Assignments of Transport Phenomena Reg

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Assignments of Transport Phenomena for groups 1, 2, 3, 4

Problems for group 1 (to solve the problem, make shell first) In a gas absorption experiment a viscous fluid flows upward through a small circular tube and then downward in laminar flow on the outside. Set up a momentum balance over a shell of thickness r in the falling film, as shown in figure below. Note that the "momentum in" and momentum out" arrows are always taken in the positive coordinate direction, even though in this problem the momentum is flowing through the cylindrical surfaces in the negative r direction.

(a) Show that the velocity distribution in the falling film

(neglecting end effects) is

(b) Obtain an expression for average velocity in the film (c) Obtain an expression for the mass rate of flow in the film. (d) Obtain friction force on the surface cylinder by the falling film if the length of the cylinder is L



y x

B W Incompressible fluid between 2 vertical surfaces

Problems for group 2 (to solve the problem, make shell first) Obtain velocity profile and friction force on the left plate of the incompressible flow between 2 long parallel vertical plates. The right plate is at rest, while the left is moving upward at a constant velocity, vs. Assume flow is laminar. Distance between 2 plates is B, the length and width of the left plate are L and W respectively. Assume p/y=dp/dy = 0 and flow is steady state.

Problems for group 3 (to solve the problem, make shell first) Consider flow in the annulus of two cylinders where r1 and r2 are the radii of the inner and outer cylinders, respectively, l is the lengths of cylinders and the cylinders move with different rotational speeds 1 and 2, respectively. Find velocity distribution v, and shear stress at r=r1 and at r=r2. If the inner cylinder is at rest, determine torque transmitted by the outer cylinder (=shear stress x area x r2).


Problems for group 4 (to solve the problem, make shell first) A continuous belt passing vertically through a chemical bath at the edge of the bath at velocity Uo picks up a liquid film of thickness h, density , and viscosity . Gravity tends to make the liquid film drain down, but the movement of the belt keeps the fluid stationary. Assume that the surrounding air produces no shear at the outer surface of the film. State clearly boundary conditions to be satisfied by velocity at y=0 and y=h. Obtain expressions for the velocity profile and average velocity.

Uo h

dx x dy liquid film

p = patm

Surface of liquid in bath

Bath wall

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