Antenna or Radiating Systems: Radio Waves Radio Radio Television Wireless LAN Cell Phones Radar Spacecraft Outer Space
Antenna or Radiating Systems: Radio Waves Radio Radio Television Wireless LAN Cell Phones Radar Spacecraft Outer Space
Antenna or Radiating Systems: Radio Waves Radio Radio Television Wireless LAN Cell Phones Radar Spacecraft Outer Space
Types of Antennas
Isotropic antenna (idealized)
Radiates power equally in all directions
Dipole antennas
Half-wave dipole antenna (or Hertz antenna)
Quarter-wave vertical antenna (or Marconi
Isotropic Antenna
The isotropic radiator is a purely theoretical
antenna that radiates equally in all directions. It
is considered to be a point in space with no
dimensions and no mass. This antenna cannot
physically exist, but is useful as a theoretical
model for comparison with all other antennas.
Most antennas' gains are measured with
reference to an isotropic radiator, and are rated
in dBi (decibels with respect to an isotropic
Isotropic Antenna
The power density, S, due to an isotropic
radiator is a function only of the distance,
d, from the antenna and can be expressed
as the total power divided by the area
of a sphere with radius d.
Dipole Antenna
The dipole antenna is simply two wires pointed in
opposite directions arranged either horizontally or
vertically, with one end of each wire connected to the
radio and the other end hanging free in space. Since this
is the simplest practical antenna, it is also used as a
reference model for other antennas; gain with respect to
a dipole is labeled as dBd. Generally, the dipole is
considered to be omnidirectional in the plane
perpendicular to the axis of the antenna, but it has deep
nulls in the directions of the axis. Variations of the dipole
include the folded dipole, the half wave antenna, the
ground plane antenna,
The horn is used where high gain is needed, the wavelength is short
(microwave) and space is not an issue. Horns can be narrow band
or wide band, depending on their shape. A horn can be built for any
frequency, but horns for lower frequencies are typically impractical.
Horns are also frequently used as reference antennas.
The parabolic antenna consists of an active element at the focus of
a parabolic reflector to reflect the waves into a plane wave. Like the
horn it is used for high gain, microwave applications, such as
satellite dishes.
The patch antenna consists mainly of a square conductor mounted
over a groundplane. Another example of a planar antenna is the
tapered slot antenna (TSA), as the Vivaldi-antenna.
Antenna Gain
Antenna gain
Power output, in a particular direction, compared
to that produced in any direction by a perfect
omnidirectional antenna (isotropic antenna)
Effective area
Related to physical size and shape of antenna
Antenna Gain
Gain as a parameter measures the efficiency of a given
antenna with respect to a given direction, usually
achieved by modification of its directionality. An antenna
with a low gain emits radiation with about the same
power in all directions, whereas a high-gain antenna will
preferentially radiate in particular directions. Specifically,
the Gain, Directive gain or Power gain of an antenna is
defined as the ratio of the intensity (power per unit
surface) radiated by the antenna in a given direction at
an arbitrary distance divided by the intensity radiated at
the same distance by a hypothetical isotropic antenna.
Antenna Gain
Antenna Gain
Relationship between antenna gain and effective area
4Ae 4f Ae
G 2
G = antenna gain
Ae = effective area
f = carrier frequency
c = speed of light ( 3 108 m/s)
= carrier wavelength
Radiation Patterns
Radiation pattern
Graphical representation of radiation properties of an
Depicted as two-dimensional cross section
Reception pattern
Receiving antennas equivalent to radiation pattern
Radiation Patterns
The radiation pattern of an antenna is the
geometric pattern of the relative field strengths
of the field emitted by the antenna. For the ideal
isotropic antenna, this would be a sphere. For a
typical dipole, this would be a toroid. The
radiation pattern of an antenna is typically
represented by a three dimensional graph, or
polar plots of the horizontal and vertical cross
sections. The graph should show sidelobes and
backlobes, where the antenna's gain is at a
minima or maxima.
Radiation Patterns
Noise Factor
An antenna to be used for reception of low
frequencies (below about ten megahertz) will be
subject to both man-made noise from motors
and other machinery, and from natural sources
such as lightning. Successfully rejecting these
forms of noise is an important antenna feature. A
small coil of wire with many turns is more able to
reject such noise than a vertical antenna.
However, the vertical will radiate much more
effectively on transmit, where extraneous signals
are not a concern