Pull-Push System and JIT and Lean

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What is Inventory?

Inventory (n) - 1: an itemized list of current assets;

2: the quantity of goods or materials on hand:
Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.

Inventory - any of the materials used directly in the

manufacture of a finished product

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Types of Inventory





$ Invested



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Why Have Inventory?


- Customers
- Suppliers
- Competitors
- Mfg. Process

Large Inventories

- Just-In-Case

High Costs
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Inventory Level

Why Have Inventory?


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Managing Inventory
Two ways to attack the problem...

Sources of


...best solution: Do Both!

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Inventory Management: Variability Reduction


Adjust Process
or System




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Inventory Management: System



A systematic method of purchasing, controlling, using,

and distributing the three classes of inventory:
- Raw Materials
- Work - In - Process (WIP)
- Finished Goods
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Purpose of Inventory Management Systems

To build the right product,
at the right time,
in the right quantity
to meet customer demand
subject to
At the right cost
To meet company profitability goals
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Inventory Management Philosophies

I. Push System: Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Links demand for parts to demand for finished goods through
standard lead times and bills-of-material via computer
systems;Production is triggered by a schedule
II. Pull System: Just-In-Time (JIT)
Links demand for parts to demand for finished goods through
series of calculated buffers via simple visual cards/containers
known as kanban; Production is triggered by demand

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Inventory Costs
Opportunity cost
Carrying costs
Design changes
Operating costs

Excess inventory is the

root of all evil.
K. Suzaki, The New
Manufacturing Challenge

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Key Inventory Measure


Inventory Turns: Harley Davidson


3 Year 4

Inventory Turns =

Gross Annual Sales

Avg. On-Hand Inventory

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Key Inventory Measure

Avg. U. S. manufacturer

Inventory Turns

Turn Days
45 - 52

Harley Davidson



Black & Decker



Avg. U. S. grocery store



Southland (7-11 stores)


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3.7 - 4.7


Product is pushed through the manufacturing

process in batches large enough to:
A. Meet present and future demand
B. Compensate for problems in process

Trigger: Schedule, based on Forecast &

Actual Customer Orders
Just build it, Theyll buy it!
Note: MRP II is a Push System
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MRP II Strengths

Well suited for variable demand

Works in both Make-To-Stock and
Provides integrated manufacturing
management system
Handles large number of parts easily
Widely used & accepted
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MRP II Weaknesses

Assumes infinite plant capacity

Requires accurate lead times
Requires accurate forecasts
No limit to WIP inventory
Lack of robustness (i.e., easily disturbed)
Requires accurate Bill-of-Materials

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Pull Systems


Product is pulled through the manufacturing process

at the rate of customer demand; Finished Goods are
replenished through a linked series of tactical buffers
(kanban) that offer control of Work-In-Process inventory.
Trigger: Customer Purchase of Goods
If they buy it, Well build it!
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One Piece Flow - Pull System

One order at a time
Order in = Order out
First in - first out
Produce what you need - not what you can
Lot size reduction
Simplified scheduling
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Cross Training and Load Leveling

Opens system constraints or bottle necks

Better utilizes all resources

Improves communication

IMPROVES productivity
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Pull System

A Trigger to Signal:
What to Build
When to Build
How Much to Build
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Pull System Strengths

Continual visibility
Simple, low cost production scheduling tools
Controlled / Calculated buffers
Reduced dependence on specific
item forecast
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Pull System Weaknesses

Requires relatively steady demand

Not Useful for Make-To-Order: FG
Relies on manufacturing process
Not as widely understood

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Which System is Best?

There is no Silver Bullet!

You must find the appropriate system
for your business environment

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Ch 26 Just-In-Time and
Lean Production
1. Lean Production and Waste in Manufacturing
2. Just-in-time Production Systems
3. Autonomation
4. Worker Involvement

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What is Lean Production?

Lean production means doing more work with fewer
Adaptation of mass production in which work is
accomplished in less time, smaller space, with fewer
workers and less equipment
Based on the Toyota Production System
The term "lean production" was coined by researchers
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Structure of Lean Production System

Taiichi Ohno's
structure of the
Toyota Production

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Activities in Manufacturing
1. Actual work - activities that add value to the product
2. Auxiliary work - activities that support the value-adding
3. Muda (waste) - activities that neither add value nor
support the value-adding activities

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Muda (Waste)
Taiichi Ohnos seven forms of waste:
1. Production of defective parts
2. Production of more parts than needed (overproduction)
3. Excessive inventories
4. Unnecessary processing steps
5. Unnecessary movement of people
6. Unnecessary handling of materials
7. Workers waiting

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Keys to Eliminating Waste


Just-in-time production
Autonomation (automation with a human touch)
Worker involvement

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Just-In-Time Production
Production and delivery of exactly the required number
of each component to the downstream operation in the
manufacturing sequence just at the moment when the
component is needed
Manufacturing lead time

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Requisites for JIT

1. A pull system of production control
2. Setup time reduction for smaller batch sizes
3. Stable and reliable production operations

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Pull System of Production Control

A system in which the order to make and deliver parts at
each workstation in the production sequence comes from
the downstream station that uses those parts
JIT is based on a pull system of production control
Alternative is a push system in which parts are produced
at each station irrespective of the immediate need for
those parts at the downstream station

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Kanban System

Toyotas way of implementing a pull system of

production control
Kanban means card in Japanese
Two types of kanbans:
1. Production kanban authorizes upstream station to
produce a batch of parts
2. Transport kanban authorizes transport of the
parts to the downstream station

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Operation of a Kanban System

1. Station i + 1 removes next P-kanban from dispatching rack. This

P-kanban authorizes it to process a container of part b. A
material handling worker removes the T-kanban from incoming
container of part b and takes it back to station i.
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Operation of a Kanban System

1. At station i, the material handling worker finds the container of

part b, removes the P-kanban and replaces it with a T-kanban.
He then puts the P-kanban in the dispatching rack at station i.
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Operation of a Kanban System

1. The container of part b that was at station i is moved to station

i + 1 as authorized by the T-kanban. The P-kanban for part b at
station i authorizes station i to process a new container of part
b, but it must wait its turn in the dispatching rack. Scheduling of
work at each station is determined by the order of P-kanbans.
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Setup Time Reduction

Starting point in setup time reduction is recognition that

the work elements in setup are of two types:
1. Internal elements can only be done while the
production machine is stopped
2. External elements do not require the machine to be

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External Work Elements

Can be accomplished while previous job is still running
Design the setup tooling and plan the changeover
procedure to permit as much of the setup as
possible to consist of external elements
Retrieve tooling for next job from tool crib
Assemble tools for next job
Reprogram machine for next job

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Internal Work Elements

Use time & motion study and methods improvement to
minimize the sum of the internal work element times
Use two workers rather than one to accomplish the
Eliminate adjustments in the setup
Use quick-acting fasteners rather than bolts and nuts
Use U-shaped washers instead of O-shaped washers
Design modular fixtures consisting of a base plus insert
tooling that can be quickly changed for each new part style
Base part remains attached to production machine
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Examples of Setup Reduction

Equipment type

Setup time

1000 ton press

Transfer line
Punch press
Machine tool
45 ton press

4 hr
9.3 hr
2 hr
6 hr
50 min

3 min
9 min
3 min
10 min
2 min


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Stable and Reliable

Production Operations
Production leveling - distribute changes in product mix and
quantity as evenly as possible over time
On-time delivery of components
Defect-free components and materials
Reliable production equipment
Workforce that is cooperative, committed, and crosstrained
Dependable supplier base

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Automation with a human touch

Production machines operate autonomously as long as
they are functioning properly
When they do not function properly (e.g., they produce a
defect), they are designed to stop
Autonomation topics:
1. Stop the process
2. Error prevention
3. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

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Stop the Process

Japanese word meaning machines that are designed to
stop automatically when something goes wrong
Stop the process when:
Defective parts are produced
Required production quantity has been completed
Avoids overproduction

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Error Prevention
Japanese word meaning prevention of errors using low
cost devices to prevent or detect them
Common mistakes in manufacturing:
Omitting processing steps
Incorrectly locating a part in a fixture
Using the wrong tool
Neglecting to add a part in assembly

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Poka-Yoke Functions
Performs 100% inspection for the following:
Workpart deviations
Processing and methods deviations
Counting and timing functions
Verification of steps during work cycle
When an error or other exception is identified, the pokayoke responses are either or both of the following:
Stops the process when an error or problem is detected
Provides an audible or visible warning to alert operator
and other workers
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Total Productive Maintenance

Goal: zero breakdowns
TPM = integration of preventive and predictive
maintenance to avoid emergency maintenance
Emergency maintenance = repair equipment that
breaks down
Preventive maintenance = routine repairs to avoid
Predictive maintenance = anticipating malfunctions
before they occur

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Equipment Availability Curve

Typical U-shaped availability curve for a piece of

equipment during its life
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Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Measure that includes availability (reliability), equipment
utilization, yield of good product, and operating capability
OEE = A U Y ros
where OEE = overall equipment effectiveness
A = availability (proportion uptime)
U = equipment utilization (time equipment is used relative
to available time)
Y = yield of good product = 1 - q, where q = fraction defect
ros = operating capability (actual speed / design speed)
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Worker Involvement
Continuous improvement
Visual workplace
Standard work procedures
Total productive maintenance

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Continuous Improvement
Japanese word meaning continuous improvement of
production operations
Usually implemented by worker teams, sometimes called
quality circles
Encourages worker sense of responsibility
Allows workers to gain recognition among colleagues
Improves workers technical skills

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Visual Management and 5S

Principle: the status of the work situation should be evident
just by looking at it
Objects that obstruct the view are not allowed
Build-up of WIP is limited to a specific height
Andon boards located above the assembly line indicate
the status of the workstations
Worker training includes use of photos and diagrams to
document work instructions

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Worker Involvement through 5S

Japanese word

English equivalent
Set in order, simplify access
Shine, sweep, scrub
Self-discipline, sustain

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Standardized Work Procedures

Three components:
1. Cycle time actual time required
Takt time reciprocal of demand rate adjusted for
available shift time
2. Work sequence
Basically the same as a standard method
3. Standard work-in-process
Minimum number of parts to avoid waiting of

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Takt Time and Cycle Time

Takt time defined
Ttakt = EOT / Qdd
where Ttakt = takt time
EOT = effective daily operating time
Qdd = daily quantity demanded
In the Toyota Production System, the work must be
designed so that the operation cycle time is consistent with
the takt time

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Standard Operations Routine Sheet

Shows the machines that must be visited by
the worker during each work cycle

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U-shaped Work Cell

Allocation of work at nine machines between three workers
in a production work cell

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Operations Routine Sheets

Allocation of
work at nine
machines for
three workers
in a production
work cell

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Standard Work-In-Process Quantity

Defined as the minimum number of parts necessary to avoid
workers waiting
Factors that affect the standard WIP quantity:
If quality inspections must be performed as distinct
steps, then additional parts must be provided
If processing includes heating of parts, then additional
parts must be provided for heating and cooling time
If the worker's work sequence is in the opposite
direction of the part processing sequence, then at least
one workpart must be held between machines to avoid
waiting time
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HW # 6
26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.12

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