Introduction To Project Management Body of Knowledge
Introduction To Project Management Body of Knowledge
Introduction To Project Management Body of Knowledge
Peter F. Kaming Engineering Department & Graduate Program University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Temporary means that every project has definite beginning and a definite end. Unique means that product or service different in some distinguishing way
Examples of projects
Developing a new product or service. Effecting a change in structure, staffing, or style of an organization. Designing a new transportation vehicle. Developing or acquiring a new or modified information system. Constructing a building or facility. Running a campaign for political office. Implementing a new business procedure or process.
Project Management
Is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stake holder needs and expectation form a project. Meeting or exceeding stake holder needs and expectation invariably involves balancing competing demands among:
Scope, time, cost, and quality. Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations. Identified requirement (needs) and unidentified requirements (expectations).
Management by projects
Organizational approach to management of ongoing operations. It treats many aspects of ongoing operations as project in order to apply project management to them.
Project Stakeholder
Individuals and organizations who are involved in the project, or whose interest may be positively or negatively affected a result of project execution or successful project completion.
Project Stakeholder
Project manager Customer Performing organization Sponsor