4-Failure Mode Analysis
4-Failure Mode Analysis
4-Failure Mode Analysis
Module 5: Scripture of the Module Some review of Module 3 8 Failure Mode Assessment and Assignment (FMA&A) 9 Pedigree Analysis 10 Change Analysis
Read Chapter 8, 9, and 10 of Systems Failure Analysis Do Quizzes on Bb as they appear Quiz next week at beginning of class
What is FMA&A?
FMA&A = Failure Mode Assessment and Assignment It is a tool to help manage the evaluation of each of the hypothesized failure causes. It is generally a table textbook has 4 columns:
Event number Description of each hypothesized failure cause Likelihood assessment of each cause (updated as data becomes available) Actions necessary to evaluate the cause and status of the evaluation (sometimes separate columns).
See Table 8.1: FMA&A for light bulb example Spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excel) is an excellent tool for this; can use word-processing tool (e.g. MS Word)
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Typically a repeat from previous activity of identifying potential causes (described in Modules 2-3)
Easier to work with table than with diagram(s) Saves time, less confusion
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Assessment Column
Describes assessment for each of the hypothesized failure causes Default for each cause is Unknown As analysis proceeds, each cause will be updated using terms such as
Unlikely = evaluation showed no problem or no lead Likely = cause likely found but not conclusive, or Confirmed = we found it! (At least the objective evidence indicates it)
For FA (i.e. the failure has already occurred), Probabilities do not really matter that much
Can be used as a guide to prioritize evaluation Should NOT be used by itself to update status
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Assignment Column
Defines action necessary to evaluate each of the hypothesized failure causes Review each hypothesized cause (i.e. row by row) and determine actions necessary to evaluate it
Evaluation needs to be objective (i.e. fact-based), not subjective (i.e. opinion-based) Focus on ruling the cause in or out Be careful!
of jumping to conclusions of ruling causes out too quickly and without evaluation
Best if ONE owner and a DUE DATE for the action(s) Status is updated as the actions are completed (in this column or an additional one)
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Point of Emphasis
Do not touch any hardware or software from the failed system until you have defined an organized, systematic, and objective manner in which to proceed
Distribute updates to team and stakeholders on a regular basis (e.g. after each team meeting)
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Individual Approaches
Suggest you use FMA&A or a similar format
Some organizations use an FA Log or similar tool You want something to capture your thoughts, planned actions, and status updates
Group Activity
* Discuss Scenario (pg. 72-73) * Document answers to questions in a file * Email file to me (one per team) *After emailing, take a 5-10 min break * Re-convene about ____
Which approach does your organization (or do you) follow? Do you think your failure analysis approach needs to change? If so, what can you do to initiate a change?
Pedigree Analysis
Documents in a pedigree:
Records of how it was built Records of material used Conformance to drawing and material requirements
If it does not address the suspect area, maybe the pedigree should
Recommend for future builds Can be part of corrective action to prevent future failures
Shipped systems do not always meet all of its requirements
Many pedigree reviews reveal that the product had/has a problem In some cases, pedigree directly related to the failure
Sometimes nonconforming material or system ships anyway Sometimes everything looks fine but something is suspicious
Follow-up independent verification may be needed Additional inspections, testing, etc. can be sought
Change Analysis
Nothing changed! Failure was happening, but not observed Failure occurs within normal statistical variation Change occurred, but unrelated to failure A change induced the failure
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Design Changes
Controlled design change Redlined design change Rejected material: use as is or repair Outsourced components and subassemblies
Process Changes
Work or Build Instructions
Many companies do not have instructions Imprecise work instructions Little rigor on changes Changes to equipment, tooling, settings not documented People not following the instructions
Investigate the documentation for changes Investigate for non-documented changes SPC can help and provide a starting point
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323
Environmental Changes
Temperature and Humidity issues
Curing or dying of materials Non-environmentally controlled processes Investigate if failure correlates to temp/humidity
Investigate changes in environment or procedure Epoxies and raw material may be sensitive Moving locations can induce changes
Failure Analysis of Engineering Systems ENGR 5323