Laurente and Divinagracia

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Nursing Theorist

Cecilia Laurente
Local nursing theorist in the Philippines,
who focused her works on helping a
patient through support systems
specifically the family.
She has a publication entitled
"Categorization of Nursing activities as
Observed in Medical Surgical Ward Units
in Selected Government and Private
Hospitals in Metro Manila

She became a dean of the College of

Nursing in UP Manila from 1996-2002

Theory of nursing practice and career

In the recent study of Laurente, she states that another
entry point of helping the patient is though the family,
when nurses can be of great assistance to prevent at the
very beginning serious complications. The nurse can help
strengthen the familys term of knowledge, skills, and
attitude through effective communication, employed
informative, psychotherapeutic, modeling, behavioral,
cognitive-behavioral, and/or hypnotic techniques are
summarized and evaluated.

Carmelita Divinagracia
Finished her Masteral degree in Nursing in
1975 and a doctoral degree holder in 2001
She has been lauded for developing the art
and competency of teaching nursing.
She has lectured and written about her
work as a nurse and how she has used her
hands-on experience to develop better
ways to teach nursing.
Her love for nursing and her dedication to
carve out learning tools for nursing
students has been a commendable and rare
field of discipline.

Carmelita Divinagracia
As a teacher, she could not be anything
else but a perfect thesis adviser. She has
teamed up with the Commission on
Higher Education for the drafting of a
higher standard of competency in
nursing schools in the Philippines.
She was the former president of the
Association of Deans of Philippine
Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) and the
dean of UERMMMC College of Nursing.
She is also a member of CHEDs Technical
Committee on Nursing Education. On
2008, Dean Divinagracia received the
Anastacia Giron Tupas Award.

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