Unit 3 MKIS and Buyer Behavior
Unit 3 MKIS and Buyer Behavior
Unit 3 MKIS and Buyer Behavior
Marketing Information
Meaning and definition: (MKIS)
It is the mechanism for providing decision
making information and data to the marketing
decision maker. It provides a continuous flow
of information about prices, advertisings,
sales, competition and distribution. It is the
major tool for scanning and monitoring the
external environmental forces.
According to PhlipKotler:
"A marketing information system consists of
people, equipment, and procedure to gather, sort,
analyze, evaluate and distribute needed timely and
accurate information to marketing decision makers."
Key concept: ( Features )
It is made up of people like managers, supervisors,
sales persons etc.
It is equipment based like computer etc.
It is a continuous process
It provides valuable information.
Importance or relevance of
Vital for day to operation
Obtained information of National and international
Satisfying the needs and wants of the customers
Encouraging to non price competition ( differentiation,
image, services and promotion )
Environmental monitoring and scanning
Marketing planning
Marketing program building
Evaluation and control
Components of MKIS
All organizations irrespective of their size and
nature of operation need information to take correct
and timely decisions. The source of information
lies in the marketing environment. Components of
market information system are given below.
Internal record system
Marketing intelligence system
Decision support system
Marketing Research
Buyer Behavior:
A buyer is any one who might buy a given product. They
are either an individual or an institutional. A buyer is some one
who is potentially willing and able to buy products offered by
the marketer. Consumers create demand for the products.
Marketers must know their customers (KYC).
2. Information Search:
After need recognition consumers search information
about products. It focuses on availability of brands,
product, features, seller's characteristics, warranties
prices etc. Information search by consumers can be
either passive or Active.
Passive Search : It is not related to a problem or need
just consumers are found to go through a variety of
information while watchig television or browsing
through internet or looking through news papers etc.
Active Search: Consumers undertake active search
( pre-purchase search ) when they have a problems to
3. Evaluation of alternatives:
Once the information of alternative products is gathered they
are properly evaluated to find out the best product that can
satisfy the consumer to a great extent. The evaluation criteria
may be product attributes, brand utility price etc.
4. Purchase decision:
After evaluation alternatives they make the purchase decision.
Purchase decision is influenced by payment method,
warranties, delivery after sales services and installation.
Social influences: family / friends etc.
Situational factors: Income / expected dealer terms/
Product availability / etc.
Purchase intension: Social influences and situational
1. Economic factors:
Level of income ( Consumers personal or
family income)
Saving and Liquid assets
Debt, credit availability
Attitude toward spending
Economic conditions
2. Personal Factors:
Age: Yong person is fashion conscious in the
choice of the products while middle aged person is
status conscious. Young is more risk taker and
visit departmental store than old.
Gender: Females are more shopping and
bargaining power and likely to visit several shops
and compare price, quality and service than males.
Family size and their Family life cycle (old,
middle and child aged )
Occupation and life style ( activities, interests,
opinion )
3. Psychological Factors:
Motivation: It is a reasons for behavior so it
reflects why an individual does something.
Perception: A consumer buys clothes not only
to hide nakedness or keep warm but also to
enhance the self image, status and prestige.
Attitude/ belief ( attitude will be changed
through promotional activities etc.)
4. Socio-cultural factors
Reference groups influences
Family influences , family life cycle influence
Roles and status
Social class ( level of income, Psychological)
Culture and sub culture
family life cycle influence ( different ages,
married , unmarried, you couple, older couple
Lower income, middle, and high income
B. Organizational factors;
Buying Objectives: different organization has
different buying objectives. Business firms focus
quality and government organization focus on lowest
bidders for purchase.
Buying Policies: Organizing buying policies favoring
reciprocity principle will narrow down the range of
Procedures: Buying procedures in the organizational
market various across organizations. The government
market requires sealed bids and tender for every large
C. Interpersonal factors:
Authority: In most of the public sector buying situation
in Nepal the purchase committees only recommends
while the board of directors or CEO has the final decisive
Interests: Since the purchase committee has several
individuals from the key departments they might have
their own interests influencing the organizational buying.
Status: The buying group may be represented by
personnel working at different levels of organizational
hierarchy. The status of the staff may also play key role.
Persuasiveness power of individuals to influence the
organizational buying varies across individuals.
D. Individual factors:
Age: Young buyers tend to favor building relationship with new
suppliers. As people grow older they tend to maintain relationship
with established suppliers.
Income: In most of the government buying the technical group
and decision makers receives financial incentives from suppliers.
Job position: In Nepal the top executive has the final authority in
most of the organizational buying decisions.
Personality: Individual who consider themselves as tough are
expected to engage in hard bargaining while those with flexible
personality are likely to be soft on the purchases deal.
Risk taking: Low risk takers tend to favor doing business with
established suppliers while high risk takers constantly search for
new sources of supply.
Important Questions
1. Define consumer behavior. Discuss some of
the key factors that affects the buyers
2. Compare and contrast between consumer and
business markets.
3. Describe the major component of marketing
information system.