Addis Ababa Science and Technology UniversityAASTU
Addis Ababa Science and Technology UniversityAASTU
Addis Ababa Science and Technology UniversityAASTU
•Management is
•A set of activities which includes
–planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling
directed at an organization’s resources
–human, financial, physical, and information with the aim of
achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.
Organizational Resources
•Human resources
–Managerial talent and labor
•Financial resources
–Capital investments to support ongoing and long-term operations
•Physical Assets
–Raw materials; office and production facilities, and equipment
–Usable data, information linkages
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The Management Process
•Planning and Decision Making
–Setting an organization’s goals and selecting a course of action from a set of
alternatives to achieve them.
–Determining how activities and resources are to be grouped.
–The set of processes used to get members of the organization to work together
to advance the interests of the organization.
–Monitoring the organization’s progress towards its goals.
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What is project management?
•The planning, co-ordination and control of a project from
conception to completion (including commissioning) on behalf of a
client requiring the identification of the client’s objectives in terms
of utility, function, quality, time and cost, and the establishment of
relationships between resources, integrating monitoring and
controlling the contributors to the project and their output, and
evaluating and selecting alternatives in pursuit of the client’s
satisfaction with the project outcome.
»Walker (2002)
What is project management?
•Project management is the art of directing and
coordinating human and material resources through
the life of a project by using modern management
techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of
scope, cost, time, and quality and participation
»American Project Management Institute
Elements of Construction Projects….
•The PMBOK classifies the elements of a project management to
include the following
–Project Integration Management
–Project Scope Management
–Project Time Management
–Project Cost Management
–Project Quality Management
–Project Procurement Management
–Project Communications Management
–Project Risk Management
–Project Human Resource Management
The Role of the Project Manager (Richman, 2002)
•The project manager has overall responsibility for planning,
organizing, integrating, controlling, leading, decision-making,
communicating, and building a supportive climate for the project.
•In addition to technical skills (plan and execute a project,
estimate costs and prepare workable schedules and adequate
budget plans) a Project manager also needs to have “people skills”
Skills in project management
•A project manager needs to have the following basic skills to be
–Project Management Skills
–Technical Skills
–Knowledge of the Organization
–People skills
–Integration Skills
Participants in a project setting
•Almost all projects have participants or “stakeholders” who have
a “stake” in the project activities. it is therefore important to
clearly identify
–The client: the owner of the project
–The Contractor/Constructor/Builder who constructs the project
–The Consultant/Designer/Architect/Engineer who designs the Works
–The Financers
–The Suppliers Etc
The Project Life Cycle
The project life cycle of a construction project may be
viewed as a process through which a project is
implemented from beginning to completion
Project life cycle
•Alternatively a project may go through the following stages
–Inception, feasibility, strategy,
–Engineering services commissioning, completion,
–Handover and occupation,
–Post-completion review/project close-out.
Project Management: Inception Stage
Inception: Stage that results from business decisions
by the client which suggest a new construction or
development project may be required.
The Feasibility Stage
-Feasibility study focuses on the analysis of the viability of the
identified project so that a decision can be made whether to go
ahead with the investment/implementation.
•A feasibility study is part of the process of project identification,
preparation and selection and involves the process of appraising
projects or group of projects and then choosing to implement
some of them
•This is an extremely important stage in project management
Economic Analysis
•Economic analysis analyzes the Economic Costs and benefits of
Projects. A project is considered worthwhile if the net costs are
lower than the net benefits….
•Other parameters for considering the economic worth of projects
–Discounted payback period
–Net present worth/Net presents Value
–Net Future Worth
–Annual worth
–Rate of Return; etc
Environmental Analysis
•A project may cause environmental impacts in many ways,
therefore it is necessary to identify and analyze the effects of the
project on the environment. This process includes the
–Identification of positive/Negative impacts
–Required Mitigation measures
–Designing environmental management plan and allocating funds
•Ethiopia has relevant regulations in addressing Environment
Impact assessment and management plan
Preconstruction Stage
•At the completion of the Strategy Stage, everything is in place for
the Preconstruction Stage.
–This is when the design decisions are made. This stage includes statutory
approvals and consents, and bringing manufacturers, contractors and their
supply chains into the project team.
–It is therefore important that this stage is carefully managed using the
control systems established during the Strategy Stage to provide everyone
involved with relevant, timely and accurate feedback about their decisions.
Completion of this stage provides all the information needed for
construction to begin.
Construction Stage
•The Construction Stage is when the actual building or
other facility that the client needs is produced. In modern
practice this is a rapid and efficient assembly process
delivering high-quality facilities.
•It makes considerable demands on the control systems,
especially those concerned with time and quality.
Responsibility of the Engineer
•As the Resident Project Representative for a design firm or the
owner, the resident engineer or inspector is responsible for seeing
that the work being inspected is constructed in accordance with
the requirements of the plans and specifications.