Introduction To Boiler

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Introduction of Boiler

Lecture # 3 & 4
Mujahid Mehdi Abro

Indus University

Basic principle of Steam


What is steam?
When water boils and evaporates at 100C under
atmospheric pressure is called steam.

Steam Generation:
Within the boiler, fuel and air are forced
into the furnace by the burner.
There, it burns to produce heat.
From there, the heat (flue gases) travel
throughout the boiler.
The water absorbs the heat, and
eventually absorb enough to change into
a gaseous state - steam.
To the left is the basic theoretical design
of a modern boiler.
Boiler makers have developed various
designs to squeeze the most energy out
of fuel and to maximized its transfer to
the water.

Water enters the boiler, preheated, at the top.

The hot water naturally circulates through the tubes
down to the lower area where it is hot.
The water heats up and flows back to the steam drum
where the steam collects.
Not all the water gets turn to steam, so the process
starts again.
Water keeps on circulating until it becomes steam.
Meanwhile, the control system is taking the temperature
of the steam drum, along with numerous other readings,
to determine if it should keep the burner burning, or
shut it down.
As well, sensors control the amount of water entering
the boiler, this water is know as feedwater.
Feedwater is not your regular drinking water.
It is treated with chemicals to neutralize various
minerals in the water, which untreated, would cling to
the tubes clogging or worst, rusting them.
This would make the boiler expensive to operate
because it would not be very efficient.

The Old Steam Age

Steam was the driving force during the days
of the industrial revolution and was used to
power the giant textile mills, steam trains
and ocean going ships of the time.
In those days steam boilers were just like
the common domestic kettle where a
volume of water is heated in a container
and steam is ejected through the spout.
One such steam boiler design was the
famous Lancashire Boiler that was the most
advanced of its time. In this boiler coal was
used as fuel to heat two firetubes which in
turn heated the water that surrounded
them. As the temperature of the water rose,
steam bubbled off the water surface and
into the steam pipe.

The New Steam Age

Instead of heating a large amount of water and
steel - heat a small amount of water and steel.
This is possible by pumping water through the
inside of a small diameter heated coiled tube so
that cold water goes in one end and high
pressure steam comes out the other.
The Clayton Steam Generator uses only three
main components.
These components are a special pump, a
special water tube coil and a special steam
separator. Water is heated as it is pumped
through the coil and it is then fed to the to the
steam separator to produce very high quality
dry steam.

Understanding Heat
Transfer In boiler


Heat always moves from a warmer place to a

cooler place.
Hot objects in a cooler room will cool to room
Cold objects in a warmer room will heat up to
room temperature.

Heat Transfer Methods

Heat transfers in three ways:

When you heat a metal strip at one end, the heat travels to the other end.

As you heat the metal, the particles vibrate, these

vibrations make the adjacent particles vibrate, and so on
and so on, the vibrations are passed along the metal and
so is the heat. We call this as conduction.

What happens to the particles in a liquid or a
gas when you heat them?
The particles spread out and
become less dense.

This effects fluid movement.

What is a fluid?

A liquid or gas.

How does heat energy get
from the Sun to the Earth?
There are no particles between
the Sun and the Earth so it
CANNOT travel by conduction or
by convection.

Radiation travels in straight lines
Radiation can travel through a vacuum
Radiation requires no particles to travel
Radiation travels at the speed of light


Steam Boiler

What is boiler?
Steam boiler or simply a boiler is basically a
closed vessel into which water is heated until
the water is converted into steam at required
pressure. This is most basic definition of

Purpose of boilers
For generating power in steam engines or
steam turbines
In textile industries for sizing and bleaching
For heating the buildings in cold weather and
for producing hot water for hot water supply

Basic boiler terminologies and definitions

Furnace: it is the chamber formed by the space in
which combustion takes place.
Heating surface: Absorption of heat from furnace.
Steam / water separators: Separate water from
Feed Water supply: Provides water as a working
medium for conversion to steam.
Fuel Supply: Provides the energy source.
Control Equipment: Controlling start, operation,
shutdown, and safety trapping of plant.
Size and Capacity: Modular Boilers are small in
size and capacity and are often intended to replace
a large single boiler with several small boilers.

Working Principle of Boiler

The basic working principle of boiler is very
simple and easy to understand. The boiler is
essentially a closed vessel inside which water is
stored. Fuel (generally coal) is bunt in a furnace and
hot gasses are produced. These hot gasses come in
contact with water vessel where the heat of these
hot gases transfer to the water and consequently
steam is produced in the boiler. Then this steam is
piped to the turbine of thermal power plant. There
are many different types of boiler utilized for
different purposes like running a production unit,
sanitizing some area, sterilizing equipment, to warm
up the surroundings etc.

Types of boilers used in textile mills

List ofboiler machine for Textile Mills and Apparel Industryis closed vessel
in which water or other liquid is heated, steam or vapor is generated, steam
is superheated, or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum, for
use external to itself, by the direct application of energy from the combustion
of fuels, from electricity or nuclear energy. Following are the types of boiler
used in textile:

Fire Tube Boiler for Fashion Industry

Water tube boiler,
Fulton boilers,
Fluidized Bed Combustion,
Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion,
Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion,
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion,
Stoker Fired,
Pulverized Fuel,
Waste Heat and Thermic Fluid Heater.

There are mainly two types of

boiler used:
1) Firetube boiler
2) Watertube boiler

Fire tube boiler

As it indicated from the name, the fire tube boiler consists
of numbers of tubes through which hot gasses are passed.
These hot gas tubes are immersed into water, in a closed
vessel. Actually in fire tube boiler one closed vessel or shell
contains water, through which hot tubes are passed. These
fire tubes or hot gas tubes heated up the water and convert
the water into steam and the steam remains in same
vessel. As the water and steam both are in same vessel a
fire tube boiler cannot produce steam at very high pressure

Advantages of Fire Tube Boiler

1) It is quite compact in construction.
2) Fluctuation of steam demand can be met
3) It is also quite cheap.
Disadvantages of Fire Tube Boiler
1) As the water required for operation of the boiler
is quite large, it requires long time for rising
steam at desired pressure.
2) As the water and steam are in same vessel the
very high pressure of steam is not possible.
3) The steam received from fire tube boiler is not
very dry.

Water tube boiler

A water tube boiler is
such kind of boiler where
the water is heated inside
tubes and the hot gasses
surround them. This is the
basic definition of water
tube boiler. Actually this
boiler is just opposite of
fire tube boiler where hot
gasses are passed through
surrounded by water.

Advantages of Water Tube Boiler

There are many advantages of water tube boiler due to which
these types of boiler are essentially used in large
thermal power plant.
1) Larger heating surface can be achieved by using more
numbers of water tubes.
2) Due to convectional flow, movement of water is much
faster than that of fire tube boiler, hence rate of heat transfer
is high which results into higher efficiency.
3) Very high pressure in order of 140 kg/cm 2 can be obtained
Disadvantages of Water Tube Boiler
1) The main disadvantage of water tube boiler is that it is not
compact in construction.
2) Its cost is not cheap.
3) Size is a difficulty for transportation and construction.

Comparison of fire tube and water

tube boilers

Fire-tube boilers

Water-tube boilers

Position of water and hot


Hot gases inside the tubes

and water outside the

Water inside the tubes

and hot gases outside the

Mode of firing

Generally internally fired

Externally fired

Operation pressure

Limited to 16 bar

Can go up to 100 bar

Rate of steam production




Not suitable for large

power plants

Suitable for large power


Risk on bursting

Involves lesser risk of

explosion due to lower

More risk on bursting

due to high pressure

Floor area

For a given power it

occupies more floor area

For a given power it

occupies less floor area





Fire-tube boilers

Water-tube boilers




Shell diameter

Large for same power

Small for same power

Chances of explosion



Treatment of water

Not so necessary

More necessary

Accessibility of various

Various parts not so easily

accessible for cleaning,
repair and inspection

More accessible

Requirement of skill

Require less skill for

efficient and economic

Require more skill and

careful attention

Construction and operation of other boilers:

Vertical Package:

It consist of a cylindrical shell, the greater

portion of which is full of water & remaining
is the steam space.

At the bottom of the fire box is grate on

which fuel is burnt and the ash from it falls
in the ash pit.

A simple vertical boiler is self-contained &

can be easily transported.

Reliable, has simplicity of design, ease of operation and less operating and
maintenance costs
Commonly used in sugar-mills and textile industries where along with the power
steam and steam for the process work is also needed
Consists of cylindrical shell inside which two large tubes are spaced
Shell is constructed with several rings of cylindrical from it is placed horizontally
over a brick work which forms several channels for the flow of hot gases
The furnace is placed at the front end of each tube

Babcock and Wilcox boilers

It consists of a drum connected to a series of front end

and rear end header by short riser tubes

To these headers are connected a series of inclined (15 0

or more) water tubes

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