Basics of Rainforests

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A Resource Unit Designed for a Second Grade Classroom

Designed by: Amanda Ayers, Danielle Baumgardner, Amy Bradley, Cyrena Harris, and Wendy Stephens

Table of Contents
Introduction Content Concepts Objectives Activities Evaluation Instructional Resources
Teacher Resources Student Resources Media Resources

This is to serve as an introduction to our two week unit on the Rain Forest. This unit was designed for a second grade class and encompasses the subjects of: art, language arts, math, science, and social studies. It is important for the elementary student to experience life and culture outside of their known way of life. In doing so the birth of egocentrism is avoided. At the start of the unit, students will assist in the transformation of the classroom. Students will construct animals and plants to place around the classroom to create the Rain Forest atmosphere.

Content of Unit

Day 1: What is a Rain Forest?

Students will learn about the 4 layers of life in the Rain Forest. Students will create flip books showing the layers of the forest and the characteristics of each layer.

Day 2: Where are the Rain Forests?

Students will be given an overview of where the Rain Forests are located in the world. The students will focus on map and geography skills as they figure out where to place the different Rain Forests.

Day 3: Researching the Rain Forest

The students will use Library resources to research answers to questions generated by the class during the construction of the KWL chart on the previous day.

Day 4: Climate
Through class discussion students will understand the climate of the Rain Forest. Students will then create terrariums to show the ecosystem of the Rain Forest.

Day 5: The Animals

Through video, text and class discussion students will learn about the many kinds of animals that dwell in the Rain Forest. Students will then create animal masks and role play the relationship of the animals in the Rain Forest.

Day 6: Endangered Animals

Through the text The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest and class discussion, students will learn about the many endangered animals found in the Rain Forest and why they are endangered. Students will then write a story about one endangered animal and provide illustrations.

Day 7: People and Culture

Through class discussion students will gain an understanding of the people of the Rain Forest and their ways of life. Students will learn about the customs and traditions of the local tribes.

Day 8: Destruction
A class discussion on the destruction of the Rain Forest will highlight specific topics regarding destruction. Areas for discussion include methods of destruction, reasons for destruction, effects of destruction, and the importance of conservation. Students will then form groups to compose articles reflecting on class discussion.

Day 9 :The Conclusion

After the completion of the KWL chart, students will write letters to their parents/guardians stating what they learned during the Rain Forest unit.

Day 10: Rain Forest Party

Parents will be invited into our classroom to take part in our Rain Forest Wrap-up Party. Parents will view the work of the students and sample Rain Forest snacks prepared by the students.

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