Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
A robot is a machine that can be programmed to perform a task.
The word robot comes from the word robota in the Czechoslovakian language, which means slave-like work or forced work. Today, robots are primarily used in industry. Typically, robots are used to perform tasks that are dull, dirty, and/or dangerous. Robots increase production capability; improve product quality, and lower production costs. It is likely that very soon there will be almost totally human-free factories. Perhaps just one or two people will program or monitor the computers and carry out routine maintenance to robots and other machines.
The arm is jointed in one or more places and there is a "hand" at the end of
the arm. The 'hand" is called an end effector.
Each end effector is designed specifically for a particular job. Among the
simplest jobs is "pick and place" where a robot may take something from one place and move it to another. control them and give instructions.
Robots can do many different kinds of tasks but they still need humans to A robot is not intelligent by itself and can perform only those tasks for which
it is given a set of instructions or program.
1)Depending on Configuration 2)Depending on type of control system 3)Fixed or variable sequence robot 4)Depending upon generation 5)Servo / nonservo robots 6)Point to Point or continuous controlling robots
Classification Based on Physical Configuration:
1. Cartesian configuration 2. Cylindrical configuration 3. Polar configuration 4. Joint-arm configuration
Cartesian Configuration:
Cylindrical Configuration:
Robots with cylindrical configuration have one rotary ( R) joint at the base
and linear (L) joints succeeded to connect the links.
Polar Configuration: Polar robots have a work space of spherical shape. Generally, the arm is connected to the base with a twisting (T) joint and rotatory (R) and linear (L) joints follow.
The designation of the arm for this configuration can be TRL or TRR. Robots with the designation TRL are also called spherical robots. Those
with the designation TRR are also called articulated robots. An articulated robot more closely resembles the human arm.
Joint-arm Configuration:
The jointed-arm is a combination of cylindrical and articulated configurations. The arm of the robot is connected to the base with a twisting joint. The links in the arm are connected by rotatory joints. Many commercially available robots have this configuration.
Articulated Robots
Commonly used for: assembly operations welding weld sealing spray painting handling at die casting or fettling machines
Articulated Robots
all rotary joints allows for maximum flexibility any point in total volume can be reached. all joints can be sealed from the environment.
extremely difficult to visualize, control, and program. restricted volume coverage. low accuracy
Servo Motor
PARAMETERS Flash RAM Pin Count Max. Operating Frequency CPU # of Touch Channels 32 Kbytes 2 Kbytes 28 20 MHz 8-bit AVR 16 VALUE
26 24 No No