Bank Assets & Liabilities

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BANK ASSETS-LIABILITIES & Profit & Loss Account.

Atul Parikh

Bank Balance sheet.


Schedule 2 Reserves & Surplus. I, Statutory reserve:

ii Share Premium Account:

iii. Investment Reserve A/C. Iv. General Reserve: V Capital Reserve: Vi Balance of P/L a/c:
Atul Parikh 2

Bank Balance Sheet.

Schedule 3: DEPOSITS: Demand Deposit: (i) From Banks (ii) From Others: Ii Savings Bank Deposits: Iii Term Deposits: (i) From Banks (ii) From Others Total: Deposits from branches in India: Deposits from branches outside Inidia:
Atul Parikh 3

Bank Balance Sheet.

SCHEDULE 4 BORROWINGS: 1. Borrowings in India: (i) RBI

(ii) Other Banks: (iii) Other Institutions & agencies:

2. Borrowings from outside India:

Atul Parikh

Bank Balance Sheet.

Schedule 5-other liabilities & provisions:

i. Bills Payable
Ii. Inter Office adjustment (net) Iii. Interest accrued.

Iv. Proposed Dividend (Including tax on Div.).

Vi. Others (Including provisions). TOTAL:

Atul Parikh


Schedule 6. Cash & Bank Balance with RBI:
i. Cash in Hand (Including Foreign Currency). Ii. Balance with RBI (a) In Current Account. (ii) In other Accounts. TOTAL: Schedule 7. Balance with Banks & Money at Calla & Short Notice : Balance with Banks: (a) In Current Account (b) In other deposits accounts. (ii) Money at Call & Short Notice :

With Banks. (b) With other Institutions. TOTAL:

Grand Total:
Atul Parikh 6

Bank Balance Sheet.

schedule-8 Investments:
Investment in India in
(i) Govt. Securities. (ii) Other approved Securities (iii) Shares (iv) Debentures & Bonds (v) Investment in subsidiaries/ Joint Ventures (vi) Others (Mutual Funds, CD; CP; NABARD Deposits etc. Total: II. Investment Outside India in

(i) Govt. Securities (Including Local Authorities)

(ii) Subsidiaries & Jt. Ventures abroad (iii) Others. Total Investment Outside India.
Atul Parikh 7

Bank Balance Sheet.

Schedule 9. Advances: A (i) Bills Purchased & Discounted (ii) Cash Credits, Overdrafts & loans repayable on demand (iii) Term Loans Total: B. (i) Secured by Tangible Assets. (ii) Covered by Bank/Govt. Guarantees (iii) Unsecured TOTAL:
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Schedule 9. Advances: (Contd). C 1. Advances Outside in India (i) Priority Sector (ii) Public Sector (iii) Banks (iv) Others Total: C2. Advances Outside India: (i) Due from Banks (ii) Due from Others (a) Bills purchased & discounted (b) Syndicated loans Others Total:
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Schedule 10 Fixed Assets: Gross Block Depreciation Net Block Schedule 11- Other Assets: I Inter Office adjustments Ii Interest Accrued Iii Tax Paid in Advance/TDS Iv Stationery & stamps V Non Banking assets acquired against claims Vi Others. TOTAL:
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Schedule 12. Contingent Liabilities.
Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts.
Ii Liability for the partly paid investments Iii. Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange &

derivatives contracts. (a) Forward contracts (b) Interest rate swaps, currency swaps. Foreign currency options Total of a+b+c. Iv Guarantee given on behalf of constituents in India V Acceptances endorsements and other obligations Vi other items for which bank is contingently liable.
Atul Parikh 11

Bank Profit & Loss Account.

SCHEDULE 13. Interest Earned.

i. Interest / Discounts on Advances / Bills.

Ii Income on Investments Iii. Interest on balances with RBI & other inter-

bank funds. Iv. Others.

Atul Parikh


Bank Profit & Loss Account.

SCHEDULE 14. Other Income.
i. Commission, Exchange & Brokerage.
Ii. Profit (loss) on sale of investments (net). Iii. Profit (loss) on sale of Fixed Assets (net). Iv. Profit on exchange transaction/derivative transactions (net).

V. Income earned by way of dividend etc from

subsidiaries/companies &/or jt. Venture abroad/in India. Vi. Miscellaneous income: SCHEDULE 15. Interest Expended: I Interest on deposits. Ii. Interest on RBI / Inter-bank borrowings. Iii. Others. (Including interest on repos & subordinated debt).

Atul Parikh


Bank Profit & Loss Account.

SCHEDULE 16. Operating Expenses. i. Payment to & provisions for employees. Ii. Rent taxes & lighting. Iii. Printing & Stationery. Iv. Advertisement & Publicity. V. Depreciation on Banks property. Vi. Directors fees, allowance & expenses. Vii. Auditors fees & expenses. Viii. Law charges. Ix. Postage, telephones, telegrams. X. Repairs & Maintenance. Xi. Insurance. xii. Other expenditure.
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