The Syntax of Root Clauses (6) : Intransitive Predicates
The Syntax of Root Clauses (6) : Intransitive Predicates
The Syntax of Root Clauses (6) : Intransitive Predicates
We know by now that unaccusative verbs may be followed by Res P. You have more examples in (5).
Q: There is a class of manner of motion verbs, whose subjects control the event denoted by the verb. These verbs count as unergative and may nevertheless participate in the causative alternation. Here are some examples (15, 16, 17). How is that possible?
The horse jumped over the fence. The rider jumped the horse over the fence. The soldiers marched to the tents. The general marched the soldiers to the tents. The mouse ran through the maze. The researcher ran the mouse through the maze.
In the latter case, the argument does not head to a particular direction deliberately