Oral Presentation 4 Neuro

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Oral Presentation 4

Clinical Experience 4

Prepared by
Name: XXX
Age: 42 years old
Sex: Male
Ward: A2 Neurology Ward
Pass medical history: Nil
Pass surgical history: Nil

Spontaneous SAH (subarachnoid
hemorrhage) TRO Ruptured Aneurysm
Actual Nursing Diagnosis
Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion
related to hemorrhage as evidence by
change in motor and sensory response

Patient will be able to maintain usual and
improved level of consciousness
cognition, and motor function.

Nursing Intervention
Monitor vital signs:
Hypertension/hypotension, compare
BP readings in both arms;
Heart rate and rhythm; auscultate for
Respirations, noting patterns and rhythm,
e.g., periods of apnea after
hyperventilation, Cheyne-Stokes
Nursing Intervention
Maintain bed rest; provide quiet
environment; restrict visitors/activities
as indicated. Provide rest periods
between care activities, limit duration
of procedures.
Prevent straining at stool, holding
Nursing Intervention
Administer supplemental oxygen as

Nursing Intervention

Nursing Intervention

Nursing Intervention


Impaired Physical Mobility related
muscle weakness as manifested by
decrease muscle strength

Maintain/increase strength and function
of affected or compensatory body part
Maintain skin integrity.

Nursing Intervention
Change positions at least every 2 hr
(supine, sidelying) and possibly more
often if placed on affected side.
Begin active/passive ROM to all
extremities (including splinted) on
admission. Encourage exercises such as
quadriceps/gluteal exercise, squeezing
rubber ball, extension of fingers and
Nursing Intervention
Inspect skin regularly, particularly over
bony prominences. Gently massage any
reddened areas and provide aids such as
sheepskin pads as necessary.
Support dependent body partswith
pillows because To maintain position of
function and prevent pressure ulcers

Nursing Intervention
Observe affected side for color, edema,
or other signs of compromised circulation.
Edematous tissue is more easily
traumatized and heals more slowly.
Assist to develop sitting balance (e.g.,
raise head of bed; assist to sit on edge of
bed, having patient use the strong arm to
support body weight and strong leg to
move affected leg; increase sitting time)
and standing balance.
Nursing Intervention
Provide ripper mattress to the patient
Patients body is in normal strength and
part during hospitalization.
Patient not having any skin breakdown
during hospitalization.

Potential Nursing Diagnosis

Risk for injury (ruptured aneurysm)
related to raised of intracranial

Patient will be comfortable and safe
from any external force that can
trigger aneurysm to ruptured.
Nursing Intervention
Carry out neurological observation with
the Glasgow Coma Scale. Report if the
scoring is less than 10 as its a clear sign
of further deterioration of patients
Monitor patients vital sign such as blood
pressure for every one to two hours.

Another simple method used to lower
ICP (particularly in trauma cases) is to
loosen neck collars and clothing.
Sandbags may be used to further limit
neck movement
Encourage RIB, provide quiet
environment, limit noxious stimuli; limit
stimulant, avoid ingestion stimulant-
coffee, alcohol, cigarette.
Nursing Intervention
Teach client to avoid sneezing, serve
medication for coughing and vomiting
Maintain airway by elevate head of bed
15-30 or flat as prescribe; head and
neck should be neutral position to
promote venous drainage.

Nursing Intervention
Encourage their significant others to
visit them so that patient will be more
comfortable and confident
Patient is comfortable and safe from
the external force that trigger the
aneurysm to ruptured
Risk of anxiety related to knowledge
deficit and stress
Patient will verbalize understanding of
procedure and expected outcome during
Nursing Intervention
Build rapport with the patient
Identify the communication or language
barrier and knowledge level
Explain sequence of treatment, and
teaching about aneurysm to the patient.
Provide instruction when doing
procedure and let the patient know the
procedure expected outcome
Let the patient rest in bed
Ask them to accompany him during
Asses the patient understanding about
the treatment and the procedure
Patient will demonstrate knowledge of
physiological and psychological response
to the procedure

Any Question ???
Thank You For Your

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