Overview: Chapter 6: Sensor Network Databases

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Overview: Chapter 6

Sensor Network Databases

Sensor networks are conceptually a distributed
Store collected data
Indexes the data
Serves queries from users on the data

DB abstraction
Separates logical data view(naming,access,operations)

from implementation details

Loss of efficiency, but increased ease of use

Sensor Network Da

Transferring data to central server not feasible
Need in-network storage
Node memories/storage are limited
Older data needs to be discarded
Classic DB performance metrics not suitable
Query languages need additional operators
Support for continuous long-running queries
Need to correlate current readings with past
Sensor Network Da

Querying the Physical

Need a high-level query language
Separate query from underlying
implementation details
Allow non-expert users easy access to
Query execution plan dependent on system

state and implementation

Continuous and historical queries need

special operators

Sensor Network Da

Query Interface: Cougar

Sensor DB
Each type of sensor is an abstract data type

Similar to Object-Relational DB
Can perform functions on sensor data

Distributed query processing

Query transmitted to sensors
Only those that satisfy query respond
Eliminate need to transmit all sensor data to
central server
Sensor Network Da

Query Interface: Probabilistic

Uncertainty in data caused by noise etc.
Requests for exact sensor values not

Need query language that can handle uncertainty
Gaussian ADT (GADT) models uncertainty as

continuous pdf
Query: retrieve all values from sensors with value
X with probability at least Y

Sensor Network Da

Database Organization
Centralized data storage
Sensors forward all data to centralized server
Queries do not incur additional network overhead
Nodes near server act as routing hotspots and become

depleted of energy

In-network data storage

Storage points for data in the network act as rendezvous

points between queries and data

Load is balanced across network
Query time depends on indexing scheme
In-network storage allows aggregation of data ahead of
query processing

Sensor Network Da

Query Propagation &

Server-based approach
Data is sent to server and aggregated at server
In-network aggregation
Data is aggregated at sensors
Query propagated to sensors
Need efficient routing protocol
How to aggregate the data
Can some data be computed ahead of time and then


Sensor Network Da

SQL-style query interface
SQL operators: count, min, max, sum,
Extension operators: median, histogram
In-network aggregate query-processing
Sensitive to resource constraints and lossy

communication channels
Sensor Network Da

Query Processing Scheduling

Processing based on sampling period
Sampling period divided into time intervals
Aggregation results reported at end of each
sampling period
Choice of sampling period is important
Routing tree depends on number of intervals in

sampling period
Nodes schedule processing, communication etc. based
on routing tree

Sensor Network Da

Aggregation can be pipelined to increase

Nodes can snoop packets of others to make
early decisions
Report only changed data
Adaptive aggregation to support changing
network conditions

Sensor Network Da


Data-Centric Storage
Flexible storage needed when queries

can originate from within network

Server-based approaches flood queries to

all nodes
Data-Centric Storage (DCS) make use of
rendezvous points to aggregate queries
and data

Sensor Network Da


Geographical Hash Table

Mapping from node attribute to storage location by hash


Distributes data evenly across network

Nodes know their location
Objects have keys
Nodes responsible for storing a range of keys

Geographical routing algorithm

Any node can locate storage node for any attribute

Nodes put and get data to/from storage

Hashtable interface

Data replicated at nodes near the storage point for a


Sensor Network Da


Data Indices & Range Queries

Sensor network DBs need to support range


Query specifies value range for each attribute

GHTs and base TinyDB model not adequate as


Need to index data to support complex queries

Metrics for measuring index

Speed gains for query processing
Size of index
Costs of building and maintaining index
Sensor Network Da


1-D Indices
1-Dimensional indices
Most prevalent type of DB index
Indexes data parameterized by single value
Implemented with data structures: B-trees, hash tables,


Not directly mapable to distributed implementation

1D Index for range queries
Pre-compute and store answer to certain range queries
Compute answer to arbitrary range query from pre-

computed answers
Adapting to distributed storage model requires partial
aggregation of results

Sensor Network Da


Multi-Dimensional Indices
Cant simply create multiple 1D indices
Queries will retrieve many more records than necessary

Indexing scheme must take into account need to

range queries and distributed storage

Quickly eliminate irrelevant records
Top-down hierarchical approach
K-D trees, quad trees, R trees etc.

Assumes orthogonal ranges

Non-orthogonal range searching requires more complex


Sensor Network Da


Aggregate summaries of data can be used to

drill down to more specific queries

Saves on storage space and network
Need appropriate data structures (e.g., quad
trees, etc.)
Indexing based on data structure
Match queries based on ranges from child

branches at each node

Non-matching branches pruned off

Sensor Network Da


Partitioning the Summaries

Balances workload across nodes
Nodes distributed in 2D space
Use multi-rooted quad-trees to partition spatial
Wider spatial domain of node = narrower value range

Couples spatial domain decomposition to value indexing

Uses a GHT to locate index nodes

Sensor Network Da


Fractional Cascading
Intuition: queries exhibit temporal and

spatial locality and are not for arbitrary data

Idea: store information about other nodes at
each node, but nodes only know fraction
of info from far nodes
Little duplicate info
Spatial locality: nearby neighbors know a lot

about local information

Can still satisfy queries of distant nodes
Sensor Network Da


Locality-Preserving Hashing
Map high-dimensional attribute space to a

Close values in high-D space are close in the


Spatial domain divided into zones

Locality-preserving geographical hash
Maps attribute space to spatial domain
Values that are similar are mapped to nearby

Sensor Network Da


Data Aging
Continuous data acquisition and

limited storage = data storage problem

Older data is aggregated and
Eventually older data is discarded

Aging functions are difficult to


Aging policy is application dependent

Sensor Network Da


Indexing Motion Data

Continuously changing sensor data
Fixed index structure not appropriate
Heavy index update penalty for continuous data

Need to support temporal queries, predictive

queries, etc.
Apriori motion knowledge

Time is treated as another attribute

Standard indexing methods may apply

No apriori knowledge
More likely in physical world
Dynamic index. Updates only on critical events

Sensor Network Da


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