Predisposing Factor of Fungal Infection
Predisposing Factor of Fungal Infection
Predisposing Factor of Fungal Infection
Fungal Infection
Local factor
Local factors
A. Xerostomia
B. Obat
C. Denture
D. Faktor lain
salivary gland function can predispose to oral
Secretion of saliva causes a dilutional effect and
removes organisms from the mucosa.
Antimicrobial proteins in the saliva such as lactoferrin,
sialoperoxidase, lysozyme,
histidine-rich polypeptides,and specific anticandida
antibodies,interact with the oral mucosa and prevent overgrowth of
Therefore conditions such as Sjgrens syndrome,
radiotherapy of the head and neck,or drugs that reduce salivary
secretions can lead to an increased risk of oral candidiasis.
Pemakaian obat
Drugs such as inhaled steroids, have
been shown to increase the risk of
oral candidiasis by possibly
suppressing cellular immunity and
Other factor
Other factors are a high
carbohydrate diet. Growth of candida
in saliva is enhanced by the
presence of glucose and its
adherence to oral epithelial cells is
enhanced by a high carbohydrate
Systemic factors
A. Immunodefisiensi
B. Obat
C. Other factor systemic
Extremes of life predispose to
infection because of
Pemakaian obat
Drugs such as broad spectrum antibiotics alter
the local oralflora creating a suitable
environment for candida to
Immunosuppressive drugs such as the
antineoplastic agents have been shown to
predispose to oral candidiasis by altering
(mengubah) the oral flora,
disrupting the mucosal surface and altering the
character of the saliva.