Plant Cells and Plant Structure: AS Biology Unit 2 - Topic 4
Plant Cells and Plant Structure: AS Biology Unit 2 - Topic 4
Plant Cells and Plant Structure: AS Biology Unit 2 - Topic 4
Key questions please tick or cross to show understanding What organelles are present in the plant cell? What do they do? How do they work? What is cellulose? How does cellulose give the plant strength? What materials make up the plant cell wall? What is the plant cell wall for? How does its structure help it do its function? What is the support tissue of the stem made of? How does the plant transport substances around? What evidence do scientists use to prove the movement of water around the plant?
Plant cell walls are made mostly of cellulose a polysaccharide made from glucose units. Cellulose fibres are laid down in layers running in different directions adding strength. Cellulose accounts for 50% of organic carbon in the environment.
Monomer of cellulose
This is made of several layers. The middle lamella made of pectin is the first to form. Pectin is a polysaccharide with -COO- side groups that combine with Ca+ to form calcium pectate. Calcium pectate binds to cellulose and acts as glue.
In young cells primary cell walls are flexible and in older cells a secondary cell wall develops where the cellulose fibres denser and are criss crossed, hardened with the addition of hemicelluloses and in some cases lignin.
The Plant Cell Wall Cellulose fibrils are held together by a matrix of hemicelluloses and other short chain carbohydrates (mannose, xylose, arabinose). Cellulose molecules themselves do not spiral but microfibrils do spiral around the cell wall giving strength. When water is sufficient cells are firm and turgid. When water is insufficient, plants wilt and cells become flaccid. Normal cell walls are permeable to water and solutes. Cells thickened with suberin (cork cells) or lignin (to produce wood) are impermeable to water.
Intracellular exchange through plant cell walls takes place through cytoplasmic bridges called plasmodesmata, which are produced as the cell divides.
Threads pass through gaps in the cell wall. The interconnecting cytoplasm is called the symplast.
Vacuoles are fluid filled space, surrounded by a membrane called a tonoplast. In plant cells, vacuoles are permanent structures and are filled with cell sap. Cell sap causes substances to move in and out of the cell by osmosis therefore keeping cells turgid. Vacuoles may store pigments and can be used to store proteins of seeds and fruits. Sometimes they store lytic enzymes (like animal cell vacuoles) or waste products e.g. digitalis, the active ingredient in foxgloves.
Chloroplasts are 4 10nm long, contain own DNA, surrounded by a membrane. Inside a chloroplast are Thylakoids membrane bound discs), the site of photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are formed from leucoplasts. Leucoplasts are colourless plastids found in endosperm, tubers, cotyledons, roots and other non-photosynthetic tissues of plants. Although they vary in shape, a leucoplast is usually much smaller than a chloroplast. Leucoplasts may also develop into amyloplasts for storing amylopectin, a form of starch.
The cells containing the most chloroplasts are at the top of the leaf. 18
Outer layer of the stem that protects the cells underneath. The epidermis secretes cutin a waxy substance that prevents water loss. Hairs may form on epidermis to insulate, reduce water loss, to help plant climb or for defense against insects etc. 22
Parenchyma and Collenchyma Parenchyma is (unspecialised) packing tissue e.g. mesophyll cells.
In collenchyma the walls become thickened and strengthened at the corners and is found just inside the epidermis. This tissue remain living and stretch as plant 23 grows.
Schlerenchyma Sclerenchyma is found around vascular bundles in older stems and leaves. They have strong secondary walls caused by cellulose microfibrils laid down at right angles. Some sclerenchyma cells forms fibres, often found in bundles on the outside of a stem or root
Lignin is deposited in a spiral or ring pattern for strength and flexibility (if cells are lignified the contents die). Cells completely surrounded by lignin are called sclerids.
a)Schlerenchyma cells
b)Schlerenchyma fibres
Vascular Tissues
Vascular Bundles
Contain transport systems:Xylem vessels carries water and dissolved minerals from roots to stem and leaves - mostly dead cells; provides support. Phloem vessels transport dissolved products of photosynthesis. Cambium is made of unspecialised cells that differentiate into either xylem or phloem (towards the outside of a tree trunk)
As the xylem develops the cells change from living vessels to non-living tubes
Xylem Xylem starts as living protoxylem cells which can stretch and grow. Here cellulose fibrils laid down vertically. Metaxylem are cells that stop growing and lignify, they become impermeable to water, and cell contents die. The end walls break down to form hollow tubes from the roots to the leaves and water and minerals are travel in a transpiration stream. Water can move out to surrounding cells through pits in the cell walls.
Vertical and sideways flow of water through the xylem If wounding occurs, the damaged vessel will be bypassed
Pit membrane gets pushed against the pit aperture (opening)
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