Business and IT Alignment Vs Value

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Originally presented at the IT Director’s Strategy Meeting, London, UK

Business & IT: Seeking alignment vs adding value

12th April 2007

Dr. Michael Ali

Slide 1
Today’s Topic

Business and IT Alignment

Or should I say…
Alignment: The Holy Grail

The ultimate goal of every CIO

Alignment: tons of information

Forrester, Gartner, McKinsey, etc. tons of

papers and studies (some for free!)

Search on “alignment”, 100 articles

Search on “Business IT Alignment”,

320,000 English webpages

An entire journal devoted to “Aligning IT

and Business Strategy”

IT’s #1 issue, resulting in…

Alignment: A Model

… incredible amounts of time, …

Alignment: Another Model
Thorp, Information Paradox


Proactive Management of Change



Activist Relevant
Accountability Measurement

Full Cycle Governance

… energy,…
Alignment: Yet Another Model
Benson, et. al., From Business Stategy to IT Action

… and money (mine!) spent studying this issue,…

Alignment: other business functions

Search on “alignment”– lots on aligning

with IT, nothing on business alignment

Nothing on aligning with the business,

some on IT projects and alignment

Didn’t see anything in the subject

headings of past issues

At last! Articles on aligning purchasing

and supply chain strategy with business

… much more than by other “support”

Alignment: Why is it so important to us?

IT is relatively new (to the boardroom)

The only cross-functional, business process-driven function

IT runs the entire business

Enterprise-level change often starts with or is gated by IT

Any, all, some, or none of the above?

Alignment: The right question(?)

How can we ensure that IT is aligned with the business

Same question, same answers (320,000 webpages

Alignment: The right question(?)

“How can we ensure that IT is aligned with the business”

Implies that:
- can we be on the board?
- can we see the strategy?
- can we change this process/tool?
- can we have this budget?
- can we start this project?
- can we upgrade this infrastructure?

Asking “can we?” hasn’t provided THE answer

The right question

How to ensure that IT is aligned with the business

How do we generate business value?

THIS is the question the other functions are

The new Holy Grail

The ultimate goal of every IT

Generating Business Value via IT:
A different stance is required
* Boyd, John, “Organic Design for Command and Control”

Appreciation Leadership
assess what is happening decide what to do

Finding then exploiting ways for IT to help the

Generating Business Value: Barriers

“I don’t know”

Appreciation Leadership

“I don’t care”
assess what is happening decide what to do

“I don’t know how”

IT The Business
The barriers: ignorance, apathy, and despair
A Journey

Sea of Despair

Apathy Forest

Valley of Ignorance

Sea of Despair Play to your strengths

Put your skin in their game
Find support

Apathy Forest
Find what they care about
Listen harder

Valley of Ignorance
Expose the data
Call in the experts

New goal, risks understood, mitigation plans in

The new Holy Grail

… but before we go racing off…

Generating Business Value:
A Caveat

Still from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”

In our search for the Holy Grail, we must “choose

A cautionary tale about generating
business value through IT

Albertsons Markets
Situation (~2001):

Classic mid-market “squeeze”

Enter: Larry Johnston (ex-GE) as CEO

A CEO with a strategy (including technology!)

Add: Bob Dunst

“Dunst is a grocer’s grocer,

having spent his entire
technology career with
various supermarkets, most
recently Safeway.”

Handpicked CTO with talent &

Equals: $500M+ Tech Overhaul,1540,1522244,00.asp

IT Dream Project (warning bells?)

At last, the Holy Grail !!!!


Proactive Management of Change



Activist Relevant
Accountability Measurement

Full Cycle Governance

Did they “choose wisely”?

Result: Part I

ABS: Albertsons
KR: Krogers
SVU: Supervalu
SWY: Safeway

Bottom-line business results, not great

Result: Part II

Supervalu, CVS and an investment group led by Cerberus Capital

Management, … have announced a successful bid to acquire all of
Albertsons' holdings for $17.4 billion.

Sold to the highest bidder!

Enter: Jeff Noodle, CEO Supervalu

"Our extensive research tells

us that grocery retailing today
should provide consumers
with products that allow
them to 'turn the dining
room lights back on.'

• Expanded perishables departments

• Shop the World, an international foods department;
• Wild Harvest, a natural and organics store-within-a-store, and;
• Enhanced pharmacy and health and beauty care departments.

No mention of technology but the strategy

Moral of the story

The goal of generating business value raises the bar on

the level of business understanding (aka appreciation)
and leadership needed in IT

Appreciation Leadership
assess what is happening decide what to do

Leadership, tempered with appreciation


“Aligning business and information-technology

strategies has been a challenge for decades. But the
challenge can be mastered. The common denominator
appears to be a strong information chief who
studies the business*, understands it fully, sees where
conditions can be improved, and then implements
information technology where it can add value**.”


Strassman, Paul A., “Five Steps to Improve Your Information Productivity”

Baseline Magazine, October 15, 2006

What are you waiting for?

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