Audits of Quality Assurance System in Higher
Audits of Quality Assurance System in Higher
Audits of Quality Assurance System in Higher
- Joining the ENQA network
- Establishing international
relations with reference to
- Translation and
- Distribution of the manual “Quality publishing of a number of
Assurance in Higher Education”, developed reports in English and
within the project CARDS 2002, to all HEIs other foreign languages
CARDS 2002 Project “Higher Education
Mobility: Diploma Recognition Policy and
Quality Assurance in Higher Education
A Manual
Quality, Learning Outcomes, Standards and Levels
The Design of a Programme of Studies
The External Evaluation of a Programme of Studies
Managing the Quality of a Programme of Studies
The Certification of Student Achievement
Institutional Responsibility for the Quality of Provision
Institutional Self-Evaluation, Planning and Quality
Quality Assurance at a National Level
Extracts from ‘Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the
European Higher Education Area'
Academic administration as a support to the academic process
List of Abbreviations
I phase: Planning
II phase: Execution of audit
III phase: Preparation of the audit
IV phase: Follow-up process
I phase - Planning
1. Develop the audit plan along with the detailed plan of activities in
relation to the following elements:
audit objectives
audit criteria
audit procedures
collection of supporting evidence
1. Previous report
2. Final report
Each report includes:
Description of audit process
Description of the institution and QA
Audit result
Recommendation for improvements
Assessment of quality assurance system
Date of the next audit.
IV phase - Follow-up
Upon receipt of the last reports and plan of activities, the HEI shall
develop a detailed plan of corrective activities to be taken by the
responsible persons (state who and the scope of responsibility), as
well as the detailed plan of implementation of those activities. A
minutes should be kept to record each completed action and its
efficiency. The representative of the audit team, who works
closely with the HEI during the follow-up process, should receive a
report (on weekly, monthly or/quarterly basis).
a chart, a table or other brief description of the organisation of the institution and
the number of students and staff (one page)
a brief description of the quality assurance system (max. three pages)
A Manual of Quality Assurance in HEIs or other quality documentation
a short history of the quality assurance system (one page)
a brief description about link between quality assurance system and the
management system (one page)
the HEI’s SWOT analysis of its quality assurance system (one page)
the HEI’s summary of major development targets indicated by the quality
assurance system, and projected measures (one page)
report on the internal audit of the QA system – summary (4 pages).
Review of audit materials
Assessment of all procedures and monitoring of
academic awards and other activities;
Assessment of the way of using evaluation results
in the process development;
Assessment of the present development of the
QA system (progress) and acceptance of the
audit results by the institutions and other
Assessment of the impact of the QA system on
the development of education system
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