Hydraulic Pumps Classification

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Hydraulic pumps
Departamento de Ingeniera Mecnica
Universidad de San Buenaventura

Semestre 2015-I

Hydraulic pumps are machines that act to increase the energy of the liquid flowing
through them. The three main classes of pumps are displacement, rotodynamic, and
special effect pumps. The displacement pumps act to displace the liquid by contracting
their oil-filled chambers. In this way, the fluid pressure increases and the fluid is displaced
out of the pumping chamber. The rotodynamic pumps increase mainly the kinetic energy
of the liquid due to the momentum exchange between the liquid and the rotor. The
special effect pumps, such as jet pumps and airlift pumps, operate using different


Positive displacement

Rotodynamic pumps derive their name

from the fact that a rotating element
(rotor) is an essential part of these
machines. The mutual dynamic action
between the rotor and the working fluid
forms their basic principle of operation.
The blades, fixed to the rotor, form a
series of passages through which a
continuous flow of fluid takes place as
the rotor rotates. The transfer of energy
from the rotor to the fluid occurs by
means of rotodynamic action between
the rotor and the fluid.

Displacement pumps consist of one or

several pumping chambers. These
chambers are closed and have nearly
perfect sealing. The volume of these
chambers changes periodically with the
rotation of the pump driving shaft. The
fluid is displaced from the suction line to
the delivery line by the successive
expansion and contraction of the
pumping chambers.

Classifications of hydraulic

Example of displacement pumps

function (Piston)
The function of the displacement pumps is
explained by describing the construction and
operation of the single-piston pump, shown in
Figure. The piston (4), driven by a crank shaft (5),
reciprocates between two dead points. During the
suction stroke, the piston moves to the right and
the oil is sucked from the tank (1) through a check
valve (2) of very low cracking pressure. The
cracking pressure is the minimum pressure
difference needed to open the check valve. Then,
during the delivery stroke, the piston moves to the
left, displacing the oil to the exit line through the
check valve (3). The pump acts on the oil by the
pressure, P, needed to drive the load. Therefore,
the pump drive should act on the piston by the
force needed to produce this pressure, and the
crank shaft should be acted on by a torque
proportional to this force. The cylinder (6) retracts
under the action of the loading force by opening
the shut-off valve (7).

Ideal Pump Analysis

The pump displacement is defined as
the volume of liquid delivered by the
pump per revolution, assuming no
leakage and neglecting the effect of oil
compressibility. It depends on the
maximum and minimum values of the
pumping chamber volume, the number
of pumping chambers, and the number
of pumping strokes per one revolution
of the driving shaft. This volume
depends on the pump geometry;
therefore, it is also called the
geometric volume, Vg. It is given by
the following equation:

i = Number of pumping strokes per
Vg = Pump displacement (geometric
volume), m3/rev
Vmax = Maximum chamber volume, m3
Vmin = Minimum chamber volume, m3
z = Number of pumping chambers

Assuming an ideal pump, with no

internal leakage, no friction, and no
pressure losses, the pump flow rate is
given by the following expression:

Qt = Pump theoretical flow rate, m3/s
n = Pump speed, rev/s

The input mechanical power is equal to

the increase in the fluid power as shown
by the following equation:

Tt = Pump theoretical driving torque,
P = Pressure increase due to pump
action, Pa

A gear pump of 12.5 cm3
geometric volume operated at
1800 rev/min delivers the oil at
16 MPa pressure. Assuming an
ideal pump, calculate the
pump flow rate, Qt, the
increase in the oil power, Pot,
the hydraulic power at the
pump exit line, Potout, and the
driving torque, Tt, if the inlet
pressure is 200 kPa.

Real Pump Analysis

The hydraulic power delivered to the
fluid by the real pumps is less than the
input mechanical power due to the
volumetric, friction, and hydraulic
losses. The actual pump flow rate, Q, is
less than the theoretical flow, Qt,
mainly due to:

Internal leakage
Pump cavitation and aeration
Fluid compressibility
Partial filling of the pump due to
fluid inertia

The first source of power losses is the

operating under the correct design
conditions, the flow losses are mainly
due to internal leakage, QL. The
leakage flow through the narrow
clearances is practically laminar and
changes linearly with the pressure
difference (see Figure). The resistance
to internal leakage, RL, is proportional
to oil viscosity, , and inversely
proportional to the cube of the mean
clearance, c.


The effect of leakage is expressed by

the volumetric efficiency, v, defined as

displacement geometric) pumps ranges
from 0.8 to 0.99. Piston pumps are of
high volumetric efficiency, while vane
and gear pumps are, in general, of
lower volumetric efficiency.

The friction is the second source of

power losses. The viscous friction and
the mechanical friction between the
pump elements dissipate energy. A part
of the driving torque is consumed to
overcome the friction forces. This part
is the friction torque, TF. It depends on
the pump speed, delivery pressure, and
oil viscosity. Therefore, to build the
required pressure, a higher torque
should be applied. The friction losses in
the pump are evaluated by the
mechanical efficiency, m, defined as

T = Actual pump driving torque, Nm
TF = Friction torque, Nm
T TF = Torque converted to pressure,
= Pump speed, rad/s

The third source of power losses in the

pump is the pressure losses in the
pumps inner passages. The pressure,
built inside the pumping chamber, PC, is
greater than the pump exit pressure, P.
These losses are caused mainly by the
local losses. The hydraulic losses are of
negligible value for pumps running at
speeds less than 50 rev/s, and mean oil
speeds less than 5 m/s. For greater
speeds of oil, the pressure losses are
proportional to the square of the flow
rate. These pressure losses are
evaluated by the hydraulic efficiency,
PC = Pressure inside the pumping
chamber, Pa
P = Pump exit pressure, Pa

An expression for the total pump

efficiency, T, is deduced as follows:

The mechanical power (T -TF ) is

converted into equal hydraulic power,
Qt PC, then

In the steady-state operation, the real

displacement pump is described by the
following relations:

Nh = Hydraulic power, W
Nm = Mechanical power, W
P = Difference between the pump
output and input pressures, P = P Pi,
If the pump input pressure, Pi, is too
small compared with the delivery
pressure, P, then it may be neglected,
and the pressure difference, P, equals
the pump exit pressure, P. If so, then

Cavitation in Displacement
The cavitation characteristics of a
pump describe the effect of input
pressure on the pump flow rate. The
reduction of the pump inlet pressure to
values less than the vapor pressure
leads to the evaporation or boiling of
oil. The fluid flow to the pump inlet
becomes a mixture of liquid, liberated
gases, and vapors. At zero or very low
exit pressure, when the pump is
bypassed for example, the vapors do
not condensate and the vapor cavities
do not collapse. But during normal
operating conditions, the pump is
loaded by great load pressures. The
vapor cavities collapse due to the rapid
transmitted to the high-pressure zone.
Therefore, the net flow rate of the
pump decreases. Generally, a 1%
increase in the vapor volume in the oilvapor
volumetric efficiency by about 1%.

The impact pressure reaches very high

values, up to 7000 bar. When subjected
to cavitation, the pump noise level
increases and a very loud sharp noise is
heard. The surfaces of the inner pump
elements are damaged due to the
pitting resulting from the impact
pressure forces. Therefore, the pump
inlet pressure should be higher than the
saturated vapor pressure of oil at the
maximum operating temperature by a
convenient value. This value is called
cavitation reserve and ranges from 0.3
to 0.4 bar, see Figure.

A = Piston area, m2
D = Pitch circle diameter, m
d = Piston diameter, m
h = Piston stroke, m
z = Number of pistons
= Inclination angle, rad

1. Drive shaft, 2. Disk, attaching

pistons, 3. Cylinder block, 4. Piston, 5.
Port plate

1. Drive shaft, 2. Swash plate, 3.
= Swash plate inclination angle, Slipper
pad, 4. Retaining plate, 5.
Cylinder block, 6. Piston, 7. Port
plate, 8. Fixed guide of the retaining
plate, 9. Cylinder block loading

b = Tooth length, m
m = Module of tooth, m
z = Number of teeth per
= Pressure angle of tooth,

1. Housing, 2. Mounting flange, 3.

Drive shaft, 4. Two bearing blocks,
side plates, 5. Bearing bush, 6. Discs,
7 and 8. Inlet and exit ports, 9.
Driving gear, 10. Driven gear

1. Shaft, 2. Rotor, 3. Stator ring

(cam ring), 4. Vanes, 5. Fixed side
plates, 6. Casing,
7. Bearing mount, 8. Intra-vane

Pump Specification
The following list shows the basic specifications that should be
available to specify the pump precisely:

Size (displacement)
Speed (maximum and minimum speeds)
Maximum operating pressure (continuous/intermittent)
For open/closed circuit
Direction of rotation (viewed to shaft end; clockwise [R],
counterclockwise [L])
Controller (for variable displacement pumps)
Seals (oil)
Drive shafts
Port connections
Mounting type
External dimensions
Installation position
Operating temperature range
Further details in clear text

The magnitude of flow pulsation is evaluated by the pulsation

coefficient and is defined as

Q = Flow pulsation coefficient
Qmin = Minimum value of pump flow rate, m3/s
Qmax = Maximum value of pump flow rate, m3/s
Qm = Vg n = mean flow rate, m3/s

Considering the case of a throttled pump exit line and neglecting

the fluid compressibility, the pressure at the pump exit is given by

P = Pressure pulsation coefficient
Pmin = Minimum value of pump exit pressure, Pa
Pmax = Maximum value of pump exit pressure, Pa
Pm = Mean exit pressure, Pa
If the flow rate oscillates between 0.9Qm and 1.04Qm, then Q = 14%
and P = 27.16%. Actually, considering the effect of oil
compressibility, the pressure oscillation decreases especially for the

Rotodynamic pumps, such as centrifugal pumps, are machines that

transfer energy to the liquid by increasing its momentum. This class
of pumps is used widely wherever high flow rates are required under
low or medium heads. They offer advantages such as simple
construction, low price, easy maintenance and repair, and the ability
to work with liquids of low lubricity.

Impeller types of
rotodynamic pumps


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