What is AI: The definition of artificial intelligence according to 8 books: Systems that think like human: 1) The exciting new effect to make computers think machines with minds, in the full and literal sense (Haughland, 1985). 2) [ The automation of ] activates that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning.(Bellman, 1978). Systems that act like humans: 3) The art of creating machines that perform function that require intelligence when performed by people. (Kurzweil, 1990). 4) The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better(Rich and Knight, 1991). Systems that think rationally: 5) The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models(Charniak and Mc Demmett, 1985). 6) The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act(Winston,1992) Systems that act rational: 7) Computational Intelligence is the study of the design of intelligence agent (Pole etal., 1998). 8) AI .. is concerned with Intelligent behavior in artifacts( Nilson, 1998).
Acting humanly: Turning Test Approach: The turning test proposed by Alan Turning (1950), was designed to provide operational definition of intelligence. As per him. Computer would need to possess the following capabilities. Natural language processing: - to enable it to communicate success fully in English. Knowledge representation: - to store what it knows or hears. Automated reasoning:- to use the stored information to answer questions and to draw new conclusions. Machine learning:- to adopt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. Turnings test deliberately avoided direct physical interaction between interrogator and computer. To pass the total turning Test, the computer will need computer vision to perceive objects, and robotics to manipulate objects, and more about. Thinking Humanly: The cognitive modeling approach An algorithm performs well on a task and that it is therefore a good model of human performance, or vice versa. Modern authors separate the two kinds of claims this distinction has allowed both AI and cognitive science to develop more rapidly. The two fields continue to fertilize each other especially in the aeas of vision and natural languages. Think rationally: The laws of thought approach: The laws of thought were supposed to govern the operation of the mind; their study initiated the field logic by 1965, programs existed that could, in principle, solve any solvable logistic tradition within artificial intelligence hopes to build one such program to create intelligence systems: Acting rationally: The rational agent approach: An agent is just some thing that acts. But computer agents are expected to have other attributes that distinguish them from mere programs such as operating under autonomous control. Perceiving their environment, persisting over a prolonged time period, adapting to change, and being capable of taking one anothers goal. A rational agent is one act so as to achieve the best outcome or, when there is uncertainty, the best expected outcome.
The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: Here we provide a brief history of disciplines that contributed ideas, view points, and techniques to AI. Philosophy (428 BC-Present) Can formal rules be used to draw valid conclusions? How does the mental mind arise from a physical brain? Where does knowledge come from? How does knowledge lead to action? Philosophy (428 BC-Present) What are the formal rules to draw valid conclusions? What can be computed? How do we reason with uncertain information. Philosophers staked out most of the important ideas of AI, but the leap to a formal science required a level of mathematical formalization in three fundamental areas: logic, computation and probability. Economics (1776-Present): How should we make decisions as to maximize payoff? How should we do when others may not go along? Hoe does we do this when the payoff may be fair in the future? Decision theory, which combines probability theory with utility theory provides a formal and complete frame work, for decision made under uncertainty. Von Newman and Morgensterns developed game theory included the surprising result that, for some games, a rational agent should act in a random fashion, or at least in a way that appears random to the adversaries. The third problem namely how to make rational decisions when payoffs from actions are not immediate but instead result from several actions taken in sequence. This topic was persuade in the field of operational research. Richard Bellman(1957), formalized a class of sequential decision problems called Markov decision processes.
Neuroscience (1861-Present): How do brains process information? Neuroscience is the study of nervous system, particularly the brain. The exact way in which the brain enables thought is one of the great mysteries of science. The measure of intact of brain activity began in 1929 with invention by Hans Berger of the electroencephalography (EEG). The recent development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Ogawa et al.,) is giving neuroscientists un precedence detailed images of brain activity, enabling measurements that correspond in interesting ways to ongoing cognitive process. The truly amazing conclusion is that a collection of simple cells can lead to thought action, and conciseness or, in other words that brain causes minds (Searls, 1992). Psychology (1879-Present): How do humans and animals think and act? The origin of scientific psychology are usually traced to the work of the German Physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz (1821-1894) and his student Wihelm Wundt(1832-1920), Helmholtz applied the scientific method to the study of human vision. The view of human as an information processing device, which is a principle characteristics of cognitive psychology can be traced back at least to the work of Wiiliam James (1842-1910_. Meanwhile, in the US, the development of computer modeling led to the creation of the field of Cognitive science. It is now common view among psychologists that a cognitive theory should be like a computer programs.
Computer engineering (1940 Present) How can we build an efficient computer? For artificial intelligence to succeed, we need two things, intelligence and an artifact. The computer has been the artifact of choice. The modern digital electronic computer was invented independently and almost simultaneously by the scientists in three countries embattled World war II. The first operational computer was the electro mechanical. Heath Robinson built in 1940 by Alan Turings team for a single purpose, deciphering German messages. In 1943, the same group developed the Colossus, a powerful general purpose machine based on vacuum tubes. The first operational programmable computer was the Z-3, the invention of Korad Zuse in Germany in 1941. The fist electronic computer, the ABC was assembled by John Atanoffs research and his student Clifford Berry between 1940 and 1942 at Iowa state university. Atanoffs research received little support or reorganization it was the ENIAC. In the mid-19th century Charles Babbage (1792 1871) designed two machines. The Difference Engine, was included addressable memory, stored programs, and conditional jumps and was the first artifact capable of universal computation. Control theory and Cybernetics (1948-Present) How can artifacts operate under their own control? The central figure in the creation of what is now called control theory was Norbert Wiener (1894 1964).Modern control theory, especially the branch known as stochastic optical control, has as its goal the design of systems that maximize an objective function over time. This roughly matches our view of AI designing systems that behave optimally. Calculus and matrix algebra, the tools of control theory. AI was founded in part as way to escape from the limitations of mathematics of control theory in 1950s. Linguistics (1957-present) How does language relate to thought? In 1957, BF Skimmer published verbal behavior. This was a comprehensive, detailed account of the behaviorist approach to language learning. Another author Noam Chomsky published his book Syntactic Structure. Modern Linguistics and AI, then were born at about same time, and grew up together, intersecting in a hybrid field called Computational linguistics or natural language processing.
The History of Artificial Intelligence The gestation of artificial intelligence (1943-1955) The first work that is new generally recognized as AI was done by Warren Mc Culloh and Walter Pitts (1943). The y drew on three sources: Knowledge of basic physiology and function of neurons in the brain; a formal analysis of proportional logic due to Russel and Whitehead; and Turnings theory of computation. There were a number of early of early examples of work that can be characterized as AI, but it was Alan Turning who first articulated a complete vision of AI in his 1960 article Computing Machinery and Intelligence . There in, he introduced the Turning test, machine learning, generic algorithms, and reinforcement learning. The Birth of AI (1956): Perhaps the longest-lasting thing to come out of the workshop was an arrangement to adopt McCarthys new name for the field: artificial intelligence. Looking at the proposal for the Dartmouth workshop (Mc McCarthy et al., 1955), we can see why it was necessary for AI to become a separate field. Earl enthusiasm, great expectations( 1952-1969): Newell and Simons early success was followed up with the general problem solver of GPS. The GPS was probably the first program to embody the thinking humanly approach. The success of GPS and subsequent programs as models of cognition led Newell and Simon(1976) to formulate the famous physical symbol system hypothesis, which states that a physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligence action. In 1958 in MIT AI lab memo no01, Mc McCarthy defined the high-level language Lisp, which was to become the dominant AI programming language. Lisp is the second oldest major high-level language in current use, one year younger than FORTRAN.
A dose of reality (1966-1973) Early experiments in machine evolution (now called genetic algorithms) (Fried-berg, 1958; Friedberg et al; 1959) were based on the belief that series of small mutations to a machine code program; one can generate a program with good performance for any particular task. Knowledge based systems: The key to power? (1969-1979) The first decade of AI research was of general-purpose search mechanism trying to string together elementary reasoning steps to find complete solution, such approaches have been called weal methods, The DENDRAL program (Buchanan et al; 1969) was an early example of the approach for appropriate solution. John Landenberg teamed up to solve the problem of inferring molecular structure from the information provided by mass spectrometer. The significance of DENDRAL was that it was the first successful knowledge-intensive systems. Feigenbaun and others at Stanford began the Heuristic Programming Project (HPP), to investigate the extent to which the new methodology of expert systems could be applied to other area of human expertise, such as MYCIN to diagnose blood infection.
AI becomes an industry (1980): The first successful commercial expert system R1, began operational at the Digital Equipment Corporation (McDermott, 1982), which helped configure orders for new computer systems; by 1986, it was saving the company an estimated $ 40 million a year. By 1988 DECs AI group had 40 expert systems deployed. In 1981, the Japanese announced the Fifth Generation project, a 10-year plan to intelligent computers running Prolog. Overall, AI industry boomed from a few million dollars in 1980 to billion dollars in 1988. The return of neural networks (1986-present): Physicists such as John Hopfield (1982) used techniques from stastical mechanics to analyze the storage and optimization properties of networks, treating collection of nodes like collection of atoms. Psychologist including David Rinehart and Geoff Hinton continued the study of neural net models of memory. In 1980s, different groups applied back propagation algorithm in computer science and psychology, which resulted parallel distributed processing.