HAPAG-ASA Orientation
HAPAG-ASA Orientation
HAPAG-ASA Orientation
Physiological condition: Where there is lack, excess or imbalance of nutrients in the body
In which the physical function of an individual is impaired which leads to a point when he/she can no longer maintain an adequate level of performance such as physical work and resist or recover from illness
Consequences of Malnutrition
Higher mortality rate Impaired mental development Increased risk of adult chronic disease
Untimely/ inadequate feeding Frequent infections Inadequate food, health and care
Malnourished woman
Higher maternal mortality Reduced mental and physical capacity
Malnourished child
Reduced mental capacity Inadequate food, health and care
Malnourished adolescent
What is the difference between the Brain Scans of these two under-5 children?
Based on a study conducted by PROF. ASCOBAT GANI (copy of Pictures from World Vision)
LOST generation/labor
Based on a study conducted by PROF. ASCOBAT GANI
27 out of every 100 or 26.9% of preschool-aged children, 0-5 years old, are underweight 25.6% of children, 6-10 years of age, are underweight.
26 out of every 100 or 26.2% of preschool-aged children, 0-5 years old, are underweight 25.6% of children, 6-10 years of age, are underweight.
These children are suffering from Protein Energy Malnutrition and/or micronutrient deficiencies such as: Vitamin A Deficiency Disorder (VADD) Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD)
From 2003 to 2008, the nutrition situation of Filipino children did not improve. Worse, the prevalence of acute or severe cases of malnutrition increased from 5.3% to 6.1%!
Malnutrition prevalence rate of 5% is considered of public health significance. - WHO
Among 0-5 years old 1.MIMAROPA 34.2% 1. Bicol 33.8% 2.Cagayan Valley 34.1% 2. Zamboanga Pen. 33.2% 3.ARMM 34% 3. MIMAROPA 33.1% Among 6-10 years old 1.Bicol 36.1% 1. Bicol 34% 2.Eastern Visayas 35% 2. MIMAROPA 33% 3.MIMAROPA 32.2% 3. Western Visayas 32.2 % Malnutrition prevalence rate of 5% is considered of public health significance. - WHO
Among 0-5 years old 1. Central Luzon 21.7% 1.NCR 20.7% 2. NCR 17.8% 2.Central Luzon 20.2% 3. CAR 16.3% 3. CAR 19.9% Among 6-10 years old 1. Cagayan Valley 19.5% 1.Cagayan Valley 19.2. % 2. Central Luzon 17.7% 2.Central Luzon 18.1% 3. NCR 15.7%* 3. CAR 14.5% * NCR 20% Malnutrition prevalence rate of 5% is considered of public health significance. - WHO
Fullness of Life through Feeding the Body and Feeding the Spirit
Integrated Nutrition Program
Christian response to the problem of hunger and malnutrition in the spirit of the Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish Launched in July 2005 by Pondo ng Pinoy Community Foundation headed by Archbishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, Assisi Development Foundation and Feed the Children Philippines.
Provides assistance in the form of food subsidy to member dioceses. Provides technical assistance to partners who are interested to implement the HAPAG-ASA program Donates the Vitameal that provides the added nutrients to the food of the identified malnourished children Risen Savior Missions donates another kind of food supplement called the MannaPack Food Supplements made and donated to them by Feed my Starving Children Assists in the promotion of the program and in receiving of MannaPack Supplements.
To develop the culture of SHARING & LOVING to our neighbors as demonstrated in the Miracle of the Multiplication of loaves & fish (Mt. 14:1321)
Supplemental Feeding Parents Education Classes
Affective Parenting
Supplemental feeding
Target Recipients - 6 months to 12 years old undernourished children (priority given to younger age group 6 years old & below) - underweight pregnant and lactating women - Children with special condition Feeding Administration - 1 meal a day, 5 days a week for 6 months or a total of 120 days - Food can be complete meal or heavy snacks - Gather children together in one site during snacks time or in between regular meals - Use of food supplements: Vitameal or MannaPack Fortified Rice - Manpower includes parish, NGO, LGU volunteers and most importantly PARENTS OF THE ENROLLED CHILDREN
Rice and Lentil food supplement used in feeding malnourished kids Donated by Feed the Children Philippines Costs P1,750.00/bag Manufactured in the US Weighs approx. 2.5 kg/bag and can feed 50 to 100 children One box contains 6bags Must be stored properly (in storage cans once opened) Must be picked up from designated points or centers
Potato flakes, dried vegetables, soy protein Has 2 variants: MannaPack Potato-W, given 3x a day, 7days a week for 3 months to infants 6 months-1yo and severely malnourished children MannaPack Potato-D, given to diarrhea patients One box contains 36packs Each pack has 12 servings Must be picked up from designated points or centers
Other Program Components Parents Education Classes - Conducted at least once a week for 6 months
Resource mobilization and networking * COUNTERPART: For non-Pondo ng Pinoy partners (NGO, Other Dioceses, LGU), counterpart will be the food where Vitameal / MannaPack Rice will be mixed
Continuing partnerships with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DSWD SEA-K Project TESDA DoLE Ang-Hortaleza Fdn., Inc. Rags to Riches NDA Mr. Ronald Barangan
Pulvoron Peanut Brittle
Herbal medicine
Weaving waterlilies
Rags To Riches
- Diocese of Ilagan
- Dairy animals loan (local breed cows), repay in-kind of female cows
HAPAG-ASA Secretariat under the ASSISI DEVELOPMENT FDN. DONORS (e.g. Feed the Children Philippines) LIVELIHOOD PARTNERS (e.g. TESDA, DSWD) OTHER SUPPORT GROUPS/PARTNERS (e.g. National Dairy Authority)
Parishes/ Churches
Feeding Centers (BECs, School, Community)
Feeding Centers (School, Community, Centers)
Note: BEC means Basic Ecclesial Community or Community Organizations of the Church
Program Launch
Hand washing
Eating time
Parents Class
Parents Class
Fruits of HAPAG-ASA
Physical, mental, emotional and social development Weight gain of 1 to 2 kg per month More active and cheerful children Increased appetite Less sickly Good disposition Improved skin color (pale to rosy cheeks) Improved school attendance and performance
Maria Giray
from Brgy. Rawis, Laoang, Northern Samar
From Prelature of Infanta Before six months After six months
6.8 kg
12.5 kg
Preparation of the Diocese/Organization/LGU: Forming of Hapag-Asa Team , Submission of Masterlist and MOA Preparation
Evaluation of Masterlist by Hapag-Asa Secretariat (1)Feedback by the Diocese/Organization on Implementation date and (2) MOA processing
Release of Vitameal/ MannaPack Rice (in tranches depending on partners location)
De-Worming of Qualified Children and Orientation of their Respective Parents Actual Program Implementation: Supplemental Feeding Parents Education Classes
Assisi Development Foundation Unit 503 Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Jr. Rd., Ortigas Center, 1605 Pasig City Tel. Nos. 6321001-03 Email. hapagasa@gmail.com Website: www.hapagasafeeding.com
Thank you!!!