Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome
Stewart.k BDS 2
Fiji school of medicine.
What is leukocyte adhesion deficiency
How does it leads to periodontitis
How it affects treatment
1.What is leukocyte adhesion
deficiency syndrome.
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome(LAD) a rare
autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent
The hallmarks of leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome
(LAD) are the defects in the leukocyte adhesion process
marked leukocytosis and recurrent infection.
These molecular and clinical manifestations results an
impaired step in the inflammatory process, namely the
emigrations of leukocytes from the blood vessels to the site
of infection which requires adhesion of leukocytes to the
There are three types-(LAD1-3).type 1and 2 are clearly
autosomal recessive disorder, while the mode of
transmission for type 3 is still unknown.
First recognized in 1970s
Leukocytes are white blood
cells that are derived from
myeloid cells in the bone
marrow. They play an
important role in the body's
Theyuponcontinually circulate
infection,inflamation or in
the blood vessel
infaction,cytokines are released to the
endothelial cells on the blood vessels.
They then release surface proteins
called selectins. The selectins binds to
the carbohydrate on the surface of the
leukocyte causing them to roll along
the cell finding nearest point of exit.
They then enter through to the site of