Module 3
Normal Laboratory Values for Red Blood Cells and Platelets
Laboratory Test
Normal Value
14 to 16.5 g/dL
12 to 15 g/dL
Module 3
Normal Laboratory Values for Red Blood Cells and Platelets
Laboratory Test
Normal Value
40% to 50%
37% to 47%
Mean Corpuscular
Volume (MCV)
85 to 100 fL/cell
Mean corpuscular
Hemoglobin concentration
31 to 35 g/dL
Mean corpuscular
Hemoglobin (MCH)
Platelet count
27 to 34 pg/cell
250,000 to 400,000/mm3
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
B. Hemoglobin and hematocrit
1. Hemoglobin - gas carrying
capacity of an erythrocyte
2. Hematocrit -ratio of the RBC
volume to the volume of whole
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
C. RBC Indexes
1. MCV (Mean corpuscular volume)estimate size of the RBC.
2. MCH (Mean corpuscular hemoglobin)measures the content of Hgb in RBCs
from a single cell
3. MCHC (Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration)- a more accurate
measurement of the Hgb content of RBC
as it measures the entire volume of RBCs.
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
D. Serum ferritin, transferrin, and
total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)Used to evaluate iron levels.
- Ferritin measures the iron in plasma,
which is also a direct reflection of total iron
- Transferrin is the major iron-transport
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
E. White Blood Cell Count
- *Abnormal elevation- leukocytosis
- Leukopenia is a decrease in the number of
white blood cells.
Module 3
Table 14-2. Normal Laboratory Values: White Blood Cells
Laboratory Test
WBC count
5000 to 10,000/mm3
1-3% or 50 to 400/mm3
3 to 8% or 100 to 600/mm3
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
F. Coagulation studies
Bleeding time normal range is 1- 4 minutes
- evaluation of platelet function
- Extended bleeding times thrombocytopenia and aspirin therapy
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
F. Coagulation studies
Prothrombin Time (PT) is the rapidity of
blood clotting. Normal range is 11-16
*PT evaluates extrinsic coagulation
pathway which include
- Factor I,
- Factor VII,
- Factor II,
- Factor X.
- Factor V,
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
F. Coagulation studies
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) normal range is 6070 seconds, which *evaluates the intrinsic coagulation
pathway or fibrin clot formation.
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) normal
range is 30-45 seconds.
- Used in heparin therapy and in the evaluation of hemophilia.
- APTT is increased in
anticoagulation therapy,
liver disease,
vitamin K deficiency,
disseminated intravascular coagulation. (DIC).
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
F. Coagulation studies
Fibrinogen normal range is 150-400 mg/dl . It is a
soluble plasma protein that is decreased in DIC
Fibrin degradation products (FDP): normal value is
< 10 micrograms/ml. FDP is increased in fibrinolysis,
thrombolytic therapy, and DIC.
Fibrin D-dimer - normal is 0 - 0.5 micrograms/ml. Ddimer is the most sensitive indicator to differentiate DIC
from primary fibrinolysis. It is.elevated in DIC.
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
G. Bone Marrow Examination
Sites for bone marrow aspiration may include:
- sternum,
- iliac crest (most common),
- Tibia.
- The most common site posterosuperior iliac spine.
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
H. Lymphangiography is visualization
of the lymph system radiographically
after injection of a dye. (staging of
Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins
Module 3
Diagnostic Tests and Assessments
H. Lymph Node Biopsy performed in
the operating room to obtain lymph
tissue for histologic analysis.
Module 3
Common nursing
procedures of the
hematologic system
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
A. Protocol for the administration of blood and blood products
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
A. Protocol for the administration of blood and blood products
3. Consent
4. Typing and crossmatch .
5. Obtain blood intravenous access line is available.
6. IV with normal saline
7.*Blood may not be returned to the blood bank after 20 minutes.
8. Do not keep blood or blood products in the nursing unit
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
A. Protocol for the administration of blood and blood products
9. Validate data of blood product with another nurse.
10. Validate with another nurse that the clients name, ID number,
blood type and Rh matches the unit of blood to be transfused.
11. Note the expiration date indicated on the blood product
12. Observe the unit of blood for bubbles or discoloration.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
A. Protocol for the administration of blood and blood products
13. Pre-transfusion vital signs, 15 minutes after the
transfusion is initiated and immediately after the
completion of the transfusion.
14. *A pre-transfusion temperature of 100 F should be
reported before initiating the transfusion. Any increase in
2 degrees F in the clients temperature may be an
indication of a transfusion reaction
15. *Start blood transfusion slowly (25-50 mL during the
first 15 minutes). Stay with the client during first 15 min.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
A. Protocol for the administration of blood and blood products
16. Do not administer any medications through the blood
transfusion tubing.
17. Use only agency- approved blood- warming devices.
18. Blood products should not be infused longer than 4 hours.
19. Discard tubings and bags used in the transfusion in a
biohazard receptacle.
20. Follow protocol for transfusion reactions.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
B. Protocol for suspected blood transfusion reaction
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
Signs and Symptoms of Blood Transfusion Reaction
- Chills,
- fever,
- urticaria,
- tachycardia,
- chest pain or
complaints of chest
- shortness of breath,
- dyspnea,
- lumbar pain,
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- rales,
- hematuria,
- hypotension,
- wheezing.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
Signs and Symptoms of Blood Transfusion Reaction
Bacterial (Pyrogenic)
- Hypotension,
- fever,
- chills,
- flushed skin,
- abdominal pain,
- pain in extremities,
- vomiting,
- diarrhea.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
Signs and Symptoms of Blood Transfusion Reaction
Allergic reaction
- Urticaria,
- pruritus,
- swelling of the tongue,
- swelling of the face,
- difficulty of breathing,
- pulmonary edema,
- shock.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
Signs and Symptoms of Blood Transfusion Reaction
Circulatory Overload
- Chest pain,
- tightness of the chest,
- cough,
- rales,
- pulmonary edema,
- tachycardia,
- elevated blood pressure.
Module 3
Common nursing procedures of the hematologic system
B. Protocol for suspected blood transfusion reaction
4. Notify the physician and the blood bank.
5. Send the unit of blood and tubing used to the
blood bank.
6. Urine and blood samples will be required.
7. Administer prescribed drugs
8. Document the reaction and interventions.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
3. Assessment
a. Clinical manifestations (usually develop gradually with
the client not seeking attention until the hemoglobin
drops to 7-8 g/dL).
- Fatigue
- Cheilosis (cracks in the
corners of the mouth)
- Weakness
- Smooth sore tongue
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Pallor (ear lobes, palms
- Pica (craving to eat
and conjunctiva)
unusual substances such
- Brittle spoon like nails
as clay or starch).
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
3. Assessment
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
3. Assessment
b. Diagnostic and laboratory tests
- MCH or MCHC decreased;
- The MCV, MCH, and MCHC should be analyzed
only when the hemoglobin is low.
- Low serum iron level and elevated serum ironbinding capacity or low serum ferritin levels.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
4. Therapeutic management:
- The cause for the anemia is usually explored.
- Stools are examined for occult blood.
- Endoscopic examination
- Increase intake of iron-rich foods
- Vitamin supplementation. Administration of oral iron
preparation in the form of ferrous sulfate.
- Parenteral administration of iron.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
7. Medication therapy
- Oral ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) 300-325 mg tid, given 1
hr before meals for 6 months.
- ferrous gluconate (Fergon) and ferrous fumarate
(Ircon, Femiron).
- Iron dextran (INFeD) deep IM (Z-track) or IV
therapy may be given. A small test dose is
- Transfusion of packed RBCs
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
A. Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)
8. Client education
- maintain good nutrition
- *take iron on an empty stomach. Absorption of
iron is decreased with food.
- *stools will appear black with the oral intake of
- *prevent constipation.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
1. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
- Description: A type of anemia
characterized by macrocytic red blood
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hmatologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
- pallor,
- progressive weakness,
- fatigue,
- shortness of breath,
- cardiac palpitations;
- GI symptoms are similar to B12 deficiency, but
usually more severe (glossitis, cheilosis, and
- **neurological symptoms seen in B12
deficiency are not seen in folic acid deficiency
and therefore assist in the differentiation of
these two types of anemia.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
B . Megaloblastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
1. Description
Aplastic anemia is a form of anemia
resulting in decreased production of
bone marrow elements namely
erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
2. Etiology and pathophysiology
a. Affects all age groups and gender.
b. Two classifications
- Congenital aplastic anemia is caused by a
chromosomal alteration.
-Acquired form may be caused by radiation,
chemical agents and toxins, drugs, viral and
bacterial infections, pregnancy, and idiopathic.
-In about 50% of cases, the cause is unknown.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
2. Etiology and pathophysiology
c. There is a decrease or cessation of
production of RBCs (anemia), WBCs
(leukopenia), and platelets
(thrombocytopenia). Decrease may result
from damage to bone marrow stem cells, the
bone marrow itself, and the replacement of
bone marrow with fat. Condition may be
acute or chronic.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
3. Assessment
- Clinical manifestations
- Pallor
- Fatigue
- Palpitations
- Exertional dyspnea
- Infections of the skin and mucous
- Bleeding from gums, nose,
vagina, or rectum.
- Purpura (bruising)
- Retinal hemorrhage
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
3. Assessment
- Diagnostic and laboratory tests
- *Blood counts reveal pancytopenia
(decreased RBC, WBC, and platelets).
- Decreased reticulocyte count.
- Bone marrow examination reveals
decrease in activity of the bone
marrow or no cell activity.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
4. Therapeutic management
- Identification of the cause of bone marrow
- Bone marrow transplantation.
- Immunosuppression
- Transfusion of leukocyte-poor RBCs.
- Spleenectomy.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
7. Medication therapy
- Agents that suppres lymphocyte activity
such as antilymphocyte globulin (ALG),
antithymocyte globulin (ATG) and
cyclosporine (Sandimmune).
- Immunosuppresive agents such as
prednisone and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan).
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
8. Client education
- preventing infection
- prevent hemorrhage
- avoidance of drugs that increase bleeding
tendency such as aspirin.
- balance activity with adequate rest periods to
avoid fatigue.
- report signs of infection, bleeding, increasing
intolerance to activity.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
C . Aplastic anemia
9. Evaluation
- Client verbalizes ways to prevent infection,
bleeding, and fatigue.
- Does not develop infection.
- Does not develop hemorrhage.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
2. Etiology and pathophysiology
- *Sickle cell trait (heterozygous state) is a
generally mild condition that produces few, if any
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
2. Etiology and pathophysiology
- During decreased oxygen tension in the plasma,
the hemoglobin S causes the RBCs to elongate,
become rigid, and assume a crescent sickled
shape. Cells clump, obstruct capillary blood flow
causing ischemia and possible tissue infarction:
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
2. Etiology and pathophysiology
- Other causes of sickle cell crisis include:
- elevated blood viscosity/decreased plasma volume,
- infection,
- dehydration,
- and/or increased hydrogen ion concentration (acidosis).
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
3. Assessment
Clinical manifestations
- Pallor
- Jaundice
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Large joints and surrounding tissue
may become swollen during crisis
- Priapism
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
3. Assessment
Diagnostic and laboratory tests
- Anemia with sickled cells noted on a
peripheral smear.
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis to determine the
presence and percentage of hemoglobin S is
used for a definitive diagnosis.
- Elevated serum bilrubin levels.
- Elevated reticulocyte count.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
4. Therapeutic management
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Blood transfusions
- Management of pain
- Use of chemotherapy drug
hydroxyurea (Droxia) to increase
hemoglobin F and decrease sickling
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Clients who are in crisis should have the following included
- Management of pain.
- Administration of oxygen.
- *Promoting hydration to decrease blood
viscocity. The client in crisis should have
an oral intake of at least 6 to 8 quarts per
day or IV fluids of 3 liters per day.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Monitor for complications such as
- vaso-occlusive disease (thrombosis),
- hypoxia,
- CVA,
- renal dysfunction,
- priapism leading to impotence,
- acute chest syndrome (fever, chest pain, cough,
pulmonary infiltrates, and dyspnea),
- substance abuse.
Management of infection
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
7. Medication therapy:
- * Nifedipine (Procardia) may be used
for priapism.
- Hydroxyurea (Droxia) to increase
hemoglobin F and decrease sickling
- Narcotic analgesics during the acute
phase of sickle cell crisis.
- Broad spectrum antibiotics to manage
acute chest syndrome.
- Folic acid supplements
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
D . Sickle cell disease
Teach client ways to prevent sickle cell crisis
- *Maintaining adequate fluid intake. Clients with sickle cell
disease should maintain an oral intake of at least 4 to 6
quarts per day. Avoid conditions that might predispose them
to dehydration.
- Avoiding high altitudes
- Prevention of and prompt treatment of infections
- Stress reduction strategies
- Avoid exposure to cold.
- Avoid overexertion.
- Adhere to vaccination schedules for pneumococcal
pneumonia, haemophilus influenza type B, and hepatitis B.
- Importance of regular medical follow-up.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
- an increase in the number of circulating
erythrocytes and the concentration of
hemoglobin in the blood; also known as
polycemia vera, PV, or Myeloproliferative
red cell disorder.
- Polycythemia can be primary or secondary
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Etiology and pathophysiology
a. Primary
- Common in men of European Jewish descent.
- Neoplastic stem cell disorder characterized by
increased production of RBCs, granulocytes, and
- With the over production of erythrocytes, there is
increased blood viscocity resulting in congestion of
blood in tissues, the liver, and spleen.
- Thrombi form, acidosis develops, and tissue infraction
occurs as a result of the diminished circulatory flow of
blood due to the increased viscosity.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Etiology and pathophysiology
b. Secondary
- Most common form of polycythemia vera.
- The disturbance is not in the development of red blood cells
but in the abnormal increase of ertythropoietin, causing
excessive erythropoiesis.
- The increase in red blood cell production due to increased
erythropoietin release is a physiologic response to hypoxia.
Hypoxia stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidney.
- Chronic hypoxic states may be produced by prolonged
exposure to high altitudes, pulmonary diseases,
hypoventilation, and smoking.
- The results of an increased RBC production include the
increased viscosity of blood, which alters circulatory flow.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Clinical Manifestations
- Plethora- a ruddy (dark, flushed) color of the face,
hands, feet, ears, and mucous membranes resulting
from the engorgement or distention of blood vessels.
- Symptoms associated with increased blood volume including
headaches, vertigo, blurred vision, and tinnitus.
- Distended superficial veins.
- Itching unrelieved by antihistamines.
- Symptoms associated with impaired tissue oxygenation
including angina, claudication, or dyspnea.
- Erythromyalgia, or burning sensation of the fingers and toes.
- Splenomegaly in majority of those with primary polycythemia vera.
- Epistaxis, GI bleeding
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Diagnostic and Laboratory tests:
- Elevated hemoglobin and erythrocyte count
- Decreased MCHC
- Increased WBC and basophilia
- Increased platelets
- Elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
- Elevated uric acid
- Elevated cobalamin levels
- Increased histamine levels
- Bone marrow examination shows hypercellularity.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Therapeutic management
- Management of the underlying condition
(such as COPD) causing the chronic hypoxia.
- *Repeated phlebotomy to decrease blood
volume. The goal is to keep the hematocrit
less than 45 to 48%.
- Hydration to decrease blood viscosity.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Planning and implementation
- Assist in phlebotomy
- Measures to relieve pruritus including cool
and tepid baths
- Accurate monitoring of fluid intake and output
- Nursing measures to prevent thrombotic
events including early ambulation, passive leg
exercises when on bed rest, avoid crossing
legs, and maintaining adequate hydration
- Administration of medications for the prevention of
complications including anticoagulants.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Medication therapy
- Myelosuppressive agents to inhibit bone
marrow activity including hydroxyurea
(Hydrea), melphalan (Alkeran) and radioactive
- Allopurinol to manage gout.
- Antiplatelet agents to prevent thrombotic
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
Client education
- *importance of maintaining good hydration. The
client should drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day.
(Hydrea), melphalan (Alkeran) and radioactive
- about the disease and ways in which it can be
controlled, such as smoking cessation.
- Discuss signs and symptoms of complications
associated with the disorder
- prevent bleeding states
- importance of a regular medical check up.
- avoid products that contain iron.
- ways of preventing thrombosis.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
E . Polycythemia
- The hematocrit is within normal range.
- The client does not develop complications
associated with thrombus formation.
- The client maintains adequate hydration.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
A decrease in the number of circulating
platelets or a platelet count of less than
100,000 platelets per milliliter of blood
resulting in problems of hemostasis.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Etiology and pathophysiology
- Increased destruction of platelets may be
caused by an immune system defect. The
platelets become coated with an antibody.
- When these antibody coated platelets reach the
spleen, they are recognized as foreign and are
- Platelets normally have a circulating life of 8 to 10
days but because of this immune response their life
cycle is shortened. This condition is referred to as
immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Etiology and pathophysiology
- The acute form of ITP is more common in children
whereas the chronic form is more common in
women between the ages of 20 to 50.
- Other causes of increased destruction of platelets
include non -immune related factors such as
infection or drug induced effects.
- A decrease in the number of functional platelets
leads to bleeding disorders. Cerebral and
pulmonary hemorrhage can occur when platelet
counts drop below 10,000/mm3.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Clinical manifestations
- Petechiae and purpura (anterior thorax,
arms, and neck).
- Epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
menorrhagia, hematuria, and
gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Signs of internal hemorrhage
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Therapeutic management
- Treatment of the underlying cause or removal
of the causative agent.
- Use of immunosuppressive and
chemotherapeutic agents in cases of ITP
- Platelet transfusions if there is active
bleeding.; little benefit in ITP.
- Splenectomy in ITP
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Medication therapy
- Steroids and immunoglobulins may be used
to suppress the immune response in ITP
- Immunosuppressive agents may be used such
as vincristine (Oncovin) and cyclophosphamide
- Platelet growth factor such as oprelvekin
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Client education
- The client and family should be taught to
monitor for signs of bleeding and when to
contact the primary care provider.
- Instructions on bleeding precautions including
- use of soft-bristled toothbrush
- avoidance of flossing
- prevention of tissue trauma and injury including
vigorous sexual intercourse,
- using an electric razor for shaving.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
Client education
- Teach client to avoid drugs that contain
aspirin and others that interfere with
- Discuss medication dosing, schedule,
and side effects.
- Teach the importance of regular medical
follow up and platelet monitoring.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
F . Thrombocytopenia
- There is no evidence of bleeding.
- Increased platelet count.
- Client verbalizes knowledge of
medication actions and precautions.
- Client identifies methods to monitor for
signs of occult bleeding
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
- A group of hereditary clotting factor
disorders characterized by prolonged
coagulation time that results in prolonged
and sometimes excessive bleeding.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Clinical manifestations
- Persistent and prolonged bleeding from small cuts
and injuries.
- Delay of onset of bleeding after an injury.
- Subcutaneous ecchymosis and subcutaneous
- Gingival bleeding
- Gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Hematuria
- Pain, paresthesias, or paralysis resulting from nerve
compression of the hematomas.
- Hemarthrosis
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Therapeutic management
- Treatment is the replacement of the
deficient coagulation factor(s).
- Hemophilia A: cryoprecipitate containing 8100 units of factor VIII per bag at 12- hour
intervals until bleeding ceases. Freeze-dried
concentrate of Factor VIII may also be given.
- Hemophilia B: plasma or factor IX
concentrate given Q 24 hours or until
bleeding ceases.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Therapeutic management
- Von Willebrands disease: cryoprecipitate
containing 8-100 units of factor VIII per bag at 12hour intervals until bleeding ceases.
Desmopressin (DDAVP) given intravenously may
also be used.
- Supportive treatment for hemarthrosis including
arthrocentesis and physiotherapy.
- Control of topical bleeding with hemostatic
agents, pressure, and application of ice.
- Management of complications associated with
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
Client education
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
G . Hemophilia
- The client identifies strategies to prevent
injury and bleeding precautions.
- There is no evidence of internal bleeding
including hemarthrosis.
- *The client and family seek support from the
local chapter of the National Hemophilia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular
coagulation (consumption coagulopathy)
is a syndrome characterized by abnormal
initiation and acceleration of clotting and
simultaneous hemorrhage. The paradoxical
bleeding that occurs is a result of the
consumption of clotting factors and platelets.
The syndrome is usually precipitated by an
underlying pathologic condition.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
- Tissue necrosis
- Sepsis
- Trauma
- Drug reactions
- Obstetric complications
- Liver disease
- Neoplasms
- Acute hemolysis
- Vascular disorders
- Extensive burns
- Hypoxia
- Prosthetic devices
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
- Hemoptysis
- Melena
- Occult blood in stool or vomitus
- Abdominal distention
- Abdominal pain
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
- Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
- Orthopnea
- Decreased breath sounds
- Chest pain
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
- Decreased pulses
- Decreased capillary filling time
- Tachycardia
- Venous distention
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
- Hematuria
- Oliguria
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
Nervous System
- Vision changes
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- Seizures
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Clinical Manifestations of DIC
- Joint pain
- Bone pain
- Weakness
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Therapeutic management
- The priority of therapeutic management is to initiate
treatment of the underlying medical condition that
precipitated DIC.
- Life-threatening hemorrhage accomplished by
administering specific blood components based on the
identified deficiency: Platelets for thrombocytopenia;
cryoprecipitate to replace fibrinogen, and factors V and
VII; and fresh frozen plasma to replace all clotting
factors except platelets.
- Use of Heparin or Antithrombin III (AT-III) to control
intravascular clotting. Their use is controversial.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Medication therapy
- Heparin and Antithrombin III
- Epsilon aminocaproic acid (Amicar) to inhibit
- Blood products (FFP, platelets, and
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
Client education
- Regarding the syndrome and explain
treatments and interventions
- To report symptoms of complications
including abdominal pain, headache, visual
disturbances, and pain.
- Thrombocytopenic precautions
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
H . Disseminated intravascular coagulation
(consumption coagulopathy)
- The clients hemodynamic status is
- Peripheral pulses remain intact
- Skin remains intact.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Refers to a decrease (less than 2000/mm3) in the
neutrophil count either as a result of decreased
production or increased destruction. The
neutrophil plays a major role in phagocytosis of
disease-producing microorganisms.
Consequently, a decrease in their numbers
increases the individuals risk for infection.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
- There are no real symptoms associated
with neutropenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Therapeutic management
- If the etiology of neutropenia is drug-induced,
discontinuation of the medication is indicated.
- Corticosteroids are used if the etiology is
- If the etiology is decreased production, growth
factors (granulocyte/macrophage colony
stimulating factor or GM-CSF) may be used.
- If client develops a fever, identification and
treatment of the infection is instituted
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Planning and implementation:
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
Medication therapy
a. Growth factors such as G-SF
(Neupogen) or granulocyte/macrophagecolony-stimulating factor (Leukine) is
given to increase the neutrophil count.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
*Client education
- Teach client and family to report signs of fever
- Teach the client and individuals who come in
contact with the client about strict hand
washing and reverse isolation procedure.
- Teach client methods to maintain good
personal hygiene.
- Explain to the client and family about the
condition and the rationale of therapeutic
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
I . Neutropenia
- The absolute neutrophil count normalizes.
- The client is free of infection.
- The client and family verbalize methods of
limiting exposure to pathogens.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
A malignant disorder of the blood-forming
tissues of the bone marrow, spleen, and
lymph system characterized by
unregulated proliferation of WBCs and
their precursors.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Acute lymphocytic/lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
- Peak incidence at 2 to 4 years of age.
- Immature granulocytes proliferate and
accumulate in the marrow
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
- More common in men and mainly
between the ages of 50 and 70.
- Abnormal and incompetent lymphocytes
proliferate and accumulate in the lymph
nodes and spreads to other lymphatic
tissues and the spleen. Most of the
circulating cells are mature lymphocytes.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Acute myelogenous/myelocytic leukemia (AML)
- All age groups are affected with a peak
incidence at age 60.
- There is uncontrolled proliferation of
myeloblasts, which are the precursors of
granulocytes. They accumulate in the
bone marrow.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
- Uncommon in people under 20 years of age.
The incidence rises with age.
- There is uncontrolled proliferation of
granulocyte resulting in increased circulating
blast (immature) cells.
- The marrow expands into long bones
because of this proliferation and also extends
into the liver and spleen.
- In most cases the Philadelphia chromosome,
a characteristic chromosomal abnormality, is
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
- Acute leukemia has a rapid onset, progresses rapidly,
with a short clinical course; left untreated, death will result
in days or months. The symptoms of acute leukemia relate
to a depressed bone marrow, infiltration of leukemic cells
into other organ systems, and hypermetabolism of
leukemia cells.
- *Chronic leukemia has a more insidious onset with a more
prolonged clinical course. Clients with the chronic form of
leukemia are usually asymptomatic early in the disease. The
life expectancy may be more than five years. Symptoms of
chronic leukemia relate to hypermetabolism of leukemia cells
infiltrating other organ systems. The cells in this type of
leukemia are more mature and function more effectively.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Clinical manifestations
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Bleeding
- Ecchymoses
- Lymphadenopathy
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Pruritic vesicular lesions
- Anorexia
- Weight loss
- Shortness of breath
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Therapeutic management
- Induction of remission with chemotherapy
and radiation therapy.
- Bone marrow and stem cell
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Planning and implementation
- Provide for diversionary activities.
- Maintain good nutrition. Enlist the
assistance of a dietician in maximizing and
meeting the nutritional needs of the client.
- Assist the client in maintaining good
personal hygiene. Measures to promote
oral hygiene should be instituted.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Planning and implementation
- Refer client and family to appropriate agencies
such as Meals on Wheels, American Cancer Society,
and the Leukemia Society.
- Provide emotional support to the client and family.
Refer to appropriate agency, organization, or
professional for counseling and support.
- Administer drugs that are prescribed and monitor
for side effects.
- Monitor laboratory results to evaluate
effectiveness of interventions and therapy
- Prepare the client for bone marrow transplantation
if this is included in the treatment plan.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
Medication therapy
Chemotherapeutic drugs include:
- alkylating agents (Busulfan [Myleran]),
anthracyclines ( Doxorubicin [Adriamycin]),
- antimetabolites (Fludarabine [Fludara]),
- corticosteroid (Prednisone )
- plant alkaloids (Vincristine [Oncovin])
- others.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
J . Leukemia
- The client has no infection.
- The client has no bleeding episodes.
- Client reports adequate pain control.
- Client tolerates activities of daily living.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Lymphoma is a group of
malignant neoplasms that affects
the lymphatic system resulting in
the proliferation of lymphocytes.
Lymphomas can be classified as
- Hodgkins diease
- non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Clinical manifestations
Hodgkins Disease
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Clinical manifestations
Hodgkins Disease
B symptoms
- fever without chills
- night sweats
- unintentional 10% weight loss.
- Enlarged lymph nodes, liver, and
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Clinical manifestations
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
- Lymphocytopenia
- X-ray may reveal pulmonary infiltrates.
- Lymph node biopsy helps to identify the
cell type and pattern
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Therapeutic management
Hodgkins Disease
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Therapeutic management
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Medication therapy :
- Chemotherapeutic agents
- Biologic therapy agents
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
Client education
- nature of the disease, the course of
therapy and associated interventions.
- medications prescribed, preacautions,
and side effects.
- symptoms necessitating immediate
medical intervention such as the
occurrence of bleeding, infection, or fever
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
K . Malignant lymphomas
- The client does not develop complications
of bleeding or infection.
- The client regains normal weight
- The client verbalizes absence of pain
- The client and family verbalizes
understanding of reasons of on-going
treatment and interventions
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
1. A client who has undergone a small
bowel resection of the ileum is most
likely to develop which type of anemia?
1. Iron deficiency anemia
2. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
3. Anemia of chronic disease
4. Aplastic anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Answer: 2
Rationale: Resection of the distal ileum results
in the impaired absorption of vitamin B12. The
other cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency is due to
the loss of intrinsic factor secreting surface that
are normally secreted by parietal cells.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
2. A client is scheduled for a test to
determine if pernicious anemia is
present. Which of the following tests
should the nurse schedule the client for?
1. Serum folate level
2. Schilling test
3. Serum iron and total iron- binding
capacity (TIBC)
4. Bone marrow aspiration
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Answer: 2
Rationale: Schilling test involves the
administration of radioactive Vitamin B12.
Increased absorption of vitamin B12 when
intrinsic factor is given parenterally is indicative
of pernicious anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
3. The nurse is assessing a group of clients and
identifies which of the following as being at high
risk for the development of folic acid deficiency
1. Obese individuals
2. Alcoholics
3. Young adults
4. Athletes
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Answer: 2
Rationale: Individuals who are chronically
undernourished including the elderly, alcoholics,
substance abusers, and those with high metabolic
requirements and on total parenteral nutrition are at
risk for folic acid deficiency anemia. Alcoholics are
particularly at risk because alcohol interferes with
folate metabolism.
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
4. Which of the following questions during
the data-gathering phase is important for the
nurse to ask in a client suspected of having a
nutritional anemia?
1. Do you have a sore tongue?
2. How is the consistency of your stools been?
3. Do you experience any tingling or numbness?
4. Have you had blood transfusions in the
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Answer: 3
Rationale: The differentiating symptom of Vitamin
B12 and Folic acid deficiency anemia is the
absence of neurologic symptoms such as
numbness and altered proprioception in folic acid
deficiency anemia. The gastrointestinal symptoms
of cheilosis, glossitis, and diarrhea are present in
both forms of nutritional anemia although usually
more severe in folic acid deficiency anemia
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Module 3
Common Disorders of the hematologic system
Answer: 2
Rationale: Sickle cell disease is an autosomal
recessive genetic disorder where the individual is
homozygous for the abnormal hemoglobin. If both
parents have sickle cell traits, there is a 25%
chance that each pregnancy will produce a child
with the disease