Policies On Leave
Policies On Leave
Policies On Leave
Entitlement .
Appointive Officials
- upon appointment to
government service
-employees under probationary period may
avail of whatever leave credits earned.
- Any leave of absence without pay incurred
during the probation period extends its
completion period for the same number of
days absent.
Entitlement .
Part-time Employees
-VL and SL benefits proportionate to the
number of work hours rendered
-eg. 4 hours of work 5 days
4 x 5 = 20 hours a week
7.5 days vacation leave
7.5 days sick leave
Officials & Employees covered by
Special Laws
Justices of SC, CA and
Judges of RTC, MTC,
MCTC, Court of Tax
Appeals and Sharia
Chairman and
Commissioners of
Filipino officers and
employees in Foreign
Faculty members of
SUCs pursuant to
Sec. 4 (h) of RA
8292 (Higher
Modernization Act of
Other officials and
employees covered by
special laws
Entitlement teachers
Teachers leave - teachers are not entitled to the
usual VL and SL but to proportional vacation
pay (PVP) of 70 days of summer vacation plus
14 days of Christmas vacation.
Thus , a teacher who rendered continuous
service in a school year without incurring
absences without pay of not more than 1 1/2
days is entitled to 84 days of PVP
Entitlement teachers
Vacation service credits (VSC)
- leave credits earned for services rendered by teachers, as
authorized by proper authority, on activities during:
summer, or
Christmas vacation
The VSC is used to offset
absences of teachers due to
illness (DEPED Order No. 53, s. 2003)
Activities for which service credit may be
o Registration and election days as long as these are mandated
o Calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuation
o Conduct or remedial classes during the summer or Christmas
vacation or outside of regular school days;
o Early opening of the school year;
o School sports competition held outside regular school days;
DepEd Order #53,s. 2003
Services rendered during
Activities for which service credit may be
Services rendered during
o Training teachers in addition to their normal
teaching loads ;
o Teaching overload not compensated by honoraria;
o Teaching in non-formal education classes in
addition to teaching in formal education classes
carrying a normal teaching load;
o Work done during regular school days if these are
in addition to the normal teaching load;
DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003
Activities for which service credit may be
Services rendered during
o Work done during regular school days if these are in
addition to the normal teaching load
o Conduct of testing activities held outside of school days;
o Attendance/participation in special DepED projects and
activities which are short-term in duration such as English,
Science and Math Mentors Training, curriculum writing
workshop, planning workshop, etc, if such are held during
the summer vacation or during weekends ;
o Attendance/Participation in special DEPED activities which
are short term in duration if such are held during summer,
holidays or during weekends
o In-service training programs fully funded by the government;
o Assignment to clerical work, such as checking forms and
finishing reports;
o Reassignment of teachers to duty in another bureau of office
(detailed in another office;
o Assignment in connection with exhibits at a fair;
o Postponement of a regular teachers vacation; and
o Time spent in travelling to and from station to the place
where services are rendered.
DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003
Teachers who are entitled to vacation
and sick leave
Those who are designated to perform non-
teaching functions; and
Who render the same hours of service as other
Transfer teachers
A teacher who transferred to the non-teaching
service or who resigned from government service
ten (10) days before the close of the school year is
entitled to proportional vacation pay inasmuch as
his right thereto has already accrued
provided that the service will not be prejudice and
provided further that he fulfills his responsibilities
and obligations
Entitlement teachers
Teachers and other school personnel on the teachers
leave basis who resigned, retired, or separated from the
service through no fault of their own or after January
16, 1986 shall be paid the money value of their unused
vacation service credits converted to VL/SL
Entitlement teachers
VL and SL =30Y/69
30 - No. of days in a mo.
Y - Total no. of teachers service
69* - 58 days of summer vacation +
11 days of Christmas vacation
*84-15(12sat, Sun on summer vacation + 3
days[Christmas day, Rizal Day, New Years
Entitlement teachers
Conversion of SL/VL to
vacation service credits
Y = ------------------ x 69
Other leave benefits of teachers
Indefinite sick leave of absence shall be
granted to teachers when the nature of the
illness demands a long treatment that will
exceed one year at the least. (Sec 25, RA 4670)
Study Leave - In addition to the leave
privileges now enjoyed by teachers in the
public schools, they shall be entitled to
study leave not exceeding one school
year after seven (7) years of (continuous)
service with pay. (Section 24, R.A. 4670)
Employees on extended leave
Entitled to leave benefits but leave
credits earned are:
CSC Resolution No. 04-0229 dated March 5, 2004
Sec. 34 of Omnibus Rules on Leave
Tardiness and Undertime are deducted
against vacation leave credits.
One half day is considered tardy if
incurred in the morning and undertime in
the afternoon. Habitually tardy means
10 times in a month for two months in
a semester or 10 times in a month for
two consecutive months in the year
with the following sanctions: ( Rule
offense - Reprimand
offense - Suspension for one to thirty
offense - Dismissal
Effects of Undertime/Tardiness on PES
10- 1-3 times
8- 4-6 times
6- 7-10 times
4 -11-15 times
2 more than 15 times
Policies on Leave of Absence .
Accumulation of Vacation and Sick leave - NO
LIMIT. Upon separation from service, an
employee is entitled to the commutation of all
accumulated vacation/sick leave credits
In case of re-employment, the commuted
money value shall NOT be refunded.
Leave Credits shall start from zero balance
Options in case of transfer:
1. Transfer of accumulated leave credits to the
new agency
- can be availed of as a matter of right if NO gap in the
service. A gap of 1 month may be allowed provided it
is not due to the fault of the employee
- can be exercised within ONE year
2. Commutation of accumulated
leave credits
if application for leave of absence
is not acted upon within FIVE
(5) working days
Policies on Leave of Absence
Effect of Unauthorized Leave
employee shall not be entitled to receive
salary corresponding to the period of
unauthorized leave of absence, however,
the absence shall no longer be deducted
from accumulated leave credits
Employee may be DROPPED from
the rolls
Policies on Leave of Absence .
Continuous unauthorized absences for
more than 30 WORKINGS DAYS
Dropping from the rolls
The employee is considered on AWOL
He/She may be dropped from the rolls
WITHOUT prior notice
He/She must be notified of his separation
from service
Absences incurred is less than 30
Dropping from the rolls
A written RETURN-TO-WORK (RTW) order
shall be served to the employee
Failure on his part to to report for
work within the period stated in the
RTW shall be a valid ground to
drop him from the rolls
Absences in excess of accumulated VL
and SL shall be without pay
LWOP shall be allowed only if there are
no accumulated leave credits except in
case of secondment
If sick leave credits were already
exhausted, vacation leave credits can be
used, but not vice versa.
Leave of Absence without pay
LWOP not exceeding one (1) year may be
granted, however, the employee is
considered automatically separated
from service if he/she fails to report after
its expiration
LWOP in excess of one (1) month requires
clearance from the proper head of agency
Leave of Absence without pay
An employee who is absent on
a day immediately preceding
or succeeding a Saturday,
Sunday or Holiday, whether
continuous or not, shall not be
considered absent on said
Leave of Absence without pay
Leave of Absence without pay
Formula : (Mc 14, s. 1999)
Mo. salary
Salary = Mo. Salary ------------------- x No. of day
Calendar days LWOP
For continuous absences over 10 working days: (MC 24, s. 1999 )
Mo. Salary
Salary = Mo. Salary ----------------- x No. of days
Actual No. of LWOP working days
Effect of VL without pay on the grant
of Step Increment
15 days and below
no effect; it will not interrupt the
continuity of the 3-year service
More than 15 days
the grant will be delayed for the same
number of days on LWOP
Effect of VL without pay on
the grant of Loyalty Award
50 days and below
- no effect; employee shall be
considered as having rendered
continuous service
Monetization of Leave Credits
If accumulated vacation leave credits is 15
days, an employee may be allowed to
monetize a minimum of ten (10) days
At least five (5) days must be retained
Maximum of 30 days a year
Monetization of Leave Credits
Effective June 22, 2002, fifty percent of the
accumulated VL/SL may be allowed for valid and
justifiable reasons such as:
a. Health, medical and hospital needs of the
employee and the immediate members of the
b. Financial aid and assistance brought about by
force majeure such as calamities, typhoons, fire,
earthquake and accidents that affect the life, limb
and property of the employee and his/her
immediate family;
(MC 16, s. 2002)
Monetization of Leave Credits
(MC 16, s. 2002)
c. educational needs of the employee and the
immediate members of his/her family;
d. payment of mortgages and loans which
were entered into for the benefit or which
inured to the benefit of the employee and
his/her immediate family;
Monetization of Leave Credits
(MC 16, s. 2002)
e. in cases of extreme financial needs of the employee
or his/her immediate family where the present
sources of income are not enough to fulfill basic
needs such as foods, shelter and clothing; and
f. Other analogous cases as may be determined by
the Commission.
Monetization of Leave Credits
shall be upon the favorable recommendation
of the agency head
subject to availability of funds
Amount = S x D x CF
where: S = Salary ; D = No. of Days to be monetized
CF = Constant Factor = .0478087
Tardiness and undertime are deducted from
vacation leave credits and not from sick leave
credits, unless undertime is for health reasons
The basis for the computation of salary during
leave with pay is the salary an employee is
currently receiving
An employee with pending case/s is not barred
from enjoying leave privileges
Other Salient Policies
Employee shall not be considered absent for the
whole day
Leave credits to be deducted is equal to time
when official working hours start up to the
time the suspension of work is announced
Absence on a regular day for
which suspension of work is
While an incumbent is on leave, his
position is not vacant. Only a substitute
appointment may be issued during the
said period
Dismissed employees who were later
exonerated and reinstated are entitled
to the leave credits during the period
they were out of service.
Other Salient Policies
Violation of the leave laws, or any
misrepresentation or deception in
connection with an application for leave,
shall be a ground for disciplinary action.
Other Salient Policies
may be availed of outside of the regular
working hours, except Sundays, to offset
non-attendance or undertime during the
regular office hours subject to the written
approval of the agencys proper official
each government office shall formulate its
own internal rules and regulations.
Other Salient Policies
RENDERED (JC No. 4, s. 2004)
Issued pursuant to AO 103 re: Directing the Continued
Adoption of Austerity Measures in the Government
Compensatory Time-Off non-monetary
benefit provided in lieu of overtime pay. The
employee is excused from reporting for work
with full pay and benefits
Compensatory Overtime Credit (COC)
- accrued number of hours an employee earns as a result
of services rendered beyond regular working hours and those
rendered on Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays or scheduled days
off without the benefit of overtime pay
-Should not be more than 40 hours a month
-Balance should not exceed 120 hours
-It shall be considered as official time for purposes of
compliance with compensation rules and computation of
service hours for entitlement to leave credits
-It must be used as time-off within the year these were earned
until the immediately succeeding year (as amended by JC 2-
A, s. 2005)
Limitation on the Use of COC
- cannot be used to offset undertime/s or tardiness
incurred by the employee during regular working days
- cannot be converted to cash
- will not be added to the regular leave credits
- forfeited in case of resignation or separation from the
Computation shall be
made on the basis of
one day VL and one
day SL for every 24
days of actual service
Actual Service - refers to the period of
continuous service since the appointment
of the official or employee concerned,
including the period or periods covered by
any previously approved leave with pay
Leave of Absence without pay other than illness will not
be considered as part of actual services rendered
Sick Leave without pay earns leave and is considered
actual service
For purposes of granting leave of absence
or more but less than is considered as half day
or more is counted as one full day
Absences in excess of of accumulated
leave credits is leave without pay. It
cannot be charged to the vacation and
sick leave that will be subsequently
Leave credits are earned while on
leave with pay
Employees with irregular work schedule
- the off-duty regardless of whether they fall on
Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays during the period
of the leave, are to be excluded in the
computation of the vacation and sick leave
Employees Observing Flexible Working Hours
If an employee renders less than eight (8) hours of
work per day but nevertheless completed the 40 hours
of work in a week, only the minimum number of
hours required to be served for a day but which was
not served will be deducted from the leave credits.
Any absence incurred will be charged in proportion to
the number of hours required for a days work
TLB= S x D x CF
TLB- terminal leave
S - highest monthly
salary received
D - no. of accumulated
VL/SL credits
CF - constant factor of
CF derived as
365 days in a year
104 Sat & Sun in a
10 legal holidays in
a year
12 mos in a year