Functions of News Paper Departments

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Functions of News Paper


Editorial Department
All reading material except advertisements are assembled
in the Editorial department. A large newspapers Editorial
department will have five general divisions.
1. Newsroom - Here local, regional, national international news is
received through terminals. It would have sub classification in terms
of political news, agriculture, finance art etc. News received is then
converted into news reports, features columns, etc..
2..Editorial Room Here the Editor and the Editorial page writers
handle the material that goes in the editorial page , including feature
stories, book reviews and letters from the readers

Editorial Department continued

3. Picture division Here staff photographers submit their
photographic assignments received from picture editor,
city editor etc. Space and equipments for picture
processing are located in this room.
4. Copy Desk The copy editor is the last link between the
news paper and the public. His department constitutes the
back bone of the news paper. Here experienced copy
readers read the various news items. They edit, correct,
check and verify facts, indicate paragraphs and write
headlines. Subsequently the page layouts are decided and
the copy is then delivered for composing and printing.

Editorial Department continued

5.Library - In big news papers a library
popularly called the morgue is attached to the
Editorial Department. It stores dead copy
which can be used as background for current
stories. Past news clipppings, statistics on
important socio economic matters are also
stored here. At present most of this information
is stored online.

Functions of Business Department

1.Advertisement Department This department supports the survival and
success of the news paper as a commercial venture. It receives the
following types of advertisements .
a. Classified advertisements {normally 24 words or specified lines ,only
b. Display advertisements {Picture, catch copy , persuasive by nature}
c. Black and white advertisements
d. Colour advertisements
e. Specified position advertisements {front page etc.}
f. Gate fold advertisements {on front page , two covers for
magazine etc.}
g. Government advertisements,
h. Advertorials {advertisement in the form of text matter}
i. Advertisement under Box nos.

Functions of Business Department

2. Circulation department :- This department is headed by the
circulation manager. He performs certain statutory functions as well as
certain non statutory functions.
Statutory functions:a.
He deals with the Audit Bureau of circulation. He has to provide
the information about the number of unsold copies.
b He furnishes the circulation details to the Registrar of News Papers .
He has to satisfy the Registrar that the newsprint consumption is
In proportion the circulation and printing capacity.
He should satisfy the Registrar that all the payments have been
received from the agents and it is credited to the news paper
The registrar should also be supplied with the transportation details.

Functions of Business Department

Non Statutory Functions :a. Promotion of circulation among various territories and
various interest groups by offering discounts, gifts and
other offers.
b. Suggest the opening of new editions based on
c. Conduct periodical swot analysis.
d. Train and motivate agents / hawkers.
e. He should adopt a push strategy atao sell his new
magazine etc. with the regular newspaper.
f. Conduct readership surveys.
g. Ensure prompt and timely delivery of the news paper.

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