Future Challenges in Crop Protection 978149391188
Future Challenges in Crop Protection 978149391188
Future Challenges in Crop Protection 978149391188
Aakash Goyal
Chakravarthula Manoharachary Editors
Future Challenges
in Crop Protection
Against Fungal
Fungal Biology
Series Editors:
Vijai Kumar Gupta, PhD
Molecular Glycobiotechnology Group, Department of Biochemistry,
School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway,
Galway, Ireland
vi Preface
internationally recognized scientists in the field. The topics have been assembled
with basic and advanced knowledge in such a way that it will be useful to the
beginner as well as to experienced scientists. The need for this kind of books/vol-
ume has become imminent as no such book has been published on these aspects.
The chapters in this volume include new approaches, new knowledge, and worthy
We are grateful to Series Editors-in-Chief Dr. V. K. Gupta and Dr. Maria Tuhoy,
Editor (Botany) Eric Stannard, Developmental Editor Elizabeth Orthmann, and oth-
ers concerned with Springer for their help in various ways. Many minds have helped
in the preparation of this volume to which we are indebted. We are grateful to all the
contributors for their concern and concerted effects in making knowledge volume.
Since the chapters have been independent, written by the author(s), there may be
minor overlap or repetition; it is difficult to avoid at this stage.
It is our earnest hope that information presented in this book/volume will make
a valuable contribution to the science of Plant Pathology. We believe and trust that
it will stimulate further discussions in the pursuit of new knowledge. We also hope
that it will be useful to all concerned.
x Contents
R.K. Arora, Ph.D. Central Potato Research Station, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Subhash Chander Bhardwaj, Ph.D. Regional Station, Directorate of Wheat
Research, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Adrian Lester Cabral, Ph.D. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden,
MB, Canada
Syama Chatterton, Ph.D. Lethbridge Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-
Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Rinku Dey, Ph.D. Microbiology Section, Directorate of Groundnut Research
(ICAR), Junagadh, Gujarat, India
Santhosh J. Eapen, Ph.D. Division of Crop Protection, Indian Institute of Spices
Research, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Thomas Fetch, Ph.D. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden, MB, Canada
Nora A. Foroud, Ph.D. Lethbridge Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Belaghihalli N. Gnanesh, Ph.D. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden,
MB, Canada
Aakash Goyal, Ph.D. Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management Program,
International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Area, Rabat, Morocco
Tom Gräfenhan, Ph.D. Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Puttaswamy Hariprasad, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Food Microbiology Department,
Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, India
B. Kangjam, M.Sc. School of Crop Protection, College of Post Graduate Studies,
Central Agricultural University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
xii Contributors
1.1 Introduction
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important food and oilseed crop. The plants
are approximately 15–60 cm tall and produce pinnate leaves with two opposing
pairs of leaflets, 2–5 cm long (Porter 1997a). The plant produces yellow flowers that
form on non-vegetative branches and withers within 5–6 h after opening (Smith
1950). After pollination, pegs are produced from flowers. At the apex of the peg,
pod production occurs. The mature pod may contain 1–5 seeds. The seed contains
up to 55 % oil and approximately 25 % protein. Groundnut oil is used mainly for
cooking and for producing edible fats and soaps. The cake remaining after extrac-
tion of oil is used mainly as animal and poultry feed. The seeds are consumed whole
as raw, boiled, or roasted kernels or are processed into various confectionery prepa-
rations. The haulm constitutes a nutritious animal feed.
It is a native of South America, originating in central Brazil but is grown widely
in the world between 40°N and 40°S latitudes. Groundnut is grown on over 26.4
million hectares worldwide with annual production of 35.6 million tons (FAO
2007). The yields of groundnut are generally lower in developing countries due to
various constraints like diseases, pests, and erratic rainfall patterns. The application
of crop-protection chemicals is low in these countries because of the high cost and
lack of technical knowledge about the application methods. The crop is susceptible
to various diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, etc. More than 55
pathogens have been reported to affect groundnut crop (Ghewande et al. 2002).
Some diseases are widely distributed and cause economic losses while others are
restricted in distribution and are not of much economic importance at the present
time, but they may become major diseases in course of time if situation and climatic
conditions favor. All parts of the groundnut plant are susceptible to diseases.
Diseases in groundnut crops can occur throughout the plant’s life, and therefore,
disease management practices are necessary from emergence to the post-harvest
period. Many diseases can reduce the quantity or quality of pods and seed.
A large number of diseases attack groundnut in India (Mayee and Datar 1988).
The majority are caused by fungi and several of them are yield reducers in certain
regions and seasons (Mayee 1995). Among the foliar fungal diseases, leafspots
(early and late) and rust are economically important and can cause substantial yield
losses in susceptible genotypes. Other foliar fungal diseases like Alternaria leaf
blight, anthracnose, pepper spot and leaf scorch, Phomopsis leaf spot, Phyllosticta
leaf spot, Pestalotiopsis leaf spot, leaf blight, Phoma leaf disease, Myrothecium leaf
blight, Drechslera leaf blight, Zonate leaf spot, Cylindrocladium leaf spot, powdery
mildew and Sclerotium leaf spot are not economically important diseases at present
and hence control schedules are not yet developed for these diseases (Ghewande
et al. 2002).
Among seed- and soil-borne diseases, collar or crown rot, stem rot, and dry root
rot cause severe seedling mortality and reduce pod yields. Other seed- and seedling
diseases like Pythium diseases, aflaroot/yellow mold, Diplodia collar rot,
Rhizoctonia damping-off, Cylindrocladium black rot, Fusarium wilt, pod rot, and
Rhizopus seed and seedling rot and Rhizoctonia limb rot, etc. are reported from
groundnut growing regions (Ghewande et al. 2002). Diseases caused by soil-borne
pathogens especially pose a threat to groundnut production due to similarity of
symptoms, which leads to problems in diagnosis (Thiessen and Woodward 2012).
The problem is compounded by the close association of the pods with the soil. Soil-
borne diseases are especially complicated to manage due to the difficulty of dispers-
ing fungicides through the groundnut canopy to the soil profile (Thiessen and
Woodward 2012). Several soil-borne pathogens that affect groundnut are important
to the Southwest United States, including Botrytis cinerea, Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia
solani, Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum, Sclerotium rolfsii, and Verticillium
dahlia (Thiessen and Woodward 2012).
The diseases caused by fungi are more in number and severity as compared to other
disease causing agents. The fungal diseases can be classified into foliar diseases;
seed and seedling diseases; stem, root, and pod diseases.
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 3
Fig. 1.1 Early leaf spot of groundnut caused by Cercospora arachidicola. (a) Symptom at upper
surface. (b) Symptom at lower surface. (c, d) Symptoms at advanced stage
• Deep burying of crop residues and removal of volunteer plants can reduce the
primary source of inoculum.
4 K.K. Pal et al.
The causal agent of Late Leaf Spot is Phaeoisariopsis personata (Berk. &
M.A. Curtis) van Arx or Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis)
Deighton. The symptoms for incidence of late leaf spot are appearance of dark brown
to almost black circular spots on the lower leaflet surface which are darker than early
leaf spots and have a feathery margin. Under severe situation, the affected leaflets
become chlorotic, then necrotic, followed by the coalescence of the lesions resulting
in premature senescence and shedding of the leaflets (Subrahmanyam et al. 1992).
The disease is favored during prolonged wet weather, with high humidity and
temperature in the range of 25–30 °C. Like early leaf spot, the conidia are dissemi-
nated by wind and insects leading to secondary infection.
Early leaf spot and late leaf spot are the most important foliar diseases affecting
groundnut throughout the world (Shokes and Culbreath 1997). The diseases often
occur together or one disease may be more predominant in a given location or year
(Smith 1984).
plants were transformed using a double gene construct with SniOLP (Solanum
nigrum osmotin-like protein) and Rs-AFP2 (Raphanus sativus antifungal protein-2)
genes under separate constitutive 35S promoters. Transgenic peanut plants express-
ing these genes showed enhanced disease resistance to late leaf spot based on a
reduction in number and size of lesions on leaves. Rust
The causal organism for rust disease of groundnut is Puccinia arachidis Spegazzini.
Rust is characterized by the appearance of numerous tiny, reddish orange pustules
(uredinia) on the lower surface of leaflets initially and on the upper surface later.
Symptoms mainly appear on the leaflets but pustules can be seen on all the aerial
parts of a plant. The lesions on the stem are elongated in shape. The infected leaves
become necrotic and dry up but remain attached to the plant. When left unchecked,
diseased groundnut plants take on a scorched appearance, quickly die, and shed
most mature pods. Groundnut rust is known to perpetuate, spread, and produce
severe disease outbreaks by means of urediniospores. The rust pathogen may also
survive from season to season on volunteer groundnut plants.
Extended periods of cloudy, wet weather tend to favor the appearance of rust on
groundnut. The disease spreads by wind movement, rains, and by insects. The dis-
ease appears at the same time as that of late leaf spot. These two foliar diseases
prematurely defoliate plants, leading to losses in pod and haulm yield. At ICRISAT,
in Patancheru, India, rust caused losses of over 50 % (Subrahmanyam and McDonald
1983). In addition to direct yield losses, rust can lower seed quality by reducing seed
size and oil content (Ghewande et al. 2002).
Late leaf spot and rust are the two major foliar diseases that together could reduce
pod and haulm yield by 70 % and in vitro digestibility of haulms by 22 % (Pande
et al. 2003). Two genotypes (ICGV 9202 and 92093) were highly resistant to these
foliar diseases maintaining high pod and haulm yield as well as high in vitro digest-
ibility of haulms (>62.3 %) even under highest disease pressure.
Management of Rust
Fig. 1.2 (a, b) Alternaria leaf blight of groundnut caused by Alternaria alternata
The causal organisms for this disease are Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler,
Alternaria arachidis Kulkarni or Alternaria tenuissima (Kunze ex Pers.) Wiltshire.
The characteristic symptoms include the appearance of brown irregular shaped
spots towards the leaf margins (Fig. 1.2).
The causal organism for this disease is Cercospora canescens Ellis & Martin. The
disease is characterized by the appearance of small lesions which enlarge into irreg-
ular shaped light brown spots (Fig. 1.3). Under long spells of wet weather, the spots
merge resulting in blighting and defoliation.
The prevention and control measures include use of crop rotation and proper
field sanitation practices, removal and destruction of infected plant tissues and
avoiding working when the plants are wet.
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 7
Fig. 1.3 Symptom of Cercospora leaf blight. (a) early stage; (b) late stage
The causal organism for this disease is Didymella arachidicola (Chock.) Taber,
Pettit & Philley. Irregular shaped lesions appear first on the upper surface of the
leaves. The brown or dark brown lesions appear in a web or net-like pattern
(Fig. 1.4). The lesions coalesce to form blotches. Defoliation occurs under severe
disease condition. The disease progresses rapidly under wet weather. Scab
The scab disease of groundnut is caused by Sphaceloma arachidis Bit. & Jenk.
Circular or irregular shaped lesions appear on both surfaces of the leaflets. The
lesions on upper surfaces of the leaflets show tan color with raised margins and
sunken centers while those on the lower surfaces have darker color without raised
margins (Subrahmanyam et al. 1992). Lesions may develop on all parts of the plant.
Lesions on the petioles and branches may develop into scabs giving the plant a burnt
appearance. Under severe disease attack the plants become stunted and the stems
become sinuous.
The disease was reported from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Japan (Xu
2009). Wang et al. (2006) reported it to be a great threat to groundnut (Arachis
hypogaea) production in south China. Wang et al. (2009) constructed a neighbor-
joining tree and a minimum evolution tree based on the 18S rDNA sequences of
S. arachidis and related fungal species. They concluded from their study that the
pathogen was in close relationship with Basidiomycetes species. Kearney et al.
(2002) established that infected residues from the previous peanut crop are a source
of inoculum for onset and development of scab epidemics in the field.
The Powdery mildew of groundnut is caused by Oidium arachidis Chorin. The dis-
ease is characterized by the appearance of large powdery white patches on the upper
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 9
surface of the leaflets. These patches are covered with sporulating fungal growth,
which gives them a powdery white appearance. At later stages the centers of the
spots become necrotic.
The causal organism for Myrothecium Leaf Blight is Myrothecium roridum Tode ex
Fries. Appearance of round to irregular shaped lesions with gray or brown centers
and brown margins takes place on both surfaces of the leaflets (Fig. 1.6). The lesions
become large and coalesce to give blighted appearance to the leaves. Abundant
black fruiting bodies, often arranged in concentric rings are formed on both leaf
The causal organism for this disease is Sclerotium rolfsii Saccardo. The disease is
characterized by the appearance of necrotic gray ring spots which may develop
holes (Fig. 1.9). Long periods of leaf wetness may result in the spots coalescing to
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 11 Anthracnose
The causal organism of the disease is Colletotrichum dematium (Pers.) Grove. The
disease is characterized by the appearance of wedge-shaped lesions on the tips of
leaflets (Subrahmanyam et al. 1992). The lesions may also develop on the margins
of the leaflets. The margins of the lesions show yellow zone (Fig. 1.10). The necrotic
tissues turn brown and show fragmentation along the margins of the leaflets. The
diseased tissues show abundance of fruiting bodies.
The disease is caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum (Berk. & Ravenel) Thaxt. The
disease is characterized by the appearance of water-soaked lesions on the tips of the
leaflets (Fig. 1.11). Later the lesions become necrotic and covered by brown mass
of spores. In case of prolonged wet weather the disease may spread to the young
The causal organism for this disease is Pestalotiopsis arachidis Satya. The disease
appears in the form of dark brown circular lesions surrounded with light yellow
haloes. Subsequently the lesions enlarge and coalesce to form necrotic areas along
the margins of the leaflets (Fig. 1.12). Minute black fruiting bodies can be observed
at the centers of the blighted areas when viewed through a hand lens.
12 K.K. Pal et al.
The rotting of seeds and seedlings are caused by a number of organisms. The major-
ity of these rots are caused by Aspergillus niger, Phythium spp., Macrophomina
phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizopus spp., Fusarium spp.,
Aspergillus flavus, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, and Penicillium spp. (Subrahmanyam
et al. 1992). These fungi are common in most agricultural soils and attack seeds and
seedlings of many crops. Seedling disease in groundnut is favored by cool and wet
soils which slow seed germination and seedling growth.
Failure of seedlings to emerge from the soil or sudden wilt and death of seedling
shortly after emergence is symptom of seedling rot. The infected seeds and seed-
lings turn into black rotten masses and are covered with the fungal mycelia or
spores. These diseases cause severe seedling mortality resulting in poor crop stand
and reduce the yields from 25 to 50 % (Ghewande et al. 2002).
Rhizoctonia solani may cause seed decay prior to emergence. Under favorable
conditions, the pathogen may attack emerged seedlings and dark, sunken lesions
may be formed just below the soil surface.
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 13
Fig. 1.13 Collar rot of groundnut caused by Aspergillus niger. (a) Early symptom; (b) drying of
the seedling at later stage
Management of Diseases
• Cultural practices like use of raised bed to promote drainage, planting high
quality seed with good vigor, planting at recommended soil depths, etc. should
be followed.
• Seed treatment with fungicide should be followed.
The Crown Rot or Collar Rot of groundnut is caused by Aspergillus niger van
Tieghem. The pathogen attacks the seeds and emerging seedlings but may also
affect older plants from mid- to late-season. The diseased seeds fail to emerge and
if they are lifted from the soil show black spore mass on the seed surface.
In postemergence infection, the emerged seedlings dry up rapidly (Fig. 1.13).
The collar region shows black spore mass. Seedling infection occurs in the
cotyledonary-hypocotyl region. The pathogen attacks mature plants also, but the
symptoms are less apparent. In mature plants the branches dry out and break from
the collar region. Black spore masses are also seen on the pod surfaces.
Aspergillus niger is present in most groundnut soils and is a common contaminant
of groundnut seed. Extreme heat or fluctuations in soil moisture during the seedling
stage, poor seed quality, seedling damage from pesticides or cultivation, and feeding
by root and stem boring insects are stresses thought to aggravate the disease.
• High quality seed treated with Carbendazim 1–2 g/kg seed or Mancozeb 2–3 g/kg
seed or Chlorothalonil or Captafol @ 2 g/kg seed should be planted.
• Adequate and uniform soil moisture should be maintained.
• Earthing-up of plants should be avoided.
• Resistant/tolerant varieties like J 11, JCG 88 and OG-52-1 can be grown.
• Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum or T. viride @ 4 g/kg seed and their
soil application can be helpful.
The disease is caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. The disease may be seed or
soil-borne. In young seedlings the lesions are usually seen on the hypocotyl in the
form of dark brown patches, below the soil surface. These lesions become dark in
color, enlarge, and girdle the hypocotyl region, leading to typical symptom of
damping-off. The affected areas show brown mycelial growth and dark brown scle-
rotia develop on the dead tissues.
The causal organism for this condition is Aspergillus flavus Link ex Fries. The
pathogen attacks seeds and non-emerged seedlings and reduce them to shriveled
dried masses covered with yellow or greenish yellow spores. The emerging seed-
lings decay because of rapid infection of the radicle and hypocotyl. Many strains
of this fungus are capable of producing aflatoxins that render the seed unaccept-
able due to high toxicity for human or animal consumption. The production of
aflatoxin by the pathogen strain results in aflaroot disease which is characterized
by highly stunted plants with pale and greatly reduced leaves. Infected plants gen-
erally become stunted with symptoms of vein clearing chlorosis on the leaflets and
lack a secondary root system, a condition known as “aflaroot.” The fungus is capa-
ble of invading groundnut seeds before harvest, during postharvest drying, and
during storage.
The disease is caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubi. The
pathogen attacks young seedlings and mature plants. The infection takes place at or
near the soil surface. The pathogen invades the stem and the infected plants wilt, dry
and die within a few days. The base and root of the plants become black. Black
pycnidia develop as pimple-like dots on the necrotic tissues.
Stem rot of groundnut is caused by the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii Saccardo. This
disease is also known as southern blight, white mold, southern stem rot, and
Sclerotium rot. The fungus is ubiquitous and has a wide host range (Backman and
Brenneman 1997; Shew et al. 1987; Punja 1985). It is a very serious disease of
groundnut worldwide and causes substantial loss to plant stand and thereby yield. In
extreme cases, the disease may cause up to 80 % yield loss; however, losses less
than 25 % are more typical (Backman and Brenneman 1997). Sclerotium rolfsii is a
Deuteromycete, in the group “Mycelia Sterilia.” The fungus is characterized by
white mycelia, and round, brown sclerotia. The mycelia of S. rolfsii survives best in
sandy soils, whereas the sclerotia survive best in moist, aerobic conditions found at
the soil surface (Punja 1985). The fungus spreads through infected soil, wind
splashed rains and sclerotia.
The stem rot pathogen attacks all parts of the plant but the infection of the stem
is the most destructive. The symptoms of the disease are wilting and yellowing of
the main stem, the lateral branches, or entire plant. Disease may also occur in the
early stage at the time of germination. The pathogen can colonize the germinating
seeds and seedlings (Fig. 1.14) and white mycelial growth is seen at later stages at
the base of the plants and in the soil surface surrounding the infected plants. The
mycelia rapidly spread to other branches and plants during favorable weather with
warm temperatures and high humidity. Abundant growth of sclerotia, initially white
and then turning brown is seen in the infected area. The pathogen may infect pegs,
pods, and roots also. In severe cases, the pods become covered with white mycelial
growth. The fungus may infect the pods also. The infected pods show brown, water-
soaked lesions.
16 K.K. Pal et al.
Fig. 1.14 (a–d) Colonization of Sclerotium rolfsii at early seedling stage of groundnut
Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum are ascomycetes that produce white aerial
mycelia and black, irregularly shaped sclerotia. The sclerotia produced by S. minor
are smaller in size and more abundant in number as compared to the sclerotia of
S. sclerotiorum (Thiessen and Woodward 2012).
The plants become infected by coming in contact with soil infested with
S. minor. The symptoms of the disease are wilting of lateral branches followed by
the appearance of green water-soaked lesions on the stem. These lesions later turn
darker and sunken. The infection can spread to the main stem later. The foliage on
the infected branches becomes dark brown and withers giving the plant a blighted
appearance. During wet weather, white mycelial growth develops on the infected
tissue. Developing pegs are infected. As a result of this disease severe pod loss takes
place. Black sclerotia develop on the leaflets, branches, pegs, and the pods. Sclerotia
also develop on the seeds inside the pods.
Botrytis blight, also known as gray mold of groundnut is caused by Botrytis cinerea
Pers. ex Fries. Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr. (anamorph) is a Deuteromycete that colo-
nizes the plant quickly (Thiessen and Woodward 2012). This disease is seen first in
the foliage of plants in contact with the soil surface. The infected tissues are rapidly
decayed. The infected stems and leaves show a thin covering of gray sporulating
fungal growth. The infection spreads to the pegs and pods. Black irregularly shaped
sclerotia develop on the infected stems and pods. The pathogen may cause the wilt
and death of the infected tissue or the entire plant.
The causal organism for this disease is Cylindrocladium crotalariae (Loos) Bell &
Sobers. This disease is seen to appear in the fields in the form of patches. The plant
symptom includes the chlorosis and wilting of leaves on the main stem. Overall, the
plants appear chlorotic and have stunted growth. The infected branches show dense
clusters of reddish fruiting bodies on the surface of the soil. The disease may infect
pegs, pods, and roots also.
germinate under favorable conditions and stimulation by root exudates. The fungus
enters through the plant roots and spreads through the vascular system (Thiessen
and Woodward 2012). The infection of the vascular system leads to marginal chlo-
rosis, loss of turgidity, and curling in the leaves. This is followed by yellowing of
leaves, necrosis, and defoliation at later stages. The infected plants initially show
temporary wilting during the midday but recover during the night, but later the wilt-
ing becomes permanent (Subrahmanyam et al. 1992). The roots of the infected
plants show brown discoloration of the vascular tissues and show rotting in severe
cases. Drought stress accelerates symptom development. Well-watered plants may
survive for a long period.
• Fields should be kept clean from soil or crop debris from infested fields.
• Adequate irrigation should be provided to prevent moisture stress.
• Crop rotations with susceptible crops such as cotton and potato should be
• Long rotations with nonhosts such as corn, sorghum, etc. may be beneficial.
Fig. 1.15 Pod rot of groundnut. (a) Symptom on pod surface; (b) symptom inside the pod
The disease is caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schiechtend. emend Snyder & Hans.
This disease usually occurs in drought affected plants. The characteristic symptom
of the disease is wilting of the plant which may be sudden or gradual. During sud-
den wilting of the plant the leaves turn grayish-green in color and the plant dries.
During gradual wilting, the leaves become chlorotic followed by defoliation and
drying of the plants. No external symptoms of the disease are seen on the stem or
root. But vascular discoloration is seen if the roots are cut longitudinally. The patho-
gen may infect the pegs and pods resulting in the pink discoloration of the inner
surfaces of the pods.
Pod Rot may be caused by various soil-borne pathogens namely Pythium myrioty-
lum Dreschler, Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, Fusarium solani (Mart.) Saccardo f. sp.
phaseoli (Burkholder) Snyder & Hans., Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend. emend
Snyder & Hans., Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goidanich. The disease is char-
acterized by the development of brown or black lesions on the surface of the pods
(Fig. 1.15). The lesions enlarge and cause discoloration of the pod surface and in
later stages the shells disintegrate and the kernels decay. The color and texture of the
rotting tissues depend on the organism causing the disease. In case of Fusarium rot,
the shells are pink or purple stained. Pod rots are also caused by Sclerotinia spp.,
Verticillium spp., Sclerotium rolfsii, and Botrytis cinerea, in addition to the other
infections caused by them.
A complex of factors, in addition to the fungal pathogens, are probably respon-
sible for severe outbreaks. These factors include excessive soil moisture, wide fluc-
tuations in soil moisture, calcium deficiency, insect and nematode feeding, and
irrigation with poor quality (salty) water. In a survey by Wheeler et al. (2005),
approximately 40 % of fields in West Texas were found to contain Pythium spp.,
primarily P. myriotylum, P. irregular, and P. ultimum, which are capable of causing
20 K.K. Pal et al.
damage to the pod and the kernels and may cause significant yield loss. Pythium spp.
may also cause diseases like damping-off, vascular wilt, and root rot of groundnut.
Groundnut plants exhibiting root rot are generally stunted and may overcome the
disease under favorable growing conditions (Beute 1997). Pythium pod rot is char-
acterized by the browning and water soaking of pods followed by a brown to black
appearance in the final stages of rot (Wells and Phipps 1997). Losses to the tune of
80 % have been reported due to Pythium pod rot (Beute 1997). Pod rot caused by
Pythium spp. may also cause the junction of the peg and pod to become weakened,
which may result in substantial loss at harvest (Lewis and Filonow 1990). The dis-
ease symptoms are more severe during frequent rains during pod development.
Rhizoctonia solani also causes a number of diseases besides pod rot, i.e., seed
decay, damping-off, and root rot. Rhizoctonia solani is a ubiquitous fungus with a
wide host range that may be difficult to differentiate from other seed decaying
pathogens, making the management of R. solani diseases difficult (Thiessen and
Woodward 2012).
Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn (anamorph) is a Deuteromycete that does not produce
asexual spores; the teleomorph, Thanatephorus cucumeris, is a Basidiomycete
(Thiessen and Woodward 2012). Rhizoctonia solani is capable of surviving sapro-
phytically on a wide host range, including rotated crops and various weed species
(Brenneman 1997). Infection of host tissue takes place by germinating sclerotia or
hyphae in the soil. Various anastomosis groups (AG) of Rhizoctonia spp. occur;
however, AG-4 is the most common cause of limb rot and pod rot in groundnut
(Brenneman et al. 1994). Rhizoctonia pod rot is differentiated by a dry, brown rotted
pod as opposed to the dark, greasy-appearing lesions caused by Pythium spp. The
seeds may be infected and will harbor the fungus after drying and storing (Wells and
Phipps 1997). Blackhull
The causal organism of this disease is Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. & Broome)
Ferraris (syn. Chalara elegans Nag Raj & Kendrick). The disease is characterized
by the appearance of black lesions on the surface of the pods which enlarge and
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 21
coalesce and produce black spore mass, giving black appearance to the pods. The
infection of the pegs leads to pod losses during harvesting. Usually the discoloration
is superficial, but the decay may extend into the pod causing discoloration of the
The fungus survives for long periods in soil by producing resistant spores. The
disease is favored by high soil pH (above 7.0), excessive soil moisture, and crop
rotations with susceptible crops.
Management of Blackhull
Soil-borne and foliar diseases of groundnut are best managed with the collective
use of both cultural and chemical control measures. The cultural practices help in
reducing the level of inoculums in soil which come in contact with the host plant.
Deep tillage often reduces soil inoculums by burying the pathogen within the soil
to impose anaerobic conditions (Punja 1985). Deep burying of crop residues,
destruction of crop debris by burning, removal of volunteer groundnut plants, early
planting with wider inter row spacing should be followed for managing leaf spots
and rust. Similarly, following cultivation methods that do not pitch soil onto the
crowns of groundnut plants reduces crown rot disease by limiting the contact of
soil inoculum with the plant (Punja 1985). Intercropping with pearlmillet, sor-
ghum, pigeonpea, and maize are beneficial for the management of early and late
leaf spots and rust (Ghewande et al. 2002). Collar rot can be managed by mixed
cropping with moth bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius) in alternate rows. Treating
seeds with seed treatment chemicals reduces the inoculum load. There are many
other cultivation practices which can reduce the incidences of disease, if followed
22 K.K. Pal et al.
Crop rotation is a practice in which different crops are grown in a particular order in
the same field over different seasons. Several benefits accrue from crop rotations,
including limiting the buildup of fungal inoculum, weed control, and promoting
good soil fertility (Peters et al. 2003). Groundnut is grown in rotation with different
crops according to the cropping systems prevailing in different parts of the world.
Rotating groundnut with cotton is practiced widely but is not desirable because of
some of the pathogens which are common to both like V. dahlia, R. solani, and
Pythium spp. Rotating groundnut with cereals or grass species such as corn, grain
sorghum, or other pasture grasses may reduce both R. solani (Brenneman 1997) and
S. rolfsii (Backman and Brenneman 1997). Crop rotation has been shown to reduce
the inoculum density of Pythium spp. but has little effect on disease incidence
(Beute 1997). Crop rotation with cotton, wheat, maize, onion, and garlic may reduce
intensity of stem rot (Ghewande et al. 2002).
the varieties Virginia 81B, Virginia 93B, Tamspan-90, and Southwest Runner
(Porter and Melouk 1997), and in Tamrun OL07 (Baring et al. 2006).
For resistance of groundnut to other soil-borne diseases not much information is
available. Growing cultivars with an upright growth habit may limit contact of the
canopy with the soil, thereby reducing disease incidence (Backman and Brenneman
1997). According to Shew et al. (1987) employing phenological suppression may be
a viable option when selecting groundnut cultivars due to the lack of resistance
against various pathogens.
It is the capacity of a soil to provide crops with essential plant nutrients. It is deter-
mined by the physicochemical attributes of the soil and the cultural practices fol-
lowed by the cultivators. Improving soil fertility also improves plant and soil health
and reduces susceptibility to diseases. The concentration of soil nutrients also influ-
ences the incidence and severity of infections caused by soil-borne fungi (Thiessen
and Woodward 2012).
The availability, deficient or excess, of nitrogen to plants is very important from
disease point of view. Application of ammoniacal nitrogen may directly inhibit the ger-
mination and limit the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii (Punja 1985). Soil amendments with
nitrogenous compounds or plant residues may also lead to the increase in population of
antagonistic microbes, such as Trichoderma spp., Gliocladium spp., and Penicillium
spp. (Porter and Melouk 1997) or may cause death of sclerotia (Punja 1985).
The availability of calcium in the soil also influences disease development.
Optimum levels of calcium improve cell wall composition and make them more
resistant to pathogen penetration (Agrios 2005). When disease pressure is low,
higher levels of calcium in groundnut tissue may limit the disease development by
S. rolfsii (Punja 1985). There are reports of calcium being used to prevent pod rot
disease caused by Pythium spp., and R. solani (Beute 1997; Brenneman 1997;
Walker and Csinos 1980). Calcium amendments have been shown to lessen disease
incidence and severity (Csinos 1984).
Groundnut diseases can be managed best by effective utilization of both cultural and
chemical control measures. Protectant fungicide applications prior to infection and
curative fungicide applications just after infections occur are effective in reducing
losses (Thiessen and Woodward 2012). Fungicides with broad-spectrum activity can
be used for controlling wide range of fungal pathogens causing foliar as well as soil-
borne diseases. Seed rots and seedling diseases of groundnut can be controlled by
treating with Thiram @ 3 g/kg seeds or with Carbendazim @ 2 g/kg seeds. The
Strobilurins, which are beta-methoxy acrylic acid derivatives, have broad-spectrum
24 K.K. Pal et al.
activity and show activity against various foliar and soil-borne pathogens (Bartlett
et al. 2002). These compounds inhibit electron transport by binding to the QoI site of
Cytochrome b. Other broad-spectrum fungicides such as Propiconazole and
Tebuconazole (Triazole fungicides) inhibit sterol demethylation (Brenneman et al.
1994; Baird et al. 1991). There are various other mechanisms by which the fungicides
inhibit the pathogens. Phenylamides, such as metalaxyl, inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
by affecting RNA synthesis via RNA polymerase I while the fungicide flutolanil pre-
vents respiration by inhibiting succinate dehydroginase synthesis (Thiessen and
Woodward 2012). Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB), fungicide with aromatic hydro-
carbon, causes lipid peroxidation, which leads to the loss of integrity of the cell mem-
brane (Shim et al. 1998). A pyridinamine fungicide, Fluazinam, is a broad-spectrum
fungicide with multisite activity that inhibits the respiration of fungi (Syngenta 2012).
A number of fungicides are used by groundnut growers. Broad-spectrum fungi-
cides can be used to control a wide range of pathogens. Tebuconazole, a broad-
spectrum systemic fungicide, is used to manage soil-borne Basidiomycetes such as
R. solani and S. rolfsii (Brenneman et al. 1994; Baird et al. 1991). Azoxystrobin is
another broad-spectrum fungicide which is used to control soil-borne Basidiomycetes
and has limited activity on Pythium spp. (Grichar et al. 2000). Flutolanil, a systemic,
curative fungicide, is used to control basidiomycetes such as S. rolfsii and R. solani,
and is especially effective at controlling mycelia growth and infection cushion for-
mation (Csinos 1987; Grichar 1995). Chlorothalonil, a multiaction protectant fungi-
cide, is effective against foliar diseases but ineffective against most soil-borne
pathogens (Porter 1997b). Oomycetes, such as Pythium spp. may be controlled by
Metalaxyl and mefenoxam (Filonow and Jackson 1989). Iprodione inhibits the
germination of spores and limits the fungal growth of B. cinerea, S. minor, and
S. sclerotiorum (Langston et al. 2002). The fungicide Fluazinam has also been used
to manage the Sclerotinia blight in groundnut (Butzler et al. 1998).
The timing of application of fungicides is equally important. The timing of appli-
cation of fungicides should result in minimum loss of yield and minimum usage of
the chemicals. In the United States, the initial applications are typically made 60
days after planting (DAP). Subsequent applications for controlling soil-borne
pathogens are made between 90 and 120 DAP (Rideout et al. 2008). The frequency
of applications may affect the disease development caused by soil-borne pathogens.
In a study by Bowen et al., the number of spray applications was evaluated, and four
applications in the growing season provided the greatest control (Bowen et al.
1997). The residual activity of fungicides affected disease development. The resid-
ual activity of flutolanil at pegging or pod development provided greater disease
control than applications at planting (Csinos 1987).
Awareness about the health hazards and environmental concerns due to the indis-
criminate use of pesticides resulted in the development of biological control agents.
Native microorganisms with biocontrol and plant growth promoting potential are
1 Fungal Diseases of Groundnut: Control and Future Challenges 25
being tested for controlling fungal pathogens of groundnut. Bacteria isolated from
the rhizosphere and belonging to a wide variety of genera have the potential to sup-
press diseases caused by a diversity of soil-borne plant pathogens. A significant
reduction in the incidence of root rot caused by Rhizoctonia in Rhizobium and
Trichoderma treatment was reported by Jayaraj and Ramabadran (1999). Combined
application of Rhizobium and Trichoderma harzianum (ITCC-4572) successfully
reduced the stem rot incidence and also increased the growth of the groundnut
plants (Ganesan et al. 2007). Spray of neem seed kernel extract (5 %), or crude
neem oil (2 %) is found to be effective against foliar pathogens. Seed treatment with
Trichoderma viride or T. harzianum is found to be effective against seed and soil-
borne pathogens @ 4 g/kg seed. Soil application of Trichoderma viride or T. harzia-
num @ 25–62.5 kg/ha, preferably in conjunction with organic amendments such as
castor cake or FYM can be used effectively against seed and soil-borne diseases
(Ghewande et al. 2002).
The large number of fungal diseases affecting groundnut crop is a serious challenge
to researchers concerned with improving productivity of groundnut. With the
increase in demand for groundnut as food crop and also as oilseeds crop, the pro-
ductivity of groundnut needs to be increased substantially. There is also the urgency
to enhance domestic production of edible oils to lessen the burden of importing oils.
Incidences of major fungal diseases can reduce the productivity to as high as 50 %.
The development of effective control measures can minimize the yield loss and
enhance productivity in a given situation. With the change in the climatic conditions
and reports of incidences of minor diseases becoming virulent, many more diseases
can be potential threats to enhancing the groundnut productivity.
Concerted and multidisciplinary research efforts are needed to develop disease
resistant cultivars, as this is one of the best options. But the task of developing resis-
tant varieties against polyphagous fungal pathogens in groundnut is daunting and
appears a distant dream. Introgression of multiple disease resistant polygenic traits
in agronomic backgrounds would also be difficult. The narrow genetic base of the
present groundnut cultivars has complicated the breeding efforts further. More
sources of resistance need to be identified from different genetic backgrounds.
Groundnut germplasm should be systematically explored for obtaining sources of
resistance. Similarly, wild species, known for resistance to biotic and abiotic
stresses, should be widely utilized in crop improvement programmes to transfer the
resistant traits. Research efforts are also needed to identify existing and future phys-
iological races of the fungal pathogens. An understanding of the life cycles and
taxonomic relationships of the pathogens in the future and emerging climatic change
scenarios will also be essential as ultimately disease is the outcome of the interac-
tion among the host, pathogen, and environment.
High cost of chemical fungicides; pollution to soil, air and water; development
of resistance to these chemicals and detrimental effects of chemicals on plant,
26 K.K. Pal et al.
animal, and human health are drawing the attention of researchers towards
ecologically safer and environment friendly disease management practices. There
has been renewed interest in the use of cultural practices such as intercropping and
crop rotation, tillage, manuring, etc. The effects of changing climatic conditions on
new varieties of groundnut and new strains of pathogens and the cultural practices
needed to manage the host-pathogen-environment interaction needs to be investi-
gated in future.
Besides, new ecologically competent biocontrol agents need to be identified for
managing foliar and soil-borne fungal pathogens of groundnut. Options of using
endophytic microorganisms for management of biotic stresses can also be explored
on evolutionary perspective and on the concept of use of resident antagonists. Of
late, efforts are being made to develop soils naturally suppressive to soil-borne fun-
gal pathogens particularly Aspergillus niger, Sclerotium rolfsii, and Aspergillus
flavus by enhancing the population of DAPG-producing fluorescent pseudomonads.
As having cultivars resistant/tolerant to soil-borne and foliar fungal diseases is a
distant dream using conventional breeding techniques, use of biotechnological tools
to transfer alien genes for developing transgenic cultivars seems to be a promising
option. But with more stringency and less acceptability of GM crops, transgenic
approach will also face uncertain future.
With the limited options available, IDM system consisting of resistant cultivars,
improved tillage practices, and reduced application of fungicides, is well-supported
and likely to continue in future attempts at control of the groundnut pathogens
(Gremillion 2007). Each component of IDM system will have to be effective for
successful disease management. Groundnut germplasm will need to be diversified
to support breeding programmes and the future of host resistance. Efforts like the
diversification of groundnut germplasm will help prevent the potentially serious
threat of host resistance breakdown in pathogen populations (Gremillion 2007). The
genetic diversity of the pathogens will need to be studied in great detail to develop
long-term disease management strategies.
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Chapter 2
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
in Crop Protection and Challenges
2.1 Introduction
Smith (2005) went a step further and separated PGPR into extracellular (ePGPR)
organisms, existing in the rhizosphere, on the rhizoplane, or in the spaces between
cells of the root cortex, and intracellular (iPGPR), which exist inside root cells.
Several PGPR inoculants have been commercialized. These inoculants result in
improvement of crop growth and yield or provide protection to the crop from pests
and diseases. Several microbial inoculants are used as biofertilizers, which improve
the uptake of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, iron, etc.
The genera commonly used as biofertilizers are Rhizobium, Bacillus, Pseudomonas,
etc. The genera commonly used as biocontrol agents are Pseudomonas, Bacillus,
Burkholderia, Agrobacterium, Streptomyces, etc. These organisms suppress plant
disease by production of antibiotics, siderophores, or by induction of systemic resis-
tance or any other mechanism (Tenuta 2003). Biofertilizers have been an alternative
to mineral fertilizers to increase the yield and plant growth in sustainable agriculture
(Canbolat et al. 2006). The current trend is the development of a consortium of
beneficial microorganisms which will offer multiple beneficial effects including
growth promotion, yield enhancement and protection from diseases and pests.
Understanding the interaction between consortium of microbial inoculants and
plant systems will pave way to harness more benefits from microbial inoculants for
improving plant growth and yield (Raja et al. 2006).
There are several mechanisms by which PGPR bring about control of plant diseases.
The most commonly used methods are competition and production of metabolites.
The metabolites include antibiotics, siderophores, HCN, cell wall-degrading
enzymes, etc. (Enebak et al. 1998; Kloepper 1993). Many mechanisms may simul-
taneously act in a single strain towards providing biocontrol of diseases. Kloepper
et al. (1992) mentioned about two types of resistances in plants. Induced systemic
resistance (ISR) or systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is defined as the activation
of chemical and physical defenses of the plant host by an inducer which could be a
chemical or a microorganism, leading to the control of several pathogens.
There are several reports of antagonism of pathogenic fungi by PGPR (Table 2.1).
Pseudomonas strains MRS23 and CRP55b inhibited the growth of pathogenic
fungi, i.e. Aspergillus sp., Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri and Rhizoctonia solani
under culture condition (Goel et al. 2002).
There are several reports of reduction of disease incidences by application of
PGPR. Bacillus spp. isolated from healthy cabbage, kale, and radish reduced black
rot incidence in kale and cabbage caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
(Xcc), in greenhouse and field experiments (Assis et al. 1996). Later, Monteiro et al.
(2005) reported that four of these Bacillus strains produced lipopeptides active
against Xcc during its late growth phase. Lipopeptides can also stimulate ISR in
plants, probably by interacting with plant cell membranes and inducing temporary
alterations in the plasma membrane which could raise plant defenses (Ongena et al.
2009). Phenaminomethylacetic acid produced by Bacillus methylotrophicus BC79
was reported to be a new kind of substance never found in Bacillus methylotrophicus
(Shan et al. 2013). Culture filtrate of BC79 showed biocontrol efficiency against
rice blast.
Vegetatively propagated crops like plantation and horticultural crops are often
susceptible to soil-borne diseases which are difficult to control. The Fusarium wilt
of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense is a very destructive dis-
ease worldwide (Figueiredo et al. 2010). Application of endophytic and epiphytic
bacteria, single culture or in mixtures, as root or substrate treatments, significantly
improved the growth of micropropagated banana plantlets and controlled fusarium
wilt (Mariano et al. 2004). Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Ba33 was used as a soil
disinfector and an antiviral agent against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (Shen et al.
2012). Application of mixture of PGPR, more than one genera or species, is more
desirable and effective means for controlling plant diseases, as compared to single
cultures. The different members in a mixture will have additive or synergistic effects
and therefore will result in better control of diseases.
Some bacteria reside in arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal systems and either assist
mycorrhiza formation or promote the functioning of their symbiosis (Figueiredo
et al. 2010). These bacteria are known as mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB). MHB
present three significant functions: nutrient mobilization from soil minerals, fixation
of atmospheric nitrogen, and plant protection against root pathogens (Frey-Klett
et al. 2007). The MHB mentioned by this group were Pseudomonas fluorescens,
P. monteilii, Bacillus coagulans, B. subtilis, Paenibacillus brasiliensis, Rhizobium
leguminosarum, and Bradyrhizobium japonicum.
Several workers have successfully tried using biocontrol agents along with syn-
thetic pesticides for disease control and yield enhancement. These treatments may
reduce the application of chemical pesticides to crop plants. Corn seeds when
bacterized with Paenibacillus macerans along with the seed-treatment with fludiox-
onil and metalaxyl M reduced incidences of pathogens, promoted germination and
grain yield (Luz 2003). Similarly, Bugg et al. (2009) used Bacillus-based treatments
along with seed-treatment practices.
Biocontrol agents need to be formulated if they have to be commercialized. The
formulation should be cheap and should not pose any threat to human, animal or
plant life or to the environment. Screening for new agents should consider the
biology and ecology of the pathosystem, as well as agricultural practices associated
with the crop (Fravel 2007). Raj et al. (2003a, b) studied the comparative perfor-
mance of formulations of PGPR in growth promotion and suppression of downy
mildew in pearl millet. The formulations contained two different strains of bacilli
with chitosan as a carrier. Formulations LS256 and LS257 besides being the best
growth promoters were also the most efficient resistance inducers. Among the
application methods tested, soil amendment was found to be the most suitable and
desirable way of delivering the formulations. The study demonstrates a potential
role for plant growth promoting rhizobacterial formulations in downy mildew
36 R. Dey et al.
Plants have developed various strategies to combat aggressors (Van Loon et al.
1998). One of these strategies is the initiation of a defense reaction at the site of
infection, which spreads throughout the plant resulting in the development of resis-
tance. Induced resistance is defined as an enhancement of the plant’s defensive
capacity against a broad spectrum of pathogens and pests that is acquired after
appropriate stimulation. The resulting elevated resistance due to an inducing agent
upon infection by a pathogen is called ISR or SAR (Hammerschmidt and Kuc
1995). The induction of systemic resistance by rhizobacteria, which are nonpatho-
genic, is referred as ISR, whereas that by other agents is called SAR (Van Loon
et al. 1998). SAR is commonly triggered by the elicitors of avirulent pathogens,
such as microbial-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) (Abramovitch et al.
2006), but it can also be induced by biological (nonmicrobial) and chemical com-
pounds. Typically the ISR by PGPR do not cause any necrotic symptoms on the
host plants, whereas SAR is expressed to a maximum level when the inducing
organism causes necrosis (Cameron et al. 1994). The expression of induced resis-
tance can be local or systemic when it is expressed at sites not directly exposed to
the inducers agent (Stadnik 2000). ISR is quite similar to SAR, making the plant
resistant to subsequent attacks of pathogenic organisms, such as viruses, bacteria
and fungi (Bakker et al. 2007). SAR or ISR do not provide complete resistance to
any particular pathogen, but provide substantial protection to plants for a long time
to a broad range of pathogens. Some chemicals, such as SA or analogues [benzo-
thiadiazole (BTH) and its derivatives, e.g. 2,6-dichloronicotinic acid], are known to
induce SAR (Table 2.2) and have been successfully used in the field to control
diseases (Vallad and Goodman 2004).
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 37
The use of PGPR for inducing systemic resistance against diseases has been
demonstrated in field conditions (Vidhyasekaran and Muthamilan 1999;
Viswanathan 1999). PGPR have been reported to induce resistance in plants against
bacterial, fungal and viral diseases (Liu et al. 1995a, b; Maurhofer et al. 1998; Raj
et al. 2003a, b; Halfeld-Vieira et al. 2006), and insect (Zehnder et al. 1997) and
nematode pests (Sikora 1988). This type of induced resistance shows advantages
such as: effectiveness against various pathogens; stability due to the action of differ-
ent mechanisms of resistance, systemicity, energy economy; and metabolic utiliza-
tion of genetic potential for resistance in all susceptible plants (Bonaldo et al. 2005).
Bacillus and Pseudomonas are among the most studied genera of PGPR. Induced
resistance was first analyzed in 1961 by pre-inoculation of tobacco plants with
TMV (Ross 1961). This procedure protected the plant against other viruses and
resulted in the conception of “Systemic Acquired Resistance” (SAR). The activation
of defense mechanisms induced by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes can be
achieved by different routes, which may occur alone or concomitantly (Bonaldo
et al. 2005). The induction of resistance to disease is an added advantage to the
promotion of plant growth and yield by the application of PGPR. The presence of
the PGPR in the rhizosphere makes the entire plant, including the shoot, more
resistant to pathogens (Figueiredo et al. 2010).
38 R. Dey et al. Diseases
PGPR have been reported to provide protection to plants from diseases by employ-
ing different mechanisms. These mechanisms include production of antibiotics like
pyocyanine, pyrrolnitrin, 2,4- diacetylphloroglucinol (Pierson and Thomashow
1992); production of siderophores (Kloepper et al. 1980); competition for nutrients
and space (Elad and Chet 1987); production of lytic enzymes like chitinases and
β-1,3-glucanases (Potgieter and Alexander 1996; Velazhahan et al. 1999); HCN
production (Defago et al. 1990), fluorescent pigments, etc.
The role of ISR in controlling diseases in plants has been demonstrated by many
studies (Ramamoorthy et al. 2001). Application of PGPR strains as a seed-treatment
resulted in a significant reduction in anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum
orbiculare in cucumber (Wei et al. 1991, 1996). They showed that this plant could
be used as a model for ISR. Induction of systemic resistance by Pseudomonas
putida strain 89B-27 and Serratia marcescens strain 90-166 reduced Fusarium wilt
of cucumber incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum (Liu et al. 1995a).
In sugarcane, Viswanathan and Samiyappan (1999a) established PGPR-mediated
ISR against Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot disease. Pseudomonas fluores-
cens 1-94 (Pf1-94) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf4-92) strains isolated from
rhizosphere soil of chickpea showed ISR against fusarium wilt of chickpea and
charcoal rot (Srivastava et al. 2001).
PGPR induce systemic resistance against bacterial diseases as well. Treatment of
cucumber seed with Pseudomonas putida strain 89B-27 and Serratia marcescens
strain 90-166 decreased the incidence of bacterial wilt disease (Kloepper et al.
1993). Seed-treatment of cucumber with P. putida strain 89B-27, Flavomonas ory-
zihabitans strain INR-5, S. marcescens strain 90-166 and Bacillus pumilus strain
INR-7 provided systemic protection against angular leaf spot caused by Pseudomonas
syringae pv. lachrymans by reducing total lesion diameter compared with non-
treated plants (Liu et al. 1995b; Wei et al. 1996).
There are reports of induction of systemic resistance in plants against viral
diseases by PGPR. Seed-treatment with P. fluorescens strain 89B-27 and S. marces-
cens strain 90-166 reduced the number of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-infected
plants and delayed the development of symptoms in cucumber and tomato (Raupach
et al. 1996). Soil application also proved beneficial. Soil application of P. fluores-
cens strain CHAO resulted in induced systemic protection against inoculation with
tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) in tobacco (Maurhofer et al. 1998). Thus, there are
ample reports of PGPR ISRs in plants against bacterial, fungal and viral diseases.
There are few reports on the induction of systemic resistance in crop plants against
insect pests. Fluorescent pseudomonads have been found to influence the growth
and development of different stages of insects. Pseudomonas maltophila affected
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 39
the growth of larval stage of Helicoverpa zea, leading to more than 60 % reduction
in adult emergence while pupae and adults that emerged from bacteria-infected
larvae were smaller (Bong and Sikorowski 1991). Certain PGPR strains activate
octadecanoid, shikimate and terpenoid pathways. This in turn alters the production
of volatiles in the host plant leading to the attraction of natural enemies (Bell and
Muller 1993). Qingwen et al. (1998) reported an increase in polyphenol and terpe-
noid content in cotton plants treated with Pseudomonas gladioli, which affected the
relative growth rate, consumption rate and digestibility of feed by Helicoverpa
armigera. Serratia marcescens strain 90-166 was found quite effective in reducing
the populations of striped cucumber beetle, Acalyma vittatum and the spotted
cucumber beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi on cucumber and its efficacy
was better than application of the insecticide esfenvalerate (Zehnder et al. 1997).
Attempts have been made to transfer the insecticidal crystal protein from Bacillus
thuringiensis to fluorescent pseudomonads, keeping in view the efficient root colo-
nization ability and endophytic nature of some fluorescent pseudomonads.
Transgenic P. cepacia strain 526 with the crystal protein gene has consistently
shown insecticidal activity against tobacco hornworm (Stock et al. 1990). PGPR
formulations comprising of bacterial strain mixtures having the capability to induce
chitinase in plant play an important role in hydrolyzing chitin, the structural compo-
nent in gut linings of insects and would lead to better control of insect pest (Broadway
et al. 1998). Identification of entomopathogenic PGPR strains that have the capabil-
ity to colonize phylloplane in a stable manner will be a breakthrough in the manage-
ment of foliar pests (Otsu et al. 2004). Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is a
root-associated PGPR that suppresses soil-borne fungal diseases of crops.
Remarkably, the pseudomonad is also endowed with systemic and oral activity
against pest insects which depends on the production of the insecticidal Fit toxin
(Pechy-Tarr et al. 2013). The toxin gene (fitD) is part of a virulence cassette encod-
ing three regulators (FitF, FitG, FitH) and a type I secretion system (FitABC-E).
P. fluorescens CHA0 hence can actively induce insect toxin production in response
to the host environment, and FitH and FitG are key regulators in this mechanism.
Thus, application of PGPR may be useful for management of insect pests as well. Nematodes
Application of mixed cultures are often better suited as biological control agents as
compared to single ones. The mixed cultures closely mimic the natural environment
and might broaden the spectrum of biocontrol activity and enhance the efficacy and
reliability of control (Duffy and Weller 1995). The enhancement in biological
control abilities of mixed cultures may be due to different mechanisms of action and
synergism between the PGPR cultures. Chitinase-producing Streptomyces spp. and
Bacillus cereus isolates used in combination with antibiotic-producing P. fluo-
rescens and Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia isolates have shown a synergis-
tic effect on the suppression of rice sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani
(Sung and Chung 1997). Similarly, combination of P. fluorescens strains Pf1 and
FP7 gave effective control of rice sheath blight disease when compared to each
strain applied singly (Nandakumar 1998). A combination of two chitinolytic bacte-
rial strains viz., Paenibacillus sp. 300 and Streptomyces sp. 385 in the ratio of 1:1 or
4:1 was more effective than when they were applied individually for the control of
Fusarium wilt of cucumber caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum (Singh
et al. 1999). Biocontrol mixtures should be formulated very carefully. The individual
strains in the mixture should be compatible with each other and should not inhibit
the other strains.
Literature shows many instances of PGPR ISR against a broad range of diseases and
pests. Same PGPR strain may induce resistances against many bacterial and fungal
diseases and sometimes against insect pests as well in the same crop. Seed-treatment
with P. fluorescens strain WCS 417 protected radish through induction of systemic
resistance against the fungal root pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani, avirulent
bacterial leaf pathogen P. syringae pv. tomato and fungal leaf pathogens Alternaria
brassicicola and F. oxysporum (Hoffland et al. 1996). Seed-treatment of S. marces-
cens strain 90-166 showed ISR in cucumber against anthracnose, CMV, bacterial
angular leaf spot and cucurbit wilt diseases (Kloepper et al. 1993; Liu et al. 1995a, b).
The same strain was also reported to be effective in controlling the striped cucumber
beetle, Acalyma vittatum and spotted cucumber beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata
howardi (Zehnder et al. 1997). PGPR can also induce ISR against different patho-
gens in different crops. P. fluorescens strain Pf1 induces resistance against different
pathogens in different crops, viz., Rhizoctonia solani (Nandakumar 1998),
Colletotrichum falcatum in sugarcane (Viswanathan 1999) and Pythium aphanider-
matum in tomato (Ramamoorthy et al. 1999). Thus, it would be prudent to select a
PGPR having a broad spectrum of activity involving plant growth promotion and
induction of resistance against multiple diseases and pests.
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 41
Apart from the colonization of rhizosphere and rhizoplane, some PGPR colonize
the internal tissues of plants and are reported to be endophytes. Endophytic bacteria
reside within the living plant tissues without doing substantive harm or gaining
benefit other than residency (Kado 1992). Endophytic bacteria have the advantage
of the protected environment inside the living plant tissues and are potential candi-
dates for inducing ISR in plants. Endophytic bacteria brought about significant
control against F. solani in cotton and Sclerotium rolfsii in beans (Pleban et al.
1995). Seed-treatment of tomato with endophytic bacterium Bacillus pumilus strain
SE 34 prevented the entry of vascular wilt fungus F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-
lycopersici into the vascular stele and the mycelial growth was restricted to the
epidermis and outer root cortex (Benhamou et al. 1998). Two endophytic tomato
root colonizing strains, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CM-2 and T-5 enhanced the
growth of tomato seedlings along with the biocontrol of tomato bacterial wilt caused
by Ralstonia solanacearum (Tan et al. 2013). Biological control of wheat stripe rust
by an endophytic Bacillus subtilis strain E1R-j in greenhouse and field trials was
reported by Li et al. (2013). The biocontrol agent inhibited the germination of
urediniospore and reduced the rate of diseased leaves. The use of endophytic PGPR
for induction of resistance will be more useful in vegetatively propagated crops like
sugarcane, banana, etc. Viswanathan and Samiyappan (1999a) revealed the utility of
endophytic P. fluorescens strain EP1 isolated from stalk tissues of sugarcane in
inducing systemic resistance against red rot caused by Colletotrichum falcatum.
The endophytic bacteria survives in the vegetatively propagated plant parts and
move from one crop to the succeeding crop through vegetative propagation.
The PGPR employ several mechanisms for bringing about ISR in plants. These
mechanisms may involve strengthening or fortification of the cell wall or elicitation
of chemicals for defense against the invasion of disease causing agents.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria induce structural modification of the cell wall
in response to pathogenic attack (Benhamou et al. 1996b; M’Piga et al. 1997).
Treatment of pea seeds with P. fluorescens strain 63-28 resulted in formation of
structural barriers, viz., cell wall apposition (papillae) and deposition of newly
formed callose and accumulation of phenolic compounds at the site of penetration
42 R. Dey et al.
Biochemical and physiological changes have been reported in plants upon application
of PGPR. ISR may be due to accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins
(M’Piga et al. 1997), synthesis of phytoalexin and other secondary metabolites
(Zdor and Anderson 1992). ISR by P. fluorescens strain CHAO against TNV in
tobacco was associated with accumulation of PR proteins namely β-1,3 glucanases
and endochitinases (Maurhofer et al. 1994). Involvement of these lytic enzymes was
reported by Benhamou et al. (1996b) in the induction of resistance by P. fluorescens
strain 63-28. These lytic enzymes accumulated at the site of penetration of the
fungus, F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi resulting in the degradation of fungal cell wall.
Pathogenesis-related peroxidase and chitinase proteins have been found to induce
systemic resistance. In sugarcane, PGPR-mediated ISR against C. falcatum,
enhanced levels of chitinase and peroxidase and specific induction of two new chi-
tinase isoforms were found when inoculated with C. falcatum (Viswanathan and
Samiyappan 1999a, b).
PGPR induce systemic resistance in plants through means other than the produc-
tion of PR proteins also (Pieterse et al. 1996). The plants produce other enzymes of
the defense including peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), and
polyphenol-oxidase (PPO). While peroxidase and PPO are catalysts in the formation
of lignin, PAL and other enzymes are involved in the formation of phytoalexins
(Figueiredo et al. 2010). The phytoalexins are secondary metabolites, antibiotics of
low molecular weight produced by plants in response to physical, chemical, or bio-
logical stress. They are able to prevent or reduce the activity of pathogens, the rate of
production dependent on the genotypes of host and/or pathogen (Daniel and
Purkayastha 1995). P. fluorescens strains WCS 417r and WCS 358r induced protec-
tion in both wild type Arabidopsis and transgened Arabidopsis with NahG-gene
(coding for salicylate hydrolase) without activating PR gene expression (Van Wees
et al. 1997). Accumulation of phytoalexin in response to Pseudomonas sp. strain
WCS 417r treatment in carnation resulted in protection of carnation from wilt dis-
ease (Van Peer et al. 1991). Zdor and Anderson (1992) recorded increased peroxi-
dase activity as well as an increase in the level of mRNAs encoding for phenylalanine
ammonia-lyase (PAL) and chalcone synthase in the early stages of interaction
between bean roots and various bacterial endophytes. The enzymes produced by
antagonistic strains have a crucial role to play in disease resistance. The production
of enzymes related to pathogenesis (PR proteins) by strains of rhizobacteria is con-
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 43
sidered as one of the most important property of the antagonistic strains (Saikia et al.
2004). These enzymes are chitinases, lipoxygenases, peroxidases, and glucanases.
Plants express the activity of peroxidase during pathogen–host interaction (Saikia
et al. 2006). Peroxidase enzyme has been implicated in the oxidation of phenols,
lignification (Saparrat and Guillen 2005), plant protection (Hammerschmidt et al.
1982), and elongation of plant cells (Goldberg et al. 1986). Similarly, another enzyme
lipoxygenase also contributes to the defense reactions involving the inhibition of
growth of the pathogen and induction of phytoalexins (Li et al. 1991). The extent of
activity and accumulation of these enzymes depends mainly on the inducing agent,
besides the genotype of the plant, physiological conditions, and the pathogen (Tuzun
2001). Certain proteins involved in plant growth and development were up-regulated,
such as xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (Wang et al. 2013). Proteins involved in
defense were also up-regulated, including peroxidases, glutathione S-transferases
and kinases. These proteins associated with disease resistance characteristics were
induced in rice plants after exposure to Bacillus cereus NMSL88. There are reports
of induction of disease resistance by rhizobia also. Hemissi et al. (2013) reported
enhanced defense responses of chickpea plants against Rhizoctonia solani by pre-
inoculation with Rhizobium strains Pch Azm and Pch S.Nsir2. The reduction in
infection was accompanied by enhanced level of defense-related enzymes, PAL and
peroxidase (POX). An increased level of phenol content was also recorded in the
roots of bacterized plants grown in the presence of pathogen.
The defense mechanisms induced by PGPR against insect pests are different.
Treatment with PGPR brings about some physiological changes in the host plant
that prevent the insects from feeding. Due to PGPR treatment, there was a shift in
the metabolic pathway in cucumber plants away from the cucurbitacin synthesis and
towards that of other plant defense compounds, resulting in fewer beetles being
attracted (Zehnder et al. 1997). In controlling nematodes, PGPR induce resistance
by altering root exudates or inducing the host to produce repellents that affect nema-
tode attraction or recognition of the host (Oostendorp and Sikora 1990) and altering
the syncytial development or sex ratio in the root tissue (Wyss 1989). Seed-treatment
with PGPR strains resulted in increased chitinase enzyme activity and phenolic con-
tent in rice, which correlated with the reduced nematode infestation (Swarnakumari
1996). The application of PGPR can thus form an important component of inte-
grated pest management practices in agriculture.
To cause a disease, the invading pathogen must access to the plant interior. But in
the process plant also can sense the presence of the pathogens by recognizing the
several bio-molecules of pathogens called pathogens associated molecular patterns
(PAMPs). Once pathogen penetrates the rigid cell wall of the plant, it comes in
touch with the host plasma membrane wherein they encounter the plant extracellular
surface receptors which in turns recognizes the PAMPs. On the onset of this recep-
tion, activation of plant defenses against the invading pathogens starts with a
44 R. Dey et al.
Fig. 2.1 Proposed model for the evolution of bacterial resistance in plants. (Source: Data from:
Chisholm et al. 2006)
effectors molecule have also been found in fungal and viral pathogenesis like in
Oomycetes pathogen Phytophthora infestans.
The major focus in future would be on identification of novel plant receptors
which would recognize the pathogen effector proteins and inactivate them as a
disease control strategies.
2.8.1 Lipopolysaccharides
The LPS present in the outer membrane of bacterial cells are important determinants
of ISR in many PGPR strains (Table 2.3). The LPS of P. fluorescens strains WCS 374
and WCS 417 induced systemic resistance in radish against F. oxysporum f. sp.
Table 2.3 Bacterial determinants and types of host resistance induced by biocontrol agents
Bacterial strain Plant species Bacterial determinant Type
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Tobacco Salicylic acid SAR
7NSK2 Bean Salicylic acid SAR
Tomato Phenazine and Salicylic acid SAR
Bacillus amyloliquifaciens Sugar beet Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Pseudomonas fluorescens Tomato Massetolide A ISR
P. fluorescens strain P3 Tobacco Salicylic acid ISR
Pseudomonas fluorescens
CHAO Tobacco Siderophore SAR
Arabidopsis Antibiotics (DAPG) ISR
WCS374 Radish Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Siderophore ISR
Iron regulated factor ISR
WCS417 Carnation Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Arabidopsis Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Radish Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Iron regulated factor ISR
Tomato Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Pseudomonas putida WCS 358 Arabidopsis Lipopolysaccharide ISR
Siderophore ISR
Pseudomonas putida BTP1 Bean Iron regulated metabolite Cx ISR
Serratia marcescens 90-166 Cucumber Siderophore ISR
Bacillus mycoides strain Bac J Sugar beet Peroxidase, chitinase and ISR
Bacillus pumilus 203-6 and 203-7 Sugar beet Peroxidase, chitinase and ISR
Bacillus subtilis GB03, IN937a Arabidopsis 2,3-butanediol ISR
Pseudomonas putida Bean Hexenal ISR
Source: Data from: Pal and Gardener (2006)
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 47
raphani (Leeman et al. 1995). They further explained that the O-antigen side chain of
the LPS might have triggered the induction of defense mechanism in plants. However,
the LPS of P. putida strain WCS 358 having O-antigen side chain did not induce sys-
temic resistance in radish. Van Wees et al. (1997) also obtained similar results where
he reported that LPS of WCS 417r and mutant of WCS 417r lacking O-antigen side
chain of LPS elicit defense mechanism in Arabidopsis. These studies indicated that
LPS was not the only determining factor in ISR but other factors were also involved
and also elicitation of ISR by LPS was different in different host plants.
2.8.2 Lipopeptides
Some lipopeptides that are produced by bacteria, especially by plant growth promot-
ing rhizobacteria, have been found to induce systemic resistance in plants. Desoignies
et al. (2013) investigated the putative action of Bacillus amyloliquifaciens lipopep-
tides in achieving rhizoctonia biocontrol through the control of the virus vector
Polymyxa betae. Lipopeptides were shown to effectively induce systemic resistance
in both the roots and leaves of sugar beet, resulting in a significant reduction in P.
betae infection. Two classes of bacterial biosurfactant were found to be elicitors of
ISR: rhamnolipids and cyclic lipopeptides (cLPs). Massetolide A from Pseudomonas
fluorescens elicited ISR and enabled Phytophthora infestans on tomato to be con-
trolled (Tran et al. 2007). The ISR activity of surfactin was associated, in treated
plants, with the accumulation of antifungal compounds (phytoalexins) (Adam 2008)
and with the stimulation of the lipoxygenase pathway, leading to the synthesis of
fungitoxic oxylipins (Ongena et al. 2007). The induction of systemic resistance by
cLPs is not yet clear, but a study by Henry et al. (2011) strongly suggests that the
plant cell recognition of surfactin is mediated through interaction with lipids at the
plasma membrane level, rather than through specific protein receptors
2.8.3 Siderophores
Certain PGPR strains are capable of producing salicylic acid and are responsible for
the induction of ISR in plants (Maurhofer et al. 1994). Introduction of pchA and
pchB gene which encode for the synthesis of salicylic acid in P. fluorescens strain
P3, rendered this strain capable of salicylic acid production and significantly
improved its ability to induce systemic resistance in tobacco against TNV. Under
conditions of iron limitation, P. fluorescens strain CHAO, naturally produced
salicylic acid and also induced ISR in tobacco against TNV (Maurhofer et al. 1998).
Apart from these studies, contradictory observations have been also reported by
workers. Mutants of S. marcescens strain 90-166 lacking in salicylic acid produc-
tion were found to induce the same level of resistance in cucumber as the wild strain
in cucumber and tobacco. Press et al. (1997) working with the salicylic acid produc-
ing strain 90-166 of S. marcescens, reported induction of resistance both in wild
type tobacco and NahG-tobacco (tobacco plant transgened with NahG-gene encoding
salicylic acid hydroxylase which converts salicylic acid to catechol). Van Wees et al.
(1997) suggested that ISR induced by P. fluorescens strains WCS 417r and WCS
358r was independent of salicylic acid production in Arabidopsis.
These studies further emphasize the fact that different determinants of PGPR are
involved in the induction of systemic resistance and this resistance varies with
iron-limiting conditions, PGPR strains, host plants and their cultivars.
PGPR need to be formulated for large-scale application in crop fields. PGPR formu-
lation helps in enhancing the shelf life, effective application and delivery of the
bacterial cultures to the targeted site. Formulation also aids the packaging, transport
and storage of the microbial product. Suslow (1980) reported the survival of PGPR
in a dried formulation and the effectiveness of methyl cellulose in a powder formu-
lation for coating sugar beet seed. The organic carriers used for formulation devel-
opment include peat, talc, lignite, kaolinite, pyrophyllite, zeolite, montmorillonite,
alginate, press mud, sawdust and vermiculite. Talc and Peat have been used as
traditional carrier materials for effective formulations of PGPR. Vidhyasekaran and
Muthamilan (1995) reported that the population of bacteria had been stable up to
240 days in talc-based and peat-based formulations. PGPR can be effectively for-
mulated for systemic protection of crop plants against diseases. The most com-
monly used formulations of PGPR involve strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens,
P. aeruginosa, P. putida, Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquifaciens, etc. P. putida strain
30 and 180 survived up to 6 months in talc-based formulations. The population load
at the end of 6th month was 108 cfu/g of the product (Bora et al. 2004). Shelf life of
P. chlororaphis (PA23) and B. subtilis (CBE4) in peat carriers was retained for more
than 6 months (Nakkeeran et al. 2004).
2 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Crop Protection and Challenges 49
2.10 Challenges
• Lack of awareness about the biological agents and their target pathogens.
• Risk associated with the mass multiplication of the biocontrol agents in industrial
scale fermenters.
• Concerns of inconsistent performance of PGPR biocontrol agents in managing
disease and pests.
• Chances of mutation and loss of desirable traits in the biocontrol agents.
• Lack of awareness among the farmers about the potential of the biocontrol agents
in managing diseases and pests.
• Competition from the spurious locally developed biocontrol agents.
• Procedural delays in registration of the products.
• Lack of proper delivery system for biocontrol PGPR.
• Concerns about stability and quality of the products.
• Stiff challenges from environment protection agencies and inherent difficulties
in addressing their concerns.
• Perceived potential threats from few opportunistic human pathogens as bio-
control agents.
2.11 Conclusions
PGPR are beneficial to crop plants in many ways. Inoculation with PGPR results in
improvement of plant growth, control of diseases and induction of systemic resis-
tance. Tikhonovich and Provorov (2011) argued that utilization of appropriate prep-
arations of beneficial microorganisms is the most promising strategy for maintaining
agricultural productivity whilst reducing the inputs of inorganic fertilizers, herbi-
cides and pesticides and that ‘microbiology is the basis of sustainable agriculture’.
Several strains of PGPR have broad spectrum activity against multiple diseases and
also provide protection against insect and nematode pests. Endophytic PGPR have
been found beneficial in growth promotion and disease control in vegetatively prop-
agated crops. With the progress of agriculture towards sustainability, microbes will
find greater use as biocontrol agents.
However, we should be realistic with cautions. Though tall claims have been
made by researchers over the past several decades about the potential applications
of a plethora of PGPR biocontrol agents in managing a number of disease and pests
in many crop species, not much success has been achieved yet for commercializa-
tion and their application at field level. Concerted efforts will be required to demon-
strate the benefits of the PGPR biocontrol agents to the farmers so that the
eco-friendly agents can be popularized. Unless end users are convinced by the ben-
efits of the biocontrol PGPRs by conducting trials of their own, the success stories
will remain in the research laboratories only.
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58 R. Dey et al.
3.1 Introduction
Fig. 3.1 Different mechanisms involved in PGPR-mediated growth promotion and suppression of
biotic and abiotic stress in plants
siderophore (Wang et al. 1993; Raaijmakers et al. 1995), antibiotics (Ongena et al.
1999; Raaijmakers et al. 1997, 2002), Chitinase (Hallmann et al. 1999; Manjula and
Podile 2001), β-1,3-glucanase (Tanaka and Watanabe 1995), and cyanide (Voisard
et al. 1989); and (4) solubilization of mineral phosphate and other nutrients (de
Freitas et al. 1997; Gyaneshwar et al. 2002). Induced systemic resistance (ISR) is
one of the most studied mechanisms through which the rhizobacteria suppress the
infection and disease development by elevating the host resistance mechanism
against wide range of phytopathogens (Dobbelaere et al. 2003). Similarly, induced
systemic tolerance (IST) has been proposed for PGPR-induced physiological and
biochemical changes in plants that result in enhanced tolerance to abiotic stress
(Yang et al. 2009). PGPR-mediated improvement of plant health is through express-
ing one or more traits individually or simultaneously which depends on various
biotic and abiotic variables at rhizosphere (Glick et al. 1999; Rana et al. 2011;
Hariprasad et al. 2011, 2013).
As the name indicates, only those bacteria residing in rhizosphere and rhizoplane
are considered as rhizobacteria. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that at first PGPR
must colonize the rhizosphere of the host plant to exhibit its beneficial effect
62 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
efficiently. This basic stage in early life of PGPR is crucial which determines its fate
in rhizosphere and also its effectiveness in improving plant health. Recent research
has indicated that some of these PGPR entered the root and established endophytic
association in stem, root, tubers, and other organs (Bell et al. 1995; Compant et al.
2005; Gray and Smith 2005). Researchers conducted various experiments under
laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions by using different techniques to reveal
the mechanism of root colonization and factors affecting on it. According to their
findings, colonization of rhizosphere by PGPR is not uniform and the size, compo-
sition, and distribution of PGPR community are determined by several abiotic and
biotic factors such as soil pH, mineral, nutrient, and water content; species, geno-
type, and physiological state of the plant; difference in composition and amount of
root exudates; and the presence of other microbial species (Yang and Crowley 2000;
Goddard et al. 2001; Marschner and Timonen 2006; Albareda et al. 2006).
The amount and composition of exudates is largely affected by multiple factors
such as plant species, plant age, root region, pH, temperature, surrounding microbes,
and others (Rovira 1969; Baker 1987; Meharg and Killham 1995). About 49 % of
photosynthetically fixed C is released into external environment in rhizosphere as
root exudates (Kennedy 1999) which offers a carbon-rich diet to the rhizosphere
microorganisms which includes organic acids (citrate, malate, succinate, pyruvate,
fumarate, oxalate, and acetate) and sugars (glucose, xylose, fructose, maltose,
sucrose, galactose, and ribose) constitute the main course, whereas variable amounts
of α-aminoacids, nucleobases and vitamins (thiamin and biotin), fatty acids,
enzymes, and sloughed off cells are also reported in root exudates (Rovira 1969;
Baker 1987; Lugtenberg and Dekkers 1999). Some root exudates can also be effec-
tive as antimicrobial agents and some bacteria can utilize the compound of root
exudates better than others, thus give ecological niche advantage to organisms that
have adequate mechanism to survive in such environment (Walker et al. 2003; Bais
et al. 2004, 2006; Barriuso et al. 2008).
Rhizobacteria may colonize the rhizosphere uniformly or its distribution may be
restricted to certain regions of root. In naturally grown wheat plant, Pseudomonas
spp. were relatively evenly distributed along the length of the root (Fig. 3.2), whereas
filamentous bacteria occurred mostly in the area of the root cap and the mature zone
of the root (Watt et al. 2006), and free-living diazotrophic bacteria colonize on root
elongation zones and root hairs followed by the formation of biofilm (Assmus et al.
1995). Kluyvera ascorbata failed to colonize the growing tips of canola seedlings
and was found only in upper two-third part of root surface (Ma et al. 2001).
Paenibacillus polymyxa preferentially colonizes the young growing root tips of
Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings (Timmusk et al. 2005). Bacillus sp. was reported to
colonize spermosphere; on germination of seeds bacteria moved to the emerging
radical and colonized the basal portion of the roots close to the seed-root junction,
but they failed to colonize the growing root tips. Scanning electron microscope
(SEM) observations revealed that the bacterial cells were arranged linearly and lat-
erally on the growing root axis (Ugoji et al. 2005).
Chemotaxis of the bacteria towards root exudates plays a major role in the colo-
nization of roots (Lugtenberg et al. 1996). According to Scher et al. (1985), only
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 63
motile strains of rhizobacteria in the presence of root exudates are able to colonize
roots. Further, this phenomenon was evidenced by studies with CheA mutants of
Pseudomonas fluorescens, defective in flagella-driven chemotaxis but still motile
appeared to be impaired in competitive root tip colonization on tomato (de Weert
et al. 2002). Irrespective of their motility, rhizobacteria can also move along the root
by adhering to the expanding root surface (Mawdsley and Burns 1994), they are
assisted by water percolation at the rhizosphere (Bowers and Parke 1993).
Specificity of the root exudates towards the rhizobacteria was studied by
Mandimba et al. (1986). They demonstrated that bacterial strains isolated from
maize rhizosphere showed chemotaxis towards maize root exudates but rhizobacte-
rial isolates from rice did not respond to maize root exudates. Similarly, root exu-
dates induce stronger chemotactic responses of PGPR as compared to other bacteria
present in the rice rhizosphere (Bacilio-Jimenez et al. 2003). Our early experiments
revealed that the rhizobacteria isolated from tomato rhizosphere are able to colonize
similar group of plants such as chilli and brinjal (unpublished). Also, rhizobacteria
isolated from the rhizospheric soil of Raulwolfia spp. from Western Ghat regions of
Karnataka, India successfully colonized the tomato roots improved plant growth
(Kumar et al. 2014).
It is now well established that rhizobacteria in its natural environment persist by
forming biofilms. A number of microbial cell structures such as flagella or type IV
pili, membrane polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in particularly the
O-antigen chain, and outer membrane proteins including adhesins are important in
root colonization and biofilm formation (Vesper 1987; Skvortsov and Ignatov 1998;
Dekkers et al. 1998; Vande Broek and Vanderleyden 1995; Lugtenberg et al. 2001;
64 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
Tans-Kersten et al. 2001; Hinsa et al. 2003). Bacterial cells adhere and proliferate
on the surface of root as a colony and subsequently form biofilm as an extracellular
polysaccharide matrix. Biofilm is a highly structured surface attached communities
of cells encased in a self-produced extracellular matrix (Costerton et al. 1995). This
process of colonization consists of the following steps: (1) transport of microbes to
the surface, (2) initial attachment, (3) formation of microcolonies, and (4) biofilm
maturation (de Weert and Bloemberg 2006). In the case of Bacillus subtilis, biofilm
formation was induced by chemical signal released by plant root to which bacteria
respond by stimulating biofilm synthesis. Strains with reduced ability or mutants
for biofilm formation showed poor root colonization property and also reduced
biocontrol activity (Chen et al. 2012). High levels of surfactin (antimicrobial agent)
production were observed during colonization and biofilm formation (Nihorimbere
et al. 2012). Surfactin produced by rhizobacteria act as biosurfactant and help in
bacterial motility and root colonization (Bais et al. 2004). Bacillus subtilis mutants
lacking surfactin were severely defective in swarming motility and showed poor
root colonization in comparison with wild type (Kearns et al. 2004; Angelini et al.
In addition to the above said factors, density-dependent signalling in bacteria,
i.e., “quorum sensing,” also plays a major role in determining the density of root-
colonizing bacteria in rhizosphere and regulate biofilm formation (Pierson et al.
1998). Acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) are frequently reported as quorum sens-
ing molecules produced by Gram-negative bacteria (Whitehead et al. 2001). In the
case of Gram-positive bacteria it is protein/polypeptides, and c-butyrolactone in
actinomycetes (Yamada and Nihira 1998). Plant roots are also reported to be capa-
ble of secreting compounds that may be structurally similar to Gram-negative AHLs
(Toth et al. 2004; Teplitski et al. 2000) which evidenced that plants are also able to
regulate the bacterial density at rhizosphere.
Apart from root colonization, PGPR should be able to compete with native
microbial populations for space and available nutrients in the rhizosphere, through
which it limits the growth and multiplication of other saprophytic and pathogenic
microbes (Fig. 3.3) (Walsh et al. 2001; Whipps 2001; Bashan and de-Bashan 2005).
Broadly, PGPR—other microbes competition at rhizosphere could be categorized
as direct and indirect way. Indirect way involves occupying the space in the rhizo-
sphere with some special aid such as biofilm formation, utilization of available
nutrients efficiently (siderophore production for iron uptake), and breakdown of
some complex form of nutrition into simple form and its uptake (phosphate solubi-
lization). Direct way includes suppression of growth and multiplication of other
microbes by producing antibiotics, lytic enzymes, etc. These direct and indirect
mechanisms may express differentially which depends on various biotic and abiotic
factors at rhizosphere, through which they successfully colonize the host roots and
compete with other saprophytic or pathogenic microbes (Radjacommare et al. 2004;
Yasmin et al. 2009; Sayyed and Chincholkar 2009; Chaiharn et al. 2009; Ramos-
Solano et al. 2010; Hariprasad et al. 2011).
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 65
and competition for space
and nutrition between PGPR
and phytopathogens at
Food and Nutrition
3.3 Phytohormones
Promotion of root growth is one of the major markers by which the beneficial effect
of PGPR is measured. Phytohormones produced by PGPR within the vicinity of
root stimulate profuse root growth, whether by elongation of primary roots or by
proliferation of lateral and adventitious roots. The increased surface area of root
improves the water, minerals, and nutrition-uptake capacity of plant from a large
volume of soil, strengthens anchorage capacity thus establishing the chance of
greater survival. Most of the PGPRs are known to produce IAA (Gaudin et al. 1994;
Asghar et al. 2002), cytokinins (Vessey 2003), and gibberellins (Glick et al. 1998;
Khan et al. 2006).
The most common, best characterized, and physiologically most active auxin in
plants is IAA. More specifically, IAA is a phytohormone controlling many impor-
tant physiological process such as cell division, cell enlargement, tissue differentia-
tion, apical dominance, root initiation, response to light and gravity in plants,
initiation of adventitious and lateral roots, and both cell and vascular differentiation
(Salisbury 1994; Taize and Zeiger 2006). Bacterial auxin production was normally
associated with pathogenesis, especially with bacterial gall formation as observed
in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Kaper and Veldstra 1958). However it became
apparent that many of the phytopathogens (not only gall inducing) as well as PGPR
have the ability to synthesize IAA and through which it alters the architecture of
root in beneficial way.
66 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
It has been estimated that 80 % of bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere can
produce IAA (Patten and Glick 1996) and are more active in producing IAA than
those from root-free soil because of rich supplies of substrates exuded from roots
(especially tryptophan) (Kampert et al. 1975; Strzelczyk and Pokojska-Burdziej
1984; Martens and Frankenberger 1994; Kravchenko et al. 2004). Further, a positive
correlation between L-tryptophan concentration and IAA production by different
PGPR strains and their ability to increase the plant growth was reported (Asghar
et al. 2002; Idris et al. 2007; Hariprasad et al. 2011).
The host plant can take an active part in the regulation of microbial IAA biosyn-
thesis (Brandl and Lindow 1997). Low concentration of IAA released from plant in
root exudates is sufficient to induce the expression of ipdC gene, which increases
the rhizobacterial synthesis of IAA (Fig. 3.4) (Dobbelaere et al. 1999; Vande Broek
et al. 1999). IAA biosynthesis in diverse bacteria is also related to environmental
stress including acidic pH, somotic and matrix stress, and carbon limitation (Brandl
and Lindow 1997; Patten and Glick 2002; Vande Broek et al. 2005).
There have been at least five different IAA biosynthetic pathways proposed
using tryptophan as precursor (Patten and Glick 1996) which are as follows: (1)
Indole-3-acetamide pathway (Morris 1995; Theunis et al. 2004), (2) Indole-3-
pyruvate pathway (Patten and Glick 2002), (3) Tryptamine pathway (Hartmann
et al. 1983; Perley and Stowe 1966), (4) Tryptophan side chain oxidase pathway
(Oberhansli et al. 1991), and (5) Indole-3-acetonitrile pathway (Nagasawa et al.
1990; Kobayashi et al. 1993). Tryptophan-independent pathway was demonstrated
in case of Azospirillum brasilense in the absence of tryptophan (Prinsen et al. 1993),
but the enzymes involved in this pathway is yet to be identified. Indole-3-pyruvate
pathway is described in a wide range of bacteria including pathogenic and beneficial
bacterial group such as PGPR.
Several earlier research studies indicate that the IAA producing rhizobacteria
had the potential to improve plant health which includes root growth, shoot
growth, biomass, branches/tillers, flowering, pods/grains, and (Xie et al. 1996;
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 67
Asghar et al. 2002; Patten and Glick 2002; Vessey 2003; Araujo et al. 2005; Kaymak
et al. 2008). Up to 50 % increase in root growth was reported in plants treated with
IAA producing strains in comparison with mutants defective in IAA production
(Patten and Glick 2002; Idris et al. 2007).
The impact of exogenous auxin on plant development ranges from positive to
negative effects. The consequence for the plant is usually a function of the amount
of IAA produced that is available to the plant and the sensitivity of the plant tissue
to changes in IAA concentration. Exogenously supplied IAA above certain limit is
known to suppress the root growth (Mulkey et al. 1982). Higher inoculum of IAA
producing bacteria and IAA overproducing mutants were found to be suppressing
growth of host root by activating ethylene biosynthesis pathway, and is achieved by
inducing the expression of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate acid (ACC) syn-
thase enzyme in roots (Xie et al. 1996; Glick et al. 1998; Glick 2005; Spaepen et al.
2008). However few strains of rhizobacteria also have the ability to produce ACC
deaminase which degrades ACC at normal IAA production level besides converting
ACC to ammonia and α-ketobutyrate and utilize ACC as nitrogen source (discussed
in Sect. 3.11.3).
3.3.2 Gibberellins
Gibberellins (GA) are tetracyclic diterpenoid acids that are involved in a number of
developmental and physiological processes in plants. Gibberellins induced inter-
node elongation in certain types of plants, such as dwarf and rosette species and
grasses. Other physiological effects of gibberellins include changes in juvenility
and flower sexuality, promotion of fruit set, fruit growth, and seed germination
(Davies 1995; Crozier et al. 2000; Taize and Zeiger 2006). Gibberellins are also
reported to be produced by several bacteria (Atzorn et al. 1988; Dobert et al. 1992;
Janzen et al. 1992; Bastian et al. 1998; Gutierrez-Mannero et al. 2001).
The production of GA-like substances by rhizobacteria, as revealed by bioassay,
was first described in Azospirillum brasilense (Tien et al. 1979). Further in 1988, it
was confirmed by GC-MS analysis (Atzorn et al. 1988). Pectobutrazol-induced
dwarf phenotype in alder (Alnus glutinosa) is reversed by spraying culture filtrate of
PGPR containing GA (Gutierrez-Mannero et al. 2001). Involvement of rhizobacterial
produced GA in enhancing plant growth was further evidenced by studies of Cassan
et al. (2001). Where, A. lipoferum USA5b and A. brasilense Cd promoted sheath
elongation of GA-deficient dwarf rice, when supplied with GA precursors.
Application of GA-positive rhizobacterial strain also was found to increase the
endogenous level GA in plants. Measurement of GA content using deuterated inter-
nal standards, and GCMS analysis, showed increased levels of GA1, GA19, GA20,
and GA44 in nodules formed by the rhizobacterial strains that enhanced growth
(Dobert et al. 1992).
68 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
3.3.3 Cytokinins
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a 15-carbon compound that resembles the terminal portion of
some carotenoid molecules which plays primary regulatory roles in the initiation and
maintenance of seed and bud dormancy and in the plant’s response to stress, particu-
larly water stress. In addition, ABA influences many other aspects of plant develop-
ment by interacting, usually as an antagonist, with auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin,
ethylene, and brassinosteroids (Ferguson and Lessenger 2006; Taize and Zeiger 2006).
Rhizobacteria such as Corynebacterium sp. (Hasegawa et al. 1984) and
Azospirillum brasilense (Cohen et al. 2008) are reported to be capable of synthesiz-
ing ABA in defined culture media. Although these bacteria are known to synthesize
ABA, but the biochemical mechanism involved is yet to be investigated completely,
as only the presence of carotenoid cleavage oxygenase homologues was reported
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 69
3.3.5 Ethylene
Ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone, acts as a messenger of biotic and abiotic stresses,
acting as a negative regulator of plant growth. Ethylene also affects ripening and
senescence in plants (Ferguson and Lessenger 2006; Taize and Zeiger 2006). Some
bacteria are also able to produce ethylene when grown in medium supplemented
with methionine (Boiero et al. 2007). But studies regarding rhizobacterial produced
ethylene in suppressing plant growth are yet to be done. Although rhizobacteria are
known to produce ethylene, recent attention has focused on rhizobacterial mediated
decrease in plant ethylene level via the enzyme ACCd that degrades the ethylene
precursor ACC. But none of the rhizobacteria known to produce ACCd activity was
found to produce ethylene (Glick et al. 1998).
Plant growth promotion by volatiles produced by PGPR is the most recently identi-
fied mechanism. Ryu et al. (2003) demonstrated that PGPR strains release different
volatile blends which stimulate plant growth. Volatiles produced by Bacillus subtilis
and B. amyloliquefaciens were identified as 3-hydroxy 2-butanone and 2,
3-butanediol, which stimulated the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana in in vitro exper-
iments as observed by an increase in the total leaf surface area. As evidenced by the
studies of Lee et al. (2012), growth promotion elicited by bacterial volatiles is medi-
ated by the ET and or cytokinin signalling pathways.
(Antoun et al. 1998; Riggs et al. 2001) and further it can be supplied to the associated
host plant (Barbara and Thomas 1998). The process involves nitrogenase enzymes
that reduce gaseous nitrogen into ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) (Chatterjee
et al. 1997). Biological N2 fixation by rhizobia and associative diazotrophic bacteria
is a spontaneous process and one of the widely studied mechanisms by which plants
benefit from the interacting partners. The bacteria benefit the plants by fixing N2 in
exchange for fixed carbon either provided directly to the bacteria or indirectly by
releasing carbon as root exudates.
Symbiotic N2 fixation to legume crops with the inoculation of effective PGPR is
well known (Dobereiner 1997; Barea et al. 2005; Esitken et al. 2006). Various rhi-
zobacterial species like Azotobacter spp. Bacillus spp. and Beijerinckia spp. have
the capacity to fix atmospheric N2 symbiotically. It is well established that N2 is the
major nutrient which determines the life in a particular region and N2 fixed by the
microbes is the only known mode of biological nitrogen fixation. Hence, the phe-
nomenon of biological nitrogen fixation is well studied and many review articles
and monographs are published which cover specific area (Gualtieri and Bisseling
2000; Schultze and Kondorosi 1998; Sessitsch et al. 2002; Franche et al. 2009).
On the other hand, nonsymbiotic biological N2 fixation is basically carried out by
free-living diazotrophs, belonging to the genera like Azoarcus (Reinhold-Hurek
et al. 1993), Azospirillum (Bashan and de-Bashan 2010), Burkholderia (Estrada-de
los Santos et al. 2001), Gluconacetobacter (Fuentes-Ramírez et al. 2001), and
Pseudomonas (Mirza et al. 2006). Also even many PGPR showed their ability to fix
N2, but there is little evidence that these PGPR stimulate the growth of a specific
host plant using nitrogenase activity (Vessey 2003). As our review is focused
towards the mechanisms, this section is not included here as its mechanism is poorly
Phosphorus (P) is the second most important plant nutrient available in soil after
nitrogen. Phosphate in the soil solution is readily absorbed by plant roots via an
H+–HPO42− symporter and incorporated into a variety of organic compounds, includ-
ing sugar phosphates, phospholipids, and nucleotides (Taize and Zeiger 2006).
Though soils usually contain high amount of total phosphorous, most of the phos-
phorous occurs in an insoluble form as iron and aluminum phosphates in acidic soils
and as calcium phosphates in alkaline soils (Goldstein 1986). However, organic
matter on the other hand, is an important reservoir of immobilized phosphate that
accounts for 20–80 % of soil phosphorous (Richardson 2001) and only a small
portion is available to plants. Other organic P compounds in soil are in the form of
phosphomonoesters, phosphodiesters including phospholipids and nucleic acids,
and phosphotriesters.
Many of these P compounds are high molecular-weight material which must first
be bioconverted to soluble ionic phosphate (HPO42− and H2PO4−) which can be
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 71
assimilated by plants (Beever and Burns 1980; Glass 1989; Goldstein 1994). The
ability of soil bacteria to solubilize complex form of P is frequently reported and
common in the rhizosphere than in the bulk non-rhizospheric soil (Reyes et al. 2006).
Inorganic P is solubilized by the action of rhizobacterial produced organic and
inorganic acids in which hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of acids chelate cations (Ca,
Al, and Fe) and decrease the pH in basic soils (Kpomblekou and Tabatabai 1994).
Carboxylic acids solubilize Al-P and Fe-P through direct dissolution of mineral
phosphate as a result of anion exchange of PO43+ by carboxylic anions, or by chela-
tion of both Fe and Al ions associated with phosphate (Khan et al. 2007; Henri et al.
2008). Phosphate from Ca-P complex results from the combined effect of pH
decrease and carboxylic acids synthesis. Carboxylic anions produced have high
affinity to calcium, solubilize more phosphorus than acidification alone (Staunton
and Leprince 1996). Proton release can also decrease P sorption upon acidification
which increases H2PO4− in relation to HPO42− having higher affinity to reactive soil
surfaces (Goldstein 1994; Illmer and Schinner 1995; Omar 1998; Whitelaw 2000;
Villegas and Fortin 2002).
Also, different organic acids such as gluconic, 2-keto gluconic, lactic, isovaleric,
isobutyric, acetic, oxalic, and citric acid were reported to be produced by rhizobac-
teria (Omar 1998; Rodriguez and Fraga 1999; Alikhani et al. 2006; Islam et al.
2007) and known to solubilize insoluble phosphates by lowering the pH, chelation
of cations, and competing with phosphate for adsorption sites in the soil (Nahas
1996). Phosphorus desorption potential of different carboxylic anions lowers with
decrease in stability constants of Fe- or Al-organic acid complexes (log KAl or log
KFe) in the order: citrate > oxalate > malonate/malatefaces > tartarate > lactate > glu-
conate > acetate > formiate (Ryan et al. 2001).
Soil with Ca-P as a major phosphorous source also has high buffering capacity
(Ae et al. 1991). But several early reports suggest that the low buffering capacity of
the screening media would lead to the isolation and designation of any bacteria that
can lower the pH of the medium as phosphate solubilizing microorganisms do. But
the bacteria probably will not be able to do this in soil because the soil is buffered.
To resolve this problem, we added one more step in screening methodologies which
includes estimation of available P in rhizosphere after treatment with selected rhi-
zobacteria (Hariprasad and Niranjana 2009). However, acidification does not seem
to be the only mechanism of P solubilization, as the ability to reduce the pH in some
cases does not correlate with the ability to solubilize mineral phosphates (Subba
Rao 1982). For instance, a genomic DNA fragment from Enterobacter agglomerans
showed mineral phosphate solubilization activity in Escherichia coli JM109,
although the pH of the medium was not altered (Kim et al. 1997).
Mineralization of organic to inorganic phosphate involves processes catalyzed
by three groups of enzymes. (1) Nonspecific phosphatase, which performs dephos-
phorylation of phosphor-ester or phosphoanhydride bonds in organic matter; (2)
Phytase, which specifically causes P release from phytic acid; and (3) Phosphonatase
and C-P lyase enzymes that perform C-P cleavage in organophosphonates (Hilda
and Fraga 1999; Yadav and Verma 2012). Our studies (Hariprasad and Niranjana
2009) revealed that phosphate solubilizing PGPR can be endowed with more than
72 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
one mechanism and with it can degrade different forms of phosphate complex in
nature. Hence, usage of PGPR with multiple mechanisms for P solubilization is
advantageous over the PGPR with single mechanism.
3.7 Siderophore
Fig. 3.5 Competition for iron between plant, PGPR, and phytopathogens. PGPR secreted sidero-
phore complexes with available iron in rhizosphere. Siderophore-iron complex can be taken up by
PGPR and plant, but phytopathogens are unable to use this complex
Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase are two major lytic enzymes produced by PGPR
which are involved in degrading chitin and β-1,3-glucan, major constituent of cell
wall in the case of fungi and oomycetes, respectively (Agrios 2005). Chitinase and
β-1,3-glucanase enzymes produced by rhizobacteria have been postulated to play an
important role in the biocontrol of fungal diseases (Kishore and Pande 2007; Kamil
et al. 2007; Leelasuphakul et al. 2006) and was evidenced by in vitro studies where
fungal/oomycetes growth was inhibited by rhizobacteria producing hydrolytic
enzymes (Chet et al. 1990; Vaidya et al. 2003; Huang et al. 2005; Siwayaprahm
et al. 2006). Also, antifungal and lysozyme activity of purified chitinase and β-1,3-
glucanase from rhizobacteria revealed its potential to inhibit the fungal/oomycetes
growth (Wang and Chang 1997; Vaidya et al. 2003; Huang and Chen 2004;
Siwayaprahm et al. 2006; Khiyami and Masmali 2008; Chang et al. 2010; Hariprasad
et al. 2011).
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 75
3.9 Antibiotics
From the past three decades, various plant root-colonizing bacterial species have
been shown to be potent biological control agents in various plant pathogen systems
and this is achieved by producing a set of chemically heterogeneous group of
organic, low-molecular weight compounds (Fravel 1988; Thomashow et al. 1997;
Duffy et al. 2003). Antibiotics produced by microbes are the key component of
PGPR-mediated disease protection in plants especially soil-borne and seed-borne
pathogens. Production of antibiotics has been described as a powerful mode of
action which is exhibited by PGPR at rhizosphere through suppression and/or
developmental activity of the phytopathogen (Handelsman and Stabb 1996; Glick
et al. 2007).
PGPR are well known to produce diverse antimicrobial secondary metabolites
responsible for their biocontrol activity which includes ammonia, butyrolactones,
76 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
Fig. 3.6 Lytic enzymes such as chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase produced by PGPR lyses fungal or
oomycetes cell wall by releasing monomers or oligomers which can be used by PGPR as C source,
on the other hand degraded cell wall component acts as elicitor molecules which induce host
defense response
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 81
enhanced defensive capacity enhanced defensive capacity
applied to one part of a split root system did not move to the part inoculated with the
pathogen. Further, suppression of foliar disease by PGPR clearly indicates the ISR
is mediated through eliciting host defense response and not by direct antagonism.
Bacterial determinants of ISR includes LPS (Leeman et al. 1995; van Wees et al.
1997), 2,4-DAPG (Siddiqui and Shaukat 2003; Weller et al. 2007), siderophores
(Maurhofer et al. 1994; Meziane et al. 2005), iron-regulated compounds (Press et al.
1997), SA ( De Meyer et al. 1999), volatiles (Pieterse et al. 2002; Ryu et al. 2004),
HCN (Defago et al. 1990), and other PGPR-derived macromolecules (Ongena et al.
2002). PGPR-mediated ISR has been demonstrated in many plant species against
various phytopathogens. Various biochemical pathways of plants that are activated
by PGPR were reviewed by Van Loon et al. (1998). Plant growth-promoting and bio-
protecting bacteria triggered ISR fortifies structural barrier, such as thickened cell
wall, suberization, and papillae formation due to the deposition of lignin and callose
(Benhamou et al. 1996, 1998; M’Piga et al. 1997; Raj et al. 2012) and alters host
physiology and metabolic responses, leading to an enhanced synthesis of plant
defense chemicals upon challenge by pathogens and/or abiotic stress factors.
Biochemical or physiological changes in plants include induced increased expres-
sion of defense-related enzymes such as peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase,
polyphenol oxidase, lioxygenase (Van Peer et al. 1991; Zdor and Anderson 1992).
These enzymes also bring about liberation of molecules that elicit the first steps of
induction of resistance, also synthesize phytoalexins and phenolic compounds
(Mauch et al. 1988; van Loon et al. 1998). Pathogenesis-related proteins such as
PR-1, PR-2, chitinase, β-1, 3-glucanase, thaumatin-like protein (TLP), and some
cell wall peroxidases are also known to play a major role in imparting ISR-mediated
host resistance (van Peer et al. 1991; Zdor and Anderson 1992). Increase in host
defense mechanism depends mainly on the inducing agent, plant genotype, physi-
ological condition, and the pathogen (Tuzun 2001).
The molecular basis and the signalling pathways mediating the protective effect
of ISR have been extensively studied and well described for the interaction by rhi-
zobacteria. Plants are capable of differentially activating distinct defense-related
pathways, depending on the inducing agent. SA, JA, and ET play an important role
in this signalling network. Cross talk between SA-, JA-, and ET-dependent signal-
ling pathways is thought to play an important role in fine tuning complex defense
response (Bostock 1999; Galzebrook 1999; Pieterse and van Loon 1999). Previously
it was reported that JA-dependent defence response is effectively inhibited by SA
(Penninckx et al. 1996; Bowling et al. 1997) and vice versa (Niki et al. 1998). Later,
studies of van Wees et al. (2000) evidenced that simultaneous activation of SAR
and ISR resulted in an additive effect on the level of induced protection against
The involvement of jasmonic acid (JA)/ethylene (ET) in inducing plant resis-
tance by PGPR against a number of bacterial and fungal pathogens has been shown
using the arsenal of Arabidopsis signal transduction mutants which demonstrated
that ISR requires functional jasmonate and ethylene signalling (Van Loon et al.
1998; Pieterse et al. 2001) and is independent of SA and PR gene activation (Pieterse
et al. 1996; Van Wees et al. 1997). The above findings were further supported by the
84 S.R. Niranjana and P. Hariprasad
studies where JA response mutant jar1 and the ethylene response mutant etr1, that
express normal levels of pathogen-induced SAR (Lawton et al. 1996; Pieterse et al.
1998), did not express ISR upon treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS417r,
indicating that the ISR-signalling pathway requires components of the JA and
ethylene response (Knoester et al. 1998). Blocking the response to either of these
signal molecules renders plants more susceptible to pathogens (Knoester et al.
1998; Thomma et al. 1998; Vijayan et al. 1998; Hoffman et al. 1999). In Arabidopsis,
both JA and ethylene have been shown to activate specific sets of defence-related
genes and resistance against P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pieterse et al. 1998;
Van Wees et al. 1999) which is similar to that of exogenously applied JA and ET
(Boller 1991; Cohen et al. 1993).
NPR1 (Non-expressor of pathogenesis-related gene) is a key regulator of both
SAR and ISR. In the SAR pathway, NPR1 regulates the SA-dependent expression
of PR genes (Cao et al. 1994; Shah et al. 1997), whereas in the ISR pathway it is
required for the expression of the JA- and ethylene-dependent enhanced defensive
capacity (Pieterse et al. 1998). When Arabidopsis plants expressing Pseudomonas
fluorescens WCS417r-mediated ISR were analyzed for the expression of well-
characterized JA- and/or ethylene-responsive genes, none of them was unregulated
locally or systemically in induced plants (van Wees et al. 1999). Similarly, the
concentration of JA or ethylene was not found to be increased during PGPR-
mediated ISR in tomato (Hariprasad et al. 2013). This suggested that ISR is not
accompanied by major changes in the production of either JA or ethylene, but rather
seems to be the result of sensitization of the tissue to these regulators. But, volatiles
from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain IN937 is even independent of JA, SA, NPR1,
and ethylene signalling pathways (Pieterse et al. 2002) which revealed that involve-
ment of other mechanisms has to be studied in detail.
Stress is an altered physiological condition caused by factors that tend to disrupt the
equilibrium which involves physical and chemical change (Gaspar et al. 2002).
Abiotic stress is the primary cause of crop loss worldwide, reducing average yields
for most major crop plants by more than 50 %. They are caused by complex envi-
ronmental conditions, e.g., salinity, drought, bright light, UV, too high and low tem-
peratures, freezing, heavy metals, hypoxia, flooding, pesticides, and soil pH (Boyer
1982; Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; Mittler 2006).
One of the successful eco-friendly approaches to overcome the adverse effects of
abiotic stresses is by using the biological agents, especially PGPR (Yang et al. 2009;
Glick 2005; Arshad et al. 2008; Zahir et al. 2009). The term “induced systemic
tolerance” (IST) has been proposed by Yang et al. (2009) for PGPR induced physi-
cal and chemical changes in plants that result in enhanced tolerance to abiotic stress.
PGPR-mediated induction of IST depends on two crucial processes which are as
follows, survival and root colonization of rhizobacteria by adapting to stressful
environment and imparting tolerance to host plant against various stress.
3 Understanding the Mechanism Involved in PGPR-Mediated Growth Promotion… 85
Na+ translocation
Ethylene Increased accumulation of
nitrate and phosphate
Underground Alteration of root
ACC morphology and
Cytokinin deaminase
transporter activity
Antioxidants HKT1 Na+ uptake
Fig. 3.8 Induced systemic tolerance (IST) elicited by PGPR against drought, salt, and fertility
stresses underground (root) and aboveground (shoot). Broken arrows indicate bioactive com-
pounds secreted by PGPR; solid arrows indicate plant compounds affected by bacterial compo-
nents. Some PGPR strains, indicated in red on the plant roots, produce cytokinin and antioxidants
such as catalase, which result in ABA accumulation and ROS degradation, respectively (Figueiredo
et al. 2008; Kohler et al. 2008). Degradation of the ethylene precursor ACC by bacterial ACC
deaminase releases plant stress and rescues normal plant growth under drought and salt stresses
(Kohler et al. 2008; Mayak et al. 2004). The volatiles emitted by PGPR downregulate hkt1 expres-
sion in roots but upregulate it in shoot tissues, orchestrating lower Na+ levels and recirculation of
Na+ in the whole plant under high salt conditions (Zhang et al. 2008). Production by PGPR of IAA
or unknown determinants can increase root length, root surface area, and the number of root tips,
leading to enhanced uptake of nitrate and phosphorous (Gyaneshwar et al. 2002; Mantelin and
Touraine 2004; Adesemoye et al. 2008). ABA abscisic acid, ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-
carboxylate, HKT1 high-affinity K+ transporter 1, IAA indole acetic acid, IST induced systemic
tolerance, PGPR plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, ROS reactive oxygen species. (Courtesy,
Yang et al. 2009)
into rhizosphere. Rhizobacteria in close vicinity of the roots can take up some of
this ACC and hydrolyze it by the activity of ACCd to ammonia and α-ketobutyrate.
The uptake and subsequent hydrolysis of ACC by rhizobacteria decreases the
amount of ACC outside of the plant. Further, to maintain the equilibrium between
internal and external ACC levels, plant must exude large amount of ACC into the
rhizosphere which is utilized by rhizobacteria after cleaving with ACC. This pro-
cess leads to reduction of amount of ACC available to the decreased synthesis of
ethylene and its inhibitory effect on root elongation is reduced.
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Chapter 4
Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet
and Its Control
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is an important food and fodder crop of arid and
semi-arid tropics of India and Africa. This crop is grown in an area of 27 m ha in the
world with yield of 36 m tons. India is the largest producer of this crop in terms of
area (9 m ha) and production (9 mt), with a productivity of 780 kg/ha, Rajasthan
being the major contributor (51 %) followed by Maharashtra and Gujarat. Single-
cross F1 hybrids based on cyto-nuclear male sterility (CMS) contributed signifi-
cantly to pearl millet production in India. Though pearl millet is considered to be an
orphan crop, it promises to be a staple food crop in the years to come due to shortage
of water. The crop is nutritionally rich with a good balance of starch, protein and fat.
Pearl millet provides 11–12 % of worlds’ supply of protein (Yadav et al. 2011). It is
also rich in iron, phosphorus, B-complex vitamins and fibre content.
Currently 65 % pearl millet area is under high yielding varieties (Yadav 2012).
During last 25 years 115 improved pearl millet cultivars have been released. The
productivity of pearl millet has improved 45 %, from 5.83 m tons during 1986–1990
to 8.48 m tons during 2006–2010 in spite of 18 % decline in crop area from 10.7 m ha
to 9.1 m ha (http://www.agricoop.nic.in).
Pearl millet is infected by five major pathogens, Sclerospora graminicola causing
downy mildew, Claviceps fusiformis causing ergot, Moesziomyces penicillariae
causing smut, Puccinia substriata causing rust and Pyricularia grisea causing blast.
H.S. Prakash, Ph.D. (*) • C.S. Nayaka, Ph.D. • K.R. Kini, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006, Karnataka, India
e-mail: hasriprakash@gmail.com
The downy mildew is a major production constraint in pearl millet cultivation. The
disease appeared in epiphytotic proportion with the introduction of hybrids in late
1960s. In early 1970s the disease alone was responsible for almost 70 % yield loss
in the hybrid HB3.
The pathogen was first described as Protomyces graminicola from Setaria verticillata
by Saccardo in 1876. Schroeter (1879) renamed the pathogen as Sclerospora
graminicola. S. graminicola is placed in Eusclerospora as it produces spores that
germinate indirectly by zoospores in contrast to Peronosclerospora graminicola
that produces directly germinating spores. The oomycetous fungi including
S. graminicola are now placed in a separate phylum oomycota under the kingdom
Stramenopila, as they are closely related to the golden-brown algae and diatoms
(Dick 2001). Though oomycota behave like the true fungi in exhibiting apical
growth and similar infection strategies, they are unrelated to the true fungi having
plant-like features including cell walls composed of primarily of glucans and
cellulose-like polymers, cell membrane composed of plant sterols, coenocytic
hyphae, and motile asexual spores.
4.2.2 Symptoms
The pathogen causes systemic infection. The symptoms are seen throughout the
growth stages, starting from coleoptile stage. The leaves initially show chlorosis
which later on shows whitish downy growth on the lower surface due to the produc-
tion of sporangia (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). Early infection leads to seedling death. Delayed
infection cause dwarfing of plants and some tillers may escape disease. Severely
infected plants do not produce panicles. The floral parts of infected plants may get
transformed totally or partially to leafy structures, hence the name ‘green ear’. The
host genotype, time of expression and ambient conditions may influence type of
symptoms (Singh and King 1988).
Fig. 4.1 (a, b) Typical downy mildew symptoms of pearl millet showing chlorosis and stunted
growth in field condition
Fig. 4.2 Abaxial side of pearl millet leaf infected with Sclerospora graminicola
The oospores present in soil are the main source of primary infection. The oospores
remain viable for up to 10 years (Borchhardt 1927; Nene and Singh 1976). The
oospores infect through coleorrhizas, radicles and lower portions of the coleoptiles
of seedling, roots and underground portions of stem bases. The germ tube produces
an appressorium at the junction of epidermal cells, directly over the epidermal cells
or over stomata.
The secondary spread is through the sporangia/zoospores. The apical meristem
is the most vulnerable site of infection for zoospores. The zoospores released per
sporangium vary from 1 to 12 (ICRISAT 1987). Zoospores emerge through a pore
produced by the release of an operculum. Zoospores swim for 30–60 min, encyst,
and then germinate by forming a germ tube. Sometimes zoospores may germinate
within the sporangium (Shaw 1981). Zoospore release from the sporangia occurs at
a wide temperature range (10–45 °C); liberation is optimum at 30 °C in about 2 h
40 min. Zoospores retain their infectivity for about 4 h at 30 °C and for a longer
period at lower temperatures (Singh and Gopinath 1985). Low temperature, high
relative humidity and well distributed rainfall are critical factors for infection by
S. graminicola and for the development and spread of disease in the crop (Jeger
et al. 1998; Gupta and Singh 1999). Sclerospora graminicola is also seed-borne,
externally in the form of oospore contamination and internally as mycelial infection
in embryo (Shetty et al. 1980). The seed-borne inoculum could be detected by
washing test for oospores and embryo extraction procedure for internal mycelia.
The seed transmission has been established under in vitro conditions. This aspect is
of relevance in seed health certification, especially in germplasm exchange.
The variability in S. graminicola was first reported in 1973 when NHB3 was found
susceptible at Gulbarga but resistant at Mysore (Shetty and Ahmad 1981). Later on
several pathotypes of S. graminicola have been reported from India and Africa
(Singh et al. 1993) and even locational differences in virulence have also been
established in the International Pearl Millet Downy Mildew Nursery, the West
African Downy Mildew Variability Nursery and the West African Downy Mildew
Observation Nursery (Singh et al. 1992). It has been shown that some genotypes
such as MBH110, NHB3 and 81B (ICMB-1) showed differential downy mildew
reactions between locations and pathogen populations (Werder and Ball 1992).
The variability in pearl millet cultivar response to downy mildew is determined
by host and pathogen genotypes (Ball 1983). West African isolates of the pathogen
were generally more pathogenic than Indian isolates and cultivar ICH 105 could
differentiate these two isolates. Substantial differences were also established
between two isolates collected from different host cultivars at the same location in
Upper Volta. Cultivars 700516 and MBH110 also showed differential responses to
isolates. Distinct types of symptom expression were also observed which was found
to be characteristic of cultivar genotype, independent of pathogen isolate. Both race
specific and race non-specific resistance may coexist in this pathosystem.
Thakur et al. (2004a) identified five major groups of S. graminicola based on
host differentials. Oospore collections from Africa and India showed differences in
virulence under greenhouse tests in the UK (Ball 1983; Ball et al. 1986) and in India
(Thakur et al. 1992); Singh and Singh (1987) provided evidence that S. graminicola
is highly cultivar-specific. Disease monitoring field surveys of pearl millet crops in
Maharashtra, India, during 1993–1996 (Thakur et al. 1999) indicated high vulner-
ability of several popular hybrids whereas open-pollinated cultivars recorded trace
or no downy mildew incidence. Virulence and DNA fingerprinting analyses showed
that isolate Sg 021 from hybrid MLBH 104 was quite distinct from those collected
from other hybrids (Sastry et al. 1995).
Five pathotypes of S. graminicola were identified in India (Thakur and Rao
1997; Thakur 1999). The pathotypes were less virulent on some pearl millet geno-
types indicating non-pathotype-specific resistance. These genotypes can serve as
sources of stable resistance. A new pathotype ‘Path-7’ was described from Jodhpur,
India (Thakur et al. 1998). Variation in single-oospore and single-zoospore isolates
for virulence on a set of differential lines has been recorded (Thakur and Shetty
1993; Gwary et al. 2007) reported the occurrence of five pathogen populations in
Nigeria and no cultivar was resistant to all the pathotypes. JuZheng et al. (1996)
reported the existence of physiological specialization among oospore isolates of S.
graminicola infecting Setaria italica from China.
Currently, 14 host differentials are identified to differentiate the pathotypes of
S. graminicola. There are currently many pathotypes of S. graminicola prevalent in
different parts of pearl millet growing regions of India, and new ones with higher
virulence levels continue to appear with deployment of new cultivars (Thakur et al.
2004b; Pushpavathi et al. 2006) More than 300 isolates of S. graminicola were col-
lected from farmers fields of India, out of which 27 isolates with distinct features of
variation were further characterized based on host differentials and molecular
114 H.S. Prakash et al.
Table 4.1 Host differentials for the identification of Sclerospora graminicola pathotype
assigned HB 3 KaluKombu MBH 110 7042S MLBH104 HHB-67
Path-I √ x √ √ √ √
Path-II x √ x √ √ x
Path-III √ X √ √ x √
Path-IV √ X √ √ √ √
Path-V x X √ √ √ √
Path-VI √ X x √ √ √
ND √ x √ √ x √
ND not determined
markers (Sudisha et al. 2008). The seven pathotypes of S. graminicola are differen-
tiated based on the reaction of six host genotypes (Table 4.1).
Sharma et al. (2010) have determined the genotypic diversity among 46 isolates
of S. graminicocla collected from seven states in India during 1992–2005 through
pathotyping and AFLP analysis. These isolates were classified in 21 pathotypes
based on reaction on a set of nine pearl millet lines. The average linkage cluster
analysis of virulence index clustered the 46 isolates into eight groups. Region-
specific and temporal variation was observed. Cluster analysis of AFLP data clus-
tered the test isolates into seven groups. Sharma et al. (2011) have identified Sg 492
from Aligarh and Sg510 isolate from Badaun in Uttar Pradesh as the highly virulent
isolates based on the reaction on pearl millet cultivar 7042S in greenhouse
A genomic library of ‘path-6’ (ex 7042S) of S. graminicola had shown 8 %
repetitive DNA content on colony hybridization of total fungal DNA with a genomic
library (Sastry et al. 1997). The library also revealed partial methylation of GATC
and CCGG sequences in the genome and presence of retrotransposable elements.
Sudisha et al. (2008) have screened 27 isolates on host differentials and identified 6
pathotypes and also developed RAPD (Table 4.2) and ISSR (Table 4.3) markers to
distinguish the six pathotypes (Figs. 4.3 and 4.4).
The genetic basis of host specificity in S. graminicola was studied in a host-
pathogen cross-inoculation experiment (Sastry et al. 2001). Two pathotypes, Path-I
and Path-5 selected from genetically uniform hybrid NHB 3 and genetically hetero-
geneous landrace population 700651, respectively, were maintained for 10 asexual
generations by serial passage on the seedlings of their respective hosts. Pathogenicity
test with Path-I indicated an increase in virulence over its new host 700651, com-
pared with the adapted host, NHB 3. However, it was not true for Path-5 with NHB3.
RAPD primers were identified to detect variations in Path-I and Path-5. The DNA
fingerprinting profile of the isolates obtained after 10 generations revealed differ-
ences within the microsatellite probe (GATA), compared with the initial generation.
The change in virulence in Path-I and its adaptation to the new host, 700651, was
demonstrated by the change in RAPDs and DNA fingerprinting profile in the two
extreme generations.
Table 4.2 Fingerprint patterns generated using RAPD in six pathotypes
of S. graminicola
Total no. of No. of polymorphic
Sl. No. Primers bands amplified bands
1 OPA-05 06 05
2 OPA-07 07 05
3 OPA-11 05 05
4 OPA-14 08 06
5 OPA-15 08 06
6 OPB-02 06 04
7 OPB-03 09 06
8 OPB-06 07 05
9 OPB-09 12 12
10 OPB-12 07 07
11 OPC-07 09 06
12 OPC-10 07 06
13 OPC-12 07 05
14 OPD-09 09 06
15 OPS-02 06 06
16 OPS-09 08 06
17 OPL-18 08 06
18 OPM-04 07 06
19 OPN-20 10 09
20 OPX-09 06 05
Total 152 112
Table 4.3 Fingerprint patterns generated using ISSR primers in six pathotypes
of Sclerospora graminicola
ISSR Annealing No. of bands No. of polymorphic
Sequence primer temp (°C) generated bands
(CT)8TC 814 40 15 12
(CT)8 AC 844 A 40 14 11
(CT)8GC 844 B 40 15 15
(CA)6 AC 17898 A 45 15 13
(CA)6GT 17898 B 45 14 12
(CA)6AG 17899 A 45 18 15
(CA)6GC 17899 B 45 19 19
(GA)6GG HB 08 48 16 12
(GT)6GG HB 09 48 14 11
(GA)6CC HB 10 48 17 14
(GT)6CC HB 11 48 16 13
(CAC)3GC HB 12 45 18 14
(GAG)3GC HB 13 45 14 11
(CTC)3GC HB 14 45 13 13
(GTG)3GC HB 15 48 18 13
(GA)9 T ISSR 16 48 14 11
(GA)9C ISSR 17 48 16 12
(TAG)4 ISSR 18 40–55 00 00
(GACA)4 ISSR 19 48 14 10
(GGAT)4 ISSR 20 50 17 13
297 244
116 H.S. Prakash et al.
Sg 150
Path-2 (local)
4 Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet and Its Control 117
The epidemics of downy mildew lead to the search of newer fungicides specifically
targeting oomycetous fungi including downy mildew of pearl millet. Ciba-Geigy
has developed Ridomil as a fungicide of choice to control downy mildew. This sys-
temic fungicide was registered and released to market in 1980s. Metalaxyl 35
(Apron) seed treatment @ 6 g a.i. per kilogram of seeds protected the seedlings
from downy mildew up to 30 days. Foliar spray with Metalaxyl 25 (Ridomil) at 30
days offered an effective control of downy mildew. Metalaxyl is recommended for
the control downy mildew in farmers' fields and also in commercial seed production
plots (Singh and Shetty 1990). Seed treatment with metalaxyl gave protection up to
30 days. After foliar treatment, metalaxyl residues persisted in all plant parts for 90
days depending on the concentration applied. More fungicide was taken up in soak-
ing treatment than in slurry or dust treatments (Reddy et al. 1990). Field experi-
ments by Gupta et al. (2012) with Apron (4.2 g a.i. per kg seed) and two sprays of
Ridomil MZ 72 WP (2.88 kg a.i. per ha) at 20 and 40 days after sowing demon-
strated effective control of downy mildew. Spray alone was more effective than seed
treatment. The residue of metalaxyl or mancozeb was either nil or in traces in soil,
grain and straw.
118 H.S. Prakash et al.
Several abiotic elicitors applied as seed treatment were effective in reducing the
disease incidence in greenhouse and field conditions. Seed treatment with β-amino-
butyric acid (BABA), a rare non-protein amino acid, at 50 mM concentration pro-
vided upto 75 % disease protection (Shailasree et al. 2001). The resistance induced
in seedlings was long lasting through the vegetative and reproductive growth of
pearl millet plants. This increased resistance was supposed to be due to the increased
accumulation of defense-related proteins such as β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine
ammonia lyase, peroxidase and hydroxyproline rich glycoproteins (Shailasree
et al. 2007).
A total of 319 inducers were tested and these agents demonstrated considerable
differences in their ability to induce downy mildew disease resistance at University
of Mysore, India (Unpublished data; Table 4.4). The inducers tested were rated
based on their performances after screening both under artificial green house and
epiphytotic field conditions. The inducers included Amino acids (13), Antibiotics
(1), Aromatic compounds (4), Biopolymer (2), Carbohydrates (21), Carbohydrate
Specific proteins (2), Cell wall components (2), Commercial formulation (18),
Endophytic actinomycetes (20), Fatty acids (24), Endophytic streptomycetes (37),
Growth regulators (9), Metal salts (17), Micronutrients (3), Mineral salts (14), Nitric
oxide donors (5), Organic acids (5), Phenolic acids (6), Plant extracts (58),
4 Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet and Its Control 119
Table 4.4 Some important inducers tested for controlling downy mildew disease in pearl millet at
University of Mysore
% DM
Chemicals Name of the inducer protection
1. Amino acids L-Phenyl alanine 68
L-Leucine 68
L-isoleucine 64
2. Antibiotics Validamycin-A 63
3. Aromatic Compounds Methyl jasmonate 44
4-Hydroxybenaldehyde 27
4. Biopolymers Chitin oligomers 61
Curdlan 74
5. Carbohydrates Laminarin 62
Trehalose 63
Mannitol 52
Galactose 49
6. Carbohydrate specific N-Acetyl glucosoamine 56
proteins N-Acetyl neuramic acid 41
7. Cell wall components Colletotrichum dematium Nml 237-04 52
Pestalotiopsis sp. Gcr2-04 49
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 45
Nml 230-04
8. Commercial formulation Trichoshield 65
Cerebroside B 58
Bacillus sp. Mr 33 60
Bacillus spp. Mr 35 61
Nutri kelp 65
Nutri care 62
9. Endophytic actinomycetes Actinomycete Pgr 06-05 61
Actinomycete Pgr 05-05 53
10. Endophytic fungi Penicillium sp. Hcr 115-04 55
Fusarium oxysporum Ais 231-04 58
Fusarium oxysporum Pgr 32-04 50
11. Endophytic streptomycetes Streptomycetes Pgr 05-05 71
Streptomycetes Pgr 06-05 63
Streptomycetes Pgr 30-05 56
12. Fatty acid Eicosapentanoic acid 78
Arachidonic acid 76
Lineolic acid 66
13. Growth regulators Indole 3 butryic acid 71
Benzyl amino purine 63
Abscisic acid 62
14. Metal salts Calcium silicate 33
Ammonium sulfamate 32
Sodium silicate 30
15. Micronutrients Meso inositol 61
Myo-inositol 60
Zinc sulphate 27
120 H.S. Prakash et al.
PGPR (13), PGPF (5), Salicylic acid analogues (11), Secondary metabolites (5) and
Vitamins (7). Among all the inducers tested, 14 inducers offered more than 70 %
protection against downy mildew, whereas other inducers offered less than 30–70 %
disease protection in different methods of application.
Geetha and Shetty (2002) have demonstrated the induction of resistance by
Benzothiadiazole (BTH), calcium chloride and hydrogen peroxide. BTH (0.75 %)
gave the best protection of 78 %. Sarosh et al. (2005) have also reported the elicita-
tion of defense-related enzymes like Pr-1a, B-1,3-glucanase, chitinase, POX,
Lipoxygenase, chalcone synthase in terms of transcript accumulation in the suscep-
tible genotype of pearl millet. Cow milk (10 %) and amino acid L-phenylalanine
4 Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet and Its Control 121
have elicitated the defense-related enzymes like phenyl alanine ammonia lyase
(PAL), peroxidase (POX), in pearl millet against downy mildew disease (Sudisha
et al. 2011) and offered 35 % and 68.6 % protection, respectively. Vitamins like
pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, D-biotin, menadione sodium bisulphate
(MSB) also offered different levels of downy mildew protection (Pushpalatha et al.
2007). Soaking of seeds in 20 mM MSB for 6 h gave the best protection of 73 %.
Maximum resistance was evident fourth day after sowing and persisted till the end
of crop growth period.
Nitric oxide donors Nitroso-R-salt, 2-nitroso-1-naphthol and sodium nitro prus-
side (SNP) were tried as inducers of downy mildew resistance. Aqueous SNP seed
treatment was very effective in induction of resistance both in greenhouse and field
conditions, maximum resistance being evident in 3-day time gap. Primary defense
responses like hypersensitive response, lignin deposition and enhanced defense-
related enzyme activity were evident (Manjunatha et al. 2008; Deepak et al. 2007a)
have demonstrated the induction of resistance against S. graminicola by a synthetic
jasmonate analogue 1-oxo-indamoyl-L-isoleucine methyl ester based on greenhouse
experiments and enhanced activity of PAL, POX and HRGP.
Umesha et al. (1998) tried biocontrol agents like pure culture and talc-based formu-
lation of Pseudomonas fluorescens under greenhouse and field conditions. The seed
treatment followed by foliar spray gave an effective control of the disease. Theradi
Mani and Juliet Hepziba (2009) tried seed treatment with talc-based formulation of
Trichoderma spp. (4 g/kg) and P. fluorescens (10 g/kg) and peat-based formulation
of Bacillus subtilis (30 g/kg) and found that P. fluorescens treatment reduced the
disease incidence to 9.50 % (Table 4.5).
122 H.S. Prakash et al.
Use of resistant cultivars is the most cost-effective method for the control of downy
mildew. It is mandatory that the cultivars should have at least 8 % tolerance to
downy mildew before notification.
The lack of diversity and inadequate downy mildew resistance in parental lines
is a major bottleneck in breeding single-cross hybrids of pearl millet. Several downy
mildew resistant male-sterile lines of pearl millet (Rai et al. 1998; Thakur et al.
2001) and male parents have been identified (Singh et al. 1997) and used in develop-
ing commercial hybrids. It is suggested that the male-sterile cytoplasm is not linked
to downy mildew susceptibility and thus could be exploited commercially to
broaden the cytoplasmic base of the male-sterile lines (Yadav 1996). Some of the
resistant sources have been used in breeding of hybrids and open-pollinated variet-
ies (Hash et al. 1999).
4 Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet and Its Control 123
Wilson et al. (2008) identified several downy mildew resistant entries from
sub-saharan African Countries based on multi-locational trials. Angarawai et al. (2008)
reported that the inheritance of downy mildew in pearl millet is quantitative, highly
heritable and would respond to selection. This could be further facilitated by mod-
ern biotechnological tools such as marker-assisted breeding techniques. Marker-
assisted backcross breeding technique was employed to circumvent the breakdown
of host resistance (Hash et al. 2003).
Reliable screening techniques using infector susceptible rows, test entries, check
entries and scoring systems have been developed to identify sources of downy mil-
dew resistance (Williams et al. 1981; Singh and Gopinath 1985; Singh et al. 1993).
Singh (1995) identified accessions with 100 % resistance against major pathotypes
occurring in India and West Africa and resistance sources were used to breed pol-
linators, male-sterile lines and cultivars. Several open-pollinated varieties and
hybrids have been developed for cultivation in India (Singh 1995) and West Africa
(Singh et al. 1993) by ICRISAT. A large number of resistant sources were identified
from India/Western Africa based on laboratory, greenhouse and field screening
(Singh 1990; Singh et al. 1997). Thakur et al. (2001) identified IP 18292 as the
highly stable and resistant genotype for all the six pathotypes in India.
Several germplasm accessions of pearl millet having stable resistance to
S. graminicola were selected from bulk germplasm from Nigeria. The severity of
infection on the selected accessions ranged from <1 to 7 % compared with 42 to
69 % on the susceptible standard NHB3 (Singh and Shetty 1990). A number of
pearl millet germplasm and breeding lines have been identified by field and green-
house screening (Singh et al. 1997) and evaluated by multi-locational trials at 20
locations in Burkina Faso, India, Nigeria, Niger and Senegal under International
Pearl Millet Downy Mildew Nursery (IPMDMN) to identify stable sources of
downy mildew resistance.
The inheritance of downy mildew resistance in pearl millet is highly variable and
inconsistent. This could be attributed to lack of homozygous resistant/susceptible
genotypes, a lack of genetically pure pathogen isolate, and variable environmental
conditions. The resistance mechanism is governed either by additive or dominant
gene effects, or both (Rai et al. 2006; Shetty et al. 1998), while in others, both
additive and non-additive gene effects with epistatic interactions were important
(Deswal and Govila 1994). However, Singh and Talukdar (1998) have shown single
dominant gene (Rsg1) controlled resistance.
Recovery resistance is a phenomenon in which the pathogen completes its life cycle
without affecting the normal development of the plant (Singh and King 1988).
A high level of recovery resistance (up to 95 %) was developed in ICMA1 (81A, a
male-sterile line) and its maintainer line ICMB1 (81B), through pedigree selection
for five generations (Singh and Talukdar 1996).
Plant disease resistance genes show significant similarity among their sequences with
the presence of conserved motifs common to the nucleotide-binding site (NBS).
Oligonucleotide degenerate primers designed from conserved NBS motifs encoded
by different plant disease resistance genes can be used to amplify resistance gene
analogues (RGAs) corresponding to the NBS sequences from the genomic DNA of
various plant species. Using this approach 22 RGAs were cloned and sequenced from
pearl millet (Sarosh 2002; Sarosh et al. 2011). Phylogenetic analysis of the predicted
amino acid sequences grouped the RGAs into nine distinct classes. GenBank database
searches with the consensus protein sequences of each of the nine classes revealed
their conserved NBS domains and similarity to other known R genes of various crop
species. One RGA 213 was mapped onto LG1 and LG7 in the pearl millet linkage
map. Accumulation of the transcripts of this RGA during infection with S. graminic-
ola in resistant pearl millet seedlings indicated its involvement in resistance mecha-
nism against downy mildew (Ranjini et al. 2006). Further studies indicated that this
RGA encodes a putative ser-thr protein kinase (Ranjini et al. 2011).
Pearl millet is envisaged to gain the status of an important food and fodder crop in
future because of its drought-tolerance ability and its nutritional quality. An effec-
tive strategy should be developed to manage the diseases in pearl millet crops in
order to improve the productivity. The downy mildew disease is still the major biotic
constraint in all pearl millet growing areas. Though extensive work has been done
on this disease, still it is difficult to manage. Of late, blast disease is also becoming
important in certain pearl millet growing regions. Hence this disease also needs
immediate attention.
4 Downy Mildew Disease of Pearl Millet and Its Control 125
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Chapter 5
Research on Plant Pathogenic Fungi
in the Genomics Era: From Sequence
Analysis to Systems Biology
5.1 Introduction
Fungi are of immense importance to mankind, in a multitude of ways that reflect the
diversity of this kingdom, which ranges from mushrooms to plant pathogens and
biocontrol agents. With the recent advances in genome sequencing, we are on the
verge of a flood of new genome data from a plethora of plant pathogens. The avail-
ability of whole-genome sequences has also fundamentally changed the methods
used for the identification and mapping of genes. Current peer-reviewed literature is
littered with many other exciting new tools and techniques that are being used in all
areas of biology and medicine. Transcriptomics, proteomics and, more recently,
metabolomics are three of these techniques that have impacted on fungal plant
pathology. The relatively young discipline of bioinformatics became vital for man-
aging the large amounts of data produced by these new techniques. Bioinformatics
platforms have become essential tools for accessing “omics” data sets for the effi-
cient mining and integration of biologically significant knowledge.
There are several recent reviews available on next-generation sequencing,
genomics and bioinformatics (Mardis 2008; Morozova et al. 2009; Stahl and
Lundeberg 2012; Li et al. 2013) and their application in studying plant pathogens
and their interaction with host plants (Schneider and Collmer 2010; Studholme
et al. 2011). In this review we summarize the current status of fungal genome
projects including that of oomycetes and the usefulness of this vast genomic
Table 5.1 Internet resources providing information on fungal genome sequencing projects
Organization/Resource URL
Broad Institute http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/fgi/
Genomes OnLine http://www.genomesonline.org/
Genoscope, Sequencing http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/spip/Fungi-sequenced-at-Genoscope.html
National Centre
Joint Genome Institute http://genome.jgi-psf.org/euk_home.html
National Center for http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/FUNGI/funtab.html
Sanger Center http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/Fungi/
The Genome Center at http://genome.wustl.edu/genomes/list/plant_fungi
The Institute for http://www.tigr.org/tdb/fungal/index.shtml
Genomic Research
The Sanger Institute http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/Fungi/
fungal sequencing
Fusarium graminearum http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/genre/proj/FGDB/
genome database
Neurospora crassa http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/genre/proj/ncrassa/
Genome Database
Ustilago maydis http://mips.gsf.de/genre/proj/ustilago
Database (MUMDB)
Saccharomyces Genome http://www.yeastgenome.org/
Database (SGD)
Aspergillus Database http://www.cadre-genomes.org.uk/
alignment of 05-06 and 98-93 sequence data with the reference genome revealed
that their similarity was 95.35 % and 87.90 %, respectively, with the reference
genome, indicating the wide variability existing in P. capsici isolates of Indian sub-
continent (IISR 2013).
All these new techniques are massively parallel in nature and present new chal-
lenges in terms of bioinformatics support required. A broad outline of bioinformat-
ics approaches for the analysis of NGS data and the tools available are given by
Horner et al. (2009) and Haridas et al. (2011). Most of the current generation of
bioinformatics tools for analysis of NGS data is command line driven and somewhat
inaccessible to many biologists. More intuitive and simple graphic user interfaces
are the current need of the hour to render the power of these new technologies avail-
able to a wider audience within the scientific community.
134 A. Muthuswamy and S.J. Eapen
Table 5.2 Plant pathogenic fungi and oomycetes whose whole genomes have been completely
Pathogen Disease size (Mb) Status Genome centre/lab
A. Fungi
Alternaria Black spot on 30 Draft • Washington
brassicicola crucifers University
Ashbya gossypii Stigmatomycosis 8.74 Complete • University of Basel
• Syngenta AG
Aspergillus flavus Grain mold 36 Draft • J. Craig Venter
Aspergillus niger Black mold 32 Draft • DOE-JGI
ATCC 1015
Aspergillus niger Black mold 33.98 Complete • DSM Food
CBS 513.88 Specialties
• Gene Alliance
Blumeria graminis f. Barley powdery 45 Complete • Agencourt
sp. hordei mildew Bioscience
• Blumeria Genome
Botrytis cinerea Gray mold rot of 38.8 Complete • Broad Institute
Cochliobolus Southern corn leaf 34.9 Draft • DOE Joint Genome
heterostrophus blight in maize Institute
Fusarium Fusarium head blight 36.33 Complete • Broad Institute
Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium wilt of 60 Draft • Broad Institute
f. sp. lycopersici tomato
(race 2)
Fusarium Kernel and ear rot of 46 Mb Draft • Broad Institute
verticillioides maize
Gaeumannomyces Take-all plant disease 41.98 Complete • Broad Institute
graminis tritici of cereal plants
Gibberella Kernel and ear rot of 41.98 Draft • Broad Institute
moniliformis maize
Gibberella zeae Fusarium head blight 36.49 Complete • Broad Institute
on wheat and
Grosmannia Destruction of pine 32.5 Complete • BC Genome
clavigera kw1407 tree Sciences Center
Magnaporthe grisea Rice blast 41.5 Complete • Broad Institute
• North Carolina
State University
Mycosphaerella Black leaf streak 74.1 Complete • DOE Joint Genome
fijiensis disease of banana Institute
Mycosphaerella Septoria tritici blotch 41.2 Complete • DOE Joint Genome
graminicola Institute
Nectria Stem and root rot 51.27 Complete • DOE Joint Genome
haematococca Institute
5 Research on Plant Pathogenic Fungi in the Genomics Era… 135
The flood of new data from a large cohort of microbial genomes enables a rapid
and systematic mining for gene identification, classification, and functional analysis.
Whole-genome sequence information allows us to derive sets of important genomic
features, including the identification of protein-coding or non-coding genes and con-
structs such as gene families, regulatory elements, repetitive sequences, simple
sequence repeats (SSRs), and guanine–cytosine (GC) content. These data sets have
become primary sequence material for the design of genome sequence-based plat-
forms such as microarrays, tiling arrays or molecular markers, as well as for refer-
ence data sets for the integration of “omics” elements into a genome sequence.
Chromosome-scale comparisons identifying conserved similarities of gene
coordinates facilitate documentation of segmental and tandem duplications in
136 A. Muthuswamy and S.J. Eapen
The availability of genomes from several fungal species allows us to examine the
demarcation of fungal species at the whole-genome level. Genomic data can aid
fungal taxonomy by serving as a source of novel and unprecedented amounts of
comparative data, as a resource for the development of additional diagnostic tools,
and finally as a knowledge database about the biological differences between strains
and species. Comparative genomics will greatly influence the way we understand
these organisms, as comparative anatomy did in the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-
turies. Such extensive genome comparisons have been made for Aspergillus (Rokas
et al. 2007). Dedicated comparative genomics platforms like CFGP (http://cfgp.
riceblast.snu.ac.kr/) are available for fungi (Park et al. 2008).
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are a sequence-based method for expression pro-
filing. ESTs are created by partial “one-pass” sequencing of randomly picked
gene transcripts that have been converted into cDNA. Since cDNA and EST
collections can be acquired regardless of genomic complexity, this approach has
been applied not only to model species but also to a number of other species.
5 Research on Plant Pathogenic Fungi in the Genomics Era… 139
As more and more EST data have become publicly available, the usage of ESTs
has expanded to other areas, such as in silico genetic marker discovery, in silico
gene discovery, construction of gene models, alternative splicing prediction,
genome annotation, expression profiling, and comparative genomics. In compari-
son with whole-genome sequencing, EST technology is simpler and less costly,
especially in the case of large genomes. Moreover, since ESTs represent “the
expressed parts” of genomes, they are more immediately informative about the
transcriptomes. On the other hand, ESTs are not suitable for the studies related to
“the control parts” of genomes, such as promoters and transcription enhancing/
inhibiting elements. In addition, information for rarely expressed genes is also
difficult to mine from EST data.
The comprehensive and rapid accumulation of cDNA clones together with mass
volume data sets of their sequence tags have become significant resources for func-
tional genomics. ESTs derived from various kinds of tissues, including tissues from
organisms in a range of developmental stages or under stress, could significantly
facilitate gene discovery as well as gene structural annotation, large-scale expres-
sion analysis, genome-scale intraspecific and interspecific comparative analysis of
expressed genes and the design of expressed gene-oriented molecular markers and
probes for microarrays (Zhong et al. 2009). The sequence resources derived from
full-length cDNAs can also help substantially in identifying transcribed regions in
completed or draft genome sequences. Full-length cDNAs are also useful for deter-
mining the three-dimensional (3D) structures of proteins by X-ray crystallography
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and for functional biochemical
analyses of expressed proteins in the molecular interactions of protein–ligands,
protein–proteins and protein–DNAs.
EST data mining requires bioinformatics resources such as databases, data
retrieving tools and analysis algorithms. Because EST data collected from the
cDNA libraries of a particular organism consist of redundant sequence data
derived from the same gene locus or transcription unit, it is often necessary to
perform EST grouping by transcription units and to assemble these groups in
order to create a consolidated alignment and representative sequence of each tran-
script before further analysis that are performed computationally. Bioinformatics
tools are also indispensible to deal with EST errors and contaminations. Many of
these tools are freely available to the academic community. NCBI’s dbEST, a pub-
lic domain EST database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbEST/) includes a num-
ber of fungal species. ESTs from 18 species of plant pathogenic fungi and two
species of phytopathogenic oomycete can be found in the COGEME database
(Soanes and Talbot 2006). ESTs of P. capsici were processed and functionally
annotated using in silico tools and a range of genes likely to be involved in patho-
genesis, drug resistance, stress, host degradation, and genetic marker related pro-
teins were identified (Reena et al. 2010b). In a similar approach, disease resistance
genes were identified through downstream analysis of ginger ESTs (Karthika
et al. 2013).
140 A. Muthuswamy and S.J. Eapen
5.4.3 Transcriptomics
Table 5.4 Bioinformatics tools/databases for functional genomics and transcriptome data analysis
Software Description URL
ABMapper RNA-seq data alignment http://hkbic.cuhk.edu.hk/software/
Bowtie RNA-seq data alignment http://bowtie-io.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/
Cufflinks Transcript assembly http://cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/
DEGseq Differential gene expression http://www.bioconductor.org/
detection packages/2.11/bioc/html/DEGseq.html
Infernal RNA-seq data alignment http://infernal.janelia.org/
Oases De novo assembly www.ebi.ac.uk/~zerbino/oases/
Tophat RNA-seq data alignment and http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/
alternative splicing detection
Trans-AByss De novo assembly http://www.bcgsc.ca/platform/bioinfo/
Trinity De novo assembly http://trinityrnaseq.sourceforge.net/
FungiDB Functional genomics of fungi http://fungidb.org
PAMGO Controlled vocabulary for the http://pamgo.vbi.vt.edu/
interaction of microbes with
their hosts
PHI-base Fungal pathogen host interactions http://www.phi-base.org/
PLEXdb Gene expression resources for http://www.plexdb.org
plants and plant pathogens
PathoPlant® Signal transduction related to http://www.pathoplant.de/
plant–pathogen interactions
COGEME Phytopathogenic fungi and http://cogeme.ex.ac.uk/
oomycete EST database
DFVF Database of fungal virulence factors http://sysbio.unl.edu/DFVF/
5.4.4 Proteomics
reveal much about protein function in fungi (Doyle 2011). They allow screening and
analysis, at the sub-cellular level, of peptides and proteins resulting from plants,
pathogens, and their interactions. They also highlight post-translational modifica-
tions to proteins, e.g. glycosylation, phosphorylation, or cleavage. Recent literature
testifies the usefulness of novel, gel-free techniques in protein identification and
quantification in pathogenic fungi like Botrytis cinerea (Gonzalez-Fernandez et al.
2013) and P. infestans (Lim et al. 2013).
5.4.5 Metabolomics
5.5 Metagenomics
5.6 Conclusion
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Chapter 6
Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato
and Their Management
6.1 Introduction
Potato, an important food crop plant has the potential to meet food demand of the
fast growing human population. Management of diseases and pests is important to
realize full potential of the crop. Potato can be affected by many diseases which
affect at both pre and post harvest stage of the crop. Major fungal diseases which
affect the crop are late blight, early blight, black scurf, fusarium dry rot, wart, pow-
dery scab and charcoal rot. Such diseases are prevalent in many countries and cause
a significant reduction in potato production. A brief description of these diseases
and their management is given in this chapter.
Late blight is the most destructive disease which poses a great threat to potato culti-
vation worldwide. Worldwide loss due to Phytophthora infestans has been esti-
mated to €12 billion per annum of which the losses in developing countries have
been estimated around €10 billion per annum (Haverkort et al. 2009). A survey
carried out to estimate the impact of late blight on potato yield and fungicide use in
the USA revealed that use of the fungicides alone costs $77.1 million and an
average cost of around $507 per ha which do not include non-fungicide control
practices (Guenthner et al. 2001). Late blight is a potential threat and can raise the
fear of famine in vast areas of Eastern Europe and Russia where millions of people
are subsisting on potatoes (Mackin 1998). Information on various aspects of late
blight has been reviewed by different workers (Erwin et al. 1983; Neiderhauser
1986; CIP 1989; Lucas et al. 1991; Ingram and Williams 1991; Arora and Khanna
1997; Singh and Shekhawat 1999; Fry 2008; Cooke et al. 2011).
6.2.1 Symptoms
The disease appears as water-soaked irregular pale green lesions mostly near tip
and margins of leaves which rapidly grow into large brown to purplish black
necrotic spots. A white mildew, which consists of sporangia and sporangiophores
of the pathogen, can be seen on lower surface of the infected leaves especially
around the edges of the necrotic lesions (Fig. 6.1). Light to dark brown lesions
encircle the stems. The affected stems and petioles become weak at such locations
and may collapse. Entire crop gives blackened blighted appearance especially
under disease favourable conditions and may be destroyed within a week (Fig. 6.2).
Tubers in soil become infected by rain borne sporangia coming from the diseased
foliage. Late blight infected tubers show irregular reddish brown to purplish areas
which extend into internal tissues of the tubers (Fig. 6.3). The infected tubers usu-
ally are hard, dry and firm but may get attacked by soft rot causing bacteria and rot
in field and stores.
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 151
6.2.3 Epidemiology
6.2.4 Management
Reduction of the primary sources of inoculum is the first step in management of late
blight. Control of contaminated sources such as waste heaps, infected tubers, volun-
teer plants, disease in neighbouring fields and re-growth after haulms destruction
can help in management of the disease (Turkensteen and Mulder 1999). In
Switzerland, it has been estimated that onset of epidemic can be delayed by 3–6
weeks if all primary infection from early potato can be eliminated (Forrer et al.
2000). It has been shown that during most years late blight epidemics start from
infected plants on dumps (Zwankhuizen et al. 2000), therefore, covering of dumps
with black plastic sheet throughout the season and preventing seed tubers from
becoming infected is an important step in reducing the primary inoculum (Cooke
et al. 2011). The sheeting must be kept in place and remain intact until the tubers are
no longer viable. This will prevent re-growth and the proliferation of spores on the
piles, reducing the risk to nearby crops. Oospores are a threatening primary inocu-
lums source, especially with short crop rotation. Sandy and clay soils contaminated
with oospores remained infectious for 48 and 34 months, respectively (Turkensteen
et al. 2000). Use of early-maturing cultivars, pre-sprouting the seed and early plant-
ing can help to manage late blight. Avoiding excess nitrogen and use of moderate
nitrogen fertilization is often recommended as a cultural practice to delay the devel-
opment of late blight. Use of systemic fungicides early in the season is an effective
strategy to manage late blight if source of primary infection is infected seed
(Hermansen and Naestad 2009). Increased application of nitrogen can lead to
increase in disease severity and use of more and more fungicides. Higher dose of
phosphorus and potassium has been found to give a higher yield in a late blight year
(Roy et al. 2001).
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 155
Nilgiri hills of South India in 1989. Metalaxyl resistant strains appeared towards
the end of summer crop season and their frequency increased to 13 % in autumn
season (Arora et al. 1992a). Metalaxyl in mixture with unrelated contact fungicide
however, could retard development of resistance in the pathogen (Gangawane et al.
1993). Cymoxanil mixtures have been found effective for managing metalaxyl
resistant strains (Samoucha and Cohen 1988). A synergism between cymoxanil and
mancozeb has also been reported by Evenhuis et al. (1996). Fluazinam (Shirlan),
cyazofamid (Ranman) and mandipropamid (Revus) have been used for the disease
management. Spraying with effective fungicides (cyazofamid and mandipropamid)
before periods with high risk of infections can give very effective control of late
blight. Studies conducted in Denmark in 2009 showed that use of cyazofamid and
mandipropamid could be reduced by 30 % by adjusting the dose according to resis-
tance level in a variety and used according to the infection pressure (Cooke et al.
2011). Application of sub-phytotoxic concentration of boron with reduced rate of
fungicide propineb + iprovalicarb has been reported as more effective as compared
to plants treated with fungicide alone (Frenkel et al. 2010).
Heavy dependence on fungicides could pose threat to environment and human
population (Bradshaw et al. 2000). Biocontrol agents and biopesticides could be a
safe option to the use of synthetic fungicides. Antagonism to P. infestans by some
naturally occurring microorganisms such as Trichoderma viride, Penicillium viridi-
catum, P. aurantiogriseum, Chaetomium brasiliense (Arora et al. 1992b; Gupta
et al. 2004), Acremonium strictum (CPRI 1998–1999), Myrothecium verrucaria,
Penicillium aurantiogriseum (Roy et al. 1991), Epiccocum purpurascens,
Stachybotrys coccodes, Pseudomonas syringae, Fusarium graminearum (Kim et al.
1996) and Pythium ultimum (Kuzuestova et al. 1995) have been observed in labora-
tory and field studies. The biocontrol agents in general have been found to be very
effective under laboratory and glasshouse conditions but less effective under field
conditions (Arora 2000b). However, an integrated use of biocontrol agents along
with low dose of fungicides could help to reduce the quantity of fungicides used in
the management of late blight (CPRI 2000–2001).
Early blight affects both potato and tomato. It is a ubiquitous disease of potato
prevalent in many countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North, Central and
South America (Millar and Pollard 1976). The disease used to appear earlier than
late blight in the USA hence the name early blight. However, the name is misleading
because the disease rarely attacks young growing plants and more often affect
mature old plants showing loss of vigour. The disease is particularly severe under
alternate dry and wet climate where the annual loss from this disease could range
between 10 and 25 %.
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 157
Fig. 6.4 Potato leaves infected with early blight (Alternaria solani)
6.3.1 Symptoms
Small, round, oval or angular, dark brown to black, dry and papery necrotic spots
which have angular margins appear on leaves. These spots are generally limited by
leaf veins. Concentric rings of raised and depressed tissue within the leaf spot give
it a bull’s eye or target board appearance. Early blight lesions are less prone to sec-
ondary infections. Leaf tissues around the spots often become chlorotic and yellow
suggesting involvement of toxins. The leaf spots may coalesce and the affected field
appears severely blighted (Fig. 6.4). The disease also affects the tubers. On tubers,
the lesions are dark, sunken, circular to irregular in shape, shallow and separated by
healthy tissue by purplish-brown dry cork layer.
Early blight is caused by Alternaria solani Sorauer (Ellis and Martin). Other species
of Alternaria which attack potato are Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler, and
A. consortialis (Conners 1967). In Germany, the frequency of Alternaria alternata
and A. solani is almost equal (Hauslanden and Bassler 2004) while in Poland the
occurrence of A. alternata has been reported more than that of A. solani (Kapsa
2007). A. solani has septate mycelium and bears conidia on erect and septate conid-
iophores. Cultural characters vary widely on potato dextrose agar medium. Colonies
of the fungus are spreading, grey brown to black occasionally with yellow red pig-
ment in the media. The mycelium sporulates sparingly in media however
158 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
6.3.3 Epidemiology
Alternaria solani survives in crop debris, soil, infected tubers or alternate hosts
which act as primary source of inoculum. The disease is favoured by short rotation,
continuous cropping of potatoes and tomato. Infection is favoured by warm tem-
perature and alternating high relative humidity provided by heavy dew, light rains or
irrigation. Temperature in the range of 25–30 °C is congenial for the disease
(Barclay et al. 1973). A positive correlation exists between minimum temperature,
afternoon relative humidity and rainfall with early blight (Behera et al. 2009).
Actively growing, properly fertilized young plants do not exhibit the disease.
A delay of 10–15 days between haulm destruction and harvest prevents infection in
tubers. Late maturing cultivars are generally more resistant than the early varieties.
Predisposition of plants to injury, poor nutrition or other stresses could favour dis-
ease development (Singh et al. 1987b).
6.3.4 Management
Cultivation of solanaceous crops, being collateral hosts, near potato fields must be
avoided. Removal and destruction of diseased haulms from infected fields reduces
sources of primary inoculum for the next crop. Applying recommended dose of
fertilizers especially nitrogen ensures healthy and vigorous growth and less disease.
Permitting tubers to mature in soil and avoiding bruises at harvest minimizes tuber
infection. Sprinkler irrigation favours disease and should not be used more often
than necessary. Crop sprayed with one percent urea at 45 days of growth improves
plant vigour and prevents onslaught of early blight and other leaf spots. Fungicides
such as maneb, zineb, mancozeb, captafol, chlorothalonil provide good control of
the disease. First spray should be applied as soon as lower leaves develop the spots
which coincide with the secondary spread of the disease. Use of thidiazuron (TBZ)
a growth regulator having cytokinin like activity with mancozeb and chlorothalonil
resulted in delay of disease progress (Pavlista 2003). Similarly, the use of Pyton
Consento 450SC @2l/ha (Bernat 2004), Zoxamide + mancozeb, fenamidone + man-
cozeb (Osowski 2004); potassium or sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 159
6.4.1 Symptoms
The most common symptoms are on tubers as black irregular lumpy encrustations
of fungal sclerotia which stick to the surface of tubers (Fig. 6.5). Other symptoms
on tubers could be cracking, malformation, pitting and stem end necrosis. The
pathogen produces a growth regulating toxin that may be partially responsible for
tuber malformation. The fungus may kill emerging sprouts in soil which results in
reduced crop stand. Reddish brown lesions may develop on stems and often girdle
them. Partial or complete girdling of the stems could result in resetting of plant tops,
purple pigmentation, upward curling or rolling of leaves. Formation of aerial tubers
in axis of leaves due to interference with starch translocation is often also observed
in plants infected with R. solani (Fig. 6.6).
Fig. 6.6 Formation of aerial tubers in axis of leaves due to Rhizoctonia solani
a lesion on the below ground portion of stem and are generally visible later in the
growing season under favourable weather conditions. The isolates have also
been characterized on basis of sclerotial patterns and cultural characteristics
(Raj et al. 1974). Mycelium of the pathogen is generally dark brown in colour.
The hyphae are large multinucleate and branch near distal septum of the cell.
They show right angle branching and constriction at the point of origin and a
prominent septal pore. Early infection are initiated by differentiation of hyphal
tips to T-shaped branches followed by formation of cushion like structure and
development of appressoria from where thin infection hyphae arise and penetrate
the underlying stem or stolon tissues. These cushions serve as additional food
basis for colonization of underground plant parts and are pre-requisite for devel-
opment of lesions on stems or stolons (Keijer et al. 1996). Rhizoctonia solani
populations are distinguished by anastomosis between hyphae of the isolates
belonging to the same ‘anastomosis group’ (AG). Fourteen different anastomosis
groups’ viz., AG-1 to AG-10, AG-BI (Sneh et al. 1991), AG-11 (Carling et al.
1994), AG-12 (Carling et al. 1989), and AG-13 (Carling et al. 2002) have been
recognized. Several AGs have been subdivided further into subgroups that differ
for one or more biochemical, genetic or pathogenic characteristics (Carling and
Leiner 1990; Johnk and Jones 1993; MacNish et al. 1993).
Rhizoctonia solani isolated from potato mostly belong to anastomosis group 3
(AG-3) (Bandy et al. 1988). Eight subgroups have been identified within group AG-3
based on variations in isozyme patterns (Laroche et al. 1992). However, other anasto-
mosis groups (AG-1, AG-2-1, AG-2-2, AG-4, AG-5, AG-7 and AG-9) also have been
isolated from potato stems, stolons, roots and tubers, as well as from soils in which
potatoes were grown (Carling and Leiner 1986; Chand and Logan 1983; Abd-Elsalam
et al. 2009). In Central Mexico, in addition to AG-3, isolates of AG -2-2, -5, and -7
have been collected from potato plants and / or tubers from fields.
162 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
6.4.3 Epidemiology
Seed-borne (i.e. tuber borne) inoculum is the main source of primary infection
leading to stem canker symptoms on the underground plant parts. The pathogen is
both soil and seed borne but the disease spreads to new growing areas through
sclerotia-covered seed tubers (Tsror and Perezt-Alon 2005). The disease gets estab-
lished in fields wherever the untreated infected tubers are used as seed. Secondary
inoculum of the Rhizoctonia disease is soil borne and accomplished by R. solani
mycelia and sclerotia already inhabiting soil where the potato crop is planted (Balali
et al. 1995). Soil-borne infection emerges later in the season since the fungus needs
some time to grow into proximity with its potato host (Carling and Leiner 1986).
Sclerotia of the pathogen germinate between 8 and 30 °C and invade emerging
sprouts or potato stems. Optimum temperature for germination of sclerotia is 23 °C
and for development of stem lesions is 18 °C (Walker 1969). Sclerotial development
on tubers is initiated depending on environmental conditions. Late harvested crop
shows more black scurf incidence since maximum development of sclerotia takes
place in the period between dehaulming and harvest of the crop.
6.4.4 Management
Use of healthy seed free from sclerotia of the pathogen helps in disease manage-
ment (Frank and Leach 1980). The disease can best be managed in an integrated
manner by following proper cultural practices together with seed disinfestations.
Soil solarization with transparent polyethylene mulching during hot summer months
in Indian subtropical plains has been found to be very effective for control of the
soil-borne part of the disease (Arora et al. 1997). Crop rotation offers an effective
protection against soil-borne inoculum of R. solani (Carling et al. 1989). Planting of
potato should be carried out in relatively dry and warm soil to achieve rapid crop
emergence and an appropriate crop rotation programme should be followed to man-
age the disease (Anderson 1982; Bandy et al. 1988; Carling and Leiner 1990).
Shallow covering of seed tubers allows less opportunity for the fungus to attack the
susceptible sprouts and thus less disease. Two to four year crop rotation with cereals
and legumes leads to decline in the population levels of the R. solani. Cereals are
good rotational crops since R. solani affecting cereals have different AGs and can-
not affect potato (Anderson 1982).
Biocontrol agents such as Trichoderma viride (Arora 1999), T. harzianum
(Mishra et al. 2000), Bacillus subtilis (Schmiedeknecht et al. 1998), non-pathogenic
binucleate Rhizoctonia (Tsror et al. 2001), Trichoderma atroviride (Huang-Mc
Breath 2001), Gliocladium virens, G. catenulatum and others have been identified
to be effective against R. solani. Biocontrol products developed to manage the dis-
ease (Nieme and Lahdenpera 2000; Yakhin et al. 1998) have been found effective
against black scurf disease. Trichoderma spp. are well documented for their ability
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 163
Fusarium dry rot, an important post harvest disease of potato tubers, causes signifi-
cant losses in storage and transit of both seed and table potatoes. The disease is
distributed worldwide and occurs wherever potatoes are grown (Stevenson et al.
2001). Healthy tubers become infected through bruises and wounds occurring dur-
ing harvest, handling and transport. The symptoms of dry rot generally become
evident 1–2 months after storage of the tubers. The affected tubers if used as seed
can cause fusarial wilt in field. Fusarium spp. are present in abundance in soil and
can infect surfaces of cut tubers when used as seed. Planting of un-suberized cut
pieces of potato tubers which gets infected with fusaria can result in seed piece
decay. Under such conditions losses by Fusarium rots may go up to 50 %
(Chelkowski 1989). Fusarium spp. are known to produce toxins that cause myco-
toxicoses in humans and animals (Senter et al. 1991).
164 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
6.5.1 Symptoms
The disease symptoms on potato tubers are generally visible in about a month after
storage. The symptoms appear as small brown lesions on surface of the affected
tubers. The lesions subsequently enlarge, appear dark, sunken, and wrinkled pro-
ducing white, pink, or blue pustules (Stevenson et al. 2001). In later stages a cavity
often develops in the centre of the concentric ring and whitish, pinkish or dark
brown growth of fungal mycelium may become visible (Fig. 6.7). Rotten tubers
may shrivel and get mummified. Under high relative humidity the secondary organ-
isms such as Erwinia spp. can invade the infected tubers and cause soft rot (El-Gholl
et al. 1985). Exudates containing bacteria come out from such tubers and further rot
the surrounding tubers.
About thirteen species of Fusarium have been reported to cause dry rot of potatoes
(Cullen et al. 2000; Gachango et al. 2011). F. sulphureum Schlechtend (syn. F. sam-
bucinum Fuckel) is the most common pathogenic species in North America and
some regions of Europe (Hanson et al. 1996; Mecteau et al. 2002; Stevenson et al.
2001), whereas F. coeruleum (Libert) Sacc. (syn. F. solani var. coeruleum) is con-
sidered to be the predominant causal agent in the United Kingdom (Hide et al. 1992;
Peters et al. 2004) and F. oxysporum Schlechtend in plains of India (Singh et al.
1987a). Other pathogenic species associated with dry rot include F. avenaceum (Fr.)
Sacc., F. culmorum (Wm. G. Sm.) Sacc., F. acuminatum Ellis & Everh.
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 165
6.5.3 Epidemiology
Fusaria are always present in soil, in air, on implements, containers and it is practi-
cally not possible to eradicate them. They cannot infect intact periderm and lenticels
of tubers. Cuts and wounds created during harvest, grading, transport and storage
predispose them to infection. An increase in interval between haulm destruction and
the harvest increases strength of tuber skin and is generally believed to reduce dry
rots but the contrary view also exists Carnegie et al. (2001). Dry rot development is
affected by tuber damage, degree of curing, tuber size and storage conditions. Use
of herbicide paraquat, used for destruction of halums at maturity of the crop, has
been observed to increase dry rots (Somani and Chohan 1994). The pathogen enters
the tubers through wounds and proper wound healing could reduce the infection.
166 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
Tubers cured for wound healing at 21 °C with adequate aeration develop wound
periderm in 3–4 days but it takes more time at lower temperature. Development of
disease is also affected by moisture and temperature. The fungus grows well
between 15 and 28 °C. F. oxysporum has been reported to become non-pathogenic
below 10 °C. However, disease development continues at low temperature in cold
stores. Storage period and relative humidity have been found to be positively cor-
related with dry rot whereas maximum temperature was negatively correlated
(Singh 1986). Large sized tubers are more susceptible than small tubers.
Susceptibility to tubers may also increase with tuber age during storage. No signifi-
cant correlation exists between chemical composition of tubers and susceptibility to
dry rots (Singh 1986; Percival et al. 1999). Some volatile compounds are produced
by dry rot affected tubers and an early warning system based on sensors to detect
these volatile compounds has also been developed by de Lacy-Costello et al. (2001).
Infected and rotting tubers are main source of spread of the inoculum of Fusarium
spp. and results in soil infestation (Choiseul et al. 2001). Fusarium spores can sur-
vive in soil for several years and can infect the cut or damaged surfaces of seed
potatoes whenever these come in contact with the spores infested soil. The patho-
gen may also get introduced to new locations through contaminated soil which
adheres to the farm implements, through wind and irrigation water etc. Studies have
demonstrated that transmission of F. sulphureum to progeny tubers was greater
from highly contaminated seed than from rotting seed whereas in case of F. coeru-
leum, the disease transmitted readily from the rotted mother tuber (Carnegie et al.
2001; Choiseul et al. 2001). This was attributed to the different capacity of each
species of the pathogen to sporulate underground on seed tubers and on stem bases.
F. coeruleum sporulates profusely on the surface of rotting seed tubers, whereas
F. sulphureum sporulates more readily on stem bases (Adams and Lapwood 1983;
Choiseul et al. 2001).
6.5.4 Management
Avoiding bruises and damage to potato tubers by careful handling of the produce
minimize the dry rots. This can be done by delaying harvesting for about 2 weeks
after haulm destruction when skin of the tubers have matured. Harvesting on cold
frosty morning predisposes potato to bruises. Bruises can also be avoided by taking
suitable precaution with machinery, proper adjustment and padding etc. of the
equipments. Washing of tubers to remove contaminated soil that adheres the tubers
and drying these in shade can reduce the risk of infection. Harvested potatoes should
be stored at around 13–18 °C and moderate humidity for 2–3 weeks for bruises to
heal before putting the potato to cold stores. Planting of healthy seed, adopting sani-
tation measures to avoid soil contamination through farm implements, irrigation
water and reducing soil inoculum through crop rotation and eliminating volunteer
potatoes are some of the measures which can reduce the risk of dry rot.
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 167
Most potato cultivars are susceptible to Fusarium spp., though some are less
susceptible than the others (Corsini and Pavek 1986; Lees et al. 1998). Breeding
lines possessing higher degree of resistance to dry rot have been reported by
Wharton and Kirk (2007). Transgenic potato plants constitutively over expressing
beta 1-3-glucanase gene from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia have been developed for
resistance against F. oxysporum (Libantova et al. 1998). Management of Fusaria
through biocontrol agents such as Trichoderma spp. (Pinzon-Perea et al. 1999),
Pseudomonas fluorescens (Schisler et al. 2000; Zin-Woo et al. 1998), P. aeruginosa
(Gupta et al. 1999), Bacillus subtilis (Kim et al. 1995) have been found effective.
Commercial biopreparations from Pseudomonas fluorescens have been developed
(Ermakova and Shterushis 1994). Combination of biocontrol genera Enterobacter
and Pseudomonas and two chitinolytic enzymes from Trichoderma harzianum had
inhibitory effect on spore germination of F. solani (Lorito et al. 1993). Bacteria
capable of binding to the fungal cell walls and expressing fungal genes coding cell
wall degrading enzymes may act as powerful biocontrol agents.
Avoiding planting of cut tubers or treating the cut tubers with dithiocarbamates
can reduce Fusarium seed piece decay (Rich et al. 1960). Tuber treatment with
1,200 ppm thiabendazole or benomyl can reduce the disease incidence (Leach 1976;
Leach and Nelson 1975). However, resistance to thiabendazole in Fusarium has been
reported by Hanson et al. (1996). Fungicides such as imazalil and mixtures contain-
ing TBZ have also found effective for control of dry rot (Carnegie et al. 1990, 1998).
6.6 Wart
6.6.1 Symptoms
Warts are mostly spherical outgrowths or protuberances that appear on buds and
eyes of tubers, stolons, or underground stems or at stem base. Tubers may get com-
pletely replaced by warts which desiccate or decay at harvest (Fig. 6.9). The disease
168 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
may appear occasionally on above ground stem, leaf or flowers. Underground galls
are white to light pink when young and become brown or light black with age.
Above ground galls are green to brown or black. The wart tissues are soft and spongy.
throughout the growing season. Growth of the fungus within host stimulate
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of neighbouring host cells without actively infecting
them which result in increase in meristematic activity and development of warts of
variable size depending upon the degree of stimulation (Lapwood and Hide 1971).
6.6.3 Epidemiology
Warty growths disintegrate releasing abundant resting sporangia in soil which serve
as primary inoculum. The pathogen spreads from one locality to another through
infected seed tubers, infested soil adhering tubers, machinery and other carriers of
contaminated soil. Resting sporangia survive passage through the digestive track of
animals fed with the infected potatoes, and the contaminated manure, therefore, can
disperse the inoculum. Earthworms have been found to serve as means of inoculum
dispersal. The resting sporangia can also be dispersed by wind-blown soil or by
flowing surface water. Wart is favoured by periodic flooding followed by drainage
and aeration since free water is required for germination of sporangia and dispersal
of zoospores. Temperature favourable for germination of resting sporangia to zoo-
spores ranges between from 14 to 24 °C. Both summer sporangia and resting spores
can germinate between 12 and 28 °C. Mean temperature below 18 °C and annual
precipitation of about 70 cm favour disease development.
6.6.4 Management
Rotational crops such as bean and radish and intercropping of potato with maize
have been found to reduce population of viable resting spores in soil (Singh and
Shekhawat 2000). Amendment of infested soil with 4 and 8 % crabshell (w/w)
reduces population of the pathogen (Hampson and Coombs 1995). Application of
fungicides and chemicals to soil is costly and not practical (Hodgson et al. 1974;
O’Brien and Rich 1976). Effective control of the disease has been achieved through
cultivation of wart immune varieties. Many varieties resistant or immune to wart
have been developed throughout the world. In resistant varieties the pathogen infects
the plants but symptom development is suppressed while in immune varieties a
hypersensitive reaction occurs upon infection with zoospores of the fungus get
killed in the process. Development and introduction of wart immune varieties such
as Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Sherpa and Kufri Kanchan to wart infested region
of Darjeeling Hills of India coupled with domestic quarantine had a great impact in
containing wart in this region (Sharma et al. 1976; Singh 1998). The disease has
been successfully managed by sanitation, long crop rotation, growing resistant and
immune varieties and by enforcing strict quarantine legislation in countries of EPPO
region (Mc Namera and Smith 1998), Canada (Hampson 1993a, b), Maryland USA
(Putnam and Sindermann 1994) and India (Singh and Shekhawat 2000). However,
periodic surveys need to be carried out to monitor viability of the pathogen in soil.
170 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
Powdery scab of potato causes scab like lesions on tubers and seriously reduces
tuber quality and marketability, resulting in significant economic loss (Qu et al.
2011). It is prevalent worldwide (Harrison et al. 1997). It is a problem in northern
Asia, Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand (Walker 1969;
Merz 2008). The disease is prominent in cool, wet climates and may cause extensive
losses in seed and ware potato crops under such conditions (Wale 2000). Apart from
potato and related species, powdery scab pathogen can affect other crop plants such
as oilseed rape, sugar beet, spinach, and a large number of common weeds including
chickweed, poppy, nettle and fat hen. However, the role of non-solanaceous hosts in
contributing to the inoculum for the disease is not well established (Wale 2000).
6.7.1 Symptoms
Fig. 6.10 Powdery scab lesions on potato tubers surrounded by ruptured remains of epidermis
6 Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Potato and Their Management 171
6.7.3 Epidemiology
The pathogen can survive for many years in a quiescent form as uni-nucleate or
binucleate thick walled resting spores (Lahert and Kavanagh 1985). The spores can
survive passage through the alimentary canal of farm animals (Morse 1914). The
application of slurry or manure from stock fed on powdery scab infected tubers can
provide an additional source of inoculum for the disease (Harrison et al. 1997). The
pathogen survives winter as sporangia in infected potato tubers. It can also survive
in soil up to 6 years. The zoospores of the pathogen penetrate roots, stolons, tubers
and produce multinucleate sporangial plasmodium in the host. In roots, the plasmo-
dium produces sporangia which further produce up to 8 secondary zoospores. The
zoospores re-infect the host tissue and several such generations of zoospores may be
produced in a single season under ideal environment. The plasmodium produces
resting spore which can overcome winter and persist in tuber and soil for a long
period. Powdery scab pustules also predispose the tubers to P. infestans pathogen
(Bonde 1955). The cytosori can initiate the disease on the seed tubers in soil. The
disease can spread through contaminated farm implements and irrigation water.
6.7.4 Management
The disease can be managed by avoiding conditions leading to flooding of the fields
through proper drainage and by following crop rotation with non-solanaceous hosts.
Growing trap crops such as Datura stramonium immediately before planting potato
could reduce powdery scab incidence (Winter and Winiger 1983). Use of healthy
seed from disease free area and avoiding planting of potatoes in fields having previ-
ous history of the disease can help in management of powdery scab. Light-skinned
and red-skinned potato varieties in general are most susceptible (Christ 1993).
Cultivars resistant to the disease have been developed in Germany, Russia and Chile
(Manzer et al. 1964).
172 R.K. Arora and S. Sharma
Control of powdery scab with fungicides is not successful under field conditions
(Burnett 1991). However, low tuber infections were observed when infested soils
were treated with soil fumigants such as methyl bromide, metam sodium, and chlo-
ropicrin. Seed treatments in general are not effective.
6.8.1 Symptoms
Macrophomina phaseolina attacks growing potato plants and tubers both at harvest
and storage. Affected plants in field exhibit stem blight or shallow rot similar to
black leg and cause the affected foliage to wilt and turn yellow. Early symptoms on
tubers develop around eyes, lenticels and stolon end where a dark light grey, soft,
water soaked lesion develop on the surface of the tuber (Fig. 6.11). Subsequently,
the lesions become filled with black mycelium and sclerotia of the pathogen.
Secondary organisms may develop in such lesions especially under wet conditions
causing significant losses (Pushkarnath 1976). Under low moisture the lesions may
shrink and develop symptoms similar to dry rots.
6.8.3 Epidemiology
6.8.4 Management
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Chapter 7
Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases,
Disease Management Strategies, and Future
World population has been increasing enormously and is marching towards ten
billion by 2050. The natural resources have been dwindling and getting exhausted
due to over exploitation and anthropogenic activities. Diseases caused by fungi,
bacteria, virus, mycoplasma, nematodes and other microbes on crop plants form the
limiting factors in realizing the yield potential of crop plants thus resulting in about
10–25 % losses leading to famines, hunger, poverty and economic crisis. It is also
known from literature that diseases of unknown etiology like Karnal bunt of wheat,
sheath blight in rice, citrus die back, mango malformation, wilt of coconut, wilt of
guava, brown blast of rubber and other such diseases are of great concern by virtue
of their resurgence capabilities resulting in a change of cropping system, climate
patterns, etc. Critical issues have become evident due to over and non-judicial use of
chemicals to control diseases and pests including toxicity, residual effect and health
problems besides resistance towards chemical by plant pathogens and insects.
Successful management of diseases is the need of the hour to provide food security
to the billions of people living around the world. Disease management practices
must be safe, efficient, eco-friendly and cost effective.
Plant disease is defined as any disturbance that prevents normal development of
plant and reduces its economic value besides having deviation in normal physiology
and biochemical mechanisms that lowers the yields and reduces quality. Diseases
are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, nematodes and insects. Parasitic
plants and abiotic stresses are also known to cause diseases.
Disease production is not a simple process but involves many steps and critical
issues. A susceptible host, virulent pathogen and congenial atmospheric conditions
are essential. The pathogen enters into the host through wounds, stomata, mechanical
injuries, direct penetrations and also by degrading cell wall materials. The patho-
genic fungi do produce several enzymes such as cutinases, cellulases, petinases,
lignases and several other such biological weapons which degrade the complex cell
wall materials of host and make successful entry into host tissues. However, there is
a requirement of spore load for successful infection called inoculum potential. After
the successful entry and establishment of pathogen, several toxins namely phytotox-
ins, vivotoxins and pathotoxins are released by the fungal pathogens into the host
tissues which derail the host metabolism. Lycomarasmin is the example of phyto-
toxins and Fusaric acid is one of the toxins cited for vivotoxins. Pathotoxins include
piricularin, tabotoxin, and victorin is the host specific toxin. Alteration of plant
physiological and biochemical functions due to host–pathogen interaction results in
disease syndrome formation. The sequential steps as mentioned above result in
symptom production. Symptoms include leaf spots, cankers, galls, rusts, smuts,
malformation, wilts, root and stem rots, blights, and others. Thus, various diseases
on diversified crops result in heavy losses leading to epidemics and famines. In view
of huge losses incurred in crop productivity, there is a necessity of plant disease
control and management.
In the process of host–pathogen interaction several impediments and hurdles
need to be faced both by fungal pathogens and host. The host plants defend them-
selves through defense structures that exist before infection. These include waxes,
cuticles, multiple epidermis, closed stomata, formation of cork layers, tyloses
formation, abscission layer formation, gum deposition, hyphal sheathing, etc.
Biochemical defense mechanism which offers resistance in host against patho-
gen being the release of inhibitors such as chlorogenic acid, phenolic compounds
absence of nutrients, absence of common antigens and others. Phytoalexins are the
fungicidal/fungistatic substances which serve the purpose of antibody. These are
low molecular weight antimicrobial compounds that accumulate in plants as a result
of infection or stress. Ipomeamarone and many other compounds play important
role. In addition to phenolic substances produced in plant tissues in response to
infection, induced synthesis of proteins and enzymes seems to play a key role in
disease resistance. Pathogen related proteins are generally a group of plant proteins
that are toxic to invading fungal pathogens or other pathogens. Signal transduction
and several other genetic mechanisms have a greater role. There are also preformed
chemicals (prohibitins) which prevent disease production.
Host–pathogen interaction is a struggle for survival between two organisms and
there exists a state of balance and surviving plants and their parasites are capable of
coexistence. Resistance and susceptibility are the major factors that play an impor-
tant role in host–parasite interaction.
Interactions between a host and pathogen are medicated by environmental condi-
tions, but are ultimately determined by genotype. Flor (1956) studied the genetics of
flax cultivars and isolates of the linseed rust pathogen. The concept being that for
each gene conditioning virulence or virulence in the pathogen, there is a corre-
sponding gene conditioning resistance or susceptibility in the plant.
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 187
Genes for the resistance in the host are dominant (R) and those for susceptibility
(lack of resistance) are recessive (r). Genes for virulence are dominant (A) and
recessive (a). Gene for gene hypothesis operates therefore; four gene combinations
are possible in host–pathogen interaction. These combinations are R-a, r-A, r-a, and
R-A. Three combinations R-a, r-A, and r-a give rise to compatible reaction and
infections are successful. One combination R-A results in an incompatible reaction
and no infection occurs.
Identification and diagnosis of plant pathogens in the process of early infection can
help for the better management of the diseases. Martin et al. (2000) have discussed
the molecular diagnosis of pathogen at length. Farmer is interested in the early and
rapid detection of pathogen and disease diagnosis. It must be simple and cost effec-
tive. Symptoms and identification of plant pathogens based on morpho-toxonomic
criteria have been used since ages. However, this kind of methodology is time con-
suming; hence DNA probes have been developed. RAPD, RLFP, ISSR, URP, EIISA,
PCR, Q-PcR, DNA array technology membrane-based microarrays (Zhang et al.
2006) and others are developed for the detection of multiple pathogens present in the
field samples. For understanding disease epidemics and their management, under-
standing variability in pathogen population is critical. Applications of DNA markers
and probes have become very effective and less time consuming (Jalali 2008).
The cell wall is an important barrier monitoring its integrity and allows plants to
quickly activate pathways to minimize pathogen entry and reduce the spread of
disease (Hematy et al. 2009). Epidermal cell wall penetration and cell walls con-
stituency are found to resist Magnaporthe graminis in resistant host varieties than
susceptible host species. The alterations in cuticular structure lead to the release of
fungitoxic substances and changes in gene expression that form a multifactorial
defense response in Arabidopsis thaliana against Botrytis cinerea (Chassot et al.
2008). Variation in pectin composition of cell wall has been associated with stem
rust (Puccinia graminis) resistance in wheat (Wietholter et al. 2003). In addition to
these structural barriers, preformed antifungal compounds considered as prohibiting
such as phenols and phenolic glycosides, unsaturated lactones, sulphur compounds,
saponins, cyanogenic glycosides and glucosinolates (Khan et al. 2011) offer defense
to plants against a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. In plants some defensins
are known to be of antifungal or occasionally anti-bacterial activity. Salicylic acid
synthesis pathway is shown to be responsible for accumulation of phenolics in
plants after microbial infection in plants (Liu et al. 2007).
Formation of new cell wall material adjacent to the site of infection in plants is an
important defense response to pathogen penetration. These cell wall appositions
(papillae) can occur even before the pathogen passes through the cell wall (Soylu
et al. 2005). Callose offers defense against many pathogenic fungi and is manifested
at the stage of penetration by the formation of papilla (Böhlenius et al. 2010).
Silencing of callose synthase genes in Arabidopsis was to bring about a higher
penetration rate of the pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica. Reduction in cellu-
lose biosynthesis induces production of phytohormones, jasmonic acid (JA),
salicylic acid, and ethylene which enhances pathogen resistance, and leads to
changes in cell wall composition/structure, as well as causing ectopic lignin produc-
tion (Hamann et al. 2009).
Pathogen attack on specific host or diversified hosts that results in the synthesis of
protective compounds (phytoalexins) which include a range of phenolics, terpe-
noids, hydroxycoumarins and hydroxycinnamate conjugates (Karou et al. 2005).
Studies related with the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during plant–pathogen
interaction have been carried out in all kinds of interactions including in hemibio-
trophic interaction (Shetty et al. 2007), necrotrophic interaction and biotrophic
interaction (Romero et al. 2008).
During host–pathogen interaction production of ROS (mostly O2, H2O2 and HO)
at the cell surface called the ‘oxidative burst’ is the earliest event (Mendoza 2011)
(Table 7.1). ROS plays a critical role in inducing tolerance by activating or inducing
stress response related factors, such as mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs),
transcription factors, antioxidant enzymes, dehydrins, and low temperature induced
shock, and pathogenesis-related proteins (Yoshioka et al. 2001). The primary
190 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
Table 7.1 Plant system generating ROS when challenged with various pathogens elicitors
Plant Pathogen AOS observed
Hordeum vulgare Blumeria graminis H2O2
Lycopersicum esculentum Fusarium oxysporum H2O2
Mimosa pudica Ergosterol O2
Cicer arietinum Fusarium oxysporum H2O2
Arabidopsis thaliana Botrytis cinerea H2O2
Nicotiana tabacum Botrytis cinerea H2O2
Arabidopsis thaliana Fusarium oxysporum H2O2
Arabidopsis thaliana Colletotricum lindemuthianm H2O2
Phaseolus vulgaris C. lindemuthianum H2O2
Brassica spp. Alternaria brassicae H2O2
Bean C. lindemuthianum H2O2
Soybean Verticillium dahliae H2O2
Cotton Verticillium dahliae H2O2
Tomato Cladosporium fulvum H2O2 and O2
Rice N-Acetylchito-Oligosaccharides H2O2, O2 and OH
Tobacco Phytophthora crytogea, pure H2O2, O2 and OH
cryptogein and capsicein
protein elicitor
Rose Phytophthora sp., crude cellwall H2O2 and O2
Cucumber Phytopthora sojae H2O2
Parsley Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii H2O2
Soybean Pseudomonas syringae H2O2
Arabidopsis thaliana Protein elicitor harpin H2O2 and O2
Interconnected signaling pathways operate within the infected plant cells and this
leads to expression of defense genes and intermediates include molecules like SA,
JA, and ET (Von Dahl and Baldwin 2007). Other plant hormones, including ABA,
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 193
brassinosteroids and auxin, have been implicated in plant defense, but their significance
is less studied. Genetic dissection of the signaling pathway using mutants showing
alteration in defense responses has led to the identification of signaling components
and their interactions.
Salicyclic acid (SA) plays an important signaling role in the activation of plant
defense response due to pathogenic invasion, including both systemic (termed
systemic acquired resistance) and localized responses usually characterized by
HR. The role of SA in signal transduction has been studied by genetic dissection of
the pathway using mutants. Some mutants show constitutive expression of PR
genes, enhanced SA accumulation (cpr1, cpr5, cpr6) and spontaneous lesion forma-
tion similar to those observed during expression of a hypersensitive response.
Several potential components of the SA signaling pathway initially were identified
and cloned in tobacco including the bZIP transcription factors (Zhou et al. 2000).
The bZIP transcription factors bind to SA-responsive elements in the promoters of
defense genes, primarily those of pathogenesis-related or PR genes. This coupled
with increasing genetic and biochemical crosstalk between SA-, ethylene and
JA-associated defence pathways, underlie the crucial significance of salicylic acid
signalling in plant resistance (Pedley and Martin 2003).
Role of ethylene in defense can be said as dual since it has been implicated as both
a signal molecule during plant resistance and a virulence factor that can lead to
pathogenesis, symptom expression and plant susceptibility (Chagué et al. 2006).
There, ethylene is thought to have differential effects during plant defense in differ-
ent pathosystems. Regulation and control of events during ethylene signaling
mostly happen at the level of ethylene biosynthesis. In tomato, key genes in
ethylene biosynthesis have been cloned and described, including those encoding
194 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
More recently abscisic acid (ABA) was shown to play role in pathogen-associated
defense responses. Exogenous application of ABA was seen to increase susceptibil-
ity of plants to pathogens, suggesting that ABA is a negative regulator of defense
responses. Mutants affected in ABA synthesis (aba1-2, aba2-1) or ABA signaling
(abi1-1, abi2-1) displayed enhanced resistance to pathogen and also an expression
of JA/ET responsive genes (PDF1.2). ABA signaling therefore appeared to antago-
nize the JA-ET signaling pathway. However, ABA was seen to bring about enhanced
resistance to pathogens through rapid callose deposition during early stages of
infection in Arabidopsis–Alternaria interactions (Ton and Mauch-Mani 2004).
Cross talk between pathways provides a regulatory potential for activating multiple
resistance mechanisms in varying combinations and may help the plant to prioritize
the activation of particular defense pathways thereby providing optimal defense
(Pieterse et al. 2001). Global expression-profiling studies provided ample evidence
that SA, JA, and ET pathways interact, either positively or negatively (Mur et al.
2006). SA-mediated suppression of JA-inducible gene expression is blocked in
mutant npr1 plants, demonstrating a crucial role for NPRI in the cross talk between
SA and JA signaling. WRKY transcription factors are important regulators of
SA-dependent defense responses. ET was shown to enhance the response of
Arabidopsis to SA, resulting in a potentiated expression of the SA-responsive
marker gene PR-1 (De Vos et al. 2006).
Induced resistance is not based on direct defense activation by the inducing agent,
but on a faster and stronger activation of inducible defense mechanism once the
plant is exposed to the pathogen. This enhanced capacity to express basal defense
mechanisms is called sensitization, potentiation, or priming. Elicitors of biotic (glu-
cans, proteins, lipids, etc.) and abiotic origin, signaling intermediates like SA, JA,
ET, ABA, as well as other chemicals like the non-protein amino acid β-aminobutyric
acid (BABA) were also shown to induce resistance in many plants against various
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 195
pathogens (Cohen 2002). Different types of induced resistance and their mechanism
are as follows.
Pathogen-Induced Resistance. Induced resistance is often activated after primary
infection with a necrotizing pathogen and renders the distant, uninfected plant parts
more resistant towards a broad spectrum of virulent pathogens including viruses,
bacteria and fungi (Durrant and Dong 2004; Heil and Ton 2008). This form of
induced resistance is often referred to as SAR and has been demonstrated in many
plant–pathogen interactions (Sticher et al. 1997) mediated through SA accumulation.
SA has an important role in signaling pathogen leading to ISR. After infection,
endogenous levels of SA increase locally and systemically. The identity of the long
distance signals that travels from the site of primary infection to the remote parts of
the plant to induce PR gene expression and SAR, however is still unclear (Grant and
Lamb 2006). Over the past few years, several other signaling molecules have
emerged as possible candidates for the endogenous long distance signal for
SAR. These include methyl salicylate (MeSA), glycerolipids (Chaturvedi et al.
2008), azeleic acid, and glycerol-3-p (Chanda et al. 2011).
The exact nature of the systemic SAR signal in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thali-
ana) after localized infection by avirulent Pseudomonas syringae remains complex
and has been a matter of debate. In tobacco, SAR activation by the primary patho-
gen resulted in a significant reduction of disease symptoms caused by the fungi
Phytophthora parasitica, Cercospora nicotianae and Peronospora tabacina.
Resistance Induced by Non-pathogenic Organisms. ISR was first described in leaves
of Arabidopsis plants that were subjected to prior inoculation of roots with non-
pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens strain WCS 417r. Subsequently researchers
have shown that specific strains of PGPR not only improve plant growth, but also
induce ISR against a wide range of pathogens (Baker et al. 2003).
Interaction of plants with beneficial microorganisms other than those causing
ISR can also result in systemic, broad-spectrum resistance. The symbiosis between
barley roots and the endophytic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica confers sys-
temic resistance to the necrotrophic root-rot fungus Fusarium culmorum and the
biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Waller et al. 2005). Systemic
resistance induced by the endophytic fungus Trichoderma asperellum T34 protected
Arabidopsis against a wide range of pathogens through engagement of the same
signaling components as used in Pseudomonas fluorescens (Strain WCS417r)-
mediated ISR. Transcript profiling of the shoots of Medicago truncatula plants
whose roots had been colonized by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus
intraradices revealed both systemic expression of various defense associated genes
and establishment of an IR response to the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv.
alfalfa (Liu et al. 2007).
Resistance Induced by Exogenous Application of Signaling Intermediates and other
Chemicals. Exogenous application of signaling intermediates like SA, JA and ET
and their derivatives as well as other chemicals like the non-protein amino acid
196 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
BABA were seen to induce resistance in plants against a variety of pathogens. These
chemicals did not show any antimicrobial activity in vitro, but activated plant
defense responses which led to the expression of resistance.
Salicylic acid plays a critical signaling role in the activation of disease resistance in
plants. Exogenous application of SA induced resistance in tomato against tomato
stem canker disease. Also foliar application of low concentration of SA induced
priming in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants against pill-bugs (Armadillidium vulgare)
(Nancy et al. 2011). SAR-like state of enhanced disease resistance can be induced
without an HR in plants by treatment with solutions of SA or certain other chemi-
cals. SA could induce systemic protection against Botrytis elliptica in lily cv. Star
Gazer, and that is one of the few cases of SA-induced disease resistance demon-
strated in monocots. Exogenous application of 200 mM salicylic acid through root
feeding and foliar spray induced resistance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lyco-
persici (Fol) in tomato (Mandal et al. 2009). Similarly exogenous application of SA
or its analogs on plants has been shown to induce SA-mediated plant defenses to a
broad range of pathogens. The effect of two chemical elicitors acibenzolar-S-methyl
benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carboxylic acid S-methyl ester and salicylic acid
showed inducing resistance in tea plants against blister blight disease caused by
Exobasidium vexans.
SA analog ASM was reported as induces of SAR in many plant–pathogen inter-
actions like, pepper-Phytophthora capsici, tomato-Xanthomonas euvesicatoria,
cyclamen-Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cyclaminis and tobacco-Peronospora tabaci
(Perez et al. 2003). Application of BTH also induced resistance in a number of
plants such as wheat, cotton, tomato, pea, tobacco and Arabidopsis (Kohler et al.
2002) against a variety of pathogens. BTH treatment protected melon seedlings
against two soil-borne pathogens Didymella bryoniae and Sclerotinia
Genes in the biosynthetic pathway of JA namely lox 1 and lox 2 (encoding two
liposygenases) were activated on exogenous application of JA. Treatments with
methyl jasmonate, the methyl ester of jasmonic acid, induce the accumulation of
alkaloid compounds in jaborandi leaves (Pilocarpus microphyllus) and phytoalex-
ins in Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures (Zhao et al. 2004). In grapevine, MeJA has
been shown to stimulate deposition of callose and accumulation of PR proteins in
leaves. Belhadj et al. (2006) showed that MeJA treatment of grapevine in the vine-
yard induces the production of stilbene phytoalexins, the accumulation of PR pro-
tein related RNAs, and triggers enhanced resistance to Erysiphe necator. Moreover,
jasmonic acid pathway was found to contribute to the sulfated laminarin-induced
resistance against Plasmopara viticola (Trouvelot et al. 2008).
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 197 Ethylene Probenazole
Various amino acids have been shown to induce resistance in plants (Kuc 2001).
Among these, the non-protein amino acid β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) has received
a lot of attention. The compound was shown to be a potent inducer of resistance
against abiotic stress and microbial pathogens (Cohen 2002). BABA-protected
potato plants against Phytophthora infestans, especially when applied early in crop
development and also provided some protection in tubers against late blight
(Altramiranda et al. 2008).
198 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
Table 7.3 Plants exhibiting β-aminobutryic acid (BABA) induced resistance against viral,
bacterial, fungal and nematode pathogen
Plant Pathogen
Potato Phytophthora infestans, Alternaria solani
Tomato Phytophthora infestans, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
lycopersici, Meloidogyne javanicum, Clavibacter michiganensis
Tobacco Peronospora tabacina, Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae,
Tobacco mosaic virus
Pepper Phytophthora capsici, Colletotrichum coccodes
Melon Pseudoperonospora cubensis
Arabidopsis Peronospora parasitica, Botrytis cinerea, Pseudomonas syringae
Cauliflower Peronospora parasitica
Broccoli Alternaria brassicicola
Sunflower Plasmopara halstedii
Lettuce Bremia lactucae
Maize Fusarium moniliforme
Pearl millet Sclerospora graminicola
Pea Aphanomyces euteiches
Peanut Cercosporidium personatum
Grapes Plasmopara viticola
Cotton Verticillium dahliae
Sweet orange fruit Penicillium spp.
Since times immemorial it is known that humans are dependent on plants for food,
fiber, shelter, drugs and others. Further plants are also important because they utilize
CO2 in photosynthesis and release O2. Numerous diseases are produced by bacteria,
viruses, mycoplasma, fungi, nematode, insects and others. An example of the
greater impact on human existence is by the late blight of potatoes caused by
Phytophthora infestans in the year 1845 that lead to Irish famine in Ireland. Similarly
coffee rust in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and leaf spot of rice in India have caused huge
losses in respective crop yields. This is followed by Plasmopara viticola which
causes downy mildew of grapes and threatened the wine industry in France. Apple
scab caused by Venturia inaequalis first reported in 1819 in Sweden has played
havoc with apple cultivation in the Kashmir valley during 1973. Panama disease of
banana, wilt disease of pigeon pea, castor, guava and also smut and rust of cereals
have become challenges to plant pathologists. However, the chance discovery of
Bordeaux mixture by PA Millardet in France made a beginning to the chemical
control of plant diseases. In due course of time major diseases could be controlled
employing fungicides, integrated disease management (IDM), biocontrol agents,
breeding for resistance and several other methods. Unfortunately the diseases of
minor nature not only have become major diseases but posing a threat to crop
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 201
Millets are grown on 35.5 million hectares in the world resulting in the production
of 28.5 million tonnes. Millets are important in the arid and semi-arid regions and
offer some promise of food security to humans and livestock. Millets include pearl
millet, sorghum, finger millet, foxtail millet, little millet, etc. However, pearl millet
and sorghum are the most important and nutritionally valuable. Downy mildew,
rusts, blast, smut, ergot, foliar diseases, soil/seed/root-borne diseases have resulted
in huge losses both at field site, in the market and storage. The future challenges
include effective monitoring of the pathogen, use of DNA markers in the character-
ization of virulence besides there is a need to develop near isogenic R-lines with
different R-genes and also identification of new resistant genes.
Fruits form an important component in our daily diet as they provide sugars,
vitamins, minerals and medicinally important compounds such as flavonoids which
prevent cancer and heart related diseases. Fruits suffer from various diseases and
contamination caused by fungi and other microbes both at pre-harvest and post-
harvest stages. Unfortunately still we have yet to find new techniques and fungicide
formulations to control several fruit diseases including bunch rot of grapes (Botrytis
cinerea), apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), wilt of guava (Fusarium solani), Panama
disease of banana (Fusarium cubense), mango malformation (F. moniliforme), blue
mold of citrus (Penicillium citrinum), anthracnose of papaya (Colletotrichum
papayae) and others. The overall post-harvest losses range from 5 to 15 % world
over. Further there are no scientifically developed storage godowns/houses/containers
in many countries.
The management practices of fungal pathogens of fruit crops include cultural
practices, hot water treatment, hot vapour exposure, ionizing irradiation, UV
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 203
Vegetable legumes are known to suffer from rust, powdery mildew, root rot and others.
Carrot the common root crop mainly suffers from powdery mildew, Cercospora leaf
spot and Alternaria blight. Cultural practices, IDM and breeding for resistance are
some of the successful methods employed to control vegetable crop diseases.
The population is growing beyond expectations particularly in China and India
besides improvement in life expectancy. Further, the world population has doubled
from three billion in 1960 and by 2080 it will be varying from 8.1 to 14.0 billion
certainly it will cross 9.0 billion by 2050. Land is basic to agriculture, is finite and
fragile. Water is getting polluted despite scanty rain, pollution, human interference,
degradation of land, soil fertility loss, erosion of soil, increase in waste land, pro-
ductivity loss, dwindling economy, ground water depletion and biodiversity erosion.
Seventy percent increase in grain yield would be required to feed increasing popula-
tion by 2050. There is a necessity to control the diseases caused by fungi and other
diseases as they have become stumbling block for crop productivity.
Securing food for everyone under the ever increasing population under shrinking
resources without compromising the environment and health is the foremost impor-
tant task for everybody. About 20 % food production is lost due to plant diseases at
various stages. The famines in the history are consequences of either natural calami-
ties or epiphytotic disease appearance. We need to be very attentive as the pathogens
are evolving very fast and new diseases are developing rapidly. The misery is
getting augmented further with the climate changes making the situation diverse for
the crops and favorable for the diseases development.
There is a necessity to develop disease forecasting models which are nothing but
set of formulae, algorithm pattern after a detailed study of biology of specific patho-
gen. Keeping in view the host and crop management practices, forecast models
provide an alternate calendar spray schedule to bring need-based precision.
Forecasts may be based on initial inoculums, meteorological parameters and their
combinations. There are several disease forecasting networks available across globe
for maize (EPICORN—Southern corn leaf blight), tomatoes (EPIDEM Tomcost),
potatoes (BLITE CAST for early blights), apple (EPIVEN—Scab) followed by
weather-based location specific forewarning models. An artificial neural network
(ANNS) is another tool for disease forecasting. ICAR and ISRO have demonstrated
identification of coconut wilt using aerial false colour photography; remote sensing
has also been used to forecast the diseases. Forecasted information has to be simple
and user friendly. Online decision support systems to forecast different diseases are
in use across the globe viz. tan spot, Septoria leaf blotch, leaf rust, Fusarium head
blight. Therefore, accurate information in yield losses due to occurrence of a disease
is needed by growers or plant protection specialists to decide on cost-effective
control measures.
Plant pathogens gained momentum since the Irish famine epidemic caused by
Phytophthora infestans in Ireland during the 1840s which resulted in the death of a
million people. This has awakened the scientific and farming community to begin
search for plant protection measures. The discovery of Bordeaux mixture, the first
generation fungicide by Millardet in 1885 to control the downy mildew of grapes is
considered as the landmark in the history of chemical control of plant diseases. It is
estimated that around 20 % losses are recorded in the yield of food and cash crops
worldwide. Out of 100 thousand fungi described in the world, at least 20,000 are
known to cause diseases on crop plants. Though the crop losses get reduced through
disease resistant varieties, crop rotation and phytosanitation, fungicides offer better
control of diseases and maximize crop yields.
Plant diseases have been playing an important role in agricultural productivity
and influencing the world’s economy. The annual world crop loss has been around
25,000 million dollars. In spite of having phytosanitation, biological control,
cultural practices, growing disease resistant varieties, seed treatment with chemi-
cals, solarization and other such ancient and modern methodologies employed in
disease control, still chemical control holds the key.
Diagnosis of disease and identification of fungal pathogens have to be established
accurately for plant disease management. The following are the five categories of
plant disease management.
1. Avoidance of pathogen through exclusion of the pathogen from a geographical
area, either voluntarily or by legislations and by evasion so as to prevent the
pathogen from coming into contact with the host.
2. Eradication of the pathogen from the host, soil, other sources so as to reduce the
inoculum rather than the total eradication of the pathogen.
3. Protection of plants from pathogens through physical and chemicals methods.
4. Use of disease resistant varieties.
5. Chemotherapy.
Along with growing population which will be around 8.3 billion by 2030, it is
essential to offer food security which is the greatest challenge posed. Therefore, it
has become a necessary evil to use chemical fungicides for the control of plant
diseases though the problems of residual effect, toxicity and fungicidal resistance
among pathogens exist.
Millardet at Bordeaux in France used Bordeaux mixture for the control of
downy mildew of grapes in 1882 and this copper fungicide has been considered
as the oldest fungicide. However, some fungal pathogens have also developed
208 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
Table 7.7 Fungicides, their mode of action, target site and resistance risk
Fungicide Mode of action Target site Resistance risk
Benzimidazoles Mitosis and cell β-tubulin High
Strobilurins Respiration Complex III cytochrome High
Carboxamides Nucleic acid Complex II succinate Moderate
synthesis dehydrogenase
Morpholines Sterol biosynthesis D 8-7 dimethylase Moderate
Copper and Sulphur Multisite disruption Reaction with enzymes Low function
compounds, of cell
Plants are varied in their action towards fungal pathogens and this character is con-
trolled by genes associated with different genera and species. Many plants showing
natural resistance to disease have long been used by plant geneticists in their breed-
ing programmes. Resistance and susceptibility of a host plant to a fungal pathogen
are largely inherited characteristics. The use of hybrids and disease resistant
212 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
varieties not only gives more yields, but it is free from disease incidence, eliminates
fungicidal interference, pollution, health hazards, etc.
However, the performance of a disease resistant variety or hybrid is also depen-
dent upon edaphic and meteorological factors. The breeding for disease resistance
is based on the laws of inheritance. Some diseases got introduced into one or other
country due to transport of crop or its seeds. Further, some important diseases have
been imported into countries where there was no existence of such diseases. For
example, the potato tubers from South America to England have introduced
Phytophthora infestans in 1880s. The resistance gene of a cultivar may persist for a
period of 5 or 10 years as documented in rust resistant variety of wheat by Borlaug
(1965). Monogenic resistance is governed by single gene whereas oligogenic and
polygenic resistance are governed by two or many genes.
Extra-chromosomal inheritance gene interaction, modifier genes and reversal
dominance play an important role in offering diseases resistance. If a variety is
resistant to some pathogenic races than other, such resistance is called vertical resis-
tance whereas when resistance is uniformly spread against all races of pathogen is
called horizontal resistance.
A breeder while working for disease resistance has to follow:
1. Selection from existing crops
2. Selection from crops that escape damage in infected fields
3. Pure line selection
4. Plant introduction
5. Hybridization
6. Selection from wild varieties
7. Induced mutations
Chemical control has become essential for the control of several diseases caused by
fungal pathogens. The non-judicious and careless application of chemicals has led
to damage of crops and created fungicidal resistance among fungal pathogens.
Chemicals either kill or inhibit germination, growth and multiplication of the patho-
gen. However, the residual/toxic effects remain in some hosts. Further environmen-
tal pollution has increased due to toxic gaseous chemicals besides affecting soil
health. Adulteration of fungicides and their application lead to ineffective manage-
ment of diseases, natural resources of raw materials used for the manufacturing of
fungicides/pesticides have depleted and labour has become costly. All such reasons
made the scientists to think of alternate methods for disease control.
In addition to chemical methods and breeding for resistant varieties several alter-
nate methods are used singly or in combination to control plant diseases, and one of
the common methods being biocontrol. Von Tubeuf (1914) coined the term ‘bio-
logical control’ in relation to plant pathogens. Biocontrol of root diseases in plants
was reported for the first time by Hartley (1921). According to Cook and Baker
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 213
(1983) biological control was defined as ‘the reduction of inoculum or disease pro-
ducing activity of a pathogen accomplished by one or more organisms other than
man’. Baker (1987) defined that biological control is the decrease of pathogen activ-
ity accomplished by one or more organisms including host plant excluding humans.
The biocontrol agents reported are Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Aspergillus,
Neurospora, Chaetomium, Dactylella, Arthrobotrys, Glomus, Penicillium etc.
Important biocontrol agents that serve as antagonistic agents against plant patho-
genic fungi include Ampelomyces, Aspergillus spp., Chaetomium globosum,
Fusarium sp., Gliocladium virens, Penicillium citrinum, Peniophora gigantea,
Trichoderma harzianum and others.
The mechanisms of biological control of plant diseases being:
1. Competition: Competition being between micro-organisms for space or nutrition
and this is applied for biocontrol agents.
2. Antibiosis: This process is the inhibition of an organism through a metabolic
product from another organism. The root disease caused by Heterobasidion
annosum can be controlled by Peniophora gigantea.
3. Hyperparasitism and mycoparasitism: Biocontrol can be achieved through direct
parasitism. This involves the direct utilization of food of one organism by another
organism. Hyperparasites are parasitic on other parasites. Few hyperparasites
include Darluca filum parasitizing rust fungi. Ampelomyces quisqualis parasit-
izes powdery mildew fungi. Tuberculina maxima parasitize Cronartium ribicola.
Trichoderma viride and other species are known to parasitize hyphae of
Rhizoctonia solani. Hypovirulence
Table 7.9 Commercial products of Trichoderma spp., their use for control of various types
of diseases and companies commercializing them
Product Fungus controlled Commercialization
Trichodex T. harzianum Botrytis on Makhteshim chemical
grape vine Works Ltd, USA
Trieco T. viride Soil/root-borne Jeypee Biotechs, India
TY Tusal Trichoderma spp. Soil/root-borne Mycocontrol Ltd, Israel,
disease Spain
T22g, t-22 HB T. harzianum Soil/root-borne THT Inc, USA
Soil Gard, RUTOPIA Trichoderma sp. Soil/root-borne NaEx Corp, USA Inc
Ecofit T. viride Soil/root-borne Hoechst Schering Agro
disease Evo Ltd, India
Bio-trek 22G T. harzianum Soil/root-borne Bioworks Inc of Geneva,
disease NY
Biofungus Trichoderma sp. Soil/root-borne Grondortsmettingen De
disease Cuester n. v. Belgium
Bioderma T. harzianum Soil/root-borne Biotech International
T. viride disease Ltd, India
Binab T T. harzianum Soil/root-borne Bio-innovation AB, UK
T. polysporum disease
Table 7.10 Antimycotic compounds of some endophytic fungi effective against some
pathogenic fungi
Endophytic fungi Compound Pathogenic fungi
Fusarium oxysporum Cyclosporine Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Cryptosporiopsis quercina Cryptocandin Botrytis cinerea
Cryptosporiopsis quercina Cryptocin Magnaporthe grisea
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotric acid Helminthosporium sativum
Oomycetes Oocytin Water moulds
There are many fungi, microbes and abiotic agents that induce resistance. The local-
ized and systemic induced resistance can act against whole range of pathogens.
Localized resistance occurs in many plants and systemic resistance is limited to
some plants. The inoculation with avirulent strains of pathogen or either microbes,
both inducing resistance and challenge pathogens occur on or within the protected
tissue. Such process is called cross protection. For example, non-pathogenic Fusaria
when inoculated into soils supporting fusarium wilt diseased plants, resulted in the
control of wilts. Commercially available products formulated for the biocontrol of
plant pathogen and inducting the defense in host are given in Table 7.11.
216 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar Botanicals
Attention has been drawn for the exploitation of plant products as novel chemo-
therapeutants in plant protection. Plant products are non-phytotoxic, biodegrad-
able and not harmful to host metabolism. The secondary metabolites of plants
include phenols, flavonoids, quinines, tannins, essential oils, alkaloids, saponins
and sterols (Varma and Dubey 1999). However, scientifically accurate data on
botanicals is essential pertaining to pathogen specific action, purity of com-
pound, shelf life and residual toxicity effect on the host plant. Some of the
extracts, essential oils and other plant products used as plant protectants are
given in the Table 7.12.
Organic farming has received the needed attention of farmers as it helps in disease
management and supports plant growth. In fact it reduces the dependence on chemi-
cal inputs besides being an eco-friendly approach. According to the FAO/WHO
organic agriculture is a holistic approach for food production management systems,
which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, bio-
logical cycles and soil biological activity. It includes the use of management prac-
tices in preference to the use of off farm inputs, taking into account the regional
conditions required for locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using
wherever possible agronomic, biological and mechanical methods as opposed to
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 217
using synthetic materials, to fulfill any specific function within the system. Organic
farming with reference to disease management includes:
1. Growing crops that are resistant to disease or proper selection of sowing times
that prevents the disease incidence.
2. Hygiene/sanitation, clean cultivation improving soil health to resist soil patho-
gens and promote plant growth, application of naturally occurring biocontrol
agents for control of diseases.
3. Site selection and appropriate cultivation.
4. Use of disease-free seed.
5. Application of suitable cropping system.
6. Input of organic matter, efficient water management, safe and minimum applica-
tion of organically approved chemical protectants.
7. Use of botanicals, oils, etc.
8. Diseases controlled by alternate methods (solar, hot water, compost amend-
ments) (Table 7.13).
Soil solarization is a novel and eco-friendly technique tested for treatment of soil
to combat soil-borne diseases through solar heat. The moisturized soil is covered
under transparent polythene film during summer to prevent dissipation of the
trapped solar heat. The temperature of soil rises, at time 13 °C higher than outside
temperature reaching 55 °C at 8 cm depth thus killing fungal propagules. Organically
approved bicarbonate salts have demonstrated good activity against powdery mil-
dew and other diseases. Thermophilic and other extremophile plant pathogens have
to be controlled by other means.
Organic farming is the economically and ecologically viable method of disease
management as a preventive process besides being cost-effective method for sus-
tainable agriculture.
218 C. Manoharachary and I.K. Kunwar
Table 7.14 Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi as biocontrol agents against some plant diseases
AM fungi Host Disease Pathogen
Glomus fasciculatum Tomato Wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
Glomus fasciculatum Green gram, chick pea Root rot Macrophomina phaseolina
Glomus mosseae Tomato Blight Phytophthora parasitica
Glomus mosseae Tomato, egg plant Wilt Verticillium dahliae
Glomus intraradices Common bean Rot Fusarium solani
Glomus geosporum Dalbergia sissoo Wilt Fusarium solani
Glomus fasciculatum Tea Brown rot Fomes lamaoensis
Chitinase elaborated by many fungi can serve as potential disease control agent of
several fungal pathogens. Most probably chitinase application can serve as alternate
source for disease control. Further the genes encoding chitinase can be incorporated
into host plant either to resist pathogens from invasion or suppress the pathogen.
Genetic transformation of existing biocontrol of fungi that are well adjusted to their
environment is likely to enhance their biocontrol capability.
7 Host–Pathogen Interaction, Plant Diseases, Disease Management Strategies… 219
Transgenic plants are those plants which contain, within its genome, a foreign DNA
that does not belong to it and has been introduced artificially via genetic engineering.
Resistance genes can also be introduced in that way from unrelated plant species.
Desirable target genes are isolated from fungi or other plants and introduced into the
plants. Powell et al. (1994) reported transgenic tomato that has been resisted to
Botrytis cinerea. The fungal resistant gene Hml has been isolated from maize con-
ferring resistance to Helminthosporium carbonum. DNA markers are used for assist-
ing the transfer of genes from one variety to another. In the absence of resistance
genes, it is necessary to search for resistance genes in other species followed by their
identification and cloning. Such genes can be deployed in crop varieties by using
transgenic approaches. The genes responsible for offering dosages or resistance
through β-1,3-glucanases, chitinases, thaumatin-like proteins, ribosome inactivating
protein (RIPs) and thionins are introduced through genetic engineering methods.
The expression of such genes in transgenic plants render disease resistance to many
fungal pathogens and this has been proved in wheat against powdery mildew and
rust (Bieri et al. 2003; Oldach et al. 2001). Chitinase gene introduction resulted in
increased protection in rice against sheath blight and blast (Kim et al. 2003a).
Nanotechnology has been in use in recent times for the detection of plant pathogens
and biosensor related disease management through nano-formulations of agro-
chemicals around the world (Gopal et al. 2011a). Silver nanoparticles got applica-
tion in a number of fields including in the control of wilt pathogens Fusarium
culmorum, Rhizoctonia solani, Magnaporthe grisea and others (Gopal et al. 2011b)
(Table 7.15). Antifungal action of fluconazole, a triazole fungicide was improved by
using biologically synthesized Ag NP for combating fungal pathogens like Candida
albicans, Phoma glomerata and Trichoderma sp. Nano-Gro and Nano-5 were also
released into the market to control grape mold, rice blast, early and late blight, pow-
dery mildews (Gogoi et al. 2010). Gopal et al. (2011b) have developed nano-hexa-
conazole to control powdery mildew of vegetables and Rhizoctonia solani.
7.7 Transcriptomics
Eradication of
1. Site selection eradication of pathogen pathogen
2. Growing season’s pathogen
3. Pruning date
Quarantine regulations
4. Seed stock selection
Fig. 7.1 Integrated plant disease management. (Modified from Smith et al. 1976)
Acknowledgement One of the authors (CM) is grateful to NASI for financial support.
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Chapter 8
Ug99-Future Challenges
8.1 Introduction
Wheat, the second most important staple food crop after rice as a source of calories
and first as a source of protein in the diets of developing country consumers, is
grown on about 225 million ha worldwide from the equator to latitudes of 60°N and
44°S and at altitudes ranging from near sea level to more than 3,000 m.
Approximately 600 million tons of wheat is produced annually, roughly half of
which is in the developing countries (Aquino et al. 2002). Wheat provides 21 % of
the food calories and 20 % of the protein to the tune of more than 4.5 billion people
across 94 developing countries (Braun et al. 2010). The projected demand for
wheat is estimated to increase by 60 % by 2050 in developing countries; at the same
time, climate change-induced temperature increases, diseases and other pests are
expected to reduce wheat production by more than 29 % in developing countries
(Rosegrant et al. 1995). The major fungal diseases of wheat that are caused by bio-
trophs, include the three rusts, powdery mildew, bunts and smuts; whereas, those
caused by hemi-biotrophs include blotches, foliar blight, tan spot and Fusarium
head blight (scab).
Among the rusts, stem or black rust, caused by Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp.
tritici Eriks. & Henn., is infamous for causing severe losses to wheat (Triticum aes-
tivum L. and T. turgidum var. durum) production. Historically, the most damaging
disease of wheat has the capacity to turn a healthy looking crop, only weeks away
from harvest, into nothing more than a tangle of black stems and shrivelled grains at
harvest. Under severe conditions, yield losses of 100 % are possible (Anonymous
1992). Stem rust is known for causing severe devastations periodically in all
wheat-growing countries of the world.
The causal organism of stem rust was named Puccinia graminis in 1797 by
Persoon and the first detailed reports about this pathogen were given independently
by Italian Scientists Fontana (1932) and Tozetti and Alimurgia (1952). Stakman and
Piemeisel (1917) showed that stem rust pathogen had various forms or races. Many
devastating epidemics of stem rust of wheat are reported to have occurred in the past
around the globe. The notable ones being the epidemics of North America in 1904
and 1916. In 1993 and 1994, the last major stem rust epidemic occurred in Ethiopia
(Shank 1994), where Enkoy, a popular wheat variety, suffered major losses; how-
ever, the rest of the world has remained unscathed by stem rust for over four decades.
Puccinia graminis tritici (Pgt) is a basidiomycetous rust fungus, having a broad
host range with an ability to infect about 365 species of plants (Anikster 1984).
P. graminis has been broken into subspecies and formae speciales based on spore
morphology, fertility crosses and host range. Urban (1967) separated the species
into two subspecies based on morphology. Subspecies graminicola contained stem
rusts found on non-cereal grasses while subspecies graminis contained the stem
rusts found on cereal crops. Subspecies graminis was then further divided into vari-
ety stakmanii, found on barley, oat and rye and variety graminis, which is found
mainly on wheat. The subspecies proposed by Urban are in disagreement with for-
mae speciales designations based on fertility crosses. Crosses between formae spe-
ciales tritici and secalis and between avenae and poae were found to produce viable
offspring (Johnson 1949). Pgt infects cereal crops as urediniospores during the warm
months. Urediniospores are dikaryotic (n + n) and spread via agitation of the host
plant such as from rain or wind. These spores can land on other cereal hosts and
germinate to cause new infection. This process is the asexual stage of the fungus
and can result in rapid increase of the organism. Near late summer when tempera-
tures begin to drop teliospores are produced. These teliospores undergo karyogamy
before overwintering (Boehm et al. 1992). In early spring the teliospores germinate
producing four haploid basidiospores per spore cell. Basidiospores are carried by
agitation to Berberis species where they directly penetrate the leaf tissue forming
pycnia. Pycnia produce receptive hyphae, haploid pycniospores belonging to one of
the two mating types (Johnson and Newton 1946). The pycniospores can be wind
and water dispersed as well as transferred by insects that are attracted to the exu-
dates (Leonard and Szabo 2005). When pycniospores of one mating type are trans-
ferred to receptive hyphae of a pycnium of the compatible mating type, aecia are
formed below the pycnium (Johnson and Newton 1946). The aecia produce diploid
aeciospores, which infect wheat and form uredia (Roelfs 1985). In the presence of
water urediniospores (uredospores) germinate producing a germ tube (Leonard and
Szabo 2005). The germ tube grows along the epidermis toward the stoma. If the
germ tube comes in contact with a stoma, it will form an appressorium. From the
base of the appressorium a penetration peg grows into the substomatal cavity and
forms a vesicle. The substomatal vesicle then elongates and hyphae grow inside the
8 Ug99-Future Challenges 233
plant tissue. Once a hypha comes in contact with a cell wall a haustorial mother cell
is formed. The haustorial mother cell exudes enzymes in order to dissolve the plant
cell wall. Upon invaginating the cell, a haustorium is produced. The haustoria are
responsible for the exchange of nutrients and proteins with the plant and are required
for sustaining the growth of the fungus. The genome of Pgt was determined to be
made of 18 chromosomes (Boehm et al. 1992) and was estimated by genome
sequence assembly to be 88.6 Mb (Duplessis et al. 2011). No evidence for whole
genome duplication was found but the larger than expected genome seems to be a
result of a large number of transposable elements, which composed 45 % of the
genome (Duplessis et al. 2011). About 17,773 protein coding genes were predicted,
of which only 35 % showed significant homology to known proteins (Duplessis
et al. 2011).
An important finding came from the pioneering work of Dr. E.C. Stakman
(Stakman and Piemeisel 1917) who showed that the stem rust pathogen had various
forms or races. These races differ in their ability to infect different wheat varieties
which were later found to carry distinct resistance genes or their combinations.
At present wheat scientists use wheat lines that usually carry a single race-specific
resistance gene to determine avirulence/virulence characteristics of a race. The
races of Pgt are determined by phenotypic avirulence/virulence testing on a stan-
dard set of wheat differentials. Nomenclature used for designating Pgt races has
evolved, starting with a chronological numbering system by Stakman (Stakman and
Levine 1922) into the current system (Roelfs and Martens 1988). This system is
based on the infection types produced on different isolates of Pgt lines of wheat.
Infection types are classified as: 0—no infection; flecking, 1—small uredia often
surrounded by necrosis; 2—small to medium size uredia surrounded by necrosis or
chlorosis; 3—medium uredia associated with chlorosis; 4—large uredia without
chlorosis or necrosis (Roelfs and Martens 1988). An infection type of 0, 1 or 2 was
designated to be a resistant reaction where as 3 or 4 a susceptible reaction. In India,
binomial system for designating the pathotypes of Pgt is followed (Bahadur et al.
1985) and which is being updated from time to time (Bhardwaj 2012).
In India cyclonic movement that forms in the Bay of Bengal in November, crosses
over to the Arabian Sea around 10°N, subsequently such deep depression re-
curves and hits the western coast enabling a long distance dispersal of Pgt uredin-
iospores from Nilgiris to central India (Nagarajan et al. 1976). Nagarajan and
Singh (1975) developed the Indian Stem Rust Rules (ISR) to define the climatic
situation that enables long distance spread of Pgt. North Indian hills do not play
much role in the recurrence of stem rust in India (Bhardwaj et al. 2012), as very
weak and primitive type of pathotypes were observed in these areas, which do not
occur elsewhere in India.
234 S.C. Bhardwaj et al.
Many sources of resistance including the alien sources have been used for stem rust
resistance. Introduction of rye (Secale cereale L.) gene (1B/1R translocation or sub-
stitution) into bread wheat (Mettin et al. 1973; Zeller 1973) which carries
Lr26/Sr31/Yr9, completely linked resistance gene has not only contributed 12–20 %
yield jump but also imparted resistance to major biotic and abiotic stresses (Cox
et al. 1995). During many years, Sr31 and other stem rust resistance genes kept the
stem rust fungus under control, thus it was believed that genetic resistance had over-
powered this ancient plague of stem rust. Stem rust of wheat had became a disease
of past, unfortunately a new race of Pgt was observed in Uganda in 1998 (Ug99) that
has the ability to overcome the resistance imparted by majority of the resistance
genes including Sr31, which have provided protection for the last 60 years (Singh
et al. 2011). The Ug99 race of Pgt was discovered by William W. Wagoire in an
experimental wheat field from the Buginyanya Zonal Agricultural Research and
Development Centre in Uganda. Ravi Singh at CIMMYT quickly recognized Ug99’s
potential to devastate wheat crops (Fig. 8.1) and thereafter it was confirmed as a new
strain of P. graminis by Zacharias A. Pretorius from the University of the Free State
in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Initially the collections of Ug99 were designated
as TTKS based on the North American nomenclature system and redesignated as
TTKSK after adding a fifth set of differentials in the nomenclature system (Jin et al.
2008). The emergence of Ug99 is considered a highly significant event having far
reaching consequences not only for India but also for global wheat production due
to susceptibility of most of the wheat cultivars against Ug99 (Fig. 8.2).
It has been estimated by Singh et al. (2008) that the area under the risk of Ug99
amounts to around 50 Mha of wheat grown globally, i.e. about 25 % of the world’s
wheat area. Varieties of Indian subcontinent like PBW343, PBW373 and few others
are susceptible to these races. The race is expected to move further in coming years to
other areas, where wheat is one of the major food crops. Germplasm with resistance
to Ug99 is available in many parts of the world including India (Singh et al. 2008).
Fig. 8.2 Shrivelled seeds produced in a wheat variety infected with Ug99 (Source Dr. Rabi Singh,
CIMMYT, Mexico)
Being wind borne, the stem rust pathogen is capable of causing explosive
epidemics. They are known to produce millions of urediniospores and these spores
are transferred from one plant to other plant or from one area to the other. The long-
distance dispersal (LDD) through the agency of air and may be unintended human
interactions is well documented for wheat rusts. A major mode of dispersal for
wheat rusts is stepwise range expansion through wind. It usually occurs over shorter
distances, i.e. within country or region, and has a much higher probability of suc-
cessful dispersal of the disease than other possible modes of dispersal. One interest-
ing example of such type of dispersal mechanism is the spread of stripe rust by
Yr9-virulent race of P. striiformis that evolved in Eastern Africa. This race migrated
to South Asia through the Middle East and West Asia in a stepwise manner over
about 10 years, and caused severe epidemics in its path (Singh et al. 2004).
Some of the important examples of LDD include the introduction of sugarcane
rust into the America from Cameroon in 1978 and a wheat stem rust introduction
into Australia from southern Africa in 1969. More recently, the arrival of Asian
soybean rust into the USA in 2004 from North to South America/Caribbean was
most likely carried by hurricane Ivan (Anonymous 2005). At present, assisted long-
distance dispersal is also believed to occur by the clothing of travellers or infected
plant material. There is strong evidence to support an accidental introduction of
wheat yellow rust into Australia in 1979, probably on travellers clothing from
Europe (Steele et al. 2001). Spread of stem rust race from Antarctic to New Zealand
is well documented (McEvans 1969)
Ug99 has the similar story of its dispersal. According to Singh et al. (2008), the
Ug99 race had been confirmed in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen up to
2007. By then, occurrence in Yemen was considered particularly significant, as it
236 S.C. Bhardwaj et al.
Fig. 8.3 Movement and distribution of different variants of Ug99 (Source Dr. Ravi Singh,
CIMMYT, Mexico)
provided strong evidence that Ug99 was moving toward the important wheat areas
of the Middle East and Asia (Singh et al. 2011). Subsequently, Ug99 race (TTKSK)
was reported from Iran, by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) in March
2008 (FAO 2008). In 2009 Ug99 was reported from Khuzestan, one of the provinces
in southern Iran. There were few reports of the occurrence of Ug99 in Pakistan dur-
ing 2009, but pathotyping on differentials and DNA analysis of those samples con-
vincingly indicated the absence of Ug99 (Mirza et al. 2010). So far it is not reported
to occur in India also. The Ug99, is evolving very fast and till date eight variants
have been documented as the progenies of this race (Singh et al. 2011) as given in
Fig. 8.3. The highlands of east Africa have historically been a hot spot for the devel-
opment of highly virulent races of Puccinia sp. Factors contributing to the develop-
ment of highly virulent races of wheat rust include the year-round cultivation of
susceptible wheat genotypes creating ideal conditions for disease development.
All the variants differ slightly in their avirulence/virulence profiles but genetically
they are closely interrelated with nearly related DNA fingerprints. Simple sequence
repeats marker similarity of Ug99 races have revealed that they evolved from a com-
mon ancestor. Race TTKSK (Ug99) is the only known pathotype of the lineage
group, which is reported outside of Africa, but it is very likely that other members
of the group may appear in the areas outside Africa. Race Ug99 has further evolved
and the family has now eight members (Table 8.1).
8 Ug99-Future Challenges 237
Till now Ug99 race migration has followed gradual stepwise range expansion,
following the predominant West-East air flows. Moreover, there is well-recognized
evidence connecting East Africa with West and South Asia as a single epidemio-
logic zone for migration of rust races, with East African origin (Singh et al. 2004).
Keeping these facts in view, a group of wheat rust experts had forecasted in the year
2005 that within few years Ug99 shall reach across the Saudi Arabian peninsula and
into the Middle East, South Asia, and eventually East Asia and the Americas
(Anonymous 2005). Interestingly, recent evidences also support their forecast. The
data obtained from GIS tools determines two potential air-borne migration routes
for Ug99 to south Asia (Hodson et al. 2005). The first route matches the route
described by Singh et al. (2004) for the Yr9-virulent race of P. striiformis and is
considered the most likely route. The second route that connects East Africa directly
with southern Pakistan/western India has no known precedence and is highly specu-
lative and of much low probability (Joshi et al. 2008). So far, the movement of Ug99
has followed the first route and as mentioned above has reported to cross the Arabian
Gulf in the 2006 crop season. Thus, predicting the exact route of the Ug99 move-
ment for near future is not going to be that easy as the disease outcomes would
depend on host susceptibility, prevailing environmental conditions and many other
factors. Keeping in view the facts and figures, it may not be an issue in North
Western Plain Zone of India (Nagarajan 2012).
More detailed analysis of further potential movements of Ug99 have been
undertaken using the HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated
Trajectory), an air-borne particle trajectory model developed by National Oceanic
238 S.C. Bhardwaj et al.
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA (Draxler and Rolph 2003), which
supports the hypothesis that Yemen could be a staging post for onward movement
into the Middle East and Asia. Expanding known range of Ug99 across continent
and high mobility of people nationally and internationally, make us to think of the
need for continuous monitoring and surveillance in all wheat-growing regions of
the world.
When Lr26 was incorporated through 1B/1R translocation for rust resistance, it not
only conferred resistance to stem and stripe rust but also gave many advantages
(Mettin et al. 1973; Zeller 1973). Few years of its introgression-virulent mutants
were identified in Europe (Bartos et al. 1984), India (Nayar et al. 1987), North
America (Kolmer 1991) and elsewhere, mostly these were independent mutations
for gain in virulence for Lr26. In India first variant of P. triticina was identified in
1986 (Nayar et al. 1987) and now there are 19 pathotypes with virulence to Lr26 and
10 with combined virulence to Lr23 and Lr26 (Bhardwaj 2012). Likewise, virulence
to Sr24 was identified in South Africa in 1984 (Roux and Rijkenberg 1987) whereas
in India an independent mutation in pathotype 40A resulted in pathotypes 40-1 with
virulence for Sr24 (Bhardwaj et al. 1990). Prior to that, Sr24 used to confer resis-
tance for stem rust in India. Many incidents of independent mutations for virulence
for one gene are well known in wheat rusts, example of Yr9 (McIntosh et al. 1995)
is well documented. Nagarajan (2012) has classified North Pakistan and NW India
zone (Indo-Gangetic Plains) comprising more than 14 Mha under bread wheat, as
Epidemiological zone III. Referring to earlier publications (Mehta 1940, 1952;
Joshi et al. 1971; Nagarajan and Joshi 1985) the proposed threat due to Pgt Ug99
(Singh et al. 2006, 2008, 2011 and Stokstady 2007) is not relevant to wheat produc-
tion of NWPZ. Thus, keeping an eye on independent mutation and proneness of
Peninsular and Central India and adjoining areas a long-term strategy is in place to
combat this threat.
The estimated feasible area under the risk of Ug99 along its natural migration path
in North Africa, Middle East and Asia (excluding China) might amount to 50 mil-
lion ha of wheat, that is, about 25 % of the world’s wheat area and accounting for an
estimated 19 % of global production amounting to about 117 million tons (Reynolds
and Borlaug 2006). If somehow the Ug99 reaches to these regions, it would affect
estimated one billion people living in these parts of the world. To avoid such type of
catastrophe, one of the best strategies is to identify and deploy resistant wheat geno-
types that can prove suitable for the regions, which are really prone to Ug99.
Extensive screening of wheat genotypes across the hotspots for Ug99 can be done
to identify area-specific potential wheat genotypes with resistance to Ug99.
8 Ug99-Future Challenges 239
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) (earlier Global Rust Initiative) was implemented
on September 9, 2005 at Nairobi, Kenya with the objectives: to monitor the spread of
wheat stem rust race Ug99, to screen the released varieties and germplasm for resis-
tance to Ug99, to distribute the sources of resistance worldwide, breeding to incorpo-
rate diverse resistance genes and adult plant resistance gene into high-yielding
adapted varieties. Under the framework of BGRI, the evolution and migration of the
Ug99 group of races are being monitored carefully so as to provide early warning to
the farmers and wheat rust researchers in case of an epidemic. It will help the farmers
as well as researchers in decision making. India, one of the strong partners of BGRI,
is actively participating in the germplasm testing in Kenya and Ethiopia along with
that from CIMMYT, ICARDA and various other countries. The success of BGRI lies
in a timely replacement of stem rust susceptible cultivars with resistant ones having
equal or better yield potential and other necessary characteristics.
Global Cereal Rust Monitoring System (GCRMS) has been implemented under
the umbrella of BGRI, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR) centres, advanced research labs, national agricultural programmes and
UN-FAO to integrate and disseminates up-to-date information on stem rust inci-
dence, severity, as well as races. It has resulted in to emergence of strong, rapidly
expanding, coordinated international rust surveillance network. So far more than 15
countries are reporting standardized field survey and surveillance data on wheat rust
disease incidence and severity, and this number is expected to rise further in near
future (Singh et al. 2011).
In April 2008 a collaborative effort began, the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat
(DRRW) Project led by Cornell University, seeks to mitigate the threat posed by
Ug99 and other potential races causing wheat rust through the coordinated activities
that will replace susceptible varieties with durably resistant varieties. The DRRW
also aims to harness recent advances in genomics to introduce non-host resistance
(immunity) into wheat. The major goal of the project is to improve international
collaboration in wheat research to meet growing world food demand, which is esti-
mated as 50 % production increase in wheat by 2020.
As preparedness for combating the probable threat of Ug99, more than 250,000
wheat varieties, germplasm collections, and advanced breeding materials from
wheat producing countries of Africa and Asia, were screened for resistance to stem
240 S.C. Bhardwaj et al.
rust race Ug99 and its derivatives at Njoro, Kenya and to a lesser extent, at Kulumsa
and Debre Zeit, Ethiopia from 2005 to 2012. Out of total materials screened more
than 85 % of materials from various countries were found to be susceptible to the
Ug99 group of races. During 2005 and 2006, about 10 % wheat material from
South America, Australia, USA and CIMMYT was documented as resistant to
Ug99 race, possessing resistance gene Sr24, linked to leaf rust resistance gene
Lr24. Unfortunately, during 2006 TTKST, another race in Ug99 lineage with viru-
lence to Sr24 was detected in Kenya (Jin et al. 2008) and by 2007 it had built up
sufficiently to cause an epidemic on the Sr24-carrying variety Mwamba, with
about 30 % of the wheat area in Kenya at that time. TTKST is now the predominant
stem rust race in Kenyan fields, and a majority of wheats carrying Sr24, including
many hard red winter wheats that were resistant to the original Ug99, are now
showing high susceptibility to TTKST in field screening nurseries (Singh et al.
2011). Similarly, in 2007 resistance rendered to Ug99 race by Sr36 gene for US
wheats and for some spring wheats from Australia was knocked out by TTTSK, a
new variant of Ug99 group. Interestingly, during the screening for Ug99 race resis-
tance, it was observed that in contrast to bread wheat, a larger proportion of durum
wheat varieties and germplasm were showing resistance to all the races of the
Ug99 lineage. This phenomenon was attributed to the presence of stem rust resis-
tance gene Sr13 in most of the durum wheat germplasm. Again the Ug99 race got
mutated to produce two new races TRTTF and JRCQC in the Ug99 lineage from
Ethiopia; both of them were able to breakdown the resistance to durum wheat pro-
vided by Sr13. TRTTF race, with virulence to Sr13, SrTmp, and Sr1A.1R has been
reported from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, thus reducing the focus in the
utilization of these resistance genes in breeding programmes. It is predicted that
most of the wheat-growing regions of the world will suffer more and more in the
future because of existing favourable environmental conditions for stem rust build
up and unavailability of suitable Ug99 race resistance wheat germplasm, which
could lead to epidemic build up.
To date, 58 genes have been designated for resistance to wheat stem rust (McIntosh
et al. 2011; Mc Intosh personal comm). Over the last century, these genes have been
identified within common wheat and wild relatives. Many Sr genes of common
wheat origin have been deployed during major efforts to incorporate genetic resis-
tance to stem rust in wheat cultivar development. Of the designated Sr genes many
are single-locus major genes (McIntosh et al. 2011) conferring resistance at all
stages of plant development, sometimes with varying effectiveness at the adult plant
stage. Resistance can also be conferred by multiple minor genes that individually
contribute small effects but together contribute significantly to the resistance pheno-
type. Stem rust resistance from two genes Sr2 and Sr55 are unique in a way that they
8 Ug99-Future Challenges 241
confer quantitative adult plant resistance to stem rust and are pleiotropic (McIntosh
et al. 1995); conferring resistance to diseases including leaf rust, stripe rust and
powdery mildew. Major gene resistance to rust pathogens of wheat generally oper-
ates in a gene-for-gene manner where a single disease resistance gene corresponds
to a single avirulence factor in the pathogen. Most stem rust seedling resistance
genes confer a strong defence response involving chlorosis or necrosis that limit the
formation and spread of fungal hyphae and uredia in host tissues. The type of
defence response and the presence of either chlorosis or necrosis differ, sometimes
greatly, between individual Sr genes and are used to classify the phenotypic expres-
sion of resistance (Stakman et al. 1962). Sr5, Sr17, Sr27, Sr35 and Sr36 all confer
low, hypersensitive infection types whereas Sr22, Sr29 and Sr33 confer low chlo-
rotic infection types (McIntosh et al. 1995).
In contrast, major gene resistance to stem rust that is race specific and observed
at the seedling stage, stem rust resistance conferred by adult plant resistance (APR)
genes is non-race specific and is expressed in adult plants. Most APR genes are
minor genes acting as quantitative trait loci (QTL). The accumulation of multiple
minor genes contributing to resistance has the effect of generating high levels of
resistance in adult plants (Singh et al. 2011). One of the most widely utilized adult
plant resistance genes is Sr2. The gene is most effective in combination with other
resistance genes with small effects. The “Sr2-Complex” comprising Sr2 in combi-
nation with up to five additional stem rust resistance genes with small effects con-
tinues to be bases of adult plant resistance to stem rust in international breeding
efforts (Singh et al. 2011). Although there are several genes showing considerable
amount of resistance to Ug99 group of stem rust races yet, only Sr22, Sr26, Sr35
and Sr50 are known to be effective against all currently reported races of the group.
Sr25 is known to confer high level of resistance only in some specific genetic
backgrounds, especially when present with adult plant resistance gene; Misr 1 in
Egypt and Muquawin 09 in Afghanistan are the example of such varieties with gene
combination of Sr25 and Sr2. Jain and co-workers (2009) reported PKTSC, a race
of stem rust from Nilgiri Hills of India in 2007, possessing virulence to Sr25 and
several other resistance genes; it reduced the utility of Sr25 in future breeding pro-
grammes. Sr26 gene transferred to wheat chromosome 6AL from Triticum elonga-
tum is likely to be utilized in many breeding programmes because of its availability
in adapted genetic backgrounds. Screening of genes Sr29, Sr32, Sr37, Sr39, Sr40
and Sr44 have not been done that widely for their effectiveness to races in Ug99
lineage, which could be useful in breeding programme for stem rust resistance.
A resistance gene temporarily designated as SrCad, located on chromosome
6DS and present in Canadian wheat varieties AC Cadillac and Peace, confers mod-
erate resistance to the Ug99 group of races when present alone and a high level of
resistance when present together with slow rusting leaf rust resistance gene Lr34
(Hiebert et al. 2010). Similarly, a few other temporarily designated genes (SrSha7
derived from Chinese cultivar Shanghai#7, SrND643 from ND643 and SrHuw234
from HUW234) are present in improved wheat materials and, when present alone,
confer moderate levels of resistance to the Ug99 group of races (Singh et al. 2011).
242 S.C. Bhardwaj et al.
Both major gene and minor gene resistance drive evolution of Pgt populations.
Major genes, when deployed singly, have the effect of generating directional selec-
tion toward virulence resulting in boom and bust cycles. The result of continuous
boom and bust cycles are a diminished gene pool of effective stem rust resistance
genes. Minor genes also exert selection on Pgt populations. However, the result of
selection is not a qualitative change as a single mutation from Avr to avr but as a
quantitative increase in aggressiveness. Presumably, resistance from minor genes
does not involve the recognition of Avr gene products to trigger resistance and will
not induce selection pressure in pathogen populations for mutations in major gene
targets. Both mechanisms of resistance show the potential to break down but quan-
titative resistance has shown to be more durable over time and space.
Single genes deployed over large acreages have short lifespans. Pyramids of
stem rust resistance genes show promise in prolonged durability of major gene
resistance. A genotype with multiple genes together, to which no virulence exists in
the pathogen population, should in theory prolong the effectiveness of each indi-
vidual gene. The virulence may not persist in the pathogen population as individuals
with the acquired virulence cannot reproduce because of the presence of additional
resistance genes to which they are avirulent. To cause disease on a cultivar carrying
three major genes for resistance, a pathogen would have to acquire virulence to all
three genes simultaneously which may be a very low probability. In order to assure
that multiple modes of pathogen recognition are active, more than two major genes
present together in a single genetic background should be sufficient to provide mul-
tiple modes of pathogen recognition and thereby prevent the simultaneous mutation
to virulence. A mutation in a pathogen virulence component to overcome resistance
could compromise pathogen fitness resulting in fitness cost (Bahri et al. 2009). This
could potentially increase the durability of a resistance gene product that recognizes
a virulence component that, if lost, confers a fitness penalty to the pathogen.
Therefore, it is always advisable to introduce durable resistance in current wheat
cultivars and recent wheat germplasm as a long-term strategy.
Sr2 gene, transferred from Triticum turgidum L. f. sp. dicoccum Schrank ex.
Schübler (cv. Yaroslav) into hexaploid wheat by McFadden, one of the Sr gene
deployed in modern wheat stem rust management, is reported to provide durable
resistance to stem rust (McIntosh 1988). Hope cultivar of wheat with Sr2 gene was
used in Mexico during the 1940s as the donor for developing the stem rust resis-
tant wheat cultivar Yaqui 50, since then, the Sr2 gene has been employed widely
by CIMMYT in Mexico and spread to many wheat production regions of the
world. The gene has provided durable, broad-spectrum rust resistance effective
against all isolates of P. graminis worldwide for more than 50 years. US wheat
cultivar Chris, which is not known to carry Sr2 but possesses Sr7a (Singh and
McIntosh 1987) also displayed high level of resistance and hence its adult plant
resistance may involve interaction of moderately effective gene Sr7a and other
8 Ug99-Future Challenges 243
Although the stem rust prone area in India is less than 25 % of the total area, the
possible implications of entry of Ug99 race into the country or independent muta-
tion for Sr31 cannot be ignored. In a study on diversity for stem rust resistance in
Indian wheat, commendable diversity was observed (Bhardwaj et al. 2003). Seven
different types of resistance to stem rust were observed in wheat lines evaluated
during 2000–2001. Further we have preparedness to combat the threat named Ug99.
We have already initiated activities in collaboration with CIMMYT and BGRI to
identify and develop suitable resistant cultivars for rapid deployment in its different
wheat zones.
So far more than 947 lines have been screened against Ug99 type of races in
Kenya and Ethiopia (Table 8.2). During summer (off season) crop of 2005, a set of
19 Indian wheat varieties and 3 genetic stocks were screened under natural outbreak
of Ug99 at Njoro, Kenya. Wheat variety HW 1085, developed by IARI Regional
station, Wellington for South Hill zone and three genetic stocks, i.e. FLW 2 (PBW
343 + Sr24), FLW 6 (HP 1633 + Sr24) and FLW 8 (HI 1077 + Sr25), developed at
DWR Regional Station, Shimla, India, were found resistant against Ug99 race under
natural conditions in Kenya. After the detection of TTKST, a new variant of Ug99 in
2006 from Kenya the usefulness of the gene Sr24 was reduced. However, it has been
still reported effective against other races of Ug99 lineage.
In the year 2006, out of 102 Indian lines along with lines from other neighbouring
countries (Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh), screened at Kenya; GW273, GW322,
HD2781, HI1500, MP4010, HI8498, MACS2846 and HD4672 showed satisfactory
level of resistance. The cultivars UP2338 and HUW510, carrying Sr24, showed accept-
able level of resistance in the year 2005 but lost usefulness next year due to the detection
of TTKST. During testing in Kenya, it was observed that most of the varieties (PBW343,
PBW373 and others carrying Sr31) grown in India are susceptible to Ug99.
Likewise, there is need to promote durum wheat cultivars (HI8498, MACS2846,
HD4672) in the central and peninsular zones that showed good to moderate resis-
tance against Ug99 (Joshi et al. 2008). Based on the studies conducted so far, rust
resistance in durum wheat seems to be conditioned by genes different from the
known ones, and hence, can provide the much needed diversity in gene deployment.
A perusal of available data for Central and Peninsular India indicate that Lok1,
HI9498, WH147, GW 322, HI 1531, HI 8627, HD 4672, DL 788-2 and MPO 1215
are in cultivation whereas in Peninsular Zone Lok 1, NI 5439, NIDW 295, MACS
2846, HI 8663, UAS 321 and UAS 431 are being cultivated. All of these are resis-
tant to moderately resistant to Ug99 races. Lok 1 occupies at least 50 % area and
others cover nearly 30 % area in two zones. Ug99 resistant varieties in the two zones
work out to be 80 % of the ~7.0 million ha, i.e. 5.6 million ha.
8.12 Conclusion
Though Ug99 type of races have posed a threat for wheat cultivation throughout the
world, however, with the collaboration of BGRI, Govt. of India through ICAR, New
Delhi has taken proactive steps to meet this challenge. Evaluation in Kenya and
Ethiopia has helped in identifying Ug99 resistant germplasm. Keeping into consid-
eration the harsh cool weather in main wheat belt in India, Ug99 type of virulence
may not be a threat in this area, however, our preparedness and pre-emptive efforts
are in place. In much prone Central and Peninsular India, a sizeable area is under
Ug99 resistant varieties.
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Chapter 9
Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts
and the Threat to Global Crop Production
Cereal rust diseases are caused by fungi in the genus Puccinia, and are distinct from
most other fungi in that they are biotrophic and require a living plant host for their
growth and reproduction, although they have been grown in axenic culture (Williams
et al. 1967). Rust diseases are extremely dangerous because they cycle very rapidly
on the plant (reproduce from infection to new spores in 7–14 days) depending on
temperature (Roelfs 1985b). They produce prodigious numbers of spores (over two
trillion stem rust spores per hectare at moderate infection levels (Rowell and Roelfs
1971), and are commonly transported hundreds of kilometers by wind (Roelfs
1985a). Rust fungi are highly specialized on the hosts they attack (known as formae
speciales or f. sp.), which was first described by Eriksson in 1894 (Anikster 1984).
For example, wheat leaf rust cannot infect corn and corn rust cannot infect wheat,
but some species such as P. graminis have many f. sp. that can infect many host
genera (Cummins 1971). Cereal rust fungi are also specialized in their ability to
infect different genotypes within a host species. This was initially described by
Stakman and Piemeisel (1917) as strains and later became known as physiological
races, which vary in their ability to attack specific resistance genes and can attack
some wheat cultivars but not others (Stakman et al. 1962).
The variability among strains or races to attack specific resistance genes was sum-
marized by Flor (1971) in his gene-for-gene hypothesis where “For each gene that
conditions reaction in the host, there is a corresponding gene in the parasite that
conditions pathogenicity.” A strain or race that is highly virulent can attack (produces
a susceptible reaction) many specific resistance genes, whereas an avirulent race
attacks only a few genes. Rust races have the ability to change in virulence, by both
sexual and asexual mechanisms. Sexual recombination of virulence in the cereal
rusts involves alternate host species (Barberry and Mahonia spp. for stem and stripe
rust, Thalictrum spp. for leaf rust) to complete the life cycle (Jackson and Mains
1921; Craigie 1927; Jin et al. 2010). The barberry alternate host is highly significant
in generating new stem rust races (Roelfs 1982) and causing major epidemics, result-
ing in a major eradication campaign in the USA and Canada (Campbell and Long
2001). However, mutation is the primary source of new variation in virulence (Groth
1984) and can account for most or all changes in virulence that occur (Samborski
1985b). While in many countries there have not been significant outbreaks of rust for
many years, recently there has been an emergence of new highly virulent races that
threaten the worldwide production of wheat. Discussion of the threat of new stem,
leaf, and stripe rust races to wheat production will be presented.
Stem rust of wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. durum), caused by the fungus Puccinia
graminis f. sp. tritici, has historically been the most damaging disease of wheat
worldwide. Stem rust epidemics date back to biblical times where it caused “mil-
dewing and blasting of wheat” (Arthur 1929). One of the first published descrip-
tions of black rust was by Fontana (1767) which described a devastating epidemic
in Tuscany, Italy in 1766. Another excellent treatise of this epidemic was written by
Targioni-Tozzetti, who wrote that “rust is the most serious and formidable malady
of wheat” and described the physiology of infection of the spores through the plant
stomata (Peterson 2001). Many scientists in several countries have studied the tax-
onomy, life cycle, cytology, epidemiology, host–plant resistance, physiology, and
virulence in the cereal rusts and numerous reference books have been published
since the 1800s (Schafer et al. 1984). More is known about stem rust epidemiology,
physiology, histology, and virulence than all other plant diseases (Roelfs 1985b),
due to the significant damage to crops that it can cause.
Stem rust can cause complete crop loss within a few weeks in a seemingly
healthy-looking crop (Fetch et al. 2011), due to tremendous water loss from large
pustules that rip open the epidermis on the stems (Fig. 9.1). Losses to stem rust
occur in all continents where wheat is grown, and several major epidemics have
been documented in Australia and North America (Saari and Prescott 1985). Stem
rust caused numerous losses in wheat in Canada and the USA in the first half of the
twentieth century (Roelfs 1978), with the most significant epidemics occurring in
1916, 1935, and 1953–1954 (Stakman and Harrar 1957). The epidemics from 1953
to 1954 due to the new race 15B were the most damaging in the history of North
America, causing estimated losses of 2.5 and 2.1 million tons in the USA (Stakman
and Harrar 1957) and 1.7 and 5.5 million tons in Canada (Peturson 1958), respec-
tively. In Australia, the most severe epidemic in history occurred in 1973, causing
an estimated $200–300 million loss, which led to the establishment of the Australian
Cereal Rust Control Program (Park 2007). In Ethiopia, a new race of stem rust
caused between 65 and 100 % yield loss in the cultivar Enkoy from 1993 to 1994
(Dubin and Brennan 2009), and in 2013 near total losses were reported on 10,000 ha.
9 Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts and the Threat to Global Crop Production 251
of wheat due to regional epidemics of race TKTT (D. Hodson, pers. comm.).
In South America, stem rust caused a severe epidemic in 1950 by a variant of race
15, and widespread epidemics occurred during 1975–1976 (Germán et al. 2007).
In India, an epidemic during 1946–1947 caused 20 % losses estimated at 2 million
tons (Dubin and Brennan 2009).
Epidemics of cereal rusts occur when there is a combination of a widely grown
susceptible host, virulent race(s), early infection of the crop, and favorable environ-
ment (Roelfs 1985a). An environment that favors rust infection and spread com-
bines high humidity for spore germination and frequent winds that can rapidly
disperse urediniospores over hundreds of kilometers. The movement of uredinio-
spores on prevailing wind currents from maturing crops to green hosts is known as
the “Puccinia path” (Stakman 1934), and has been described in Australia (Luig
1985), India (Nagarajan and Joshi 1985), and North America (Fetch et al. 2011).
A “Puccinia pathway” can also extend across countries and even oceans, with pub-
lished reports of stem rust migration from Africa to western Australia (Watson and
de Sousa 1982). There also appears to exist a “Puccinia pathway” from west Africa
to South America (Saari and Prescott 1985), and the frequent wind movement from
South Africa to South America (Isard and Russo 2011) may vector the dangerous
stem rust strain Ug99 into the western hemisphere. This has serious implications for
the threat of stem rust to worldwide wheat production, as we shall see later.
Changes in virulence of Puccinia graminis can occur both by sexual and asexual
mechanisms. The sexual mechanism requires a functional alternate host (Berberis
and Mahonia spp.) to complete the life cycle (Craigie 1927). In Australia, native
barberry does not exist and the sexual cycle is unimportant (Watson and Luig 1958).
In contrast, common barberry was imported into North America by European
colonists and contributed significantly in the development of new virulent races and
early season infection of wheat, which led to reoccurring epidemics of stem rust in
the late 1800s and early 1900s. This led to the development of barberry eradication
252 T. Fetch and B. McCallum
programs in both Canada and the USA in 1916 (Campbell and Long 2001).
Currently, the role of barberry in the rust life cycle has been almost entirely elimi-
nated in North America (Roelfs 1982). While importation and movement of bar-
berry is still regulated in Canada, the US government terminated their program in
1978 and turned over regulatory responsibilities to state agencies. It has been specu-
lated that it is a matter of time before the sexual stage of P. graminis f. sp. tritici will
revive and again produce new strains of wheat stem rust in North America (Leonard
2000). Eradication of ornamental barberry was critical because it resulted in: (1)
elimination of initial spore inoculum coming from the barberry bushes that can
directly infect emerging wheat crops; and (2) reduced the ability of the fungus to
recombine into new virulent races. Species of barberry are present in Russia
(Skolotneva et al. 2010), Central Asia, and Turkey (Mert et al. 2012) near wheat
production areas, which may be a factor in developing new races of stem rust.
The other mechanism in the development of new stem rust races is by mutation in
asexual populations. Mutation in asexual rust populations has traditionally been
thought of as occurring is a stepwise fashion, by accumulation of one additional viru-
lence factor at a time (Muller 1932; Roelfs and Groth 1980). However, in large asex-
ual populations two mutations can occur more quickly than anticipated because of
recurrent rather than unique events (Maynard 1968). The deployment of resistant
wheat varieties in many countries has been a huge factor in reducing the overall
amount of stem rust inoculum, thus limiting asexual population size and mutations in
virulence. This can be seen in the overall reduction in variability in asexual popula-
tions of P. graminis tritici in North America since resistant cultivars began to be
deployed in the 1950s, which have been documented in numerous virulence surveys.
Johnson and Newton (1946) stated that “new physiologic races with different
pathogenic traits different from those of known races may arise at any time” and
that “the price of security from rust damage is a continuous vigilance in the form
of surveys to detect any pathogenic changes in the economically important rusts
and unrelenting efforts to develop cereal varieties resistant to any virulent races
that may arise.” Annual surveys of virulence in P. graminis tritici were initiated in
1919 in Australia, Canada, and the USA (Kolmer 2000; Park 2007) and have con-
tinued without interruption to date. Surveys of virulence in P. graminis tritici have
been conducted sporadically in South Africa (Pretorius et al. 2007), South America
(Germán et al. 2007), and many other countries. In North America, the variability
in P. graminis tritici has dropped from an average of about 20 races per year in the
1920s to few races in recent years (Roelfs and Groth 1980; Fetch et al. 2011),
attributed primarily to the eradication of barberry (Roelfs 1982). In Australia,
pathotype diversity increased from six races in 1919 to over 50 races in the 1950–
1960s, but has declined both in inoculum level and diversity since the last major
epidemic in 1973 (Park 2007). Changes in virulence in other countries are difficult
to document since long-term surveys have not been conducted. The last interna-
tional survey of virulence in P. graminis tritici was conducted in 18 countries from
1969 to 1971 (Luig 1983), but comparison of races was difficult because of differ-
ences in the nomenclature and rust differential lines that were used. New global
rust surveillance protocols for stem rust have been proposed (Park et al. 2011)
9 Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts and the Threat to Global Crop Production 253
In addition to Ug99, there are other dangerous races of stem rust that exist and
could threaten wheat production if they migrated. A highly virulent race of stem rust
detected in Pakistan from 2005 to 2009 was initially thought to be Ug99, but was
subsequently pathotyped to race RRTTF (Iqbal et al. 2010). This race is also present
in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Yemen and is highly virulent to most Canadian wheat cul-
tivars (Fetch et al. 2012). In Turkey, several races with high virulence (e.g., TKTTC,
RTTTF) were identified in surveys conducted in 2007 and 2008 (Mert et al. 2012).
Since the advent of the BGRI in 2005, there has been renewed interest in studying
virulence and movement of cereal rusts worldwide. A new web-based system called
“Rust SPORE” is now available (http://www.fao.org/agriculture/crops/rust/stem/
rust-report/en/) that provides pathotype information and maps to locate races of
stem rust worldwide, based on virulence data provided by international collabora-
tors (Hodson 2011). This system in tandem with increased worldwide survey data
of stem rust races would be highly useful in documenting new races with high viru-
lence that threaten global wheat production.
Wheat leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks., is the most common and widely
distributed of the wheat rusts (Huerta-Espino et al. 2011). Typical symptoms of leaf
rust infection are small round orange pustules on plant leaves (Fig. 9.2). Although
damage caused by leaf rust is not as dramatic as stem or stripe rust, the annual losses
are higher because of the wide distribution and frequent presence of the disease. In
order to identify effective leaf rust resistance (Lr) genes to develop resistant wheat
cultivars, many countries initiated virulence surveys that are either conducted annu-
ally, at regular intervals, or sporadically. Virulence surveys around the world have
revealed that P. triticina is a highly variable pathogen (Huerta-Espino et al. 2011).
This variation can result from a number of different sources including introduction or
movement of P. triticina, mutation, sexual recombination, and parasexual or somatic
recombination followed by selection due to resistance in the host (Johnson 1961).
Sexual recombination is relatively rare for P. triticina in most parts of the world
since the alternate or sexual host, Thalictrum speciosissimum L., is native to south-
ern Europe and southwest Asia, but is absent from most wheat growing areas
(Kolmer 2013). Therefore, P. triticina is confined mostly to asexual or clonal repro-
duction, with the relatively rare occurrence of parasexual recombination (Park and
Wellings 2012). Where P. triticina populations have been analyzed in detail with
virulence and molecular markers, they are usually described as a collection of clonal
groups (Singh et al. 2004a; Ordonez and Kolmer 2009; Kolmer et al. 2011, 2012a).
These groups are distinct from each other, and members within a group have more
similarity to each other than to members of other groups (Wang et al. 2010; Kolmer
2013). However, there can be significant diversity within groups, due to mutation
and selection. Saari and Prescott (1985) and Huerta Espino (1992) divided the world
into 11 major epidemiological zones including South Africa, North Africa and
Western Europe, West Asia (including the middle east), South Asia, South East
Asia, Far East, North America, Mexico, South America, Australia and New Zealand,
and Eastern Europe and Egypt. These regions were defined by the wind patterns
which determine the spread of rust pathogens. Within each region, subdivision can
occur due to the crop species and cultivars grown, or to physical barriers to move-
ment such as mountain ranges.
Virulence changes in P. triticina populations are most evident in countries that
have conducted annual surveys over a long period of time such as Australia, Canada,
and the USA. One of the earliest studies on physiologic specialization in P. triticina
was done in the USA by Mains and Jackson (1926), which described 12 different
races of the fungus differentiated by their virulence on a set of 11 standard differen-
tial lines. Johnston et al. (1968) summarized annual race surveys conducted in the
USA between 1926 and 1960 and found 100 different races described over that
period using eight of the differentials described by Mains and Jackson. There were
a small number of relatively common races that were found repeatedly over a num-
ber of years, but most races were relatively rare and were only found either once or
a few times. They also noted that the various regions of the country differed in the
prevalent races that were found. By 1961 there were 183 different races reported
worldwide (Johnston 1961). Virulence analysis in the USA and other countries sub-
sequently moved away from using differential cultivars, which often contained
more than one resistance gene, to near-isogenic lines that only had a single Lr gene
in a susceptible genetic background (Long et al. 1985). Changes in the pathogen
population could now be tracked by changes in virulence frequency to each Lr gene
as well as changes in frequency of races. An expanded set of 12 near-isogenic lines
were used to distinguish races in North America after 1986, along with the
development of a letter-code nomenclature system (Long and Kolmer 1989). This
system is currently used in Canada and the USA, with the addition of one more set
of four differential lines. Although hundreds of unique races have been identified in
annual virulence surveys, they were found to form six distinct groups or race clus-
ters (Ordonez and Kolmer 2009). While there is considerable variation within a
group, the differences between races within the same group were smaller than those
between groups. The groups tend to stay isolated because of asexual reproduction,
256 T. Fetch and B. McCallum
and to some extent because of geographic isolation. Variation within each race
group is thought to be primarily due to mutation and selection.
Virulence surveys of P. triticina were initiated in Canada in 1931 (Johnson 1956)
and have been conducted annually since that time. In reviewing the virulence spec-
trum found between 1931 and 1955, Johnson (1956) reported 51 different races.
Most were relatively rare and different races tended to predominate in eastern
Canada compared to western Canada. From 1956 to 1987, there was selection for
virulence in the Canadian P. triticina population over time on Lr genes used in
North American cultivars, although virulence also existed for Lr genes that were not
used in commercial wheat production (Kolmer 1989). From 1987 to 1997, the east-
ern and western populations in Canada were clearly distinct based on virulence
differences. The effects of host selection were more apparent in western Canada
because of the higher use of Lr genes within the wheat cultivars of the Great Plains
(Kolmer 1999). The Canadian population from 1997 to 2007 resembled the popula-
tion in the USA with six race clusters based on virulence phenotype, but was less
clearly distinguished using molecular markers (Wang et al. 2010).
The 11 different global epidemiological zones tend to have leaf rust populations
that are geographically isolated from each other (Huerta-Espino et al. 2011).
However, an important component to changes in P. triticina populations is the move-
ment of the pathogen between zones. Puccinia triticina co-evolved with wheat in
Middle East and spread throughout the world along with wheat production. The
introduction of both wheat and P. triticina into areas such as North and South
America, Australia, and New Zealand has been relatively recent. The race groups in
South America were found to closely resemble those in North America, because both
populations were likely derived from European introductions (Ordonez et al. 2010).
In North America, the MBDS race cluster first appeared in 1996 and was rapidly
selected due to virulence on Lr17, which was present in many of the USA wheat
cultivars (Ordonez and Kolmer 2009). Race MBDS became prevalent in both the
USA and Canada between 1996 and 2004. This race cluster was thought to be an
exotic introduction (Kolmer 2001) because it is unique from the other previously
existing race groups for a number of virulence and molecular markers (Ordonez and
Kolmer 2009; Wang et al. 2010). This race group appeared in South America in
1999 (Ordonez et al. 2010), and it is speculated that this race group could have
originated from Mexico and spread to both North and South America.
Virulence surveys for leaf rust have been conducted in Australia and New Zealand
since the 1920s (Park et al. 1995). Exotic introductions have occurred several times.
Race 53-1,(6),(7),10,11 appeared in New Zealand in 1981, and differed from previ-
ous races for many virulence genes and also had a unique isozyme allele pattern
(Luig et al. 1985). In 1984, race 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 was detected, which differed
from previous races in at least nine virulence genes and two isozyme loci (Park et al.
1995). The original race also diversified rapidly through mutation to virulence on
additional resistance genes and selection to form a group of related races.
In many areas of the world durum wheat is highly resistant to the resident P. tri-
ticina populations. In Mexico, durum was grown for over 25 years without losses to
leaf rust. However, in 2001 a new P. triticina race (BBG/BN) started to cause serious
9 Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts and the Threat to Global Crop Production 257
leaf rust epidemics (Singh et al. 2004a). This race was highly virulent on Mexican
durum cultivars and also on those from many other countries, but was very avirulent
on bread wheat. Increased virulence was also noticed in other durum growing coun-
tries. When P. triticina isolates found on durum from various regions around the
world were compared for virulence they were very similar, although very different
from P. triticina isolated from bread wheat in the same regions, suggesting a com-
mon origin (Ordonez and Kolmer 2007).
Changes in the virulence of P. triticina and other rust fungi are most commonly
attributed to mutation that allows a formerly avirulent race to become virulent and
infect specific wheat cultivars. Mutation to virulence may be a relatively rare event,
but the effective enormous size of the pathogen population increases the occurrence
(Samborski 1985a). New mutant virulent races increase rapidly in frequency
because of host selection. The evolution from avirulence to virulence is often a two-
step process because of the dikaryotic nature of P. triticina. Races that have mutated
at one of the two loci controlling avirulence to a particular resistance gene often
have an intermediate phenotype and a partial level of virulence (Samborski 1963;
Kolmer and Dyck 1994) because of partial dominance. A number of genetic studies
on P. triticina have found that avirulence loci are heterozygous, but if avirulence is
fully dominant then the phenotypic change from avirulence to virulence is not
observed until both loci have mutated (Samborski 1985a).
A series of mutational virulence changes from a single progenitor can lead to the
development of race clusters typically found in many regions of the world. This
process is illustrated by Park et al. (1995) who postulated seven different mutational
changes for virulence to create seven new races from one originally introduced race.
The appearance of a damaging Lr24 virulent race in Australia in 2000 was attributed
to mutation, since the new race was very similar to a previously existing race with
the addition of Lr24 virulence (Park et al. 2002). In North America, races virulent to
Lr21 recently appeared after many years of complete effectiveness of this gene
(McCallum et al. 2011b; Kolmer et al. 2012b). These races most likely are mutants
from preexisting races because of their close similarity apart from Lr21 virulence.
The evolution of Lr21 virulence is a major problem for wheat breeders in the north
central USA and Canadian prairies because of extensive use of this resistance gene
in wheat cultivars. A number of other virulence changes in P. triticina populations
have been attributed to this step-wise mutation process (Kolmer et al. 2009).
Parasexual or somatic hybridization is another mechanism of variation in
P. triticina and other rust fungi (Park and Wellings 2012). The frequency of this
mechanism of recombination in nature is unknown. However, a strong case for
the occurrence of somatic hybridization involves the appearance of race
64-(6),(7),(10),11 in Australia in 1990 (Park and Wellings 2012). This race combined
a number of different virulence features and isozyme alleles that were previously
detected in two different races. DNA marker analysis strengthened the hypothesis
that race 64-(6),(7),(10),11 was a somatic hybrid from the two previously existing
races (Park and Wellings 2012). The actual mechanism of somatic hybridization and
recombination in rust fungi is not fully understood, and attempts to replicate this pro-
cess under controlled conditions have had mixed success (Park and Wellings 2012).
258 T. Fetch and B. McCallum
However, hyphae of different P. triticina races are capable of vegetative fusion, and
nuclei from the paired strains come into very close association suggesting a nuclear
fusion process (Wang and McCallum 2009). It is unknown how common somatic
hybridization is in P. triticina, but in the absence of the alternate host it represents a
powerful mechanism for rapid recombination of the genomes of reproductively iso-
lated races.
Sexual recombination in P. triticina is only possible in those areas of the world
with an alternate host, primarily Thalictrum speciosissimum L., although a small
number of other species have been reported to function as alternate hosts (Samborski
1985a). Thalictrum speciosissimum is native to southern Europe and southwest
Asia. However, when populations from Europe (Kolmer et al. 2012a) and Central
Asia (Kolmer and Ordonez 2007) were analyzed for molecular markers and viru-
lence, there was little evidence of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction in
P. triticina populations has been shown to increase diversity, generate a more ran-
dom distribution of virulence, and reduce linkage disequilibrium under controlled
conditions (Kolmer 1992; Liu and Kolmer 1998). Sexual reproduction does not
appear to be functional in most P. triticina populations analyzed to date because
populations were characterized by high levels of linkage disequilibrium, heterozy-
gosity, and clonally reproducing groups of related races.
Genetic changes in P. triticina populations around the world have resulted in
virulence on wheat cultivars that were formerly resistant, leading to epidemic yield
losses. The mechanisms for this genetic change include migration or introduction,
mutation, parasexual recombination, sexual recombination, and selection. The abil-
ity for a resistance gene or a cultivar to remain resistant over a long period of time
is termed durability. Most race-specific resistance genes and the cultivars that have
only race-specific resistance genes have been overcome by genetic changes in the
P. triticina population leading to susceptibility (Kolmer et al. 2009), and therefore
have not been durable. However, the non-race-specific gene Lr34 has been deployed
globally for many years and has been durable in Canadian cultivars since the 1970s
(McCallum et al. 2011a). The wheat cultivar Pasqua (Dyck 1993) has Lr34 com-
bined with four race-specific resistance genes and has been essentially immune to
leaf rust in Canada since its release in 1991 (McCallum and Thomas 2011). While
it is difficult to control or slow the rate of genetic change in P. triticina, effective
resistance strategies based on non-race-specific genes like Lr34, Lr46, and Lr67
(Hiebert et al. 2010) are the best defense against losses to wheat leaf rust.
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Erikss., is currently
the most damaging of the cereal rust pathogens worldwide (Singh 2004). Symptoms
of stripe rust infection are long linear chains of pustules constricted by veins on leaf
tissue (Fig. 9.3), but can also infect wheat heads. It was first described in 1777 and
its center of origin is presumed to be in the Middle East (Stubbs 1985), but has
9 Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts and the Threat to Global Crop Production 259
spread to all countries where wheat is grown. Although stripe rust has been said to
lack the “killing power” of stem rust, numerous epidemics have occurred sporadi-
cally across the world and losses of up to 80 % have been reported (Wellings 2011).
Stripe rust is the most important disease on wheat in China, where 80 % of the cur-
rent varieties are susceptible to the predominant races, and the last epidemic in 2002
caused losses of 1.3 million metric tons (Wan et al. 2007). Severe epidemics of
stripe rust have occurred in Australia since 2003 due to an exotic introduction of a
new race, resulting in fungicide applications estimated between AUS$40–90 annu-
ally (Wellings 2007). Stripe rust is endemic in the Pacific Northwest region of the
USA, with the most severe loss of 0.8 million metric tons occurring in 1976 (Chen
2007). Losses are often associated with new races that develop virulence for host
resistance genes in cultivars that have recently been deployed.
Virulence variation in P. striiformis is accomplished by both sexual and asexual
mechanisms. The alternate host for P. striiformis was previously unknown, but
recently has been identified as species of Berberis (Jin et al. 2010), thus the life
cycle is similar to P. graminis. Generation of new virulent races of stripe rust by
sexual means is most likely occurring in areas where species of Berberis are abun-
dant (Jin 2011), particularly in western China (Chen et al. 2009) and in the Pacific
Northwest region of the USA. Prior to the discovery of the sexual cycle, changes in
virulence were thought to be strictly by asexual means of mutation or somatic
recombination (Stubbs 1985). The high mutation rate in stripe rust may be explained
by exposure to UV irradiation during spore movement (Johnson et al. 1978), and
has been estimated at three times higher compared to stem rust urediniospores
(Maddison and Manners 1972). Stepwise mutation is the most common method of
genetic variation that leads to development of new races (Wellings 2011). This was
documented in Australia where 20 new pathotypes were derived from an exotic
introduction (Wellings 2007), and in the USA where 62 new races have been identi-
fied since 2000 (Chen 2007).
Work on identifying races of stripe rust has been conducted worldwide since the
discovery of strains by Allison and Isenbeck (1930). One significant problem in
race identification is the lack of an agreed-upon system in naming races of P. stri-
iformis. The first international nomenclature system was suggested by Johnson
et al. (1972) and used a binary notation based on nine “International” differential
260 T. Fetch and B. McCallum
lines. This has been modified by the use of a second set of eight lines denoted by the
letter “E” for the “European” differentials, plus the reaction on cultivar “Avocet” in
Australia (McIntosh et al. 1995). A similar system is in India, using seven of the
“International” set of lines and the eight “European” lines, plus two supplemental
lines (Prashar et al. 2007). In China, a numerical system with the prefix CYR
(Chinese Yellow Rust) uses 17 differential lines to determine the race (Wan et al.
2004). The numerical system is also used in the USA, with a prefix of PST and 20
differential lines (Chen 2007). Comparison of virulence across the various nomen-
clature systems is difficult since many differential lines are wheat cultivars that
contain more than one resistance gene (Yr gene). Recently, a number of near-
isogenic lines each containing a single Yr gene in the “Avocet” background has been
developed (Wellings 2009). The use of selected Yr genes in the Avocet NIL back-
ground and the letter-code nomenclature system similar to that used in stem and leaf
rust would enable the direct comparison of stripe rust virulence on a global basis.
Regardless of the systems used to characterize the races of stripe rust, new races
are migrating worldwide. Stripe rust is primarily dispersed and spread on prevailing
winds like the other cereal rusts, but also have several documented exotic introduc-
tions via human-mediated travel. Stripe rust was introduced into Australia in 1979
on the clothing of a tourist that returned from Europe (O’Brien et al. 1980). Shortly
thereafter, it spread to New Zealand on prevailing winds (Beresford 1982). A sec-
ond exotic introduction of race 64E0A− occurred in 1999, followed by a third in
2002 of race 134E16A+ in western Australia (Wellings 2007). Race 134E16A+ is
nearly identical to race PST-78, an exotic introduction into the USA in 2000, and
indicates an association of international travel in the migration of dangerous races
of stripe rust (Wellings 2011). Stripe rust also was introduced into South Africa in
1996 (Pretorius et al. 2007). Once new races are introduced or develop by mutation,
they can be rapidly spread by wind. Virulence for gene Yr9 occurred initially in East
Africa and spread rapidly across the Middle East to Pakistan and India in the 1990s
(Singh et al. 2004b). Races 134E16A+ and PST-78 spread rapidly across Australia
and the USA, respectively, shortly after their introduction. Virulence to Yr27, a gene
present in many wheat cultivars in the Central and Western Asia and Northern Africa
(CWANA) regions, initially was detected in India in 2001 but has spread to several
countries in the CWANA region resulting in severe epidemics in 2010 (Sharma-
Poudyal et al. 2013).
Most epidemics of stripe rust occurring recently are due to the increased viru-
lence seen globally in populations of P. striiformis. In China, races found recently
have a wider virulence spectrum than those found earlier (Wan et al. 2007). Races
collected in 1999 in Syria and Lebanon had greater virulence compared to those
collected only 5 years earlier (Yahyaoui et al. 2002). New stripe rust races have been
detected in India since 1995 and are evolving frequently (Prashar et al. 2007).
Numerous pathotypes with increased virulence have been detected in Australia
since the three exotic introductions beginning in 1979 (Wellings 2007). In the USA,
virulence has increased since the exotic introduction of PST-78 in 2000 (Chen
2007). Additionally, new variants of PST-78 are more aggressive and can tolerate
higher environmental temperatures (Milus et al. 2006). Wellings (2011) surveyed
9 Increased Virulence of Wheat Rusts and the Threat to Global Crop Production 261
25 scientists worldwide and found that regions in the USA, East Asia, South Asia,
Australia, and Kenya were the most “at risk” for stripe rust epidemics based on
incidence and severity scores. Clearly the continued evolution of new races and
their subsequent migration makes stripe rust the most damaging of all the cereal
rusts at this time on a global scale.
9.5 Conclusions
Wheat is the primary source of nutrition for about 85 % of the world’s population,
which is anticipated to grow to nine billion people by 2050 (Chaves et al. 2013).
Thus, it is critical to maximize production of this crop. The most important con-
straints to wheat production are the rust diseases, which are very explosive and can
cause severe epidemics with substantial losses in a short period of time. Rust dis-
eases are controlled mainly by deployment of resistance genes, but can be overcome
by new races with increased virulence that overcome host resistance. Although
numerous wheat cultivars have been developed with good levels of rust resistance
both before and subsequent to the Green Revolution, rusts are “shifty enemies”
(Stakman 1947) that constantly change in virulence in response to deployment of
new resistance genes. New races of stem, leaf, and stripe rust with increased viru-
lence have been recently described worldwide and present a significant threat to
global wheat production. Dr. Norman Borlaug said “Rust never sleeps,” and it is
critical that new rust scientists are trained and virulence surveys are conducted
worldwide on an annual basis. As earlier stated by Johnson and Newton (1946),
“the price of food security from rust damage is continued vigilance in the form of
surveys to detect any pathogenic changes … and unrelenting efforts to develop
cereal varieties resistant to virulent races as they arise.” Thus, we must not become
complacent after decades of research and control of rust diseases in many countries,
because we may have won the battle but have not yet won the war.
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Chapter 10
Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops:
Impact and Disease Management Strategies
Species of the genus Fusarium are ascomycetes that are characterized by their typical
conidia, which are often fusiform to sickle-shaped with an elongated apical cell and
pedicellate basal (foot) cell. Several important Fusarium species, including F. avena-
ceum, F. graminearum and F. pseudograminearum, are known to produce a teleo-
morph state that was formerly classified in the genus Gibberella. In other species,
such as F. culmorum, F. oxysporum and F. sporotrichioides, no teleomorph has been
reported, so far. Geiser et al. (2013) proposed to recognize the genus Fusarium as the
sole name for a group that includes virtually all important saprophytic, plant patho-
genic, and mycotoxigenic species. Fusarium spp. can be identified by morphological
features and also by genetic analysis. Morphological species identification can be
based on microscopic and/or macroscopic characters, such as conidia, phialides,
chlamydospores, ascospores and colony characteristics of pure cultures (see
Figs. 10.1 and 10.2). Macroconidia, a form of asexual spores most often aggregated
to sporodochia, are usually ‘banana’-shaped in Fusarium species, which can also
produce microconidia in the aerial mycelium and/or chlamydospores in hyphae. The
size, shape and number of septa in the macroconidia are often used to differentiate
between species (Leslie and Summerell 2006). The teleomorph state is characterized
by black, flask-shaped perithecia with a single ostiole (narrow opening) at the top,
from which the asci (containing the ascospores) are released. The asci of F. gra-
minearum (formerly Gibberella zeae) have been shown to be forcibly ejected through
the ostiole under conditions of high humidity (Trail et al. 2002).
Genetic analysis is a more accurate approach for species identification and is
enhanced by an increase in available Fusarium genome sequences. The genomes of
several important Fusarium species such as F. graminearum, F. oxysporum, F. pseu-
dograminearum, F. solani and F. verticillioides are publicly available through various
data portals (e.g. Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT; DOE Joint Genome Institute;
NCBI GenBank). The F. graminearum strain Ph1 was the first complete Fusarium
genome to be published and annotated (Cuomo et al. 2007). The F. graminearum
genome is 36 megabases (Mb) with over 13,000 genes. A comparison of the Ph1
strain with the partially completed genome of F. graminearum strain GZ3639 revealed
over 10,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms found along all four chromosomes
(Cuomo et al. 2007). The complete genome sequence and assembly of F. gra-
minearum GZ3639 and seven other F. graminearum strains were recently prepared
by R. Subramaniam and colleagues (personal communications). F. graminearum has
a small number of chromosomes compared to other Fusarium spp., and this is
believed to be a result of ancestral chromosome fusion (Cuomo et al. 2007). F. verti-
cillioides strain 7600 and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici strain 4287 were sequenced
and compared to F. graminearum Ph1 by Ma et al. (2010). F. verticillioides is 42 Mb
with over 14,000 genes found on 11 chromosomes. F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
genome is 60 Mb, the largest of the three genomes, with over 17,000 genes encoded
on a total of 15 chromosomes. Four of the 15 chromosomes are lineage specific and
are composed primarily of transposable elements. Ma et al. (2010) also observed that
the lineage specific regions differ in sequence among different formae speciales of
F. oxysporum, and some of these regions encode virulence factors specific to the host
range of a given strain. They were able to demonstrate that chromosome 14, which
encodes host-specific virulence factors, is able to undergo horizontal transfer
between different F. oxysporum f. sp., and that this transfer leads to a change in
host-specificity. F. solani (N. haematococca MPVI isolate 77-13-4) has also been
sequenced and has 17 chromosomes with a genome size of 54.43 Mb. Of the 17
chromosomes, three (14, 15 and 17) are non-essential, and at least one of these
(chromosome 14) is involved in host-specificity (Coleman et al. 2009).
A subset of Fusarium spp. produces a series of mycotoxins, including trichothe-
cenes and fumonisins. Both of these classes of toxins are secondary metabolites and
their production is controlled by a specific set of genes found in clusters on the
genome. Fumonisins are produced by a number of Fusarium spp., including F. ver-
ticillioides, an important pathogen of maize. Over 28 fumonisins have been
identified to date, and are divided into four groups (Rheeder et al. 2002): A-, B-,
C- and P-series. Fumonisins are composed of a 19- to 20-carbon aminopolyhy-
droxyalkyl backbone, similar in structure to sphingosine (Shier 1992). The B-series
is the most abundant of the four series (where fumonisin B1 is the major fumonisin
found in Fusarium-infected grain) and forms the basic fumonisin structure.
270 N.A. Foroud et al.
The A-series is characterized by the acetylation of the amino group (Abbax et al.
1993); members of the C-series do not have a terminal methyl group (Branham and
Plattner 1993); members of the P-series have a 3-hydroxypyridinium in place of the
carbon-2 amine (Musser et al. 1996). Fumonisin toxicity is related to its ability to
disrupt sphingolipid metabolism through inhibition of ceramide synthase activity
(Voss et al. 2007). These toxins have been shown to affect mitochondrial respiration
(Domijan and Abramov 2011) and have been associated with various cancers in
humans and animals (Gelderblom et al. 1988; Müller et al. 2012). The fumonisin
biosynthetic genes are referred to as FUM genes and are found in the FUM cluster
(Proctor et al. 2003, 2006).
Trichothecenes are potent inhibitors of eukaryotic protein biosynthesis and are
expressed by Fusarium pathogens that affect cereal crops, including F. culmorum,
F. graminearum and F. sporotrichioides. Over 200 trichothecenes have been identi-
fied from a variety of fungal species (Cole and Cox 1981; Schollenberger et al.
2007). The trichothecenes are divided into four groups based on specific structural
features (reviewed in Shank et al. 2011): Types A, B, C and D. Trichothecene-
producing Fusarium spp. produce either Type A trichothecenes (such as T-2 toxin
and HT-2 toxin), or Type B trichothecene (such as nivalenol (NIV), 4-deoxynivale-
nol (DON; also known as vomitoxin) and acetylated derivatives). The genes encod-
ing trichothecene biosynthesis and metabolism (TRI genes) are mainly found in the
TRI cluster (Hohn et al. 1993; Ward et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2004), and the specific
trichothecenes produced by a given species are determined by the sequences of the
TRI genes within this cluster. A summary of TRI genes and their functions are
reviewed in Foroud and Eudes (2009). Sequence differences among specific TRI
genes, which define their trichothecene genotype (Desjardins 2008), have been used
to predict the trichothecene chemotype of a given Fusarium strain (Lee et al. 2001;
Ward et al. 2008; Alexander et al. 2011; Boutigny et al. 2011; Reynoso et al. 2011).
For example, NIV chemotypes are determined by the presence of functional
sequences of the Tri13 and Tri7 genes for NIV and 4-acetylnivalenol production,
respectively (Lee et al. 2002; Kim et al. 2003). DON producers, which do not express
functional Tri13/Tri7 genes, are divided into two chemotypes (3-acetyldeoxynivalenol
(3-ADON) and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-ADON)) determined by the esterase
specificity encoded in the TRI8 gene (Alexander et al. 2011).
From the Fusarium TRI cluster, DNA sequences of the TRI12 gene encoding a
trichothecene efflux pump have been used to develop real-time PCR assays for quan-
titative diagnostics of the 3ADON, 15ADON and NIV genotypes of F. graminearum
and F. culmorum (Kulik 2011; Nielsen et al. 2012). These assays utilize genetic
markers directly involved in the production of trichothecenes and provide a power-
ful, cost effective tool to monitor the genotype composition and shifts in pathogen
populations of mycotoxigenic Fusarium species. Over the past decade, a number of
quantitative assays for the detection and quantification of other toxin producing
Fusarium species have been published (reviewed by Morcia et al. 2013). Applications
of these quantitative diagnostic tools included traceability studies of different
Fusarium species on small cereals (Waalwijk et al. 2004, 2008; Yli-Mattila et al.
2006; Fredlund et al. 2010, 2013; Lindblad et al. 2013), grain dust (Halstensen et al.
2006), and along wheat processing chains (Terzi et al. 2007; Tittlemier et al. 2014).
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 271
10.2.1 Pathogens
Canada is a major world exporter of pulse crops. In particular, lentil (Lens culina-
ris) and field pea (Pisum sativum) production in Canada has been rising due to the
benefits of crop diversification, nitrogen inputs into the soil, and increased
272 N.A. Foroud et al.
worldwide demand for pulse crops (Graham and Vance 2003). In 2012, 2.5 million
hectares of pulse crops were planted in Canada, with the majority planted to lentil
(1.0 million hectares), and peas (1.35 million hectares) (Statistics Canada). Dry
beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) comprise the remain-
der of pulse crops with 120,000 and 80,000 hectares planted, respectively, in 2012.
The goal of the Canadian pulse industry is to realize an increase of pulse acreage to
15 % of total planted area. Currently, pulse acreage accounts for an average of
5–10 % total crop area over the three main pulse-growing provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
As pulse acreage increases, the prevalence and incidence of root rots, caused by
Fusarium spp., have also been increasing. Most pulse crops are subject to root rot
pathogens that build up in the soil over several years and reduce plant stands and
yields (Persson et al. 1997; Bailey et al. 2003; Infantino et al. 2006; Naseri and
Marefat 2011). Root rot is a general term that describes disease symptoms which
include reddish-brown-black lesions on the hypocotyl and tap root, often accompa-
nied by vascular discolouration, foliar chlorosis and wilt (Agrios 1997; Bailey et al.
2003; Infantino et al. 2006). Yield losses of 10–30 % are commonly observed in
pulse crops affected by moderate to severe root rot, but yield loss potential can be
even higher under favourable environmental conditions (Oyarzun 1993; Schneider
et al. 2001; Schwartz et al. 2005; Cichy et al. 2007). Root rots, causing wilt and
death of mature plants, are reported throughout pulse-growing regions in Canada,
and experienced growers are increasingly challenged with yield loss due to stand
death. Annual disease surveys indicate that root rot incidence is now widespread in
most pulse-growing regions of Canada.
Root rots can be caused by a number of fungi, including Pythium, Rhizoctonia
and/or Fusarium spp. (Bailey et al. 2003). However, Fusarium root rot is considered
the most prevalent root disease in field peas, dry beans and lentils (Henriquez et al.
2012b; McLaren et al. 2012; Miller et al. 2012). In recent years, 80–100 % of pea
fields surveyed in Saskatchewan and Manitoba had plants with root rot symptoms,
with severity usually occurring at a moderate level, or 30–40 % of roots and lower
stem with symptoms (McLaren et al. 2010, 2011, 2012; Dokken-Bouchard et al.
2011). Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi and F. avenaceum (teleomorph formerly Giberella
avenacea) are the most prevalent pathogens in field pea crops, with F. avenaceum
becoming the predominant species isolated from rotted roots in recent years
(McLaren et al. 2012). Fusarium avenaceum is a common soil saprophyte in tem-
perate regions, and has traditionally been associated with crown rot and Fusarium
head blight (FHB) of cereals (Leslie and Summerell 2006; Fernandez 2009).
However, it is also very aggressive on all pulse crops, including lentils, dry bean and
field peas, and is now the principal species associated with root rot of field pea
across the prairie region (Feng et al. 2010; Chittem et al. 2012). The ‘F. solani spe-
cies complex’ comprises over 50 phylogenetic species, of which many members are
common soil-dwelling fungi, and act as saprophytes and/or plant pathogens
(Coleman et al. 2009). Pathogenic isolates in this group are further characterized by
formae speciales to indicate the specific host plants to which they are restricted,
such that F. solani f. sp. pisi is only pathogenic to pea, and F. solani f. sp. phaseoli
is only pathogenic to beans (Oyarzun et al. 1993).
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 273
Most of the Fusarium spp. capable of causing root rots on pulse crops produce the
same disease symptoms, making it difficult to distinguish between causal agents
(Hwang et al. 1995, 2000; Bailey et al. 2000; Bilgi et al. 2008; Feng et al. 2010).
Symptoms first appear as small reddish-brown lesions at the base of the hypocotyl
and taproot (Fig. 10.3a) (Stahl et al. 1994; Schwartz et al. 2005). As the disease
advances, lesions coalesce to form large necrotic areas which encircle the stem and
expand vertically (Fig. 10.3c) (Bailey et al. 2003). A reduction in root mass also
becomes evident at this stage. In the final stages of root rots, root mass will be reduced
by 80–100 %, the hypocotyl becomes pithy and lesions can extend vertically upwards
of 2 cm (Bilgi et al. 2008). At this point, the plant is functionally dead with obvious
signs of yellowing, wilting and collapse. Infection with F. solani and F. avenaceum
also causes red or brown streaking of the vascular system, indicating that these patho-
gens can enter the xylem (Fig. 10.3b) (Bailey et al. 2000, 2003; Feng et al. 2010). A
major impact of root-rotting fungi on pulse crops is the reduction in the number of
nodules on the roots, primarily because secondary root growth is severely impacted
(Hwang et al. 1994, 1995). This then results in a reduction in nitrogen fixation, thus
reducing the benefit of pulses to subsequent crops in a rotation.
Infection pathways of F. solani f. sp. pisi on field pea and F. solani f. sp. phaseoli
on dry bean have been well characterized. Fusarium solani survives in crop residues
and in soil as chlamydospores, which serve as the primary inoculum source (Leslie
and Summerell 2006). Chlamydospores are produced in infected tissues of host
crops at the end of the growing season, and can survive in the soil for extended
periods of time (Bailey et al. 2003; Schwartz et al. 2005). Germination of chla-
mydospores are stimulated by the presence of nutrients exuded from germinating
274 N.A. Foroud et al.
seeds of host crops, and thus use of rotations with non-host crops is essential to
reduce survival of chlamydospores (Mondal et al. 1996; Oyarzun et al. 1998).
Chlamydospores germinate to produce hyphae which can directly infect the devel-
oping hypocotyl and epicotyl of seedlings, or the hyphae produces macroconidia
which then infect the seedling (Nelson 2004). In vitro studies have shown that mac-
roconidia of F. solani invade root tissues by primarily colonizing the zone of elonga-
tion. The remainder of the root zones appear to be resistant to primary infection,
even in the presence of large numbers of macroconidia and fungal mycelia
(Gunawardena et al. 2005). However, Stahl et al. (1994) describe direct penetration
of the epidermis of the epicotyl. Production of cutinases by F. solani f. sp. pisi has
also been implicated in initial infection and penetration of the cuticle barrier
(Li et al. 2002; Hadwiger 2008). After penetrating the epidermis, mycelium then
advances through the cortex both inter- and intra-cellularly until it reaches the
Casparian strips present in the endodermis of epicotyl stems. At this point, degrada-
tion of the vascular parenchyma is visible in advance of the invading hyphae, sug-
gesting that cell wall degrading enzymes aid in breaking down the barrier to the
vascular system, and resulting in colonization of the vascular bundles. Studies of
F. solani on peas have shown that this pathogen will exclusively colonize the xylem
stem tissues beyond the epicotyl, while external lesions on the stem abruptly stop on
the epicotyl 1–2 cm above ground (Stahl et al. 1994). It is unknown whether the
other root-rotting fungi, such as F. avenaceum and F. graminearum, colonize and
infect tissues of all host pulse crops in a similar manner.
Unlike the other Fusarium root rot pathogens of pulses, F. avenaceum is unable
to produce chlamydospores, and thus survives in crop residues of susceptible host
crops (Leslie and Summerell 2006). Modern agronomic practices, such as reduced
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 275
tillage, increased glyphosate use and crop rotation with susceptible hosts, have
likely allowed pathogenic Fusarium spp. to accumulate to damaging levels
(Fernandez et al. 2008, 2009, 2011). The increasing prevalence of F. avenaceum
associated with both broad-leaf pulse and cereal crops in Saskatchewan suggests
that Fusarium inoculum is being maintained or even increasing on residues of these
host crops (Bailey et al. 2001; Fernandez 2007; Abdellatif et al. 2010; Feng et al.
2010). Fusarium avenaceum isolates display genetic and ecological plasticity,
allowing this fungus to occupy several ecological niches, such as root tissues of
pulses, head and root tissues of cereals and residues of host crops (Abdellatif et al.
2010). Fusarium avenaceum survived in colonized stem bases of winter wheat over
a period of 10 months in the Netherlands (Köhl et al. 2007) with DNA levels
decreasing by only 50 % over the winter months. F. graminearum survived in stand-
ing wheat stubble for up to 20 months, and provided sufficient inoculum levels to
serve as a primary inoculum for subsequent crops (Hogg et al. 2010).
No commercial cultivars of field pea, lentil or dry beans are completely resistant to
Fusarium root rot (Bailey et al. 2003; Grünwald et al. 2003; Xue 2003). Partial
resistance to Fusarium root rot caused by both F. solani and F. avenaceum has been
reported in one commercial cultivar, ‘Franklin’ (Chittem et al. 2012). The mecha-
nism of resistance is not known, although generally genotypes of dry beans and field
peas with large, robust root systems show better resistance than those with small
root systems (Kraft and Boge 2001; Cichy et al. 2007). Partial resistance is present
in several field pea accessions, but these have not yet been transferred into lines with
desirable commercial attributes (Grünwald et al. 2003). Quantitative trait locus/loci
(QTL) that confer partial resistance to F. solani and F. avenaceum have been
described in field pea, however these QTL did not account for 60 % and 80 %,
respectively, of the observed phenotypic variation in root rot resistance (Feng et al.
2011; Li et al. 2012). This suggests that additional resistance genes or QTL are
associated with root rot resistance (Feng et al. 2011; Li et al. 2012).
In general, large-seeded Andean dry beans (e.g. kidney beans) tend to be more
susceptible to Fusarium root rot than the small-seeded Mesoamerican type beans
(e.g. black beans) (Bilgi et al. 2008). Cultivars with partial resistance to F. solani f. sp.
phaseoli also appear to have resistance to other Fusarium root rot pathogens, such as
F. graminearum (Bilgi et al. 2011). Similar to the situation in field peas, QTL have
been identified in dry bean from bean lines with different root rot resistance
sources, but these QTL generally account for a small proportion of root rot variation
(Schneider et al. 2001; Román-Avilés and Kelly 2005; Ronquillo-López et al. 2010).
Most of these QTL are present in regions of the bean genome where resistance genes,
such as pathogenesis-related proteins (PVPR-2), polygalacturonase-inhibiting pro-
tein (Pgip) and chalcone synthase (ChS) are located (Schneider et al. 2001).
This would indicate that partial physiological resistance to Fusarium root rot is
associated with generalized host defense responses that are induced upon host attack
276 N.A. Foroud et al.
(Schneider et al. 2001; Román-Avilés and Kelly 2005). However, markers associated
with field root rot resistance often do not correlate with greenhouse root rot screening
experiments (Román-Avilés and Kelly 2005). This lack of association suggests that
environmental variation is the most important factor contributing to disease develop-
ment and resistance responses to Fusarium root rot. As a result, breeding for resis-
tance and elucidation of genetic resistance to Fusarium root rots has been challenging,
and limited progress has been made in identifying sources of genetic resistance
(Singh and Schwartz 2010).
The pea-F. solani interaction has been studied as a model system to understand the
biochemical and molecular components of non-host resistance by comparing the dif-
ference in responses of pea to infection with F. solani ff. spp. pisi and phaseoli. This
topic has been reviewed extensively in a recent article (Hadwiger 2008), and thus will
not be reviewed again here.
The two main Fusarium diseases of cereal crops are FHB and Fusarium crown rot
(FCR), both of which have been observed in wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale.
FHB is reviewed here in greater detail since it is the main Fusarium disease of
cereal crops in Canada and worldwide. Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and F.
pseudograminearum (teleomorph aka Gibberella coronicola) are the major species
responsible for FHB and/or FCR (O’Donnell et al. 2000; Liddell 2003; Backhouse
et al. 2004; Smiley et al. 2005; Tóth et al. 2005); although, F. pseudograminearum,
primarily responsible for FCR, is only found occasionally in Canada, as this species
prefers warmer and drier climates. The majority of Fusarium spp. involved in FHB
and FCR produce mycotoxins belonging to the trichothecene class, although other
Fusarium mycotoxins including fumonisins, moniliformin (MON) and zearalenone
(ZEA), have also been found in FHB-infected cereals worldwide (Golrnski et al.
1996; Palacios et al. 2011). Trichothecenes contaminate the kernels of FHB-infected
spikes, and can also accumulate in the kernels of FCR-infected cereals when the
fungus moves up the stem and into the spike (Mudge et al. 2006). Trichothecenes
are harmful for human and animal consumers (Eriksen and Pettersson 2004;
Godfray et al. 2010), and also interfere with downstream processing including malt-
ing (Wolf-Hall 2007). Various cytotoxic effects of trichothecenes have been
observed in mammalian and plant systems (Ueno 1983; Rocha et al. 2005; Pestka
2010; Arunachalam and Doohan 2013), although inhibition of eukaryotic protein
synthesis machinery is the main mechanism of toxicity (Ueno et al. 1968;
McLaughlin et al. 1977). Consumption of contaminated grain can lead to a condi-
tion known as alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA), where symptoms of ingestion include
gastroenteritis, abdominal and oesophageal pain, ataxia, dyspenia, and subcutane-
ous haemorrhaging (Lutsky et al. 1978; Peraica et al. 1999). The main potential
source of trichothecene contamination of food is from FHB-infected cereals, and
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 277
DON is the main trichothecene detected in grain. For this reason, limits are in place
to manage DON in food and feed, as described in Sect. 10.6.
The Fusarium spp. belonging to the F. graminearum (Fg) complex, responsible
for FHB in North America, are Type B trichothecene producers (Ward et al. 2002;
Starkey et al. 2007). Historically, Fg populations dominated by 15-ADON chemo-
types were responsible for FHB in North America. Some 3-ADON producers were
identified more frequently on the continent over 10 years ago, and have since been
replacing the 15-ADON populations (Ward et al. 2008). The 3-ADON producers
were shown to be the predominant genotype representing more than 90 % of the Fg
populations in the Canadian Maritimes (R. Clear, unpublished). Since the 1990s, the
3-ADON populations have been moving from the Red River valley in Manitoba to
eastern Saskatchewan, and currently represent up to 60 % of the Fg population in
central Alberta. The 3-ADON producers tend to be more aggressive (Foroud et al.
2012a) and produce higher levels of toxins both in culture and in planta (Ward et al.
2008; Puri and Zhong 2010; von der Ohe et al. 2010; Yli-Mattila and Gagkaeva
2010; Foroud et al. 2012a; Clear et al. 2013). The other important Type B trichothe-
cene producing species, F. culmorum (Fc), can be associated with FHB and FCR of
cereals. Its distribution in western Canada appears to depend partly on environmen-
tal factors. Especially in cooler and wet years, F. culmorum can be more frequently
detected (Fig. 10.4) and contribute significantly to DON contamination in cereal
grains (Clear et al. 1993). Similarly to F. graminearum, the 3-ADON chemotype of
F. culmorum is reported to be the more aggressive and toxigenic genotype (Miedaner
et al. 2004). In Canada, the 3-ADON genotype represents 100 % of the Fc popula-
tions found on cereals.
While DON producers are the main species in North America, other chemotypes
have also been identified in cereal crops. NIV producers, for example, encompass
79 % of the F. graminearum strains identified in Louisiana (Gale et al. 2011),
although, this is not representative of the entire population in the United States. In
Canada, the NIV chemotypes represent less than 1 % of the F. graminearum popula-
tion (Gräfenhan, unpublished). NIV has been shown to be less phytotoxic than
DON, and accumulates in lower quantities in the kernels of infected spikes in cereal
crops (Muthomi et al. 2000; Miedaner et al. 2001; Foroud et al. 2012a). However,
to animal and human health NIV is more acutely toxic than DON, with one tenth the
emetic potential compared to that of DON (Wu et al. 2013). In Canada, occasional
contamination of barley with NIV is often caused by infections with F. poae. The
Type A trichothecenes, produced by species such as F. sporotrichioides and F. poae,
tend to be more toxic in mammalian systems than Type B trichothecenes and have
also been identified in FHB-infected crops. In western Canada, trichothecene Type
A producing Fusarium species are more frequently recovered from FHB-diseased
oat and barley seeds (Gilbert and Tekauz 2011). On durum wheat, the predominant
Fusarium species found in Canada are F. graminearum and F. avenaceum (Clear
et al. 2005; Gräfenhan et al. 2013; Tittlemier et al. 2013b). Depending on the year,
the latter species can cause significant damage on heads and seed of durum, espe-
cially in the main growing areas of western Canada (Fig. 10.5). Tittlemier et al.
(2013b) demonstrated that F. avenaceum is the main producer of emerging myco-
toxins, including MON and enniatins (ENNs), on durum wheat in Canada.
278 N.A. Foroud et al.
(Mudge et al. 2006). The fungus can be isolated from the stem base, the flag leaf
node, mature heads and kernels of FCR-infected plants (Mudge et al. 2006). FCR
has been observed in cereal crops worldwide, including Canada and the United
States (Smiley et al. 2005; Fernandez et al. 2011), and tends to be a major problem
in Australia (Backhouse et al. 2004; Obanor et al. 2013).
While FHB can be caused by macroconidia or chlamydospores, ascospores
released from the perithecium under humid conditions (reviewed in Bai and Shaner
1994; Parry et al. 1995; Gilbert and Haber 2013) provide the main source of inocu-
lum under field conditions (Sutton 1982; Fernando et al. 2000; Markell and Francl
2003). Infection of cereal inflorescence occurs during anthesis and grain develop-
ment. Initial symptoms appear as brown water spots on individual spikelets, typi-
cally near the base of the glume. As infection progresses, the whole spikelet shows
signs of necrosis or premature senescence (Fig. 10.6), and sometimes white or
280 N.A. Foroud et al.
pinkish mycelium is visible on the surface of the spikelet (Parry et al. 1995).
Detailed studies of Fusarium invasion of the wheat spike have been conducted using
sophisticated microscopy techniques (Kang and Buchenauer 1999, 2000a, b, c,
2002a, b, 2003; Siranidou et al. 2002; Wanjiru et al. 2002; Jansen et al. 2005; Kang
et al. 2005). Fusarium can gain access to the host cell through the stomata; however,
the primary mode of invasion is by direct penetration of the adaxial epidermal cell
walls of the spikelet (Kang and Buchenauer 2000a; Pritsch et al. 2000). Penetration
could be facilitated by cutinases and lipases which may lead to cuticle degradation,
and expression of a Fusarium gene encoding the latter has been implicated in FHB
aggressiveness (Voigt et al. 2005). While cuticle degradation has not been experi-
mentally observed, degradation of cell wall components has been observed during
Fusarium infection of wheat (Kang and Buchenauer 2000b; Wanjiru et al. 2002;
Kang et al. 2005). Furthermore, expression or accumulation of cell wall degrading
enzymes, including cellulases and pectate esterases, has been observed in the F.
graminearum secretome and upon exposure to plants or cell wall components
(Phalip et al. 2005; Paper et al. 2007; Carapito et al. 2013; Rampitsch et al. 2013).
Once established within the spikelet, hyphae can spread to other spikelets within the
head through the rachis (Parry et al. 1995). Disease spread typically occurs below
the infected spikelets, and premature senescence, or wilt, is sometimes observed
above the infected spikelets. Trichothecene biosynthesis is induced upon coloniza-
tion of the developing kernel, and again at the rachis node (Ilgen et al. 2009). DON
accumulates ahead of the growing hyphae, and by 4–6 days after inoculation the
hyphae can be found at the rachis both inside and outside of the vascular bundles
(Kang and Buchenauer 1999). The production of trichothecenes has been shown to
be necessary for Fusarium disease spread in Triticeae (Proctor et al. 1995; Eudes
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 281
et al. 2001; Bai et al. 2002; Langevin et al. 2004; Jansen et al. 2005; Maier et al.
2006). By contrast trichothecenes are not required for the establishment of initial
infection (Bai et al. 2002; Jansen et al. 2005). FHB infection of the wheat spike
leads to yield losses when infection occurs during anthesis and early stages of ker-
nel development, and the kernels that do develop are often contaminated with myco-
toxins (Bushnell et al. 2003; Steffenson 2003; Del Ponte et al. 2007).
as clearly discernible in standing oats as they are in other cereals (Fig. 10.6) (Tekauz
et al. 2004, 2008). Furthermore, oats tend to accumulate more DON and T-2 toxin
than wheat (Langseth and Rundberget 1999; Tekauz et al. 2004). Triticale, a hybrid
of wheat and rye which has generally been shown to have higher disease resistances
than wheat, is shown to have similar FHB-susceptibility as hexaploid wheat
(Langevin et al. 2004).
FHB resistance is polygenic and also tends to be associated with poor agronomics,
making it challenging for breeders to incorporate high levels of resistance into
favourable cultivars. Over 100 QTL have been identified in FHB resistance of hexa-
ploid wheat, and 22 of these have been reported in multiple mapping populations
(reviewed in Bürstmayr et al. 2009). One of the most widely used and best character-
ized sources of resistance is ‘Sumai3’, a Chinese cultivar with very strong Type II
resistance. Three major QTL have been identified in ‘Sumai3’: 3BS (also known as
Fhb1), which is the best source of Type II resistance; 5A, which is associated with
Type I resistance and is found in different germplasm from different regions world-
wide; and 6BS (Fhb2) (Bürstmayr et al. 2009). It has been proposed that the 3BS QTL
encodes or regulates expression of a UDP-glycosyltransferase (Lemmens et al. 2005)
or a pectin methyl esterase inhibitor (Zhuang et al. 2012). UDP-glycosyltransferases
can detoxify DON through condensation of glucose with the C-3 hydroxyl group
(Poppenberger et al. 2003). Glycosylated-DON and derivatives thereof have been
observed in Fusarium-infected cereals (Berthiller et al. 2005; Dall’Asta et al. 2005;
Lemmens et al. 2005). Pectin methylesterase inhibitors interfere with the activity of
pectin methylesterase, a key enzyme involved in pectin biosynthesis. Pectin is a major
component of the plant cell wall, and its degradation has been observed during
Fusarium infection of wheat (Kang and Buchenauer 2000b). Transgenic expression
of an Actinidia chinensis pectin methylesterase inhibitor has been shown to improve
resistance to fungal diseases (including FHB) in durum wheat (Volpi et al. 2011).
Despite the higher susceptibility and lower genome complexity of durum wheat,
only five QTL mapping studies on FHB resistance have been reported in tetraploid
wheat, and some of these were conducted in wild relatives of Triticum turgidum
subsp. durum (Ban and Watanabe 2001; Stack et al. 2002; Somers et al. 2006;
Bürstmayr et al. 2012). Several FHB-resistance QTL identified in tetraploid wheat
correspond to genomic regions of resistance QTL from hexaploid wheat, including
3B from T. turgidum subsp. durum and 6B from T. turgidum subsp. dicoccum, cor-
responding to the hexaploid 3BS and 6BS QTL, respectively (Bürstmayr et al. 2012).
In barley, FHB-resistance QTL have been identified on all seven chromosomes
(de la Pena et al. 1999; Zhu et al. 1999; Ma et al. 2000; Yu et al. 2010). The Vrs1
locus, which confers row-type, is associated with a QTL that confers the higher
FHB resistance observed in 2-row barley compared with 6-row. It is not known
whether this resistance is result of a pleiotropy or if it is directly linked to Vrs1
(reviewed in Massman et al. 2011).
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 283
Several species of Fusarium infect maize with infection of the ear and the stalk
being the most commonly found diseases. The predominant species causing ear
and stalk rot in Canada is F. graminearum (Koehler 1957, 1959; Sutton 1982;
Reid 1996). A less predominant species is F. verticillioides (previously referred to
284 N.A. Foroud et al.
There are many infection pathways by which Fusarium spp. can enter maize plants.
Stalk rot is often initiated from root infection, through stalk nodes or through holes in
the stalk often created by insects and sometimes mechanical damage from cultural
practices after planting. There are three potential fungal entry points for ear infection:
(1) by fungal spores landing on the silks of the flowering ears, germinating and then
the fungal mycelia grow down the silks to infect the kernels and cob (rachis) (Koehler
1942); (2) through wounds created by insects, hail, or birds on the ear (Sutton 1982);
and (3) from systemic stalk infections of F. verticillioides (Foley 1959; Munkvold
et al. 1997b). Which infection pathway is more important depends on the Fusarium
spp. that is predominant, the insect pressures in a given geographical location and the
environmental conditions. For example, Munkvold et al. (1997a) reported less ear rot
on maize hybrids with the Bt trait which considerably lowers European corn borer
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 285
populations. Larger populations of thrips, especially on ears with looser husks, were
correlated to ear rot (Farrar and Davis 1991; Parsons and Munkvold 2010a, b).
The symptoms of ear rot are depicted in Fig. 10.7. Ear rot caused by F. gra-
minearum is characterized by a pinkish coloured mold (White 1999). Infection from
the silk commonly begins as white mycelium moving down from the ear tip. This
mycelium later turns reddish-pink on infected kernels. In some cases, pinkish fun-
gal growth can be found on the exterior husk leaves and in severe infections it is
impossible to separate the husks from the kernels as the entire ear becomes a tightly
bound mass of fungal and plant tissue that appears ‘mummified’. When infection
occurs through kernel wounds, a similar fungal growth pattern is seen but it starts
from the initial wound site and tends to spread to the tip of the ear faster than to the
butt of the ear (Reid and Sinha 1998). Once the kernels reach 22–23 % moisture it
is difficult for the fungus to further infect (Christensen and Kaufmann 1969; Xiang
et al. 2010a); however cob (rachis) moisture can be 15–25 % higher than kernel
moisture, so the infection may spread in the cobs and can enter younger kernels via
the pedicel (Reid and Sinha 1998). In some cases the ear may appear to be symp-
tomless but when squeezed by hand it will feel quite spongy and the cob will be wet
and often pink/red in colour. Symptoms of F. verticillioides infection on maize ears
are quite different from that of F. graminearum. Depending on the mode of fungal
entry, the symptoms often occur on individual kernels or on a limited area of the ear
(White 1999). Infected kernels develop a cottony white growth or may develop
white streaks on the pericarp and fungal growth on the cob. How fast symptoms
develop in a given year is highly dependent on the environment which, not only
influences ear development and subsequent kernel drydown, but also fungal growth.
Infection through the silks cannot proceed once the silks have dried out (Reid et al.
1992a; Reid and Sinha 1998) and there is a relationship between kernel drydown
rates and ear rot severity symptoms (Xiang et al. 2010a).
286 N.A. Foroud et al.
Maize plants with Fusarium stalk infections often wilt and the leaves may change
from a light to a dull green colour while the lower stalk becomes dry and the pith
tissue disintegrates to a shredded appearance. For F. graminearum, distinctive
symptoms are a tan to dark brown discolouration of the lower internodes and pink
to reddish discolouration of the pith tissue. Bluish-black coloured perithecia or
reddish-white asexual spores may form on the stalk surface. For F. verticillioides,
brown streaks appear on the lower internodes and the rotted pith tissue may be
whitish-pink to salmon in colour. For both pathogens, symptoms usually appear late
in the season and plants may lodge if infection is severe. Plants that are stressed,
such as from an early frost, are more susceptible to stalk rot.
For F. graminearum ear rot, visual symptoms are highly correlated to DON lev-
els (Reid et al. 1996; Perkowski et al. 1997; Reid and Sinha 1998; Bolduan et al.
2009). Correlations between symptoms and fumonisin levels are less reliable for
F. verticillioides infections possibly in part due to systemic infections from the stalk
leading to more asymptomatic infections (Pascale et al. 1997; Murillo-Williams and
Munkvold 2008).
There is variability within the maize gene pool for levels of resistance to Fusarium
ear and stalk rots and breeders have successfully developed genotypes with high
levels of resistance to some of these diseases (Reid et al. 2001a, b, 2003); however,
it is not clear what the mechanism of this resistance is. Phenotypically, two forms of
resistance have been described in maize that are somewhat similar to resistance to
initial infection and disease spread, respectively, in cereals: (1) ‘silk resistance’,
where the fungus does not penetrate the silk channel, and thus does not infect the
kernels (Reid et al. 1992b); and (2) ‘kernel resistance’, where the fungus does not
penetrate the cob, and thus does not spread from kernel to kernel (Chungu et al.
1996). Studies have indicated that the resistance mechanisms may be associated
with flavone content in the silks, stalks and kernels (Reid et al. 1992a; Sekhon et al.
2006; Santiago et al. 2007), (E)-ferulic acid content and dehydrodimers of ferulic
acid in kernels (Assabgui et al. 1993; Bily et al. 2003), and 4-acetylbenzoxazolin-2-
one (4-ABOA) in kernels (Miller et al. 1997). Recently, Cao et al. (2011) researched
the role of hydroxycinnamic acids and reported that several changes in cell wall
bound compounds of silk tissues were observed after inoculation with F. gra-
minearum. It has been postulated that the An2 gene which encodes an ent-copalyl
synthase gene which has a role in gibberellin synthesis might play a role in silk
resistance as this gene is strongly up-regulated after maize silk is inoculated with
F. graminearum (Harris et al. 2005).
Hoenisch and Davis (1994) observed a correlation between higher pericarp
thickness and resistance to F. verticillioides. The thicker pericarp may inhibit
fungal growth as well as act as a barrier to insect feeding. Sampietro et al. (2009)
identified various properties of the pericarp and its wax layer as resistance factors.
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 287
Sweet corn, which has been bred to have a thin pericarp, is extremely susceptible to
both F. graminearum and F. verticillioides (Reid et al. 2000). Long chain alkanes on
the surface of maize silks have also been implicated in resistance to F. graminearum
(Miller et al. 2003).
Genotypes developed with selection for F. graminearum ear rot resistance also
exhibit high levels of resistance to F. verticillioides and common smut (Ustilago
zeae) in inoculated trials (Reid et al. 2009) indicating that there may be an associ-
ated resistance mechanism to multiple ear diseases. Resistance to ear rot and stalk
rot do not correlate (Mesterházy and Kovács 1988).
The inheritance of resistance to Fusarium spp. in maize is complex and maize geno-
types possess different resistance levels as regards to kernel and silk channel resis-
tance (Lemmens et al. 2005). Resistance to F. graminearum ear rot through kernel
infection is under both simple (additive and dominance) and digenic (dominance x
dominance) effects (Chungu et al. 1996). Estimates of the number of factors affect-
ing kernel resistance ranged from 4.6 to 13.7. For F. verticillioides, Boling and
Grogan (1965) estimated several additive, dominant and additive x dominant digenic
epistatic gene effects. They estimated an average dominance of approximately 0.5
and the number of participating genes was estimated at 1.47. Eller et al. (2008)
established that resistance to F. verticillioides ear rot is determined by polygenes.
Maternal effects for both species have also been reported (Headrick and Pataky
1991; Kovács et al. 1994).
Several studies have found QTL associated with resistance to Fusarium in maize.
Robertson-Hoyt et al. (2006) found 7 QTL that explained 47 % of the phenotypic
variation for F. verticillioides ear rot and nine were found for fumonisin content
explaining 67 % of the variation. Working with two maize populations, they found
that three QTL for ear rot and two for fumonisin were mapped in similar positions.
Two QTL, localized on chromosome 4 and 5, appeared to be consistent in both
populations. Ding et al. (2008) reported two QTL on chromosome 3. Pérez-Brito
et al. (2001) identified nine and seven QTL in two populations, three of which were
co-located. Recently, Martin et al. (2011) identified co-localized QTL for both F.
graminearum ear rot resistance and reduced levels of DON in different mapping
populations. Reinprecht et al. (2008) identified about 100 genes behind the QTL,
among them chitinase and protein kinase. A meta-analysis of QTL associated with
ear rot resistance (Xiang et al. 2010b) from the data of 14 studies representing
F. graminearum, F. verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus QTL studies found that
resistance QTL against the three fungi were clustered on the same chromosomes.
These data seem to support the idea of common resistance. Various other studies
have reported the identification of possible genes and genetic resistance mecha-
nisms related to ear rot resistance (Jenczmionka and Schäfer 2005; Igawa et al.
2007; Yuan et al. 2008; Lanubile et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2011).
288 N.A. Foroud et al.
The occurrence of plant disease depends on the interaction of three factors that ‘have
often been visualized as a triangle…’ (Agrios 1988); a virulent pathogen, a suscep-
tible host and a favourable environment are needed for disease to occur. Variation in
any one factor will influence the ultimate level and severity of disease. For example,
disease severity may be low if the host has some resistance even though the environ-
ment is conducive and a pathogen is present at sufficient levels. Disease severity
may also be low if weather conditions are too hot, too cold or too dry, even with a
susceptible host and a source of disease inoculum. Where a virulent pathogen is not
present or is at low levels, disease may either not occur or be at low levels even when
the host is susceptible and there is a favourable environment. Disease management
strategies employed by farmers rely on manipulation of one or more components of
the disease triangle. The ultimate goal is to create cropping conditions that do not
favour pathogen survival and/or disease development. Unfortunately, effective man-
agement of FHB, while limiting its impact, cannot be achieved by simply manipulat-
ing a single component of the disease triangle (e.g. host resistance). As McMullen
et al. (2008, 2012) suggests, effective management of FHB and its impacts on crop
production and quality require the use of a combination of strategies.
Fusarium graminearum overwinters mainly on infected crop residue, but can also
be seed-borne (Wiese 1987; Mathre 1997; Gilbert and Tekauz 2000). Survival in
crop residue is highest in plant tissues that are resistant to decay, especially the node
tissues of small grain cereals (Burgess and Griffin 1968; Sutton 1982). Gilbert and
Tekauz (2000) suggested that F. graminearum was unlikely to survive in soil
without crop residues. Sutton (1982) also indicated that soil is not likely a ‘major
inoculum source’ and referred to work by Gordon (1954, 1956) in Canada where
F. graminearum was not isolated from soil samples collected from cereal fields. In
Australia, Wearing and Burgess (1977) were able to isolate F. graminearum from
soil, but it was mainly associated with small pieces of debris.
Given the key role of infested crop residues as a source of inoculum, crop rota-
tion to nongramineous hosts and avoiding corn in rotations, or in close proximity,
have been suggested as methods of reducing the risk from FHB or ear/stalk rot in
corn (Seaman 1982; Wiese 1987; Parry et al. 1995; Mathre 1997; White 1999;
Gilbert and Tekauz 2000; Stack 2000). Corn is an important host of F. gra-
minearum (White 1999) and can support extensive colonization of not only infected
ears, but also of stalks (Windels and Kommedahl 1984; Kommedahl and Windels
1985; Windels et al. 1988). Although Wiese (1987) and Mathre (1997) recom-
mended at least 1 year between grass or cereal production, rotations with at least 2
years between susceptible crops are needed to reduce the risk of FHB (Burgess
and Griffin 1968; Warren and Kommedahl 1973; Khonga and Sutton 1988).
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 289
For example, Khonga and Sutton (1988) placed infested corn and wheat residue in
the field for up to 3 years and found production of perithecia and ascospores by
Gibberella zeae (perfect state of F. graminearum) occurred primarily in the first
and second years. Inch and Gilbert (1999) also found that F. graminearum could
survive in infected seed for up to 2 years regardless of whether it was on the soil
surface or buried up to 10 cm deep in the soil.
Inclusion of highly susceptible crop types either directly in the rotation or in
adjacent fields can exacerbate FHB issues. Mathre (1997) reported that barley pro-
duction in the first half of the 1900s was more or less eliminated when corn was
grown in rotation with barley in the eastern and central corn belt of the United
States, because the level of FHB became so severe. Other research has highlighted
the risk of FHB associated with corn in rotation with small grain cereals. The first
report of significant levels of FHB and DON contamination in Manitoba wheat,
caused by F. graminearum, was associated with two fields that were previously
cropped to corn (Clear and Abramson 1986). In Ontario, Teich and Nelson (1984)
and Teich and Hamilton (1985) found that FHB levels were lower in wheat when it
was not sown after corn. More recently, Schaafsma et al. (2001) conducted a survey
of hand-harvested grain from commercial wheat fields in Ontario under a range of
agronomic practices. They found that in 2 of 4 years (1996–1999), DON levels in
wheat were significantly higher when planted on corn residue compared with wheat
or soybean residue. In 1996, Schaafsma et al. (2001) found that levels of DON were
similar when corn or wheat had been planted 2 years previously and were signifi-
cantly higher than when soybean was the previous crop. In a Minnesota trial, Dill-
Macky and Jones (2000) found that FHB and DON were higher when wheat
followed corn, lowest when wheat followed soybean and intermediate with wheat
on wheat. In contrast, Yi et al. (2001) found that FHB and DON levels were similar
when winter wheat was grown after maize or spring wheat, whether it had been
harvested for grain or silage. However, Yi et al. (2001) stated that inoculation of the
pre-crop treatments with infested oat grain may have precluded treatment differ-
ences. A spore trapping study by Francl et al. (1999) found that inoculum of G. zeae
was significantly higher on wheat spikes exposed in fields with corn residues than
wheat residues. Wheat heads exposed in fields with corn residue had an average
number of colony forming units (CFU) of G. zeae per wheat spike (head) per day of
126 versus 13 CFU for wheat heads sampled next to wheat residue. Khonga and
Sutton (1988) found that corn residue, including kernels and stalk pieces, tended to
be more abundant producers of both conidiospores and ascospores than wheat
stems, but not wheat kernels or spikelets.
10.5.2 Tillage
Tillage is a traditional strategy that has been recommended for managing FHB,
while conservation tillage has often been implicated as a risk factor for FHB caused
by F. graminearum, as crop residues are the most important source of inoculum
(Parry et al. 1995; McMullen et al. 1997; Stack 2000). Teich and Hamilton (1985)
290 N.A. Foroud et al.
found that FHB was lower in ploughed fields than fields with ‘light tillage’, but in
an earlier study, Teich and Nelson (1984) found that FHB levels were similar with
or without ploughing. In a separate study, FHB levels were found to be lower in
ploughed treatments versus treatments that had been ‘disc-cultivated’ (Teich unpub-
lished) (Teich 1989). Dill-Macky and Jones (2000) found that tillage regime did
have a significant effect on FHB and DON levels in wheat. When averaged over
tillage systems, the incidence of FHB was 63.5 %, 71.8 % and 70.8 % for mold-
board ploughing, chisel plough, and no-till, respectively. Small, but significant dif-
ferences in DON level were observed for the tillage treatments, with moldboard
ploughing having 8.1 ppm, compared to chisel plough (10.6 ppm), and no-till
(11.1 ppm) which were not significantly different. However, other work indicates
that FHB and DON may not always be reduced with tillage. Clear and Abramson
(1986) found that the initial appearance of significant levels of Fusarium damaged
kernel (FDK) and DON in Manitoba occurred in two wheat fields that had been
disced in the previous fall and in the following spring, a tillage regime that would be
considered to be conventional and fairly aggressive in western Canada. In a subse-
quent survey, Gilbert and Tekauz (1993) found no difference between tillage prac-
tices during the 1993 FHB epidemic in Manitoba. In Ontario, Miller et al. (1998)
found that tillage system (moldboard ploughing versus no-till) did not have a sig-
nificant influence on the level of FHB or kernel infection. The authors suggested
that under weather conditions favourable for disease, other factors such as variety
resistance, rotation and previous history of disease would likely be more critical for
FHB than the tillage system used. Schaafsma et al. (2001) found similar results
from a survey of hand-harvested grain from commercial fields in Ontario from 1996
to 1999. DON levels tended to be slightly higher under minimum tillage versus no-
till or conventional, which had similar levels. Overall, Schaafsma et al. (2001) found
that tillage system accounted for very little of the variation in DON levels from 1996
to 1999. Other factors such as year, cultivar, and rotation accounted for more varia-
tion in DON compared with tillage system. Fernandez et al. (2001) found zero till-
age did not result in more FHB compared with conventional tillage in eastern
Saskatchewan. FHB severity tended to be highest under minimum tillage, but was
lower under both zero and conventional tillage. Khonga and Sutton (1988) sug-
gested that complete burial of infested residue by moldboard ploughing may help to
prevent spore production, if residues are not brought back to the soil surface by
subsequent tillage. Earthworm activity, which is enhanced under conservation till-
age practices (House and Parmelee 1985; Wardle 1995; Kladivko et al. 1997; Chan
2001; Chan and Heenan 2006; Eriksen-Hamel et al. 2009), may help to reduce the
amount of F. graminearum-infested crop residue under direct seeding (Oldenburg
et al. 2008; Schrader et al. 2009; Wolfarth et al. 2011) and perhaps this has contrib-
uted to the variable effect of conservation tillage in relation to FHB. In areas where
F. graminearum is commonly found on crop residues, a general background level of
inoculum may preclude any differences in disease risk among tillage systems.
Ascospore dispersal from one field to another would introduce the pathogen into
fields where infested residues were not present either as a result of burial by tillage
or extended crop rotation to non-host crops.
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 291
Head infections in wheat typically arise from wind-borne ascospores released from
fruiting bodies (perithecia) produced by the sexual stage of F. graminearum,
G. zeae, and are formed on old crop residue and infected seed left on the soil sur-
face. Although production of perithecia typically occurs in the spring, these fruiting
structures can also be found on harvested grain, especially barley, and can be pro-
duced in the fall depending on the location (Paulitz 1996; Mathre 1997). Old crop
residues including vegetative and reproductive plant tissues and infected seed are
the main sources of inoculum (Sutton 1982).
Dispersal of ascospores appears to occur over relatively short distances. Gilbert
and Tekauz (2000) have suggested that the appearance of FHB in eastern
Saskatchewan is not likely the result of long-distance (300 km) transport of asco-
spores, based on results from Fernando et al. (1997). Fernando et al. (1997) demon-
strated gradients of head and seed infection resulting from ascospores of G. zeae,
over distances of at least 22 m. Gilbert and Tekauz (2000) cited reports by Stack
(1997) who suggested, based on analysis of spore dispersal gradients, that asco-
spores could be dispersed and result in head blight symptoms in fields up to 1 mile
away from the source of inoculum. Francl et al. (1999) suggested that dispersal of
ascospores produced by G. zeae, may occur over ‘kilometers to tens of kilometers
or more….’ Based on current research, immediately adjacent fields or areas would
be most at risk from air-borne ascospores. Maldonado-Ramirez et al. (2005) and
Schmale III and Bergstrom (2007) demonstrated the presence of viable ascospores
in the planetary boundary layer suggesting the occurrence of long-distance transport
of G. zeae ascospores. Recent work using clonal sources of G. zeae inoculum iden-
tified using microsatellite markers demonstrated dispersal of a released clone up to
750 m, with the majority being collected within 100–250 m of the source (Prussin
2013). Keller et al. (2010) also used clones to study inoculum dispersal of G. zeae
and found that head infections resulting from a local source of inoculum decreased
by 90 % within 6 m of the source. Overall, research suggests that an FHB epidemic
within an individual field would largely originate from inoculum produced within
the field itself or in adjacent fields. However, as Schmale III and Bergstrom (2007)
suggest, long-distant transport of viable ascospores of G. zeae may result in the
introduction of novel strains into regions where they were not previously present.
Long-distance transport of ascospores into Alberta from eastern Saskatchewan
and Manitoba is unlikely. Moreover, there would be a greater potential for a signifi-
cant reduction in ascospore viability during long-distance dispersal as the asco-
spores would be exposed to greater periods of ultraviolet (UV) radiation (Waggoner
et al. 1983; Rotem and Aust 1991). Radiation has been shown to influence spore
survival for many fungi (Leach and Anderson 1982; Caesar and Pearson 1983;
Boland 1984; Rotem et al. 1985). Caesar and Pearson (1983) found that average
ascospore survival for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was 51 and 22 % after 2 and 4 days
field exposure on the upper leaves of a bean canopy. Survival rates of <10 % were
observed after 6 days exposure. Ascospore survival also decreased rapidly at relative
292 N.A. Foroud et al.
humidities of >35 % and temperatures of ≥25 °C. Boland (1984) also demonstrated
decreased S. sclerotiorum ascospore viability, with average survival rates of <50 %
after 2 days and <1 % after 3 days field exposure of ascospores on Millipore filter
paper. Higher ascospore survival was observed by Boland (1984) and Caesar and
Pearson (1983) when ascospores were shielded from UV radiation. Caesar and
Pearson (1983) also found that survival was increased on shaded leaves in the lower
part of a bean canopy. Rotem and Aust (1991) found that exposure to UV radiation
reduced spore viability from up to several days to less than 50 min for various
pathogens including Aspergillus macrospora, A. niger and Mycosphaerella pinodes.
F. graminearum, was found in irrigated fields, but not in dryland wheat fields
(Strausbaugh and Maloy 1986). More recently in Idaho (Marshall et al. 2012) and
southern Alberta (Turkington et al. 2005, 2006) irrigation was an important contrib-
uting factor to FHB outbreaks in these areas. However, the most difficult aspect of
irrigation management for FHB control in the irrigated dry regions such as southern
Alberta will be trying to balance the water requirements of the crop during flower-
ing versus the need to reduce the risk of FHB. Efetha (2008) has produced a set of
recommendations to help producers meet the water needs of their cereal crops, but
at the same time reduce the risk of FHB and potential DON contamination of har-
vested grain.
Harvest management can be an important consideration when dealing with an
infected crop. In areas where the disease is severe, producers are advised to adjust
their combines to blow out scabby wheat kernels, FDK, (which are lighter than the
other seeds) and infected chaff as a way of improving the grade and reducing toxin
levels in harvested grain (Tkachuk et al. 1991; Anonymous 1996; Gilbert and
Tekauz 2000; Salgado et al. 2011; McMullen et al. 2012). However, this will not
completely eliminate problems in wheat, especially when wet harvest conditions
allow for continued fungal growth on the maturing crop and potential DON con-
tamination issues even though FHB and FDK levels appear to be low. Removing
severely infected kernels during harvesting is not very effective with barley and oat,
although removing the hull in hulless barley is an effective way of reducing DON
levels (Clear et al. 1997). The downside to harvest management is that it will typi-
cally return highly infected wheat kernels and chaff back into the field where this
material can act as a source of inoculum in future growing seasons.
McMullen et al. (2012) also suggest that effective chopping and distribution of
straw may help to encourage decomposition of infested residue, thereby reducing
the availability of inoculum for subsequent epidemics. Chopping of crop residues
into smaller pieces, which exposes a greater surface area to microbial activity
increases the rate of decomposition of crop residues (Sims and Frederick 1970;
Bremer et al. 1991; Angers and Recous 1997; Jensen and Ambus 1998; Gunnar
2001), thereby removing a potential source of FHB inoculum. Moreover, retention
of crop residues under conservation tillage can enhance soil flora and fauna activity
(House and Parmelee 1985; Chan 2001; Chan and Heenan 2006), which can result
in enhanced residue decomposition, especially where residues are chopped into
smaller pieces (Boström and Lofs-Holmin 1986; Lowe and Butt 2003). Ultimately,
enhanced activity of soil fauna such as earthworms may help to reduce FHB inocu-
lum availability (Schrader et al. 2009; Wolfarth et al. 2011).
Integration of irrigation and residue management with the combination of rota-
tion, host resistance and fungicide may help to further reduce the impact of
FHB. Moreover, strategies such as irrigation management may also help to reduce
the amount of infested residue, thereby reducing inoculum availability. The use
of more resistance crop varieties has been shown to reduce the amount of infested
residue thereby reducing the amount of inoculum available to initiate subsequent
epidemics (Salas and Dill-Macky 2003, 2004, 2005). Fungicide application may
also help to reduce the amount of infested residue and thus the level of inoculum.
294 N.A. Foroud et al.
There may be a synergistic effect of using crop rotation, host resistance, residue and
irrigation management, and fungicides in relation to the availability of inoculum to
initiate FHB. Further research is needed to study these interactive effects and
whether they have the potential to further reduce the impact of FHB. Ultimately, for
FHB management strategies employed by farmers to be more effective, they must
incorporate practices that influence all components of the disease triangle, with the
goal to create cropping conditions that do not favour pathogen survival, inoculum
production and/or disease development.
The determination of any analyte in a given material involves the following general
steps: sampling of the material, processing of the sample and a chemical test to
detect and quantify the analyte. The initial sampling step is the basis of the entire
analysis—without proper sampling, the final analytical result will be meaningless if
it does not relate back to the original material of interest.
Proper sampling is especially important for the analysis of mycotoxins in
particulate material such as grains because mycotoxins are heterogeneously
10 Fusarium Diseases of Canadian Grain Crops… 295
Confirmatory methods are more complex than screening methods, and require
expensive instrumentation and associated technical expertise to operate and main-
tain the instrumentation. These methods mainly employ chromatography with mass
spectrometry, and with advances in fast chromatography, can generate results as
quickly as screening methods.
The strength of modern confirmatory methods lies with their ability to confirm
analyte identity as well as perform a simultaneous sensitive analysis of many myco-
toxins. For example, methods that use liquid chromatography with tandem mass
spectrometry have been developed to analyze over 150 various fungal and bacterial
metabolites, including many Fusarium-related compounds (Vishwanath et al.
2009). The co-occurrence of multiple mycotoxins drives the need for multi-
mycotoxin methods, and almost all new methods incorporate multiple mycotoxin
analytes (Shephard et al. 2012).
Advances in confirmatory methods include a move towards ‘dilute and shoot’
methods that minimize sample clean-up in order to decrease analysis time and
increase sample throughput (van der Fels-Klerx et al. 2012; Warth et al. 2012).
Simple clean-up of sample extracts may also be used to minimize matrix effects and
increase sensitivity further. Methods incorporating simple clean-up predominantly
use solid phase extraction in cartridge (Schenzel et al. 2012) or dispersive format
(Rubert et al. 2012). Sorbents used for the clean-up of sample extracts containing
Fusarium-related mycotoxins include immunoaffinity materials (Tang et al. 2012)
as well as conventional abiotic materials such as silica or C18 (Rubert et al. 2012;
Schenzel et al. 2012).
Many chemical test methods are available for mycotoxin analysis, and as with any
tool, users need to ensure they are properly used in order to generate accurate and
precise data. As described above, proper sampling and sample preparation must be
performed for the results of the chemical test method to meaningfully relate back to
the original sample of interest.
Consumers of chemical test method data must also ensure the methods used fol-
low general proper analytical chemistry practices. All methods used to generate
data must be validated so that accurate and precise data are obtained. Validation
should be performed for different matrices of interest, because a method that works
for one matrix may not work for another (Malachova et al. 2012). There must be
298 N.A. Foroud et al.
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Chapter 11
Pseudomonas fluorescens: A Potential
Biocontrol Agent for Management of Fungal
Diseases of Crop Plants
11.1 Introduction
for growth is between 25 and 30° C. As a group, the fluorescent pseudomonads are
of primary significance in diverse areas such as animal pathogenicity, plant pathoge-
nicity, food spoilage, and biological control.
Fluorescent pseudomonads have emerged as the largest and potentially the most
promising group of biocontrol agent as well as PGPR with their rapid growth, sim-
ple nutritional requirements, ability to utilize diverse organic substrates, and mobil-
ity. Several basic mechanisms of the bacterial-induced biocontrol, particularly
concerning the Pseudomonas genus are antibiosis, fungistasis, competition for
nutrients, modification of the biophysical root environment, active exclusion of
pathogenic organisms from the rhizosphere, detoxification of pathogen virulence
factors, and the induction of plant disease resistance (Bakker and Schippers 1987;
O’Sullivan and O’Gara 1992; Nielsen et al. 2000 and Daval et al. 2011). The fluo-
rescent pseudomonads also antagonize plant pathogens by producing a range of
metabolites like siderophores and other substances such as cyanide (O’Sullivan and
O’Gara 1992). They are aggressive colonizers of the rhizosphere of various crop
plants, and have a broad spectrum antagonistic activity against different group of
plant pathogens. Different mechanisms such as accumulation of phenolic com-
pounds, pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-proteins), lysis of cell wall of the fungal
pathogen, and secretion of extracellular lytic enzymes also lead to reduction of plant
diseases (O’Sullivan and O’Gara 1992; Saikia et al. 2004). Antagonistic potentiality
can be exploited successfully against plant pathogens. So far, several strains of
P. fluorescens have been exploited for the management of several soil-borne dis-
eases. The different diverse mechanisms of biocontrol include the following:
1. Antibiotic-mediated suppression
2. HCN production
3. Siderophores production
4. Competition for space and nutrients
5. Production of plant growth promoting substances (PGPS)
6. Mineral phosphate solubilization (MPS)
7. Induced systemic resistance
(Thomashow and Weller 1988), pyoluteorin (Howell and Stipanovic 1980), pyrrolnitrin
(Howell and Stipanovic 1979), tropolone (Lindberg 1981), pyocyanin (Dahiya et al.
1988), and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Shanahan et al. 1992) have been isolated
from rhizospheric fluorescent pseudomonads. Naik et al. (2008) successfully
screened P. fluorescens isolates using pyrrolnitrin gene-specific primers which dur-
ing successive studies showed antagonistic effects against several fungal plant
pathogens including Pyricularia grisea, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense,
Macrophomina phaseolina, Colletotrichum falcatum, and C. Capsici. Homma and
Suzui (1989) correlated antibiotic production (purified pyrrolnitrin and pyoluteorin)
with disease suppression. Similarly DAPG, the antibiotic compound produced by
fluorescent pseudomonad, was found effective to suppress plant pathogens
(Shanahan et al. 1992). Hill et al. (1994) also correlated pyrrolnitrin synthesis by
P. fluorescens BL915 with biological control activity against Rhizoctonia solani-
incited disease of cotton. Antibiotic production indicated the involvement of DAPG,
pyrrolnitrin, and pyoluteorin in the natural antagonism between P. fluorescens and
pathogens (Rosales et al. 1995; El-Banna and Winkelmann 1998; Haas and Keel
2003; Brodhajen et al. 2005).
Table 11.1 Polymerase chain reaction primers and amplification products from genes encoding enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of several antibiotics
(Data from Zhang et al. 2006)
Primer Sequence Gene (control strain) Expected size of PCR product
PHZ1a GGCGACATGGTCAACGG phzCD (P. fluorescens 2-79) 1,400 bp (PA23)
PHZ2a CGGCTGGCGGCGTATAT phzCD (P. fluorescens 2-79) 1,400 bp (PA23)
PCA2ab TTGCCAAGCCTCGCTCCAAC phzCD (P. fluorescens 2-79) 1,400 bp (not detected)
PCA3bb CCGCGTTGTTCCTCGTTCAT phzCD (P. fluorescens 2-79) 1,400 bp (not detected)
Phl2ac GAGGACGTCGAAGACCACCA phlD (P. fluorescens CHA0; Pf-5; 745 bp (not detected)
Q8r1l-96; 1 M1-96; Q2-87)
Phl2bc ACCGCAGCATCGTGTATGAG phlD 745 bp (not detected)
BPF2d ACATCGTGCACCGGTTTCATGATG phlD ~470 bp (not detected)
B2BFd ACCCACCGCAGCATCGTTTATGAGC phlD ~470 bp (not detected)
Pseudomonas fluorescens: A Potential Biocontrol Agent...
Cyanide ions are metabolized mainly to thiocyanate. The cyanide ion is exhaled as
HCN and metabolized to lesser degree to other compounds. It inhibits proper func-
tioning of enzymes as well as natural receptors by reversible mechanism of inhibi-
tion (Corbett 1974). HCN also inhibits the action of cytochrome oxidase (Gehring
et al. 1993). Voisard et al. (1989) reported cyanide production by P. fluorescens
which helped in suppression of black root rot (Thielaviopsis basicola) of tobacco.
HCN mutant (obtained by insertional inactivation) of the wild type strain had lost its
ability to suppress black root rot of tobacco was also reported. Haas et al. (1991)
also reported the role of HCN in biocontrol of take-all (G. graminis var. tritici) dis-
ease of wheat. P. fluorescens inhibited pathogens by inducing host defense.
Production of HCN by certain fluorescent Pseudomonas resulted in suppression of
root pathogens (O’Sullivan and O’Gara 1992). Ramette et al. (2003) reported that
HCN involved in biological control of root diseases is produced by many plant-
associated fluorescent pseudomonads. Ahmad et al. (2006) screened total of 72 rhi-
zobacterial isolates in vitro for different traits like production of IAA, NH3, HCN,
siderophore, phosphate solubility, and antifungal activity. Production of IAA and
HCN were found highest in Pseudomonas spp., followed by other isolates. Role of
HCN and pyocyanin of other fluorescent pseudomonads on the antifungal activity
have also been reported by Hassanein et al. (2009) for F. oxysporum and H. oryzae,
while Aspergillus niger was not affected. HCN synthase is encoded by three biosyn-
thetic genes viz. hcnA, hcnB, and hcnC (Ramette et al. 2003). However, little is
known about the diversity of these genes in fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. and other
bacteria. But, Bakker and Schippers (1987) suspected that HCN production by
some fluorescent pseudomonads might in fact be detrimental to plant growth.
11.3.3 Siderophores
Phosphorus is one of the major nutrients, second only to nitrogen in requirement for
plants. Most of phosphorus in soil is present in the form of insoluble phosphates and
cannot be utilized by the plants (Pradhan and Sukla 2006). The biological process
of conversion of unavailable/fixed form of inorganic phosphorous into primary
orthophosphate (H2PO4¯) and secondary orthophosphate (HPO4¯2) is termed as MPS
(Goldstein 1986). Stalstorm (1903) first showed the involvement of microorganisms
in the solubilization of insoluble phosphate.
11 Pseudomonas fluorescens: A Potential Biocontrol Agent... 325
Indian soils are normally deficient in available phosphorus (Johri et al. 2003).
To circumvent the phosphorus deficiency, phosphate solubilizing microorganisms
play an important role in supplying phosphate to plants in a more environment
friendly and sustainable manner. Among phosphate solubilizing bacteria, fluorescent
pseudomonads that colonize aggressively at the plant roots have been considered as
an important group of bacteria due to their biofertilizing, biocontrol, and its capabil-
ity of utilizing a wide array of compounds as carbon and energy sources. Fluorescent
pseudomonad species such as P. chlororaphis, P. putida, P. aeruginosa, P. fluores-
cens, P. trivialis, P. striata, and P. poae have been identified as phosphate solubilizing
rhizobacteria (Cattelan et al. 1999; Gaind and Gaur 2002; Bano and Musarrat 2003;
Sunish et al. 2005; Gulati et al. 2008). Pseudomonas fluorescens were recorded for
solubilization of ZnPO4 in the presence of glucose as the carbon source (Di Simine
et al. 1998). Phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas sp. showed significant increase in
maize plant height after 60 days of growth and an 18 % increase in lettuce shoot fresh
matter yield observed in Quebec (Canada) (Chabot et al. 1993). Rhizobacteria can
solubilize rock phosphate and calcium phosphate in culture medium (Nahas 1996).
Cold-tolerant mutants of P. fluorescens were reported as more efficient in tricalcium
phosphate solubilization than their respective wild type counterparts at low tempera-
tures (Das et al. 2003). P. fluorescens strain Psd isolated from rhizosphere of Vigna
mungo was also found to solubilize complex phosphates and synthesize phytohor-
mone, IAA. In Iran fluorescent pseudomonads from rice rhizosphere reported for
significant phosphate solubilization activity in addition to plant growth promoting
properties, IAA and siderophore production (Ramezanpour et al. 2010). Among the
different organic acids, gluconic acid seems to be most commonly produced acid by
phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas fluorescens (Di Simine et al. 1998)
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were first defined by Kloepper and
Schroth (1978) as the soil bacteria that colonize the roots of plants by following
inoculation on to seed and that enhance plant growth. PGPR competitively colonize
plant roots, stimulate plant growth, and/or reduce the incidence of plant disease
(Kloepper and Schroth 1978). Improvement in plant growth due to the action of
PGPR include increase in germination rates, root growth, yield including grain, leaf
area, chlorophyll content, magnesium, nitrogen and protein content, hydraulic
activity, tolerance to drought and salt stress, shoot and root weights, and delayed
leaf senescence. Several mechanisms that involve in the process include phosphate
solubilization, production of phytohormones (such as auxin and cytokinin), volatile
growth stimulants (such as ethylene and 2,3-butanediol) and nitrogen fixation
(Lifshitz et al. 1987; Vessey 2003). PGPR might enhance plant growth by excluding
the so-called deleterious rhizobacteria, which are thought to inhibit plant growth
without causing root invasion and classical disease (Schroth and Hancock 1982).
Pseudomonads make up a dominant population in soil and rhizosphere and exert
326 D. Majumder et al.
Table 11.2 Pseudomonas mediated induced systemic resistance in plant species investigated
against fungal pathogens
Plant Disease
species Strain Challenging pathogens symptoms Reference
Bean Pseudomonas Botrytis cinerea Grey mold De Meyer and
aeruginosa 7NSK2 Hofte (1997)
Cucumber Pseudomonas C. orbiculare Anthracnose Wei et al.
aureofaciens 25-33 (1991)
Pseudomonas Pythium Crown rot Chen et al.
corrugata 13 aphanidermatum (2000)
Radish P. fluorescens WCS374 F. oxysporum raphani Vascular wilt Leeman et al.
P. fluorescens WCS417 Alternaria brassicicola Necrotic (1995)
lesions Ton et al. (2002)
Tomato P. fluorescens WCS417 F. oxysporum f. sp. Vascular wilt Duijff et al.
lycopersici (1998)
against agricultural disease control. For attaining popularity and better commercial
application of biocontrol agents against plant pathogens, it requires increased
emphasis on combining various effective compatible strains of different antagonists
with each other and with other control methods as well as integration of biocontrol
into an overall system.
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11 Pseudomonas fluorescens: A Potential Biocontrol Agent... 341
12.1 Introduction
Oat (Avena spp.) is an important cereal crop grown worldwide for grain and fodder.
Fungal diseases are an important constraint to oat production. Significant yield
losses have been attributed to crown rust (caused by Puccinia coronata Corda f. sp.
avenae Eriks. [Pca]) and stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. avenae
Eriks. and Henn. [Pga]), which persist in all major oat growing regions of the world.
Over the past century, severe rust epidemics have occurred in many of the major oat
growing regions of the world. Numerous stem rust epidemics occurred between the
early 1900s and the late 1970s in the Midwestern region of the USA, with yield
losses as high as 25 % (Roelfs 1978). Similar epidemics occurred in Saskatchewan
and Manitoba in Canada (Martens 1985), with a severe epidemic causing yield
losses of 35 % in 1977 (Martens 1978). In 2002, losses of nearly 7 % were reported
in the prairie provinces of Canada, likely the result of a new virulent race NA67
(Fetch 2005). During the first half of the twentieth century, rusts wreaked havoc on
wild oats in coastal areas of Australia during years favorable for the proliferation of
the fungus (Waterhouse 1952).
Crown rust is the most serious threat to oat production in North America. An
epidemic that occurred in 1904 in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota,
USA and in the neighbouring prairie provinces of Canada was favored by unusually
high quantities of moisture that prevailed at the grain-filling stages (Carleton 1905).
Between 1918 and 1930, annual estimated losses in the USA averaged greater than
13.7 million bushels (Murphy 1935). Simons and Murphy (1968) observed annual
losses of up to 30 % during years of severe infestation of crown rust.
Powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer f. sp. avenae Em.
Marchal) and Fusarium head blight (FHB; Fusarium spp.) can also cause signifi-
cant losses depending on the climate and geographical region. Powdery mildew is
the most important foliar disease of oat in the cooler humid regions of Europe
(Roderick et al. 2000), including Poland (Sebesta et al. 1991). Crop losses caused
by powdery mildew are significant, with estimates up to 39 % from comparisons
between susceptible and resistant near-isogenic lines (Lawes and Hayes 1965).
Similarly, Jones (1977) found a yield reduction of 20 % in the susceptible cv. Sun
II, but only 9 % in the moderately resistant cv. Maldwyn. Clifford (1995) reported
annual crop losses from 5 to 10 % in Great Britain, with much higher reductions in
small plot trials. Hsam et al. (1997) investigated powdery-mildew resistance in 259
common oat cultivars and breeding lines. They found 67 % of the investigated
plants were susceptible to this disease. In contrast to wheat and barley, FHB has not
caused large epidemics or yield losses in oat. This may be attributable to a lack of
visual symptoms associated with infection (Tekauz et al. 2004). Nevertheless, FHB
can impact significantly on oat quality due to the production of mycotoxins.
One highly effective method to control fungal diseases is through the use of fun-
gicides. While fungicides have been shown to limit yield losses in oat during rust
outbreaks (Brink and Belay 2006), they do not necessarily provide complete protec-
tion of the crop and are less effective than host resistance in reducing the overall size
of rust populations (Park 2008). Fungicides are an added cost and their use may not
be economic in oat production. Additionally, they can have environment impacts
from residues in soil or runoff into groundwater. Harder and Haber (1992) cited
ecological concerns linked to their use, in addition to difficulties in obtaining fungi-
cide registration for smaller acreage crops such as oat. Other methods of control
include cropping strategies such as early planting (Fleischmann and McKenzie
1965), or the use of early maturing cultivars to escape disease (Simons and Michel
1968; Suttie and Reynolds 2004), maintaining an optimum plant density (Burdon
and Chilvers 1982), and crop rotations to avoid inoculum of stubble-borne diseases
such as FHB. However, the deployment of resistant cultivars is the most economic
and environmentally safe means to control diseases in oat.
12 Oat Fungal Diseases and the Application of Molecular Marker Technology… 345
Previous research has identified numerous major resistance genes that protect culti-
vated oats against Pca and Pga. There are currently more than 100 described Pc
genes (Sanz et al. 2013; Gnanesh et al. 2014), but because their chromosomal loca-
tions have not been determined, many could be the same or allelic. Most Pc genes
are inherited dominantly, but some are either partially dominant or recessive
(Simons et al. 1978). Many genes were derived from accessions of hexaploid
A. sterilis collected in Israel and other Mediterranean countries during the 1960s
and the early 1970s (Leonard et al. 2004) and include Pc34, Pc35, Pc36, Pc38
Pc39, Pc40, Pc41, Pc42, Pc43, and Pc45–Pc77. Another source of many resistance
genes is the diploid species A. strigosa and include Pc15, Pc16, Pc17, Pc19, Pc23,
Pc30, Pc37, Pc81, Pc82, Pc83, Pc84, Pc85, Pc86, Pc87, Pc88, Pc89, Pc90, and
Pc94 (CDL 2013). Recently, Carson (2009a) identified 48 accessions of A. barbata
in a buckthorn nursery at St. Paul, Minnesota that were resistant to a diverse bulk
mixture of Pca races, which may be useful as new sources of resistance.
Several A. sterilis-derived resistance genes, such as Pc38, Pc39, Pc48, Pc58,
Pc59, Pc60, Pc61, and Pc68, have been used in breeding programs in North
America. Genes Pc38 and Pc39 were the first to be deployed widely in commercial
cultivars in Canada (Chong and Kolmer 1993; McCallum et al. 2007). The wide-
spread deployment of Pc38 and Pc39 in oat cultivars resulted in quickly increased
frequencies of virulence for these genes in the Pca population, thereby rendering
them ineffective (Chong and Seaman 1997). Similarly, virulence to Pc48 arose
quickly upon the release of the cultivar “Triple Crown” (Chong and Zegeye 2004)
because its resistance relied on only one effective gene. Virulence to gene Pc68
developed less rapidly in the pathogen population (10 years), perhaps due to its pres-
ence in combination with Pc38 + Pc39, but this gene combination was eventually
defeated in 2005 (Chong et al. 2008). While the resistance in “Leggett” (Pc68+Pc94)
and “HiFi” (Pc91) is effective (Chong et al. 2011), efforts to develop new cultivars
with different combinations of Pc genes is needed because both cultivars also rely
on only one currently effective gene. In Australia, “Drover” (Pc91) was for several
years the only oat cultivar with effective resistance to Pca (Park and Kavanagh
2009). However, virulence for Pc91 was detected in late 2012 in Queensland. The
cultivar “Aladdin” is hypothesised to carry Pc91 + Pc50 and remains resistant to this
new pathotype, possibly being protected by Pc50 (Park 2013).
While most Pc resistant genes have been identified from A. sterilis and A. stri-
gosa, most numbered Pg resistant genes are derived from the cultivated hexaploid
A. sativa. Genes Pg-1, Pg-2, Pg-3, Pg-4, Pg-5, Pg-8, Pg-9, Pg-10, Pg-11, Pg-12,
and Pg-14 were all derived from A. sativa, Pg-6 and Pg-7 from A. strigosa, Pg-13,
Pg-15, and Pg-17 from A. sterilis, and Pg-16 from A. barbata (Fetch and Jin 2007;
Gnanesh et al. 2014). Five Pg genes (Pg-1, Pg-2, Pg-4, Pg-9, and Pg-13) have been
deployed in Canadian oat cultivars. Genes Pg-2 and Pg-13 are thought to be present
in most currently resistant cultivars (Fetch and Dunsmore 2004), and were also
12 Oat Fungal Diseases and the Application of Molecular Marker Technology… 347
confirmed to be in “AC Ronald” and “AC Gwen” (Mitchell Fetch and Fetch 2011).
However, virulence for these two genes was detected in 1998 with the emergence of
races NA67 (TJJ) and NA76 (TJG), thereby rendering all current cultivars suscep-
tible to stem rust (McCallum et al. 2007). Nine Pg genes (Pg-1, Pg-2, Pg-3, Pg-4,
Pg-8, Pg-9, Pg-13, Pg-a, and Pg-Sa) have been deployed in Australian commercial
varieties (Adhikari et al. 2000). Of these Pg-8, Pg-13, and Pg-a were reported to be
effective against Pga in Australia up until the late 1980s (Oates 1992). No current
Australian oat cultivar is resistant to stem rust (Park 2008).
Based on the reaction of differential oat cultivars and lines to various pathotypes of
Blumeria graminis avenae, resistance to powdery mildew in oat is governed by
major genes that have been characterized as oat mildew resistance (OMR) groups
(Jones and Jones 1979). Several sources with major gene resistance to powdery
mildew, including common oats (Jones 1983; Hsam et al. 1997), wild oat species
such as A. barbata (Aung et al. 1977; Thomas et al. 1980), A. strigosa, A. occiden-
talis (Herrmann and Roderick 1996), A. pilosa (Hoppe and Kummer 1991), and
A. sterilis (Hayes and Jones 1966), have been reported. Two main sources of pow-
dery mildew resistance are currently deployed in European oat breeding programs
(Roderick et al. 2000). The first is derived from the A. sterilis line CAV1832 with
Pc54 (Sebesta et al. 1993). The second is from the lines APR 122 and APR 166,
derived from A. eriantha, controlled by a single gene. To date, six OMR groups
have been characterized in oat, but only three (OMR1, OMR2, and OMR3) have
been used commonly in breeding programmes (Kowalczyk et al. 2004; Okoń 2012).
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating fungal disease of cereal crops that is
prevalent in North America and northern Europe. FHB is caused by any 1 of the 17
species of the Fusarium fungus (Parry et al. 1995) that infect oat, wheat, barley, and
other grasses. In North America, Fusarium graminearum is the main causal organ-
ism of FHB in wheat (Schroeder and Christensen 1963), and results in shrivelled
and chalky kernels that have a low germination percentage (Gilbert and Tekauz
1995). In oat, symptoms are not as obvious as they are in wheat and barley, but
occasionally bleached spikelets are found (Tekauz et al. 2004). In areas with FHB,
oat was found to be infected with Fusarium species, but at a lower frequency than
either wheat or barley (Tekauz et al. 2004). The main causal species in Manitoba,
Canada are Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium poae, Fusarium sporotrichiodes,
and Fusarium avenaceum, in the order of their prevalence when isolated from
oat groats collected from commercially produced crops (Tekauz et al. 2008).
348 A.L. Cabral et al.
Genetic markers are pivotal to modern genomics research. Molecular markers are
useful tools in plant disease resistance breeding programs for the evaluation of
germplasm for disease resistance, mapping major and minor resistance genes, pos-
tulation of resistance genes, marker-assisted selection, and map-based cloning of
resistance genes. The relatively small and scattered international oat research com-
munity is continually challenged by the large and complex genome of hexaploid oat
and by a scarcity of genetic sequence data.
Molecular markers, mainly restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP),
amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), simple sequence repeats (SSR),
and diversity array (DArT) markers, have played a major role in the genetic map-
ping of economically important disease resistance genes to linkage groups. The
construction of a genetic map of the Kanota × Ogle population (A. sativa) using
restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) (O’Donoughue et al. 1995) pro-
vided a reference genetic map that has aided comparative mapping studies and will
enable future development of molecular markers for other traits (Wight et al. 2003).
More recently, DArT markers were placed on the Kanota × Ogle map (Tinker et al.
2009). Microsatellite (SSR) markers are broadly used for marker-assisted selection
in crop breeding because of ease of implementation and codominance. EST-derived
SSRs (Becher 2007) and genomic SSRs (Li et al. 2000; Pal et al. 2002) have been
developed and screened in oat cultivars. A total of 216 SSR primer sequences were
developed from ESTs (Becher 2007). These Avena EST-derived microsatellite loci
(AME) were developed by screening a set of 7,021 EST sequences that were pub-
lished earlier by Rines et al. (2004). Forty-five AME loci have been placed onto 24
of the 29 linkage groups of the Kanota × Ogle map developed by Wight et al. (2003).
Recently, Gutierrez-Gonzalez et al. (2013) developed gene-derived SSR markers
with the potential to be used in oat breeding programs. In total, 4,639 SSRs were
found within 4,128 different transcripts. The most abundant SSRs were trinucleo-
tide repeats (2,841; 61.2 %).
12 Oat Fungal Diseases and the Application of Molecular Marker Technology… 349
Oliver and coworkers (2011) provided the first set of oat-based single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) markers, and a pipeline for the large scale development of a
much-needed genomic resource. The SNP discovery and validation pipeline is an
effective method to identify SNP markers in oat. These markers have a high assay
validation rate and proven utility in a variety of applications. Collaborative initia-
tives, such as the Collaborative Oat Research Enterprise (CORE) (http://wheat.
pw.usda.gov/CORE600/home), are now delivering genomics platforms for oat that
are revolutionizing the possibilities for research and innovation. The CORE is a
global research partnership represented by 28 oat research sites that was funded by
the United States Department of Agriculture, the North American Millers
Association, and the Prairie Oat Growers Association. Ever since the first publica-
tion of a diploid oat map (O’Donoughue et al. 1992), the oat research community
has made efforts in developing oat linkage maps, which include Kanota × Ogle
(O’Donoughue et al. 1995; Tinker et al. 2009; Wight et al. 2003), Ogle × TAM
O-301 (Portyanko et al. 2001), Ogle × MAM17-5 (Zhu and Kaeppler 2003),
Terra × Marion (DeKoeyer et al. 2004), and Aslak × Matilda (Tanhuanpää et al.
2008). However, all of these maps are incomplete and fragmented, and a map with
21 linkage groups (LG), well defined by chromosomal assignments was achieved
only recently when Oliver et al. (2013) developed a physically anchored consensus
map with 21 LGs through SNP mapping in six hexaploid oat populations and SNP
deletion analysis in a set of monosomic stocks. This map provides substantial
improvements over previous maps because of low error rates in the scoring of SNP
markers, and the joint mapping of markers assayed in parallel across multiple popu-
lations. The current availability of a large number of SNP markers and relatively
inexpensive high and low-plexity SNP assays (e.g. Infinium SNP assay from
Illumina, Inc. and KASP™ar assays from LGC Genomics Ltd.) have made it pos-
sible to assign resistance genes to oat chromosomes rapidly (Gnanesh et al. 2013).
Impacts of CORE work will be seen in areas of QTL and association mapping, and
studies of genome structure and evolution, leading to the accelerated improvement
of oat through marker-assisted breeding.
12.7.1 Rust
have been defeated, but they can be very effective when they are pyramided in a
single variety. Markers have been developed for many of the commonly utilized Pc
genes like Pc68, Pc91, and Pc94. However, the use of these markers in oat breeding
has been limited, because most of the reported markers (RAPDs, AFLPs, and
DArTs) are dominant in nature and are not suitable for high-throughput genotyping.
Also, their use in early generation MAS is limited as they cannot reliably detect
heterozygous genotypes. Hence, KASPar markers linked to resistance genes will be
very effective and they have been used successfully in high-throughput marker-
assisted selection of oat crown rust gene Pc91 (Gnanesh et al. 2013). Allele-specific
markers for the crown rust resistant genes, Pc68, Pc94 and PcKM have also been
developed (Gnanesh et al. unpublished). Further, it would be useful to find markers
for the newly identified genes Pc101 and Pc103.
Host resistance is usually based on single major genes conferring complete
resistance, but with the emergence of new pathogen races this resistance may be
easily overcome. Partial resistance is believed to be more effective in controlling
plant diseases because it allows sporulation of the pathogen, reduces selection
pressure for virulence, and thus slows the evolution of pathogen virulence. A num-
ber of breeding techniques are recommended to acquire durable resistance. Among
these are recurrent selection, which, by definition, is increasing the frequency of
desirable alleles and consequently gains in the population due to repeated cycles of
selection and recombination of selected lines (Díaz-Lago et al. 2002). The authors
demonstrated the usefulness of rapid cycle recurrent selection as a population
improvement procedure capable of effectively increasing the level of partial resis-
tance to crown rust in an adapted and high-yielding oat population. Their results
indicated that selection for partial crown rust resistance in early generations can
produce adequate gains per recurrent selection cycle with a minimum cycle length.
Another breeding technique is advanced backcross—QTL (AB-QTL), which
incorporates genes located in different linkage groups into a single variety by suc-
cessive backcrosses with selection based on the use of molecular markers (Lambalk
et al. 2004). Several studies have identified QTLs conferring durable crown rust
resistance in oat. For example Portyanko et al. (2005) utilized 230 markers, a
majority of which were RFLP and AFLP, and identified four major and three minor
QTLs for partial resistance to Pca in the oat line MN841801-1. Hoffman et al.
(2006) used six crown rust isolates, avirulent on TAM O-301 and virulent on Ogle,
to test the parents and TAM O-301 × Ogle RILs. Genetic analyses of the segrega-
tion data for each of the six isolates indicated that the resistance was conditioned
by a complex of three loci (Pc58a, 58b, and 58c), two of which (Pc58a and Pc58c)
were tightly linked. Zhu and Kaeppler (2003) found two consistent QTLs (Pcq1
and Pcq2) for crown rust resistance in Ogle × MAM 17-5 that explained 48.5–
70.1 % and 9.6–14.0 % of resistance, respectively. Similarly, 4–8 QTLs using
AFLP, RFLP, SCAR markers for crown rust APR were detected by Jackson et al.
(2007, 2008, 2010) and Acevedo et al. (2010). Most of the QTLs for APR in oat
reported so far have not been successfully validated and used in MAS. The crown
rust resistance in the oat line MN841801 has been effective for more than 30 years,
but it is not known whether or not this resistance has been widely deployed in oat
12 Oat Fungal Diseases and the Application of Molecular Marker Technology… 351
Very few linked molecular markers have been developed for oat powdery mildew
and FHB resistances. Therefore, developing molecular markers tightly linked to the
resistance genes would be beneficial both for oat breeding purposes and to investi-
gate oat genomic regions containing interesting resistance genes.
Yu and Herrmann (2006) were the first to map powdery-mildew resistance in
hexaploid oat. A resistance source from A. macrostachya was successfully intro-
gressed into hexaploid oat and their work revealed the resistance is controlled by a
dominant gene, designated Eg-5. One SSR marker AM102 and four AFLP-derived
PCR-based markers were identified linked to Eg-5. The powdery mildew resistance
gene Eg-3 was mapped with RFLP markers from Triticeae group-1 chromosomes
using an F3 population from a cross between A. byzantina cv. Kanota and A. sativa
352 A.L. Cabral et al.
cv. Rollo (Mohler et al. 2012). This comparative mapping approach positioned Eg-3
between cDNA-RFLP marker loci cmwg706 and cmwg733. Okoń and Kowalczyk
(2012) identified a SCAR-BG8 marker linked to oat mildew resistance group 2
(OMR2) and this marker might be used to select genotypes that are resistant to
OMR2. Hagmann et al. (2012) developed a linkage map with 366 DArT markers
and detected a major QTL for adult plant/field powdery mildew resistance, located
close to the DArT marker oPt-6125 in a region corresponding to linkage group 5_30
on the K × O map. This QTL accounted for 31 % of the phenotypic variation in the
mapping population. A BLAST search of the oPt-6125 clone sequence revealed a
high degree of similarity to a wheat mRNA expressed under mildew infection pres-
sure. By contrast, no major QTL were found for seedling-stage resistance under
artificial infection of powdery mildew.
Breeding FHB resistant cultivars is an economically and environmentally
friendly way to reduce mycotoxins on grain (DON), either by the identification of
resistance QTL or phenotypic evaluation. A DON resistance QTL was identified in
the recombinant inbred line population Hurdal × Z595-7 (He et al. 2013). The QTL
Qdon.umb-17A/7C, located on chromosome 17A/7C, was detected in all experi-
ments using composite interval mapping, with phenotypic effects of 12.2–26.6 %.
In addition, QTL for DON were also found on chromosomes 5C, 9D, 13A, 14D and
unknown_3, while a QTL for FHB was found on 11A. A half-sib population of
HZ595, Hurdal × Z615-4, was phenotyped in 2011 for validation of QTL found in
HZ595, and Qdon.umb-17A/7C was again localized with a phenotypic effect of
12.4 %. Three SNPs closely linked to Qdon.umb-17A/7C were identified in both
populations, and one each for QTL on 5C, 11A, and 13A were identified in HZ595.
These SNPs, together with those yet to be identified, could be useful in marker-
assisted selection of resistance QTL.
The availability of these data will improve the oat consensus map, association map-
ping studies, and generate predictions regarding breeding value and QTL present in
North American oat germplasm. Oat genetic and genomic research has advanced
rapidly in recent years and further progress is needed to keep oat competitive with
other cereal crops. The development of new selection tools for developing disease
resistant oat varieties will play an important role.
Acknowledgement The authors thank Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA), Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada for supporting oat research.
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A Aspergillus
Abiotic elicitors, 118, 125, 187 A. flavus, 12, 14, 26, 33, 134,
Abiotic stress, 25, 59–88, 185, 197, 198, 205, 201, 216, 287
218, 234, 327 A. niger, 12, 13, 26, 33, 134, 219, 292, 323
Abscisic acid (ABA), 68–69, 86, 88, 119, 191,
192, 194, 197
signaling pathway, 194 B
Adult plant resistance (APR) genes, Bacillus
239, 241–243, 345 B. amyloliquefaciens, 33, 35, 41,
AFLP. See Amplified fragment length 69, 84, 320
polymorphism (AFLP) B. pumilus, 34, 36, 38, 41, 42, 46, 121
Agrobacterium radiobacter, 33, 36 B. subtilis, 33–34, 46, 48, 49, 64, 69, 75,
Alternaria 121, 159, 162, 163, 167, 173
A. alternata, 6, 157, 204, 221 β-aminobutryic acid (BABA), 118, 194,
A. arachidis, 6 196–198
A. brassicicola, 40, 134, 198, 326 BGRI. See Borlaug Global Rust Initiative
A. consortialis, 157 (BGRI)
A. solani, 157–159, 197, 198 Bioinformatics, 131–133, 137–141, 143, 144
A. tenuissima, 6 Biotic stress, 25, 26, 59–88, 185, 197, 198,
leaf blight, 2, 6 205, 218, 234, 327
leaf spot, 6 Bipolaris sorghicola, 140
Amplified fragment length polymorphism Blackhull, 20–21
(AFLP), 114, 136, 348, 350, 351 Black scurf, 149, 160, 162, 163, 217
Anthracnose of groundnut, 11 Blitecast, 154
Antibiotic mediated suppression, 319–320 Borlaug global rust initiative (BGRI),
Antibiotics, 31, 32, 38, 40, 42, 46, 61, 64, 239, 243, 244, 253, 254
75–81, 118, 119, 163, 208, Botanicals, 203, 209, 216, 217
318–321, 328, 334 Botryodiplodia solani-tuberosi, 173
Antioxidative enzyme system, 189–191 Botrytis
AP2/ERF transcription factors, 199 B. cinerea, 2, 17, 19, 24, 33, 134, 142,
APR genes. See Adult plant resistance 188, 190, 197, 198, 202, 211, 215,
(APR) genes 219, 326
Arabidopsis, 42, 44, 46–48, 62, 69, 74, 82–84, blight, 17
135, 188–190, 192, 194–199, 283 Bradyrhizobium japonicum, 35
Arachis hypogaea, 1, 8 Burkholderia, 32–34, 40, 70, 77, 81
Arbuscular mycorrhiazal fungi (AMF), 218 BZIP transcription factors, 193, 199
P. fluorescens, 33–36, 38–42, 46–49, 63, Root-knot nematode, 39, 327, 333
68, 82, 84, 121, 167, 195, 317–335 Rust-resistant cultivars, 346
genomic sequence of, 328–334 Rye (Secale cereal), 234
by mechanisms of biocontrol, 319–328
by successful antagonism, 33, 36,
38–42, 46–49, 121, 317–335 S
P. syringae, 33, 36, 38, 40, 44, 45, 84, 156, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 77, 132
190, 195, 198, 317, 318, 333 Salicylic acid (SA), 36, 44, 46, 48, 72, 82–84,
pv. lachrymans, 38 120, 187–189, 191–199, 283, 327
pv. tomato, 38, 40, 84, 198 and SA analogues, 196
Puccinia signaling pathway, 193, 283
P. arachidis, 5, 201 Scab, 8, 170, 200–202, 206, 210, 231, 292
P. graminis f. sp. tritici, 135, 201, Sclerospora graminicola, 109–117, 121–125,
250–254, 258–261 134, 198, 201, 232, 329
P. substriata, 109 Sclerotinia
Pyremophora teres f. teres, 132 blight, 16–17, 22, 24
Pyricularia grisea, 109, 320 S. minor, 2, 16, 17, 24, 242
Pythium S. sclerotiorum, 2, 16, 17, 24, 34, 135, 140,
P. aphanidermatum, 33, 40, 202, 326, 330 196, 206, 215, 291, 292, 328, 329
P. irregular, 7, 19 Sclerotium
P. myriotylum, 19 leaf spot, 2, 10–11
P. ultimum, 19, 33, 34, 42, 77, 79, 135, S. rolfsii, 2, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 22–24, 26,
156, 324, 327, 329 33, 41, 329, 330
Secondary metabolites and other secreted
products, 333
Q Self-defense, 333
Quantitative trait loci (QTL), 241, 275, 282, Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE),
283, 287, 349–353 140, 220
Setaria verticillata, 110
Siderophore-mediated iron acquisition,
R 332–333
Random amplified polymorphic DNA Siderophores, 31, 32, 38, 46, 47, 61, 64,
(RAPD), 114, 115, 136, 187, 350 72–74, 318, 319, 323–326, 328,
Reactive oxygen species, 44, 78, 86, 189 332, 333
Recovery resistance, 124 Siderophores production, 319
Resistance breeding, 122–124, 223, 345, 348, Signal transduction, 83, 141, 186, 187,
352–353 192–193, 199
Resistance gene analogues (RGAs), 124, 351 Simcast, 154
Resistance gene characterization, 124 Simple sequence repeats (SSR), 135, 136, 236,
Resistance mechanisms, 61, 82, 122–124, 194, 348, 351
275–276, 281, 286–287 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Restriction fragment length polymorphism markers, 136, 271, 349, 352
(RFLP), 136, 320, 348, 350–352 Solanum
Rhizobium leguminosarum, 35 S. bulbocastanum, 155
Rhizoctonia S. chacoense, 155, 159, 173
damping-off, 2, 14 S. phureja, 159
R. solani, 2, 12, 14, 19, 20, 22–24, 32–34, S. tuberosum, 143, 159
40, 43, 157, 160–163, 213, 217, Sphaceloma arachidis, 8
219, 328–330 Spongospora subterranea, 171
Rhizopus spp., 12 SSR. See Simple sequence repeats (SSR)
Rhizosphere colonization, 332, 334 Stem rot of groundnut, 15, 329
Role of molecular markers, 348–349 Stem rust, 135, 188, 203, 232–235, 238–243,
Root exudates, 18, 43, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 70, 249–254, 259, 343–346, 349
317, 332 Stem rust epidemiology, 233, 250
364 Index
Streptomyces griseoviridis, 36 U
Synchytrium endobioticum, 167, 168, 201 Ug99 race migration, 237
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR), 32, 36, Ug99 resistance genes, 234, 239–241
37, 46, 82–84, 187, 193, Ug99-Risk Mitigation Strategies, 238
Systemic resistance, 195, 215
Systems biology, 131–144 V
V. albo-atrum, 17, 217, 329
T V. dahliae, 17, 135, 190, 198, 218
Thalictrum speciosissimum, 255, 258 wilt of groundnut, 17
Thanatephorus cucumeris, 20, 160 Volatiles, 39, 60, 69, 76, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86,
Thielaviopsis basicola, 20, 323, 329 166, 203, 318, 325, 328
Transcription factors, 138, 189, 193, 194,
Transcriptomics, 131, 139–142, 144, W
220, 223, 352 Wart of potato, 168
Transgenics, 4, 5, 26, 39, 125, 159, 167, 197, Web blotch, 7
219, 223, 282 Wheat stripe rust, 41, 258–261
Trichoderma WRKY Transcription factors, 194, 199–200
as biocontrol agent, 213
T. atroviride, 162, 213
T. harzianum, 14, 16, 18, 25, 120, 121, X
162, 167, 213, 214 Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, 32
T. viride, 14, 16, 18, 25, 120, 121, 156,
162, 163, 213, 214, 329
Trichothecenes, 269–271, 276–278, Y
280, 281, 284 Yellow mold, 2, 14
T. aestivum, 231, 250
T. turgidum var. durum, 231 Z
Tryptophan, 66 Zonate leaf spot, 2, 8