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The Upper Big Branch

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The Upper Big Branch

Mine Disaster




Natasha &
The Backbones


2 Problem Description
4 Recommendations
and Discussion

3 Case Analysis

1 Learning Objectives

To learn that a company has also a duty to:
(1) act in ethical and fair-dealing manner,
(2) demonstrate socially responsible behavior,
internally and externally,
(3) adopt business practices that conserve
natural resources.

Those strategies play roles in delivering value to

customers and shareholders and keeping the
sustainability of the company itself.

Business Ethics
[biz-niz eth-iks]
The application of ethical principles and
standards to the actions and decisions of
business organizations and the conduct of

A strategy that is unethical is

morally wrong and reflects
badly on the character of the
company personnel.

There are costs incurred when

ethical wrongdoing is discovered.


Visible Costs
Internal Administrative Costs
Intangible or Less Visible Costs

Corporate Social Responsibility

[kawr-per-it soh-suh l ri-spon-suh-bil-i-tee]
refers to
a companys duty to operate in an honorable
manner, provide good working conditions for
employees, encourage workforce diversity, be
a good steward of the environment, and
actively work to better the quality of life in the
local communities where it operates and in
society at large.

Massey Energy
a coal extractor in the United States with
substantial operations in West Virginia,
Kentucky and Virginia
owner and operator of the Upper Big Branch
(UBB) mine

Masseys Good Contributions

1. Delivered benefits to the nation as a whole and
to Appalachian region.
2. Lessened the countrys reliance on imported oil.
3. Donated to scholarship programs and provided
emergency support during natural disasters.

Type of Mining in UBB


Method of Mining in UBB


Longwall Shearer

On April 5, 2010

The incident killed 29 miners and 2 others seriously

injured which brought it to the worst mining disaster
in the United States in almost 40 years.

Stakeholder Analysis
Don Blankenship
Massey President, CEO and Chairman (since 1992)
Recently stepped down December 30, 2010
Money and profit goal oriented
A Veteran Miner
Told Massey workers not to worry about the
unsafe conditions
Possible involvement with company politics

Stakeholder Analysis
A Mine Foreman
Felt unsafe about the mine conditions

Brought issue to superintendent

Almost internal whistleblower
(wanted to remain loyal, consequences of losing his job)

Without a union
Psychological instinct
(pressure to obey instructions)

Stakeholder Analysis
Safety governmental agency
Flagged Massey Energy Co. for not obeying
Frame of reference: politics
Investors of the company
Interested in revenues and profits only

Ethical Issues
Rights of employees within a firm
Corruption and Bribery
Employee duties
The right to strike


MSHA use power to enforce existing regulations:

More frequent & detailed inspections
increase budget
Surprise checkups
MSHA in closer contact with miners
MSHA reps working at company to act as and
support whistle blowers

Change the mentality of the company

Help subsidize the proper safety equipment
Harsher laws and greater penalties
Give incentives to change
Meetings/mine tours every quarter
Improve Law system
Shorten the appeal process

Unite miners across to prevent another tragedy

Annually/semi annually conference with union
reps from all over the country
Closer ties to union (UMWA)
Increase exposure of current issues
Social media



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