Conduct of Normal Labor and Delivery
Conduct of Normal Labor and Delivery
Conduct of Normal Labor and Delivery
Identification of labor -One of the most critical diagnoses in obstetrics is the accurate diagnosis of labor -Hx, PEx, V/S (BP, PR, BT) -Uterine contraction (duration, frequency, intensity) -fetus (presentation, heart rate, size) -fetal membrane, vaginal bleeding & leakage ->The fetal heart rate should be checked, especially at the end of a contraction and immediately, thereafter, to identify pathological slowing of the heart rate
True labor -regular interval -gradually shorten -intensity: increase -discomfort back & abdomen -cervix: dialte -discomfort: not stopped by sedation False labor -irregular interval -remian long -intensity: unchanged -discomfort low abdomen -cervix: not dilate -discomfort: usually relieved by sedation
Federal requirements for inter-hospital transfer of laboring women -all Medicare-participating hospitals with emergency services must provide an appropriate medical screening examination for any pregnant women
-LABOR: the precess of childbirth beginning with the latent phase of labor continuing through delivery of the placenta
-penalty; $50,000
Electronic admission testing -NST (nonsterss test) :an assessment of fetal heart rate accelerations or lack of the same with fetal movement -CST (contraction stress test) : an assessment of fetal heart rate before, during, and following a uterine contraction if the patient is in labor
-fetal heart rate: variability and variable deceleration with fetal acoustic stimulation
Vaginal examination -aseptic conditions 1) amnionic fluid: membrane rupture posterior vaginal fornix (vernix or meconium) , swab
2) cervix: softness, effacement, dilatation, location presentation , presence of membrane 3) presenting part
Cervical effacement - the length of the cervical canal compared to that of an uneffaced cervix -reduced by one half: 50 % effaced completely: 100 % effaced
Cervical dilatation -the average diameter of the cervical opening -dilated fully: 10cm
Position of the cervix -the relationship of the cervacal os to the fetal head -posterior, modposition, or anterior (ex. preterm labor: posterior) Station -the presenting part in the birth canal in relationship to the ischial spine -ischial spine: halfway between the pelvic inlet and the pelvic outlet
-the lowermost portion of the fetal presenting part is at the level of the ischial spine: ZERO (0) engagement -divided into third ->ACOG (1988) divided into fifth (-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5) -If the head is unusually molded, of if there is an extensive caput formation, or both, engagement might not have taken place even through the head appears to be at 0 station
Detection of ruptured membranes -Ruptere of membrane
1) if not fixed in the pelvis, prolapse & cmpression of umbilical cord is greatly increased 2) if the pregnancy is at or near term, labor is likely to occur soon 3) if delivery is delayed for 24 hours or more after membranes rupture, serious intrauterine infection
-diagnosis of rupture of the membrane : pooling in the posterior fornix or passing from the cervical canal of the amnionic fluid : testing of pH normal (4.5~5.5) amnionic fluid (7.0~7.5) Nirazine test false-positive: blood, semen bacterial vaginosis false-negative: minimal fluid #Nitrazine test: insert sterile cotton tip->touching it to a strip-> comparering the color -arborization, ferning pattern or AFP of amnionic fluid
Vital signs and review of the pregnancy record Preparation of vulva and perineum -cleansing and scrubbing -clipping or mini-shaving or hair (But. not routinely) Vaginal examination -sterile gloves -avoid the anal region -the number of vaginal exam: infectious morbidity especially rupture
Enema -to minimize subesquent contaminaton by feces during the second stage -not routinely at Parkland hospital Larboratory -Hb, Hct: recheck -blood type, UA (pretein, glucose) -syphilis, hepatitis B, HIV (ex. Routine in TEXAS)
# Fetal heart rate -change in the fetal heart rate that most likely are ominous almost always are detectable immediately after a uterine contraction
- To avoid confusing maternal and fetal heart rates. the maternal pulse should be counted as the fetal heart rate is counted - fetal jeopardy, compromise, or distress ; FHR below 110 bpm after a contracton
-fetal jeopardy very likely exists if the rate is heard to be less than 100 per minute, even though there is recovery to a rate in the 110 to 160 bpm range before the next contraction
-any abnormalities: every 30 minute in the 1st stage every 15 minite in the 2nd stage at risk: every 15 minutes in the 1st stage every 5 minitus in the 2nd stage
# Uterine contraction
-with the palm of the hand lightly on the uterus, the examiner determines the time of onset of the contraction -It is best to quantify the contractions as regards