manually rotating the stabilizer trim wheel. The stabilizer trim wheels in the flight deck rotate whenever electric stabilizer trim is actuated.

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
Control column actuated stabilizer trim cutout switches (located under the flight deck floor) stop operation of the main electric and autopilot trim motors when control column movement opposes trim direction. When the STAB TRIM override switch is positioned to OVERRIDE, main electric trim can be used regardless of control column position.

Horizontal Stabilizer

Left Pitot Probe

(for elevator feel system)

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control
The Speed Trim system provides automatic trim inputs to the horizontal stabilizer to maintain positive speed stability. This usually occurs during takeoff or go-around with an aft center of gravity, high thrust setting, and a low gross weight. Other inputs into the Speed Trim system include horizontal stabilizer position, thrust lever position, airspeed, and vertical speed. During Speed Trim operation, trimming of the horizontal stabilizer is via the autopilot trim motor. Conditions for Speed Trim operation are listed below:

Speed Trim operates when: Flaps not up N1 above 60% Airspeed 100-300 KIAS Autopilot not engaged Ten seconds after takeoff Five seconds following release of trim switches Sensing of trim requirement Left Pitot Probe
(for elevator feel system)

Horizontal Stabilizer

Balance Tabs Elevators

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Horizontal Stabilizer
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Pitch Control











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Yaw Control
Rudder Pedals: Push Controls rudder position. Permits limited nose wheel steering up to 7 left or right of center.

RUDDER Trim Control Knob: (spring-loaded to center) Rotate Electrically trims the rudder in the desired direction. RUDDER TRIM Indicator: Indicates units of rudder trim.

YAW DAMPER Indicator: Indicates yaw damper movement of rudder. Pilot rudder pedal inputs are not indicated.

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Yaw Control
Yaw control is accomplished by a hydraulically powered rudder, and a yaw damper system. The rudder provides yaw control around the aircrafts vertical axis, and is controlled by displacing the rudder pedals. Both sets of rudder pedals are connected via cables to the main and standby rudder PCUs through the rudder feel and centering unit. The rudder can only be operated when hydraulic power is available, i.e. manual reversion is not available for the rudder.


Vertical Stabilizer

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Yaw Control
The main rudder PCU is powered by A and B hydraulic system. The standby rudder PCU is powered by the standby hydraulic system. The standby hydraulic system serves as a backup if A and/or B hydraulic system pressure is lost. The standby hydraulic pump and standby rudder PCU can be manually activated by positioning either FLT CONTROL switch to STBY RUD (standby rudder). They can also be automatically activated when all of the conditions listed below exist:

Standby pump and PCU automatic activation: Loss of one hydraulic system (A or B) Trailing edge flaps extended Airborne OR wheel speed greater than 60 kts.


Vertical Stabilizer

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Yaw Control
The yaw damper system prevents unwanted (Dutch) roll, and provides turn coordination. When necessary, the yaw damper system will provide inputs to the rudder via the main rudder PCU. At higher airspeeds the amount of yaw damper rudder deflection decreases. No rudder pedal movement results from yaw damper operation. The yaw damper utilizes B hydraulic system only. If B pressure is lost, the yaw damper system is inoperative, but the YAW DAMPER switch remains in the ON position until the B FLT CONTROL switch is positioned to OFF or STBY RUD.


Vertical Stabilizer

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Yaw Control








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Speed Brakes
SPEED BRAKE Lever: DOWN All flight and ground spoiler panels in faired position. ARMED Automatic speed brake system armed. Upon touchdown, the speed brake lever moves to the UP position and all flight and ground spoilers extend. FLIGHT DETENT All flight spoilers are extended to their maximum position for inflight use. UP All flight and ground spoilers are extended to their maximum position for ground use.

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Speed Brakes
SPEED BRAKE DO NOT ARM Light: Illuminated Indicates abnormal condition or test inputs to the automatic speed brake system. Note: Light is deactivated when speed brake lever is in the DOWN position. SPEED BRAKE ARMED Light: Illuminated Indicates valid automatic speed brake system inputs. Note: Light is deactivated when speed brake lever is in the DOWN position.

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Pneumatic air Return Standpipe (quantity 25%) Hydraulic shutoff

737-300/400 Hydraulic Schematic (specific to spoilers)

A system reservoir

B system reservoir

Pneumatic air Return

Standpipe (quantity 0%). 1 gallon remaining for PTU use only.

Standpipe (quantity 50%) Hydraulic shutoff

Engine driven pump

To reservoir No. 1 fuel tank

Hydraulic heat exchanger

Hydraulic heat exchanger

To reservoir No. 2 fuel tank

Engine driven pump



Electric pump
To return P

Electric pump
P To return

A system hydraulics powers the six ground spoilers and the two inboard flight spoilers. B system hydraulics powers the two outboard flight spoilers.

A system pressure
Inboard flight spoilers Outboard flight spoilers

B system pressure Standby system pressure Case drain return

Ground spoilers

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Speed Brakes
The speed brakes consist of four flight spoilers and six ground spoilers. A hydraulic system powers all six ground spoilers and the two inboard flight spoilers. B hydraulic system powers the two outboard flight spoilers. The speed brake lever controls the spoilers. On the ground, when the speed brake lever is actuated, all ten spoilers deploy. In flight, when the speed brake lever is actuated, only the flight spoilers deploy.
Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

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Speed Brakes
In flight operation: Operating the speed brake lever in flight will result in the four flight spoiler panels to deploy symmetrically to act as speed brakes. When the flight spoilers are in an intermediate position, roll rates increase significantly. Moving the speed brake lever past the FLIGHT detent results in buffeting and is not recommended in flight.
Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

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Speed Brakes
Ground operation: During landing, the auto speed brake system operates when the following conditions exist: Speed brake lever in the ARMED position SPEED BRAKE ARMED light illuminated Both thrust levers in the idle position Upon main landing gear wheel spin-up of greater than 60 knots, the speed brake lever will automatically move to the UP position and all four flight spoilers deploy. Upon air/ground sensing system detecting aircraft being on the ground, the six ground spoilers deploy. If a wheel spin-up signal is not detected, the speed brake lever automatically moves to the UP position and all ten spoilers deploy when the air/ground sensing system detects being on the ground.
Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers
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Speed Brakes
Ground operation (RTO): During a rejected takeoff (RTO), the auto speed brake system operates when the these conditions exist: Main landing gear wheel speed greater than 60 kts. Both thrust levers in the idle position. Application of reverse thrust mechanically lifts the speed brake handle out of the DOWN detent. The speed brake handle will now automatically move to the UP position resulting in all ten spoilers deploying. All ten spoilers may be stowed manually by repositioning the speed brake handle to the DOWN detent. The spoilers may be automatically stowed by advancing the thrust levers until the speed brake handle moves to the DOWN detent.
Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers

Flight Spoilers

Ground Spoilers
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Speed Brakes
4 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9



FLIGHT SPOILERS: 2, 3, 6, 7 GROUND SPOILERS: 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9



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Trailing and Leading Edge Devices

FLAP lever: Selects position of flap control valve, directing hydraulic pressure for flap drive unit. Position of the leading edge devices is determined by selecting trailing edge flap position. Flap position 40 arms the flap load relief system.


Flap Position Indicator: Indicates position of left and right trailing edge flaps in units, not degrees. Provides trailing edge flaps asymmetry protection.

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737-300/400 Hydraulic Schematic (specific to leading and trailing

edge devices)
Standby system reservoir

B system reservoir

Pneumatic air Return

Standpipe (quantity 0%). 1 gallon remaining for PTU use only.

Standpipe (quantity 50%) Hydraulic shutoff

Hydraulic heat exchanger Motor Motor

To reservoir No. 2 fuel tank

Engine driven pump

To return

Electric pump
P To return

B system hydraulics powers both the leading and trailing edge devices. If B hydraulic system pressure is lost, the standby hydraulic system can extend, but not retract, the leading edge devices.

Leading edge devices standby extension

Leading edge flaps & slats

A system pressure B system pressure Standby system pressure Case drain return
Trailing edge flaps

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Trailing and Leading Edge Devices

The leading edge flaps and slats (LE devices) are high lift devices that increase wing lift and decrease stall speed during takeoff, low speed maneuvering, and landing. Leading edge devices consist of four Krueger flaps (two inboard of each engine), and six slats (three outboard of each engine). Slats extend to form a sealed or slotted leading edge depending on the trailing edge flap setting.
Leading Edge Flaps Leading Edge Slats

Leading Edge Flaps

Trailing Edge Flaps

Leading Edge Slats Trailing Edge Flaps

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Trailing and Leading Edge Devices

The trailing edge devices (TE devices) consist of triple-slotted flaps inboard and outboard of each engine. TE flap positions 1-15 provide increased lift; positions 15-40 provide increased lift and drag. Flap positions 15, 30, and 40 are normal landing flap positions.
Leading Edge Slats

Leading Edge Flaps

Leading Edge Flaps

Trailing Edge Flaps

Leading Edge Slats Trailing Edge Flaps

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

LE DEVICES (Leading Edge Devices) Annunciator Panel: Indicates position of individual leading edge flaps and slats. Extinguished Related leading edge device retracted.

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

The four flaps have two positions: Fully retracted Fully extended

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

The six slats have three positions: Fully retracted Extended Fully extended

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

LE DEVICES TRANSIT Lights: Illuminated Related leading edge device in transit.

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

LE DEVICES EXT Lights: Illuminated Related leading edge slat in extended position.

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

LE DEVICES FULL EXT Lights: Illuminated Related leading edge flap or slat in fully extended position.

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Leading Edge Annunciator Panel

LE DEVICES TEST Switch: Press Tests all annunciator panel lights.

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Leading Edge Transit / Extend Lights

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Leading Edge Transit / Extend Lights

LE FLAPS TRANSIT Light: Illuminated Any leading edge device in transit, or not in programmed position with respect to trailing edge flaps. Note: Light is inhibited during autoslat operation in fight.

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Leading Edge Transit / Extend Lights

LE FLAPS EXT Light: Illuminated All leading edge flaps fully extended and all leading edge slats in extended position (trailing edge flap positions 1, 2, and 5). All leading edge devices in fully extended position (trailing edge flap positions 10 thru 40).

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Trailing and Leading Edge Device Sequencing

TE and LE devices are normally powered by the B hydraulic system. When the flap lever is in the UP position, all TE and LE devices are commanded to the fully retracted position. LE device deployment is sequenced as a function of TE device deployment. Sequencing is as follows:

TE flaps selected from UP to 1, 2 or 5:

TE devices and flap gauge move to commanded position (TE flaps 1 shown).

LE annunciator panel initially indicates LE devices in transit, then indicates flaps in fully extended position and slats in extended position. LE transit / extend lights initially indicate LE FLAPS TRANSIT, then LE FLAPS EXT when all LE devices in commanded position.
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Trailing and Leading Edge Device Sequencing

TE and LE devices are normally powered by the B hydraulic system. When the flap lever is in the UP position, all TE and LE devices are commanded to the fully retracted position. LE device deployment is sequenced as a function of TE device deployment. Sequencing is as follows:

TE flaps selected from 1, 2 or 5 to 10 or greater:

TE devices and flap gauge move to commanded position (TE flaps 15 shown).

LE annunciator panel initially indicates slats in transit, then indicates slats in fully extended position. Flaps remain in fully extended position.

LE transit / extend lights initially indicate LE FLAPS TRANSIT, then LE FLAPS EXT when slats are fully extended.
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Alternate Extension/Retraction of Trailing Edge Devices

In the event of B system hydraulic failure, an alternate method of extending and retracting the TE flaps is provided via the ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch. Unguarding and positioning the red ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch to ARM, arms the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch. The ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch controls a flap drive unit which electrically extends and retracts the TE flaps. The switch must be held in the DOWN position until the TE flaps reach the desired position. No asymmetry protection is provided when using this alternate extension/retraction method.

Trailing Edge Flaps

See picture of Flap Drive Unit

Trailing Edge Flaps

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Alternate Extension of Leading Edge Devices

In the event of B system hydraulic failure, an alternate method of extending the LE devices is provided via the ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch. Unguarding and positioning the red ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch to ARM, arms the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch and activates the standby hydraulic pump. When the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch is momentarily held in the DOWN position, all LE devices drive to the fully extended position. The LE devices cannot be retracted utilizing the standby hydraulic system.
Leading Edge Flaps

Leading Edge Slats

Leading Edge Flaps

Leading Edge Slats

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Trailing and Leading Edge Device Schematic




. .



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Flap Load Relief

A flap load relief limiter provides a TE flap load relief function which protects the flaps from excessive air loads. This function is operative at the flaps 40 position only. When the TE flaps are at 40, the TE flaps will retract to 30 if the airspeed exceeds 158 kts. When airspeed is reduced to 153 kts., the TE flaps will re-extend to 40. The flap handle does not move during flap load relief operation, but the FLAP LOAD RELIEF light illuminates.

Trailing Edge Flaps

Trailing Edge Flaps

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When TE flaps 1, 2 or 5 are selected, an autoslat function is available to automatically extend the LE slats to the fully extended position if the aircraft approaches a stall condition. The autoslat system is designed to enhance aircraft stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff and approach to landing. As the aircraft approaches the stall angle, the LE slats automatically drive from extended to the fully extended position prior to stick shaker activation. The LE slats return to the extended position when the pitch angle is sufficiently reduced below the stall critical attitude. To summarize, autoslat operation is automatic when all of the following conditions exist: Airborne Trailing edge flaps 1, 2 or 5 Aircraft approaching stall condition
Leading Edge Slats

Leading Edge Slats

PT. METRO BATAVIA Directorate of Operational

Slide 71 of 73

The normal power source for autoslats is B system hydraulics. If the B system engine driven pump pressure falls below limits, an alternate source of power for autoslats is provided via the Power Transfer Unit (PTU). The PTU consists of a hydraulic motor connected to a hydraulic pump. The PTU motor is driven by A system hydraulics. The motor pressurizes the PTU pump, which supplies B system hydraulic pressure to the LE slats. There is no fluid interchange between A and B hydraulic systems. The PTU is automatically activated for autoslat operation when all of the following conditions exist: Airborne Trailing edge flaps 1, 2 or 5 Aircraft approaching stall condition B hydraulic system engine driven pump pressure falls below limits
Leading Edge Slats

Leading Edge Slats

PT. METRO BATAVIA Directorate of Operational

Slide 72 of 73

737-300/400 Hydraulic Schematic

(specific to alternate autoslat operation; PTU)
Pneumatic air Return Standpipe (quantity 25%) Hydraulic shutoff

B system reservoir

Pneumatic air Return

A system reservoir

Standpipe (quantity 0%). 1 gallon remaining for PTU use only.

Standpipe (quantity 50%) Hydraulic shutoff

Engine driven pump

To reservoir No. 1 fuel tank

Hydraulic heat exchanger

Hydraulic heat exchanger

To reservoir No. 2 fuel tank

Engine driven pump



Electric pump
To return P
PTU control valve

Power Transfer Unit (PTU)

A Motor B Pump

Electric pump
P Autoslat operation To return

B system hydraulics is the normal power source for autoslat operation. If the B system engine driven pump pressure falls below limits, an alternate source of power for autoslats is provided via a Power Transfer Unit (PTU).

A system pressure B system pressure Standby system pressure Case drain return

PT. METRO BATAVIA Directorate of Operational

Slide 73 of 73

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