Computer Aided Engineering Drawing: Advanced Autocad Concepts
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing: Advanced Autocad Concepts
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing: Advanced Autocad Concepts
Format: LAYER
?/ Make/ Set/ New/ ON/ OFF/ Color/ Ltype/
Freeze/ Thaw/ LOck/ Unlock:
? Wildname Lists layers, with states, colors and
Make name Creates a new layer.
Set name Sets current layer.
New name, name Creates new layers.
ON wildname Turns on specified layers.
OFF wildname Turns off specified layers.
Freeze wildname Completely ignores layers during
Thaw wildname "Unfreezes" specified layers.
LOck wildname Disallows editing of specified layers.
Unlock wildname Allows editing of specified layers.
Where "wildname" appears above, the layer
name(s) can include "*" and "?" wild cards.
A single "*" selects all existing layers.
LAYER Control Dialogue Box
Both the DDEMODES and DDLMODES commands let
you control layers using the Layer Control dialogue
box. The Layer Control dialogue box lists the layers in
the current drawing, showing their properties. The
layer states are indicated by single-letter codes as
L Locked
C Frozen in the current viewport
N Frozen by default in new viewports
Format: WBLOCK
Filename: (output file name)
Block name:
Block Name Options
Select objects Select Block reference, Polyline,
Dimension, or Mesh.
3D Drawing
3D is an AutoLISP application (3d.lsp) that creates various
3D objects, including a box, cone, dome/dish, pyramid,
torus, wedge, and a simple 3D mesh.
The 3D command creates each object as a polygon mesh
rather than a series of 3D Faces, letting you edit each
entity as a single object.
Use the EXPLODE command to turn these objects into a
collection of 3D Faces.
Format: 3D
The 3DMESH command lets you define a three-
dimensional Polygon mesh by specifying its M and N
size, and the location of each vertex in the mesh.
Vertices can be specified as 2D or 3D points.
The total number of vertices equals M times N.
Format: 3DMESH
Mesh M size: Enter a value.
Mesh N size: Enter a value.
Vertex (M,N): Select a point.
Vertices can be located at any distance relative to one
another. After all vertices have been specified,
AutoCAD draws the mesh.
3D Poly
The 3DPOLY command creates a general, three
dimensional Polyline.
A 3D Polyline consists entirely of straight-line
segments connecting the vertices of the Polyline. You
can supply 3D (x,y,z) coordinates for any or all of
these vertex locations. Arc segments, width, taper,
and other attributes of 2D Polylines are not supported.
Format: 3DPOLY
First point: Select a point.
Close/Undo/<Endpoint of line>:
3D Array
3DARRAY is an AutoLISP application (3darray.lsp)
that creates three-dimensional rectangular or polar
When you use the 3DARRAY command, you specify
rows, columns, and levels for a rectangular array of
objects or an axis for a polar array of objects.
Format: 3DARRAY
Select objects: Select objects to copy.
Rectangular or Polar array (R/P): Enter R or P.
The VPOINT command asks you to select a 3D viewpoint, and
regenerates the drawing as if you were viewing it from that point.
All entities are drawn with the correct elevation and thickness,
and projected as you would see them from the specified
Format: VPOINT
Rotate/<View point> <current X, Y, Z>: