1 Production Control
1 Production Control
1 Production Control
The function of Production Control is to produce products with minimum total cost in the required planned delivery timeframe. The production plan should permit one to anticipate the progress of the production of any and every individual product from the receipt of the raw material to the shipment of the order. The production plan should also permit one to anticipate the itemized and total cost of producing and delivering goods .
The efficiency of the production control performance is equal to the precision of the time and cost anticipation . The greater the deviation from the scheduled time and cost figures, the poorer the production control performance.
1)Analyzing: Process of determining the quality specifications of the product. The analysis provides the specifications for the following elements of production: Raw materials Production equipment and tools Production personnel that will yield the durability, utility and emotional appeal (style factors) required for the garment .
This presents the quality measuring scale for the product. - The analysis also gives the basis of quantitative production capacity of each operation, job or process. - This is one of the requirements for forecasting the anticipated load of production per unit time.
2) Forecasting: It is the process of estimating the future sales volume, the rate of sales and the rate of delivery
3) Planning (Organizing and Scheduling): Activity of organizing the sequence of communications and material processing. Every production process must be initiated or curtailed by some communication without which there could be no precision scheduling. Scheduling is the second half of the planning activity; it adds the when to organizing what and where
B F Tech VI,January 2012
4) Routing: It consists of assigning the who to planning and executing the what, where and when
5)Controlling: It is the activity with which the production manager inspects and corrects the execution of the production plan. It is the action that must be taken to change the plan whenever production is behind the planned schedule because of improper planning, unforeseen emergencies or unpredicted occurrences.
Production control involves people and activities that strive to plan, schedule, coordinate , monitor work flow and control production with in manufacturing factory. Its duties include reviewing master production schedules and work orders, and revising schedules according to availability of workers, materials and equipment
Production control also aids the supervisor in guiding his/ her line toward an optimum level of productivity in order to assure that scheduled completion dates are achieved. Production control assures that products are being manufactured on a balanced and timely program.
Main objectives of the Production planning system are: 1) To assist in the planning and recording of overall production requirements. 2) To assist in the translation of the overall requirement in to a production schedule 3) Material Requirement and planning (MRP) to enable the user to correctly schedule the ordering of raw materials
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Resource Capacity planning to enable the user to analyze physical capacity of men and machines against capacity required. 5) To provide facilities to plan the production schedule in detail and ensure that production resources are fully utilized.
6) To launch production jobs with required documentation (job cards, Material requisition form, bundle tickets), the materials required to be drawn for these jobs, and the activities to be performed in the production process 7)To capture and monitor details of work in progress and production quantities
8) To maintain a tracking history of job progress 9) To report an exceptional conditions to ensure that jobs progress according to plan 10) To capture and record the true cost of production and to record abnormal costs such as reprocessing costs etc 11)To report on the costs and efficiencies of complete jobs in the following categories: 12)Planned quantities versus quantities actually produced The ultimate objective of all these activities is the organization of the supply and movement of materials and labor, machine utilization and related activities in order to help manufacture customer orders (or stock) in the most efficient time , at the lowest possible cost and with the highest quality
B F Tech VI,January 2012
Functions of Production Control: Clear distinctions between Production control and actual manufacturing Methods installed for the organized production control must be definitely adapted to the particular factories in which they are installed Production control is a facilitating service to manufacturing manned by staff personnel. It coordinates all of the necessary production information and production aids, including methods , times , materials and attachment It directs and checks on the course and progress of work, and closes the records when work on an order has been completed. Production control and engineering department has separate responsibility
B F Tech VI,January 2012
WHY PRODUTION CONTROL? As customer bases grow, there are more and more style variations with in product groups. Control procedures are determined by several conditioning factors: 1)Varied or repetitive character of operations 2) Nature of manufacturing processes 3) Magnitude of operations
1)Varied and repetitive operations: Variety of operations complicates the problem of planning and control, whereas repetitive operations, since they reduce variety, tend to simplify the problem Variants between continuous production of a single standardized product and the completely special order business on the other
Manufacturing to order Manufacturing for stock Variations in capacity of machines for different classes of work Degree to which subassembly exists Occurrence of customer orders containing specific delivery dates Receipt of orders for many small lots
2)Nature of Manufacturing: Production control is at minimum where a single homogeneous product is treated by a fixed sequence of processes in a continuous flow e.g coca cola bottles
Very little production control is required in these factories since it has already been embodied in the product and equipment itself
In contrast to the continuous industries are repetitive operations in factories making many products and lots at the same time. To bring these together in proper sequence, at the right time and at the right place pushes planning and control functions to the utmost. In customer manufacturing, less accurate planning is possible than when manufacturing for stock. Custom orders usually require a certain time , over and above actual operating time to pass through the factory.
In mixed stock and custom manufacturing, either stock or custom orders may be the main feature A certain amount of stock manufacturing to fill gaps in machine loading is a useful accompaniment of custom work
3)Magnitude of operations: In a small scale enterprises, control is more informal because it is more personal and direct. The degree to which the performance of any activity must be decentralized depends upon the scope of operations and the convenience of their location. In large factories , activities associated with warehousing, processing operations and custody of fished goods must of necessity be carried on in numerous locations.
Production control: Promotes effective factory operation through its control of activities with in production department itself. This control may involve routing, the decision on facilities and sequence for each operation, and follow up. The importance of control functions, and procedures will vary from factory to factory.
Routing: It begins at the determination of the sequence of operations Routing can be performed properly only be people who are thoroughly familiar with the character of the work to be done and with the resources available for doing it
Preparation of operational breakdowns and production orders Loading and scheduling
Improved working conditions Increased personal satisfaction Security of investment Adequacy of return
3) The Community Economic and social stability 5) The Nation: Security Prosperity