DOT Pipeline Specifications
DOT Pipeline Specifications
DOT Pipeline Specifications
ABC Company
ABC Chemical Complex
Engineering Specifications
ABC Chemical Complex 2
Scope Comparison
Prescribes minimum
safety requirements for
pipeline facilities
Legal document
enacted by Congress
ABC Chemical Complex 3
Format Comparison
Scope & Definitions
Dimensional Require.
Const., Weld, & Assb.
Inspection & Testing
O&M Procedures
Corrosion Control
DOT 49CFR195
A: General
B: Reporting Accidents
C: Design Requirement
D: Construction
E: Pressure Testing
F: O&M
ABC Chemical Complex 4
Format Comparison: 31.8 vs 192
Materials & Equipment
Pip Sys Comp & Fab
Design, Inst, and Test.
O&M Procedures
Corrosion Control
Offshore Gas Trans.
DOT 49CFR192
Pipe Design
Design of Pipeline
Welding of Steel
General Const. Req.
Req. for Corrosion Con
Test Requirements
ABC Chemical Complex 5
Format Comparison: 31.8 vs 192
See Previous Slide
ABC Chemical Complex 6
Engineering Specifications
Exceptions to Code Requirements
AS DEFINED: when Safety considerations in
DOT 49CFR 192 or 195 demand tighter
controls in ABC Engineering Specification than
required in the governing design and
construction Codes, i.e. ASME/ ANSI B31.4
ABC Chemical Complex 7
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
ABC Exceptions to ASME/ANSI B31.4
from DOT 49CFR195 Requirements
Subpart A
Matter Incorporated by Reference
See Finding Aids in Appendix for DOT 49CFR
Compatibility necessary for transportation of
hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide
Conversion to service
Responsibility of operator for compliance
ABC Chemical Complex 8
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
Subpart B, Reporting Accidents and Safety
Related Conditions
Reporting Accidents and Safety Related Conditions
Reporting Accidents
Telephonic notice of certain accidents
Accident reports
Reporting safety-related conditions
Filing safety-related condition reports
ABC Chemical Complex 9
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
Subpart C, Design Requirements
Design Factor, Cold Expanded and Reheated Pipe
75% of the allowable stress as determined by para.
402.3.1(a), (b), or (c). [Maximum 0.72x0.75=0.54
195.120, Passage of Internal Inspection Devices
Not included in ASME/ANSI B31.4
ABC Chemical Complex 10
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
Subpart D, Construction
195.210, Pipeline Location
Minimum 12-inch cover within 50 feet of private dwelling
or industrial building or place of public assembly.
195.234, Nondestructive Examination
10% of all production welds for all stress levels.
100% of all girth welds when installing used pipe.
Minimum 90% in B31.4
100% for all tie in welds not hydrotested.
Minimum 90% in B31.4
ABC Chemical Complex 11
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
Subpart D, Construction (Continued)
Cathodic Protection Systems
31.4 & 195: Install with one year of commissioning
ABC: CP system to be commissioned with pipeline.
ABC Chemical Complex 12
Engineering Exception-Liquids
Subpart E, Pressure Testing
General Requirements
Interstate pipeline constructed before January 8, 1971
Intrastate pipeline constructed before October 21,
ABC Chemical Complex 13
Engineering Exceptions-Liquids
Subpart F, Operations and Maintenance
195.406, Maximum Operating Pressure
Paragraph (a)(1)(i) refers to Appendix N, Recommended
Practice for Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines in Place,
ASME/ANSI B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribution
Piping. Appendix N is generic for all pipelines and DOT
required a reference in this paragraph to establish criteria
for maximum operating pressure.
80% of test pressure=0.8 x 1.25 = 1.00 = design pressure
195.424, Pipeline Movement
Reduce pressure to 50% MAOP.
ABC Chemical Complex 14
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
ABC Exceptions to ASME/ANSI B31.4
Due to 49CFR192 Requirements
Subpart A, General
Class locations
Incorporation by reference
Conversion to service subject to this part
Rules of regulatory construction
ABC Chemical Complex 15
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
Subpart B, Materials
Transportation of pipe. (192.65)
Pipe with an outer diameter to wall thickness ratio of 70 to
1 or more may not be used in a pipeline to be operated at a
hoop stress of 20% or more of SMYS if the pipe is
transported by railroad.
ABC Chemical Complex 16
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
Subpart C, Pipe Design
Class Location and Design Factor
1. 0.72 (Same as B31.4)
2. 0.60 (Safety Factor Increased by 20% from 1)
3. 0.50 (Safety Factor Increased by 44% from 1)
4. 0.40 (Safety Factor Increased by 80% from 1)
Previous editions of ASME/ANSI B31.8 used the
term, Population Density Index with Construction
Types A, B, C, and D. The Location Classes 1, 2, 3,
and 4 have replaced the above in the definition of
design, construction, testing, and operating require-
ABC Chemical Complex 17
Engineering Exception-Gas
Subpart D, Design of Pipeline Components
192.145, Valves
Valves must be hydrotested at least 1.5 times the maximum
service rating.
192.150, Passage of internal inspection devices
Each new pipeline must be designed for intelligent pigging.
Operators may petition for approval to not comply.
192.153, Components fabricated by welding
Orange-peel bull plugs and/or swages are prohibited on ABC
Flat closures and fish tails may not be used on piping that either
operates at 100 psig or above or is >3 in diameter.
ABC Chemical Complex 18
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
Subpart E, Welding of Steel in Pipelines
192.233 - Miter Joints
Miter joints are permitted in certain cases for DOT gas
ABC specifications prohibit these joints, because
restrictions are too difficult to follow and enforce in
construction and maintenance welding activities.
192.243, Nondestructive testing
B31.4 allows 40% weld inspection in Location Class 3 and
75% in Location Class 4. DOT requires 100% or at least
90% if impractical.
ABC Chemical Complex 19
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
Subpart G, General Construction Requirements
for Transmission Lines and Mains
192.315, Wrinkle Bends in steel pipe.
Wrinkle bends are allowed on steel pipe operating at a
pressure that produces a hoop stress of less than 30%
Wrinkle bends are prohibited on ABC pipelines.
ABC Chemical Complex 20
Engineering Exceptions-Gas
Subpart J, Test Requirements
192.505 & 192.619
For Location Class 3 which includes all ABC gas
transmission pipelines, DOT requires a test pressure equal
to 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure.
ASME/ANSI B31.8 requires a test pressure equal to 1.4
times the maximum operating pressure.