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Genre Investigation

What is genre?
The way of categorising different media texts according to its content or style. They are formed by conventions, for example a
Horror film contains a weak character, weapons, blood, dramatic music, and a number of deaths. Other examples include:
Comedy, Romance, Sci-fi, Thriller and many more.

What genre theorists are there?

Rick Altman: Genres are usually defined through semantic elements, for example western films: guns, horses, settings, etc..
Sometimes film genre can even more defined through actors/actresses. For example, Clint Eastwood is a common figure in
western films.
Daniel Chandler: Based upon particular conventions of the film content. For example, themes, settings and form (structure and
style). Embedded within texts is the assumption about the reader/audience: age, class, genre, culture and psychographics.
John Hartley: The same text can belong to different genres in different countries at different times.
Andrew Tudor: Genre is only what we collectively believe it to be. Genre defines a moral and social world.
Tom Ryall: Genre provides framework structure in the shape of different patterns/forms/styles that act as a form of supervision
over the work production of film and to the audience to reader the structure.
What genre theories link to the horror genre?
Rick Altman adheres to horror genre as the elements stereotypically contain a murder, blood, weapons and darkness.
Daniel Chandler similarly states this, with the setting of the horror genre usually in a dark place, that is isolated.
Tom Ryall relates to the horror genre as the structure of the genre is a numerous amount of murders, facing a cliff hanger as to
whether the murder is alive.

Narrative Investigation
What is narrative? A constructive format (speech, writing, song, film, television) that describes a sequence of fictional/non
fictional events. The way media text elements are put together to create a story. Horror films usually have a dramatic narrative,
with a lot of twists to scare or shock the audience.
What narrative theorists are there?
Vladmir Propp: It is possible to classify characters ands their actions into clearly defined roles; The hero (seeks something) The
villain (opposes the hero) The doner (helps the hero by providing a magic object) The dispatcher (sends the hero on his way)
The false hero (falsely assuming the role of the hero) The help (gives support to the hero) The princess (the reward for the hero,
but also needs protection from the villain).
Tzventan Todorov: Stories begin with a state equilibrium (everyone happy) The state is normally disrupted by an outside
forced/event, which is normally has to be thought to return to the state of equilibrium. An attempt is then made to repair the
damage of the disruption. A return or restoration of a new equilibrium is then put in place.
Levi-Strauss: Proposed that narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict. Introducing the theory of binary oppositions.
For example; Good Vs Evil. Normal Vs Strange. Male Vs Female.
What narrative theories link to the horror genre?
Tzventan Todorov stereotypically adheres to the Horror genre as there is usually a protagonist, where over time recognises a
problem which meets them with the killer/murderer. Tension is created a death occurs. Yet unconventionally the Horror genre
subverts to Todorovs theory as the state of equilibrium does usually not return as the cliff hanger may occur leaving the
situation open. For example the killer has not really died, usually leading onto another film.
Levi-Strauss the binary opposition of Good Vs Evil is used when displays the killer and the victim.

Representation Investigation
What is representation?
The way something or someone is portrayed in a particular way, to mean something. Audiences have their own views on the
representation of something, which could be different to other. All media texts have their own representation that they try
perceive this to their target audience. Representations include: age, ethnicity, disability, gender and culture.
What representation theorists are there?
Louis Althusser: The media can manufacture representation which then influences society thus the society coming that
representation. When a perception is created by the media which takes over society and then it become a reality. Stereotype,
for example: women are vulnerable and dominated by men.
Laura Mulvey: Male gaze How audience view the people presented. In films audiences have to view the character from the
perspective of a heterosexual male. The camera gazes at the female object on screen. Also framing the male character watching
the female one.
Branston and Stafford: The evaluation is often negative, with a categorising of the group being stereotyped.
What representation theories link to the horror genre?
Laura Mulvey as stereotypically a female is put into the sub plot love story, where she is portrayed as week yet beautiful.
Females are also portrayed as sex objects, for the males just use when they feel like it. For example: Piranha. It targets the male
demographic audience.
Branston and Stafford as usually the female becomes vulnerable, in which they are saved by a male. Horror films also tend to
be negative throughout.

Audience Investigation
What is audience?
The people who consume the media texts and who the media text is aimed at (target audience). They are grouped into
psychographics (hobbies, likes/dislikes) and demographics (age, gender, ethnicity).
What audience theorists are there?
Two-step flow: Information does not flow directly from the texts into the audiences mind.
Hypodermic Needle: The intended message is directly (injected) received by the mass media. The is a correlation between
violent behaviour displayed in media text, with violence in reality.
The Uses and Gratification theory: Individuals might chose to consumes a text because of diversion (escape from the real
world) personal identity (finding yourself through reflection in the texts) education (gaining useful information) surveillance
(gaining useful knowledge for life) entertainment (pure enjoyment) social interaction (the media text creates conversation)

What audience theories link to the horror genre?

Hypodermic Needle It applies certain images into the audiences head, such as the murders to make them build up opinions on
the media product.
The Uses and Gratification adheres to most genres with the factor of entertainment including Horror. Although through
different interpretations different factors will apply to different people.
Two-step flow Like most genres of films, if a fil, has been badley reviewed then it is mostly likely to put other audiences off
watching it,

Research and planning investigation

What is research and planning?
Research is the systematic investigation into study of material and sources in order to be able to come to
conclusions. It is categorised in primary and secondary, primary being the internet and secondary using
surveys. By focusing on the target audience will make the outcome more useful.
What research and planning stages are needed to make a horror film?
To identify the common codes and conventions needed, to be able to easily portray the horror film its self to
the audience clearly.
The technical side also needs to be thought through (mise-en-scene, sound, editing and cinematography) but
must represent the horror genre.
The action of planning and research needs to be specific to the horror genre, and the target audience it is
aimed at to become successful.

Real media texts

What are real media texts?

The typical codes and conventions of a media product of the same genre.
What are the conventions of a horror trailer?
Tense music
Fast cut editing
Dark mise-en-scene
Isolated setting
The unknown
Jumpy sound effects
What theorists link to the trailer?
Todorovs narrative theory as he developed the equilibrium, disequilibrium and equilibrium stage. The trailer
begins peacefully (equilibrium) a disruption happens as they introduce the villain (disequilibrium). However it
does not show how the equilibrium is restored

Digital technology investigation

What is digital technology?
Digitised content that can be transmitted through the internet.
What digital technology do you need to create a horror film?
The initial filming from on the video camera, and Premiere Pro to edit it.
Photoshop to edit certain pictures, to help create a more eerie atmosphere.

The distribution and exchange of the film, through online search engines such as YouTube and google.
The advertisement of the film: social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook).

Creativity investigation
What is creativity?
The use of imagination or original ideas in the production of an artistic piece of work.
What creative features are used in horror trailers?
- Special effects are used to create a sinister atmosphere, such as filters.
- In some horror trailers it is stated that its based on a true story, this scares the audience more.
- Eerie sound effects may be used, along with low and high camera shots.

- Make up would be used to make the characters look more realistic, such as pale powder and fake blood on
their face.
- An isolated setting, to show the lack of help the victim has with no one being around; creating a tense

Post-Production investigation
What is post-production?
The final stage of the film making process, including editing, design, visual effects, sound and producing a
format that can be viewed by the audience.
What post-production stages do you need to create a horror film?
Sound: adding non diagetic sounds which are usually applied in order to make a scene tense or to add more
drama and scare the audience. Further more it enhances the trailer by adding music that goes with it. By the
sound changing through the actions being used it adds to the audiences emotions.
Editing: Clips need to be edited together very precisely in order for a successful horror film to be made, this is
so at the right time the audience should feel scared or jumpy.

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