Ch-1 Introduction To E-Learning

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Chapter 1

Introduction To E-Learning

Learning objectives
After finishing this Lecture you will be able to:
tell a definition of E-learning;
put different developments in time;
explain the different delivery types of E-learning;
to list benefits and limitation of E-learning;
identify learning model

Definition of E-learning

It is a pattern of learning in which the

internet and other learning techniques
are used for the delivery of the teaching
process, and for managing the interaction
between instructor and student, among
students themselves, and between
students and sources of learning

E-Learning Delivery
E-learning can be divided into two major
delivery methods:1.Synchronous learning
2.Asynchronous learning

1- Synchronous learning
It happens in real time with an instructor facilitating
the training. Most commonly this type of learning
may take place over the Internet.








communicates directly with the instructor and/or

other students.

Examples of Synchronous e-Learning

listening to a live radio broadcast;

Watching a live television broadcast;

audio/video conferencing;

Internet telephony;

online lectures;

two-way live satellite broadcast

2- Asynchronous e-Learning
It may be CD, DVD-ROM, Intranet, or Internet based.
Students generally work on an interactive self-paced
program of study. This may include access to
instructors or experts through online bulletin boards,
discussion groups, and e-mail.
Asynchronous e-Learning allows students to learn
anywhere and usually at any time, as long as they have
the proper equipment.

Examples of Asynchronous e-Learning

self paced courses taken via Internet or CD-ROM;
videotaped classes;
stored audio/video Web presentations or seminars;
recorded audio tapes;
Q & A mentoring;
reading e-mail messages.

Synchronous Learning


Screen Sharing



Knowledge Base

Desktop Conferencing


Online seminar

Computer Based Training

Learning Models

Learning Models





students head to a physical space (college) in which to

learn Information and communication technology can
enhance the learning process, but is not necessarily
included; e.g., data show and presentations.

Learning Models (cont.)

Distance learning: In distance learning, an
instructor and students are separated by time,
location, or both. Education or training courses are
delivered to remote locations via synchronous or
asynchronous means of instruction. Distance
education does not preclude the use of the traditional

Learning Models (cont.)

Blended learning. Blended learning combines

multiple models to learning For example, students in

a traditional class can be assigned both print-based
and online materials.

E-Learning Levels used in King Khalid University

Supportive e-Learning
The level in which all classes are taken face-to-face in
classrooms, and the e-learning systems, tools and
environment are used to support and facilitate the learning

Blended e-Learning
The level in which some of the face-to face sessions in
classrooms are replaced by e-activities on the course site using
the e-learning systems, tools and environment.

E-Learning Levels used in King Khalid University

Full e-Learning:
The level in which all the face-to-face sessions in
classrooms are replaced by e-activities on the course site
using the e-learning systems, tools and environments
with the exception of the final exam and the limited faceto-face sessions decided by the faculty and the teacher.

Learning Management System (LMS)

An learning management system (LMS) is a set
of software tools for delivering, tracking and
managing online training and education.
King Khalid University used Blackboard as LMS.

Virtual classrooms
The virtual classroom provides the opportunity for
students to receive direct instruction from a qualified
teacher in an interactive environment.
Elluminate in blackboard is an example of Virtual

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