Scripting Languages

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My name is Wahab khan.

I am the student of Class MCS 3rd At

Peshawar university Pakistan.

Fist of All I thanks to My Dear teacher Engineer Mr. Hamid jan who
give me the opportunity to Present over here.

Today my topic for presentation is “The Advantages and

disadvantages of Script languages ”.

Presented by Wahab khan 1

What is a Script ?

A movie or a play follows a script-a list of actions

(or lines) for the actors to perform.

A web script provides the same type of

instructions for the web browser. A script can
range from a single line to a full-scale application.
(In either case, Scripts usually run within a
Scripting Languages Continue…

Scripting languages support high level language

control features such as selection and iteration
(syntax) but they are not considered programming
languages as such. Often referred to as 'glue-
code' they are instead, seen as being an
enhancement of particular software packages or
applications .

Presented by Wahab khan 3

Example of Scripting language:

• VBScript
• JavaScript
• Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language).
• AppleScript
• Hypertalk
• Lingo
• PhpLanguage
• Smalltalk Language
• Groovy Language
• Ruby Language etc

Presented by Wahab khan 4

Why We need to use Scripts?

Web browsers have added scripting languages to

extend the capabilities of static websites into dynamic
applications, that provide more richer features to the

These dynamic contents may be scrolling text,

menus, pop-up windows, animations etc.

Presented by Wahab khan 5

Advantages of scripting languages..

• programmer need little expertise to develop

interactive web pages with minimum effort.
• easy to learn and use
• minimum programming knowledge or experience
• allow complex tasks to be performed in relatively
few steps
• allow simple creation and editing in a variety of text

Presented by Wahab khan 6

Advantages Continue…
• allow the addition of dynamic and interactive activities to
web pages.
• editing and running code is fast.
• Validate the contents of a form and make calculations
(for example, an order form can automatically display a
running total as you enter item quantities).
• Animate images or create images that change when you
move the mouse over them.
• Create ad banners that interact with the user, rather than
simply displaying a graphic.

Presented by Wahab khan 7

Advantages continue…

• Detect the browser in use or its features and

perform advanced functions only on browsers that
support them.

• Detect installed plug-ins and notify the user if a

plug-in is required.

Presented by Wahab khan 8

Some disadvantages of scripting
• Extended Coding: The use of Script in web design
can even cause the web pages to expand. it can
extend to several lines of code.

• Reduces Search Engine Friendliness: Use of

Script coding for a website reduces its search
engine friendliness. If the Script language coding is
not stored separately, then the search engine
crawlers find it difficult to crawl the web pages for
keywords and content.

Presented by Wahab khan 9

Basic concepts

• A web server is a computer program that delivers

(serves) content, such as web pages, using the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol to client.

A client, commonly a web browser or web crawler,

initiates communication by making a request for a
specific resource using HTTP and the server responds
with the content of that resource, or an error message if
unable to do so.

Presented by Wahab khan 10

Basic concepts continue…

• When we create a dynamic html page the code

that makes the changes to the web page must be
run in one of two places.

• It can be client-side code executed by the user's

web browser, or it can be server-side code
executed by the server.

Presented by Wahab khan 11

Server and Client side-scripting

• Client side scripting is a script, usually in the

language Javascript, that is executed by the
browser (i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari,
Opera, etc.).

• Server side scripting means that all of the code is

executed on the server before the data is passed
to the user's browser.

Presented by Wahab khan 12

Server client side scripting continue…
Client side scripts are executed and changed by the
user on his side (the client side), while server side
scripts are executed and changed by the user on the
server. Server side scripts provide much more
functionality for and by the wide variety of users (and
their respective computer/browser settings) all around.

Server side, any programming language can be used

to implement various Web applications and the most
popular choices are scripting languages such as PHP,
Perl, Python, and Ruby, and interpreted languages
such as Java and C#.

Presented by Wahab khan 13

What can Server Scripts Do?

• Dynamically edit, change or add any content to a

Web page

• Respond to user queries or data submitted from

HTML forms

• Access any data or databases and return the

results to a browser

• Provide security since your server code cannot be

viewed from a browser

Presented by Wahab khan 14

• What is a Pops-up ?

• What is Server-side Scripting?

• Does the Bowser need to support server side scripts

before execution if Yes: why if No: how ?

• How the WWW works ?

Presented by Wahab khan 15



Presented by Wahab khan 16


Presented by Wahab khan 17

Your Sincere Wahab khan

Presented by Wahab khan 18

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