A hydrofoil is a wing-like structure mounted below a boat's hull that lifts the boat partially out of the water during motion to reduce drag. There is no actual hull on a hydrofoil boat - it grazes the water's surface at high speeds due to powerful propulsion and hydrofoil struts angled for lift. Hydrofoils combine the lift of hydrofoil wings with additional lift from planing to gain advantages of both technologies. A challenge is pitch instability as both hydrofoils and hull can increase lift when the bow pitches up, causing an oscillating cycle. A stepped hull design confines planing lift to reduce pitch instability. Hybrid hydrofoils can be propelled through hull-mounted components like jets
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A hydrofoil is a wing-like structure mounted below a boat's hull that lifts the boat partially out of the water during motion to reduce drag. There is no actual hull on a hydrofoil boat - it grazes the water's surface at high speeds due to powerful propulsion and hydrofoil struts angled for lift. Hydrofoils combine the lift of hydrofoil wings with additional lift from planing to gain advantages of both technologies. A challenge is pitch instability as both hydrofoils and hull can increase lift when the bow pitches up, causing an oscillating cycle. A stepped hull design confines planing lift to reduce pitch instability. Hybrid hydrofoils can be propelled through hull-mounted components like jets
Original Description:
This is about the physical meaning behind the hydrofoil
A hydrofoil is a wing-like structure mounted below a boat's hull that lifts the boat partially out of the water during motion to reduce drag. There is no actual hull on a hydrofoil boat - it grazes the water's surface at high speeds due to powerful propulsion and hydrofoil struts angled for lift. Hydrofoils combine the lift of hydrofoil wings with additional lift from planing to gain advantages of both technologies. A challenge is pitch instability as both hydrofoils and hull can increase lift when the bow pitches up, causing an oscillating cycle. A stepped hull design confines planing lift to reduce pitch instability. Hybrid hydrofoils can be propelled through hull-mounted components like jets
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A hydrofoil is a wing-like structure mounted below a boat's hull that lifts the boat partially out of the water during motion to reduce drag. There is no actual hull on a hydrofoil boat - it grazes the water's surface at high speeds due to powerful propulsion and hydrofoil struts angled for lift. Hydrofoils combine the lift of hydrofoil wings with additional lift from planing to gain advantages of both technologies. A challenge is pitch instability as both hydrofoils and hull can increase lift when the bow pitches up, causing an oscillating cycle. A stepped hull design confines planing lift to reduce pitch instability. Hybrid hydrofoils can be propelled through hull-mounted components like jets
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HYDROFOIL INTRO • A hydrofoil is a wing-like structure mounted on struts below the hull of a boat, which lifts the boat partially out of the water during forward motion, in order to reduce drag. THE “HULL” • There is no hull in the hydrofoils, its just that it just grazes over the water surface at blinding speeds due to the less displacement & the t-shaped and the v- shaped struts. Its just that the engine propulsion is high and the angle of attack is changed considering the situation, that enables the hydrofoils to whizz past at 80 knots. CONCEPT Hydrofoil is a vehicle combining the dynamic lift of hydrofoils with a significant amount of lift from some other source, generally planing lift. The traction of hydrofoils is the desire to meld the advantages of two technologies in an attempt to gain a synthesis that is better than either one alone. Partially hydrofoil supported hulls mix hydrofoil support and planing lift. PITCH INSTABILITY
Pitch instability is the chief issue in a hybrid hydrofoil. Planing hybrid
hydrofoils can exhibit a dynamic pitch instability similar to
porpoising. This phenomenon can be best understood for a nominal configuration with a single hydrofoil beneath the center of gravity of a planing hull. If such a configuration is slightly disturbed bow up from an equilibrium position, the lift on both the foil and the hull will increase. The hull accelerates upwards and the intersection of the water surface and the keel moves aft. This develops a bow down moment, but at a relatively slow rate. By the time the bow drops enough to reduce the excess lift, the vessel is well above the equilibrium position, and the keel V waterline intersection is well aft. It falls back down toward the equilibrium position bow down, as if it had tripped on its stem. Then, it carries through equilibrium, takes a deep dive and springs up again. This cycle repeats, each time growing more severe. The only way that this motion can damped is if the hull provides enough damping to prevent the increasing overshoot. Note that this is a smooth water instability and occurs with only a nominal initial disturbance. STEPPED HULL CONCEPT The foil is at the extreme stern of the vehicle and a step is provided forward of the CG. The step confines the planing lift to the forward part of the hull so that the relative position of the center of gravity, the step and the foil control the proportioning of lift between hull and foil. Bow up pitch of the vehicle produces a strong bow down moment, directly proportional to pitch, that reduces the pitch much more rapidly than the movement of the center of planing lift. The step also means that the running attitude of the planing hull can be set at a trim producing optimum lift. (This is the whole point of a stepped planing hull.) PROPULSION Getting the force into the water often requires passing it through the struts which is costly in terms of money, appendage drag, complexity and efficiency. Hydrofoils use mechanical, electric and hydraulic drives to props on foil pods, jets taking suction through the foil, and shafts from the hull. Each of these methods has problems. There is some consolation that the struts of a hybrid are somewhat shorter, but this is only important for through-strut jet drives, and jet drives require higher flow rates for efficiency at the lower speeds of a hybrid. However, unlike a pure hydrofoil, a hybrid can be propelled by hull mounted components. A jet drive could be mounted in the forward planing hull and discharge at the step. A prop shaft could penetrate through the step as well or surface piercing props could be mounted on or below the raised tail and dip down to the water. This gives some added versatility to the hybrid concept that a pure hydrofoil doesn't have. Questions or comments???? PLEASE!!!!