Automotive HVAC # Pressure Zones
Automotive HVAC # Pressure Zones
Automotive HVAC # Pressure Zones
Type of System:
Thermostatic Cycling R12 15 - 30 psi
Cycling Pressure xx R12 25 - 44 psi
Cycling Pressure xx R134a 21 - 44 psi
Cycling Pressure xx R12 25 - 46 psi
Cycling Pressure xxx R134a 23 - 46 psi
Cycling Pressure xxx R134a 21 - 44 psi
1. These are pressures at which the compressor clutch is set to cycle on and off.
2. Actual normal low Side Pressures will Depend on the Ambient Temperature, Humidity
and sun Load and the Type of Vehicle.
3. If temperature low, refrigerant pressure will also be low as a result of low ambient temp.
4. If ambient temp high, cabin temp low, evaporator exchanges little cooling because cabin
is already cool.
5. If ambient temp warm to high, fan set on low.
6. If ambient temperature high, cabin temperature high, system charge low.
Low Side Operating Parameters: 25 to 35 psi
Ideal High Side Pressure
At 70 140 - 210 psi
At 80 160 - 235 psi
At 90 210 - 290 psi
At 100 255 - 365 psi
At 110
280 - 385 psi
These are what would be considered normal
high side pressure when connected to a
service port located between the compressor
and the condenser.
Remember; There is no "single" normal low or
high side pressure. Normal low and high side
pressure changes with a change in
temperature, humidity, and sun load.
Remember; If the service port is located
between the condenser and the orifice tube
the pressure will be about 20 psi to 30 psi
lower than if it is located between the
compressor and condenser
It is used to control evaporator core temperature either by system pressure or an
electrical sensing bulb. Clutch cycling switch controls electrical current to the
compressor clutch preventing the evaporator core from freezing during
operation. The compressor will cycle for the following reasons:
1. Ambient temperature low, refrigerant pressure low as a result of low ambient
2. Ambient temp high, cabin temp low, evaporator exchanges little cooling
because cabin is already cool.
3. Ambient temp warm to high, fan set on low, same reason as #2.
Ambient temperature high, cabin temperature high, system charge low.
The system is cycled to maintain the most useful pressure for commonly
encountered temperatures. With a FULL charge, the system will cycle very
frequently in cooler temperatures, and sometimes will not have the pressure to
EVER come on. That is how the CCOT systems work, and why they cycle the
clutch a lot. The thermal expansion valve systems cycle the clutch less. If the
charge is proper, in high temperatures, you might never see a time when the
compressor clutch cycles off, until the cabin is cool, or the temperature drops
outside. If the charge is too low, it'll cycle frequently to keep ice away.
If the charge is too high
You will blow the system up. That's why you need to know how much refrigerant is in the system. In very high ambient
temperatures, it's occasionally advantageous to have a slightly low charge, only because the pressures of the system are
maintained at a more optimum level despite the huge outside temperature differential. But that same system will be largely
ineffective if the temperature is lower. The whole picture is, you should make sure you have the proper charge as often as
possible, especially if the system has a leak. That way, you'll be assured proper cooling, good compressor life, system integrity,
and for you, sanity. Fortunately, A/C work is NOT very hard if you take the time to read about it a little bit and learn about what
causes it to function as it does.
The receiver/dryer is a storage tank for the liquid refrigerant from the condenser.
The upper portion of the receiver tank containing a bag of desiccant (moisture-absorbing material such as silica
alumina or silica gel).
As the refrigerant flows through an opening in the lower portion of the receiver, it is filtered through a mesh screen
attached to a baffle at the bottom of the receiver.
Performs much the same functions as the receiver/dryer with the exception that it is found in the low side after the
It stores low pressure, low temperature vapour and removes any moisture that may be present in the system.
This ensures only vapour reaches the compressor.